Dance with Me, Chaton

By ChocoluckChipz

16.6K 929 737

Adrien had always been an obedient son, allowing his Father to manipulate him every which way. Once an adult... More

Civilian Lives
Lucky Charm
Bad Luck Charm
A Helping Hand
Sick Day
Animal Tendencies
Ticking Clock
Identity Reveal
True Love's Kiss
Giving up
Hawkmoth's Defeat
Community Service
Kwami Swap
Waiting on You


474 29 28
By ChocoluckChipz

Wednesday afternoon, Adrien stared at a rather impressive house just outside of Cannes. "So, let me get this straight, you own this luxurious, waterfront villa in one of the most sought-after parts of French Riviera?"

Plagg shook his head. "I don't, but Tikki does. That's her escape place from when I get too overbearing. Just like my Parlour, only more suitable to her taste."

"Who are you guys?" Adrien asked. "Oil barons or something?"

Plagg chuckled. "Just your local dance instructors who happened to come from old-money families. Nothing spectacular. And why would you, mister rich boy, be surprised? Didn't think anyone else could have money?"

Adrien shied away. "No, not that. I'm just... I didn't expect you...?"

"I don't look the part?"

Adrien glanced at Plagg's baggy clothes and sticking in every direction hair. "Not really?"

Plagg laughed and motioned Adrien into the house. "Appearance isn't everything, kid. Now, feel at home, don't forget it's Tikki's baby. She'll smother you in your sleep if you break something."

Adrien nervously chuckled. "The way you talk about her... Are you sure you are in this marriage on your own will? She didn't threaten you in, did she?"

Plagg snorted, then almost sung. "Tikki's the most incredible woman I've ever met, kid. Her quirks are what makes her so interesting and fun. Irresistible in a way. I'm sure Marinette has something too that you'd hate in others but love in her."

A lopsided smile stretched Adrien's lips. "She's so clumsy. It's adorable."

"There you go, kid. Now, stop this dopey look on your face so I can show you around and escape to relax for a bit before the food gets here."

"You ordered something?"

"Back on the train. The best cuisine on the coast. Hustle, kid. I need to stretch on my lounge chair like yesterday."

Plagg didn't spend much time on guiding Adrien around. He quickly walked through the spacious living quarters, motioned towards the kitchen, balconies, mentioned they had their own strip of beach adjoint to the house and led Adrien to one of the guestrooms.

"You sleep here. I'm off to the lounge. Call me when the food arrives."

A moment later, Plagg was gone. Adrien placed his bag in his room and went to explore the house on his own. Apart from being just as spacious, it was a complete opposite of Plagg's apartment. While Plagg's pad was sleek and modern, somewhat intense, Tikki's villa invited one to relax. Mostly white and cream interior incorporated a few rich earthy undertones and featured a couple of sporadic red accent pieces throughout the space. Flowing, white sheers and an abundance of cushions on every surface imaginable softened the edges. Live plants brought the outdoors inside. Sun flooded every corner. Adrien had visited many richly decorated places in his life, but he'd never felt as cozy and relaxed in any of them as he did in this one.

The doorbell rang. Adrien went to answer. A delivery guy gave him a few bags with food and, after saying that it was already paid for, vanished. Adrien brought it to the kitchen, finding Plagg already pottering around for plates.

"Finally," he muttered under his nose. "I'm starving."

The food was delicious, Plagg hadn't exaggerated about it being the best cuisine on the coast. Yet, after finishing his meal, Plagg stretched and mumbled under his nose. "Can't wait for this exile to be over."

Adrien snorted. "Exile? This doesn't feel like it to me. Or is it the company that makes you want to escape back to the city?"

Plagg sent him a glare, pursuing his lips. "It's an exile because my Queen isn't by my side. The company, though, is the only reason I agreed to come here alone voluntarily. You should be honoured."

Adrien chuckled. "I am honoured. Thank you for sacrificing yourself for me to escape the mess I've created."

"A mess indeed," Plagg hummed. "Did he even tried to contact you at all after you left?"

