The Mitchell Boys

By FightingAndSurviving

445K 16.5K 4.6K

𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝. 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐠... More

Chapter 1
Character clear up.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 30

6.3K 276 42
By FightingAndSurviving

I've been asked if I have am updating schedule. I use to update Friday's but now I'm to busy for that. So I'll try to update every Sunday. And I formally allow you guys to get on my ass about it if I don't. Just tell me when you want an update if I'm taking to long and I shall comply. Thank you for the support and votes!!!

Ash's POV

Everyone's being loud and laughing, talking to each other. Having a good ass time it seems. And I hate it. I dislike more then half the people here. I don't like random people trying to talk to me. I don't like random girls trying to hook up because my dad has money.

I wanted to go home. I couldn't stand the smell of sweat and testosterone for another minute. I was dragged here by my brothers. But that doesn't mean I gave to enjoy myself.

I don't even know why we're here and what's going on. And I've been in an even worse mood then usual. After hearing what Brian said and how everyone has been acting has just messed with me.

I really want to punch something. Or someone.

Someone bumped into me again, trying to wrap their body around me. Thinking that I'll fuck them. I not so lightly shoved them off and growled.

That seemed to do the trick. The mumbled an apology and left. I stood up and grabbed my leather jacket off the chair I was sitting on.

"Hey, where you going Ash?" Austin asked me. This wasn't really his scene either but he had to come to watch Cameron. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

"I watched him for an hour. I'm leaving now. If another dude comes up for a high five or another girl bumps into me I'm going to punch someone." Austin gave me a grim look. Not doubting I would.

"Okay, well see yah at home later." He waved me off and went to find Cameron. The sport teams were throwing a "small" get together.

And being of the family I am in, I had to come. I hated the title, "kings" this shit pile of a school gave us. Who we were held on a god damn pedestal. Making everyone around us fake vipers.

I walked outside to the chilly air and hopped onto my motorcycle. I put my helmet on and started it.

Loving the feel of the cold air slicing through my body. The adrenaline of a sharp turn and fast speed.

In no time I made it home. I parked the bike and was planning on changing and heading to the gym. I needed to get stuff out of my system.

I've realized I've been doing that a lot lately. Slowly my knuckles are progressively becoming more and more bruised. Because I've been restlessly beating a punching bag every god damn night.

I kick off my boots in the living room. Not giving a fuck, and head up stairs to my room. I was still in the zone when something drew my attention.

I looked up and to the right. Right into Chris's room. The light was still on and so was her computer. She was laying in her desk her head facing me, I could see her eyes were closed.

I hesitated then went into her room. This is a complete invasion of privacy but whatever. I rolled her chair back and picked her up.

I was still pissed at being played by her apparently. But my gut says that I wasn't. She hasn't made any move of the sorts to do anything she supposedly said.

She's even made a point to avoid us as w shave her. Not something a callous bitch would do. And most of the time my gut instinct isn't wrong. But I don't know.

She's been an abnormality. She's done the exact opposite of anything I could predict. She actually has made me talk to her which is a feat of itself.

I can never think of what she's going to do because she'll do the exact opposite. It's unnerving. She has no control at all, she fucking strip in public without a thought to stop a goddamn fight.

I lay her onto her bed gently. This room looks nothing like her. Her personality. The guys made a deal that we can't trust her and should ostracize her. I of course didn't vote. It was a waste of time.

Austin voted against it, but after the Twins heard what Brian said they were butt hurt. And they know how to hold a fucking grudge.

I pulled her pink comforter on to her sleeping body. Now that she was peaceful and up close I could really focus on her features. Not just her flaming red hair or pale skin. But the sprinkle of freckles in her upper cheeks.

How her Cupid's bow was very noticeable and her full pink lips. Her cheek bones and how they framed her heart shaped face.

Eww now I'm acting like one of those gross perverts that I hate. I sighed and went to her computer to turn it off. But something caught my attention.

I thought that she wrote an essay for homework or something but it looks like an email actually. While I was saving it a few words popped out at me. "Bad guy" "fake it till you make it" "hated".

Intrigued I ended up reading a few sentences from her long ass message. It confused me. What the fuck is she talking about.

I growled quietly and shut off her computer and her light. Then I shut her door and we took my room. I changed into some black sweat pants and a black shirt.

Then I headed to the gym.

The sounds of my fist relentlessly hitting the punching bag filled the space. I was sweating and breathing hard. The feel of my fist hitting the flesh of the bag was spectacular.