"Nope. He sent the documents I asked for with Nathalie when she came to pick up the keys from my apartment. She told me they wired the compensation straight into Marinette's account, but there is no way for me to check it—"

"She got it," Plagg inserted. "Tikki wrote me a message this morning."

"Oh. Good. I'm glad."

"Marinette's mad at you for that, by the way. Just so you know."

"What? Why?"

"Something about not needing your help. I decided not to tell her you sent out her resumes and portfolio to every major fashion house yesterday, but I'm guessing she won't like it, either."

Adrien frowned. "I'm only trying to fix what I've done. Why would she be mad at me for that?"

"Don't know," Plagg said, standing up. "But you're lucky we're out of her reach for now. At least until Saturday."

Adrien leaned back into his chair. "What's happening on Saturday?"

"On Saturday, kid," Plagg said with an overly satisfying voice. "We're going back to Paris and debuting you at Kwami Kave."

Adrien's eyes blew wide. "What?"

Plagg groaned. "Do I really need to explain how this works? You are a smart kid, you can figure out this yourself. We go in there. You perform. They love you. Boom! You are in."

Adrien shook his head. "Plagg, no. I can't. I'm not ready yet."

"That's up to me to decide."

"Seriously. There is so much more I need to learn from you. Even from what I've seen you doing—"

"No one said I'll stop teaching you," Plagg interrupted. "Marinette debuted years ago and Tikki still teaches her. Though at this point, they are more like partners than a teacher/student combo, but that's not the point. The point is, kid, that you're good enough to not embarrass me at the club. So, I'm debuting you, but our training will continue as before. Don't worry about that. That's a standard procedure," Plagg puffed with a smile on his face. "I still have plenty of ways to torture you. Or did you think I'd let you go that easily?"

A smile tugged at Adrien's lips as he watched Plagg. No matter how tough and cruel and grumpy he was pretending to be, with Plagg being the only one by Adrien's side in all of this, there was no way Adrien would believe him to be that anymore. He was peculiar and eccentric, but Marinette was right, Plagg had a heart of gold.

"What about Marinette?" Adrien asked. "I doubt she'd be happy to see me there."

Plagg huffed. "It isn't her club. She can't tell me who can join and who can't."

"No, it isn't," Adrien said. "But I can't invade her safe space after what I've done. Not unless she wants me there. Can't we postpone it for a few weeks? Until we make up?"

"Nope." Plagg shook his head. "I've waited long enough already. Master Fu would think me an incompetent teacher if I won't bring you in soon, and I, for once, care what Master Fu thinks."

"What about Tikki? I doubt she'd approve—"

"No, kid. Can you stop this?" Plagg grumbled. "Don't threaten me with my own wife."

"I just—"

"No 'I'-s, no 'just'-s," Plagg silenced him. "We're going and that is final."

Adrien sighed. He didn't want to argue with Plagg. He always seemed to have a good reason behind what he wanted to do, something Adrien couldn't see yet. That much he'd learned already. And it wasn't like Adrien didn't want to go. He did. He worked hard to get in. However, he wasn't sure Marinette was ready to see him yet. He stood up and walked to the window, focusing his sight on the waves of the ocean.

"Can you at least tell Tikki so she can warn Marinette?"

"You know what I don't get?" Plagg stood behind Adrien. "You were so eager to talk to her, I had to keep you away. Why are you suddenly trying to avoid a meeting? What happened? Given up?"

"No way," Adrien protested. "I just think you were right. I can't push her before she's ready, or I might end up losing her instead. You told me so yourself, didn't you?"

Plagg hummed. "I did, didn't I? And now I'm telling you we're debuting you this Saturday and everything will be alright, or do you not trust me, kid?"

Adrien turned to Plagg. A smirk on his lips, kindness in his eyes, Plagg offered him a hand. "Deal?"

He probably shouldn't have, but the truth was Adrien trusted Plagg. He didn't know why but he did. So, with a hint of a smile on his lips, Adrien shook Plagg's hand. "Deal, but if it backfires I'm blaming you."

"Perfect." Plagg grinned. "Wanna go for a swim?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Adrien chuckled. "Let me get my swimming shorts."

Plagg smirked, opening up the balcony door. "Sure. But keep in mind, the last one to the beach washes the dishes."