It cleared my thoughts and let me focus on one thing. I punched it a few times letting the last week replay in my head.

Me and Chris going to the grocery store, which was kind of enjoyable. Shockingly. Then at school how Chris made me fucking chuckle in class. Trying to ruin the Don't fuck with me vibe.

But soon after all hell broke loose. Me hearing the new girl was stripping in the hallway messed me up.

I was so mad that I was shaking. When I saw Chris in only a tank top showing everyone a lot more then they should, I almost ripped the head off of everyone their.

I wanted to so badly it's not even funny. Then she had the audacity to act like nothing happened and I was in the wrong for dragging her out.

But shit, hearing and seeing how she handled the other chick was magnificent. It was unbelievably hot. Then she ended calming me down without even realizing it.

But hearing all the shit said after the incident made my blood fucking boil. Then hearing the shit she said to Brian. Fuck It's all messing with me.

I roared in outrage and punched the bag as hard I as I could. Over and over again.

"Dude, you good?" I turned quickly to see Brian in the doorway. He quickly put his hands up. "Yo dude, calm down. It's just me."

I took a few deep breaths calming myself. Once I wasn't seeing red and could think clearly i felt a pain in my knuckles. Fuck I busted them.

"Dude you have to stop doing that shit all the time. You're going to fuck up your hands." I gave him a look. He's one to talk. Fucking cage fighting.

He rolled his eyes. "Well you should go to bed soon. I know you haven't been sleeping. Like at all." I didn't show a reaction. "Fine be like that. See if I care." He walked out of the gym.

Brian is literally the moodiest person I've ever known. He used his emotion more then any other guy I know. But he's smart. He acts like an ass all the time but he really isn't. After you get past all the crude. At the end of the day he's just trying to do what's best for everyone.

I grabbed the towel he left and dried my face and neck. I then examined my knuckles. They were bleeding and swollen in some areas. Fuck.

I growled and cursed under my breath. My hair was damp and sticking to my forehead and neck. It annoyed the shit out of me.

I went to the down stairs bathroom to shower up. I put the water on the hottest setting. So steam was already filling up the bathroom and fogging up the mirror.

I splashed water on my face and washed the blood off my knuckles. I kept them under the sink water until the water wasn't pink anymore but clear.

Once I finished that I pulled my shirt off and took of my sweats and briefs. I entered the shower loving the feel of the burning water pelting my skin and releasing the tension.

I washed up quickly, not in the mood to waste time. Turning off the water I wrapped a towel around my waist and dried my hair with the other.

Not caring who sees I walked out with only a towel on and headed to my room. Once I was in my room I put on some briefs and basketball shorts. Not caring about the shirt, to hot for that.

I laid on my bed just thinking. I thought about and brothers and Chris. Just about this whole fucked up situation.

We've had plenty of girl come into this house. All of them were the same. We've warmed up to Alyssa but it took a long ass time.

It's because we all don't have very good pasts with women. Brian by far has the worst. So he does the same shit every time, and most of the time he's right.

I touched my side, feeling the scared tissue. I have the darkest though. I rubbed my face with my hands. Why does everything have to be so god damn confusing?

Chris hasn't really shown any red flags. The most she's shown is she's sarcastic and maybe crazy. But that might come from where she's originally from.

I don't fucking know. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling; having another sleepless night.

Chris POV

I opened my groggy eyes and looked around. The light coming in from the window was excruciating and I quickly closed my eyes.

Rolling out of bed groaning I stared into the dark. It's been a long ass day and going to be even longer today. Plus I have to have Addy drive me to that cafe so I can get the job and join a club.

It's a club for just in case I don't make the team. And a, "keep me away from this place as long as possible" club.

I rolled out of bed and went to brush my teeth. I showered last night after practice because I don't like going to bed sweaty.

So I just shook out my mane and got dressed into the dreadful uniform. Why can't I have pants or shorts or anything but a skirt?!

I only put on the skirt and tie. I had my tie hanging on my neck untied. I started to hear people getting up, so I know it's time from breakfast.

I rushed down to the kitchen so I could avoid everyone else. I quickly whip up some eggs and toast them left them on warm heat. I made some bagged hash brown to on the side just for good measures.

I found out that Jordan and Cameron play soccer so I have to make sure they eat a lot. I know I'm very strongly dislike the guys but I'm still human.