With a shift movement, Plagg jumped over the railing and landed on the sand of their private beach strip. "See you later, loser! Be careful with china. Tikki adores it."


Adrien sat on the balcony of his bedroom, watching the sunset when his phone beeped.

Nino: Okay. That's it. This isn't funny anymore. Dude, what's going on? I've been calling you for the last few hours. You aren't picking up; you aren't texting back. With that father of yours, I'm starting to think you're already ten feet underground. Do you really want me to unleash Alya on you? She'll find you even if you're hiding in a corner of a fisherman's hut deep in the forests of Amazonia. So, you have five minutes to reply or it is ON.

Adrien chuckled, his smile disappearing a moment later. He saw Nino's missed calls. He read his messages. But being on the road, with everything that's been going on, he delayed replying, waiting for the time things would calm down a bit so they could talk in peace. Adrien snapped a picture of the sunset over the sea and sent it as his reply.

Adrien: <image 5674>

Adrien: Sorry, Nino. Been a little busy. Out of town now. What's up?

Nino: Bro! You are alive!

Adrien: XD Barely, but yes, I'm alive.

Nino: Where are you? What do you mean barely?

Adrien: Cannes? And barely as in I'm physically exhausted from everything that's been going on.

Nino: !!! What? How? Why didn't you invite me? You're partying, aren't you? With that cute co-worker of yours? That's why you've been MIA?

Adrien: LOL Sorry. I wish that was the case, but no. My... let's say life coach brought me here.

Vague enough to say the truth and not give out his newly found dancing hobby. He'd tell Nino later. Not yet. At least not everything.

Nino: A life coach? Fancy. Does he teach you how to live?

Adrien: Yup. Something like that.

Nino: Please, don't tell me your old man hired someone to brainwash you even further into slavery?

Adrien laughed. Oh man, Nino would get a blast out of this.

Adrien: LOL Quite the opposite. Plagg's all for me stopping obeying everything my Father says and get a life for myself.

Nino: I like this Plagg already, even though his name is weird. Follow his advice.

Adrien: I did. Father and I had a huge argument, and as a result, I've been disowned as of yesterday afternoon.


Adrien: Nope. I'm in Cannes recovering. XD


His phone rang. Adrien picked up and was immediately deafened with an overly excited Nino. They spent the rest of the evening chatting. Nino was ecstatic Adrien had walked out on Gabriel and even offered him to crash at his apartment while he looked for a new place for himself. Adrien had to decline, though. Being the third wheel on a daily basis while he was at odds with Marinette wasn't his idea of fun. In any case, he promised lunch as soon as he'd be back in Paris. 

Falling asleep, Adrien couldn't help a lingering smile on his lips. If tonight's conversation taught him anything, it was that Nino was the best friend one could ever ask for. Someone who was ready to fully support him no matter what was going on in his life. Someone who didn't judge him, and who accepted his flaws, who knew how to make even the grimmest discussion fun, and someone who could find a sliver of light even in the darkest of rooms. Maybe he should trust him a little more with his problems? Nino was exactly the kind of a friend Adrien wanted around him from now on, in his new future, the one he'd build for himself the way he wanted it.


Chat Noir: Plagg told me you're angry at me for that compensation. I won't apologize for that, though. You were fired. Whatever you've received is what the law requires my father to give to you for unfairly firing you. It isn't a special treatment or anything. It's justice. So, I'm not sorry and you have every legal right to that money.

Chat Noir: I will, however, apologize for this coming Saturday. I don't know if anyone has told you yet, but Plagg insists I come to Kwami Kave. Just thought I'd warn you, in case you don't want to see me.

Chat Noir: I love you.

Chat Noir: Please, Marinette. Say something. Anything. Even an emoji would be fine.

Chat Noir: Goodnight.


The sunrays sneaked through the curtains, gently kissing his eyelids. Adrien scrunched his nose and turned around. The rays travelled to the back of his neck and caressed his skin. Adrien covered himself with a blanket but got too warm almost instantly. He tossed and shifted a few times, but the damage was done. He woke up.