After everything was made I quickly cleaned up. I was heading back to my room when Austin passed me. I quickly hardened my features and became cold and closed off.

We walked by each other with out even looking at each other. Once I knew he was in the kitchen I hurried to the stairs. Of course, coming down the stairs was Ash.

I kept closed off and slowly proceeded to the stairs. He started to pass me when something caught my attention. Unbelievably fast my facade slipped off.

My eyes widened and I grabbed his big burly hand. "What the hell happened?" I asked and demanded at the same time. His knuckles were completely fucked up. Bruised, cut, and swollen.

"Who did you punch and what was that fucker made of?" It was a rhetorical question, just trying to lighten the new found stress I was feeling.

Ash tired to pull his hand away but I tightened my grip. But when I saw him since at me doing so I quickly loosened.

"Give me your other hand." I held out my other hand expectingly. "Um, no. I'm fine." He told me gruffly and tried to brush past me. My eyes narrowed. No way in hell I'm letting this pass.

"Dude your knuckles are fucked up right now and if you don't take care of them they'll be totally fucked. Unless your a masochist and like pain sit your ass down while I go get some ice and tape." I put my hand on my hip and glared at him.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "I'm. Fine." He grind out. "I don't need you help." I let out a sound similar to a laugh. "Yeah right. Then why are your knuckles red and swollen. Go sit in the god damn couch and just let me male sure you didn't break your shit."

His body tensed up. "I've got it." He tried to walked away again but I slipped in front. "I'm not leaving here until I've examined your knuckles. So stop being a stubborn dick weed and sit down."

He took a step closer to me and lowered his fact to mine. "No." Then be shouldered me out of his way. I was boiling in rage.

"Ashington whatever your last name Mitchell! I swear to god himself so help me. If you don't give me your god damn fists I'll nurture your ass in your sleep!" I shouted at him.

He froze, turned, and looked at me. His eyes challenged me and I held his killer gaze. "Try me bitch." I snapped with my chin raised for dominance.

He looked like he wasn't going to. But he finally sighed in defeat and sat on the couch. He grumbled under his breath the whole way to the couch, and on the couch. Something about a annoying red head gremlin.

I know that they kept their health stuff inside the kitchen. While looking around I found it during my first week here. I took out their first aid kit and an ice pack front he freezer. I grabbed a paper towel and hurried to the couch.

I set everything down and went on my knees in front of him. Then I held out my hand in front of him, signalling to give me his. He didn't and I raised an eyebrow at him. He rolled his eyes and begrudgingly handed it over.

I inspected it. I've dealt with bandaging and healing up a lot of my old friends in that time of my life. So it easy for me to do this, almost second nature to try to fix his fists.

"There's swelling on one or two of your knuckles and bruising all around. Down areas your skin has teared. I would recommend some butterfly bandages to try to keep the skin close." I was speaking my ideas out loud.

"What were you punching? And how damn hard. What did this wall ever do to you?" I asked sarcastically. He just shrugged his big ass shoulders.

I set his hand down and found some ointment for bruising and swelling. I also found some for his open cuts. I made sure to lightly massage the ointment onto his fist. Once that was down I lightly wrapped it in some tape and rested an ice pack on top.

"Other hand please." I looked up at Ash. He had a weird expression on his face that I couldn't read. He gave me his other fist without a fight.

His left hand wasn't in any better shape then the right. I tested bending his fingers and felt the base of them. Once I made my analysis I repeated what I did to his right.

Once it was wrapped I lightly rested ice into it. "There. Now try not to punch walls really hard anymore. Not really in the mood to do this once a week. I mean if it's really that fun to punch walls go ahead. Just viewer discretion you know." I started rambling and wanted to face palm myself.

What shocked me was the little smile he gave me. It was an arrow to the god damn heart. How is this dude so good looking. Like what the fuck.

"I didn't need your help." He said once again. But I could tell it was an empty sentence. "And I didn't need you to bust your knuckles. Guess we both didn't get what we needed." I picked up the kit and went to put it away.

What brought a smile to my face was hearing him quietly grumble "thanks." I was on cloud nine.

I hurried to my room and finished getting ready. Then I grabbed my bag, slipped on my shoes and headed out to meet Addy.

I made it to the park and chilled their until her car pulled up. "Sup bitch!" She called out enthusiastically. "Sup." I replied with less enthusiasm. She rolled her eyes and pat the passenger seat.

I hurried and got in. Then we made our way to school.

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