Lured by the sounds of waves, Adrien got up and walked out to his balcony. The sun was just rising above the horizon, reflecting off the ripples of the water. A cool breeze ran through his hair. He inhaled deeply and, closing his eyes, smiled.

Refreshing, exhilarating, and simply wonderful. This was the perfect place to kick-start his new life. Plagg was right once again.

Mind relaxed and peaceful, Adrien stretched. He was accustomed to daily intense workouts, and even though yesterday's slower pace was necessary and welcomed, all he could think of now was movement. His muscled yearned for it. Back into his bedroom, Adrien pulled on a white tank top and white shorts before grabbing his cellphone and heading downstairs.

The house looked and sounded empty. Plagg was probably still asleep like all normal people would be. Adrien looked outside to the beach. It was empty, and most likely not just because it was private but because of the early hour. A perfect opportunity for him.

Sand on his feet, Adrien walked barefoot to the water. What he planned to do was a workout. What he'd ended up doing was missing the music while he worked. He looked around. Still no one in sight. He glanced at the house. No evidence of Plagg waking up. Adrien hesitated for just a moment, then pulled out his cell phone and put on the music he never dared to offer Plagg.

He stood just by his ankles deep in the water, but it was enough to make this dance an unforgettable experience. The music electrified him, and Adrien couldn't help but move in tandem. Legs, arms, his whole body. He let the music overtake his senses, control his movements, move his every muscle. Just like Plagg had taught him. A kick; water splashed. A jerk and a swing. His arms moved together at his sides. His head to the sky, he closed his eyes for a split moment and felt the wind on his face.

He had never felt so free before. Never been so full of energy and hope. Hope for a better future, for a better life. Hope for Marinette's forgiveness, even though he dared not to beg for it. Adrien expressed it all with the movement and a melody to match, collapsing to his knees with a smile on his lips at the end. Liberating. How did he never realize how badly he needed to dance in his life?

"Nice routine, Chat Blanc," Plagg snickered behind him.

Adrien jerked around. "Plagg? You're awake?"

Holding his cellphone in his hand, Plagg read out loud. "Mikio Sakai, Identity. Where did you find this?"

"That's an opening to Chivalry of a Failed Knight," Adrien said. "I watched it a while ago."


"You don't get to judge me," Adrien said, standing up. "You stuff yourself with stinky cheese all day long. I can listen to Japanese songs."

Plagg laughed. "Not judging, kid. Whatever does it for you. I'm fine with anything. As long as you move."

"Anime was my escape ever since I remember myself. I still watch it. There I said it," Adrien said, glaring at Plagg. "Now give me my phone back."

Plagg laughed harder. "Kid, I said it was fine. In fact, I think this song has an interesting beat to it. Want me to show how I would've done it?"

Adrien quirked an eyebrow. Plagg re-started the song and put the phone back in its place. Walking to Adrien, he offered him a fist to bump. "Or better yet, let's do it together."

It took him a moment to realize Plagg was serious, but when he did, Adrien grinned and bumped Plagg's fist. One of the most intense dance routines Adrien had ever seen from Plagg followed. One friendship strengthened because of that. One hardcore anime binging session ensued. As a result, one more weeb was born on the shores of French Riviera later that day, much to Tikki's annoyance.


They spent the next few days in a similar fashion: relaxing, dancing, and watching anime. A few times they went into the town to pick up groceries, but otherwise, neither left the premises much. This was exactly what Adrien needed now, his wounds slowly but surely starting to close. Undoubtedly, it'd take some time to heal properly, but the easy comfort he'd been plunged into was a great start for sure.

Thursday's sun was setting when Plagg stretched on his lounge chair and offered, "I'd say we take the overnight train tomorrow evening. I want to be in Paris first thing in the morning."

"Sure," Adrien said, watching the red disk slipping behind the horizon.

"Then I'm calling it a night." Plagg yawned. "Doing nothing is exhausting. So glad we're going home tomorrow."

Plagg stood up, fixed his clothes and not walked away. Instead, he leaned on the railing with his back to the sun, face to Adrien. "So, about you buying an apartment..."

"What about it?" Adrien looked at Plagg. "It shouldn't take long. I've already contacted a broker, and he has a few options for me to look at as soon as we're back in Paris. Don't worry, I'll be out of your hair in no time."

"You shouldn't rush with that," Plagg said. "You should first figure out what you want to do next and then look for a place that'll fit your new needs."

Adrien stared at Plagg wide-eyed before letting a small smile to sneak onto his lips. "Thanks, but I don't want to invade your private escape for longer than I need to."

"You aren't invading anything." Plagg shrugged. "I'm going back home after this, so you can have my Parlour for us long as you need it."


"Listen, I won't bother you there. I might visit you once or twice a week to get my Camembert fix, but I'm sticking by my Queen's side for the next millennium. I mean you're lovely and I enjoy our time together, but, kid, you are no Tikki."

Adrien laughed. "I'm sorry I forced you away from her."

Plagg's eyes sparkled. "Oh! Usually, I'd say it's nothing, but seeing how you apologized to Marinette, I'm excited to see what you've got for me."

Adrien quirked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Plagg dramatically swooned. "You took me away from the love of my life for a week. I've never been away for so long. Do you even realize how hard it's for me? And Tikki? She admitted to missing me, and believe me, kid, Tikki never admits she misses me. You made my Queen miserable. I say you take us both someplace nice and we're even. Apologies accepted."

Adrien laughed. "Fine by me. I even have a place in mind."

Plagg perked. "Oh? I'm all ears."

"Three words," Adrien teased. "Cheese-flavoured coffee."

Plagg's eyes blew wide. "No way."

"Yup." Adrien chuckled. "Found it online yesterday. Wanted to surprise you, but since you insist I apologize, that shall do it."

"Perfecto," Plagg grinned and stretched up. "Well, I'm off for tonight then. See you tomorrow."

"Hey, Plagg," Adrien called out before Plagg could vanish into the house. "Did you talk to Tikki recently?"

"Kid, she's my wife. We talk every day. I was going to call her just now. Why do you ask?"

Adrien hesitated. "Did she say anything about Marinette? How is she doing?"

"Oh yeah, about that," Plagg leaned on a door frame. "Marinette's got two job interviews scheduled for next week."

"She did? That's awesome. Do you know with whom?"

"Dorian Chian and I think Tanvin. How did you manage this, though? I thought for an application to be processed through their HR takes ages."

"Not if you send it by courier addressed to their HR head with my name on it."

Plagg shook his head. "Won't they think you're doing her special favour?"

Adrien shrugged. "They might, and they won't care. My name would be enough for them to open the letter right away instead of throwing it into a waiting bin with others, but that's about it. Marinette's portfolio would have to do all the convincing. I know people who work there. They won't hire unless they are interested in her work."

"Well, whatever you did, it worked," Plagg shrugged.

"Is she angry with me for that too?"

Plagg sighed. "Tikki said she was pissed at first, but then she didn't reject the offers. That's a good sign. In your favour."

Adrien smiled. "I shall hope so."

"Well, I'm off then," Plagg straightened up. "Got a wife waiting for my call. See you tomorrow."

"Night, Plagg." Adrien raised his hand to bid his farewell. When Plagg was gone, he reached for his cell phone. His messages from a few days ago were still unanswered. Maybe she'd finally blocked him? Or perhaps she needed more time before she'd want to talk to him again? Adrien didn't know the cause, and he dared not to disturb her without a reason. However, he couldn't not congratulate her on her job offers. It was her own accomplishment, even if he was the one to mail out her resume and portfolio.

Chat Noir: Plagg told me the news, so I just wanted to stop by and wish you good luck with the interviews. You're an incredibly talented designer, and a wonderful, hard-working person. Any fashion house would be lucky to have you.

Ladybug is typing flashed at the bottom of the screen.

Adrien's eyes wide, he sat up straight, staring at the screen.

Ladybug is typing.

His heart skipped a beat. She was there! She was typing! He wasn't blocked, and she was finally willing to talk to him! Why did he suddenly feel dizzy?

Gripping his phone, Adrien watched the screen. The line disappeared. Then it was there again. Typing. Stopped. Repeat. In the end, he got a single line, but it was enough to make him grin all night into the darkness.

Ladybug: We'll talk when you get back to Paris.

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