Vice Versa (Book 2 of Déjà vu)

By WinterWolf1377

6.7K 436 190

This is a sequel so if you haven't read the first book, it would be cool if you did. Now on to the descriptio... More

Before You Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Final Chapter
After You Read


404 16 0
By WinterWolf1377

So this is just a little something to get you guys back on track from the last book. It's completely new plot so read on you awesome readers!

[Two weeks before the trip to Kanto]

         "It's very important that you listen to everything I am about to say to you," the voice said. Silver immediately stood up from where he sat near the tree and his eyes darted to every direction as he sort of panicked. How had he gotten into Ilex Forest? Why was he there so suddenly? "Mewtwo has threatened me for information about the organization that was involved with his imprisonment. I know that you were involved so I am warning you. Mewtwo wishes to get revenge," the voice that Silver now recognized to be Celebi said.

        He panicked even more upon hearing those words but there was more to be heard. "Why would Mewtwo wait until now?" Silver asked more to himself than to Celebi. "I don't know for sure but he intends to harm you. He has already gone after former members of Team Rocket. Now he's told me that he has access to control others and won't hesitate to do so in order to find you. It seems the two of you have unfinished business," Celebi spoke.

        Silver shook his head in denial. "This can't be happening. Mewtwo was trapped after that incident. Why control others to get to me if he can just see me himself?" Silver muttered. Celebi appeared before him with what seemed to be a worried look. It had been a very long time since Silver had actually seen the pokémon of time traveling so he was a little bit startled by Celebi's sudden appearance.

        "(Y/n) has the power to stop him. He belongs to no one so she is likely the only one capable of stopping him. I fear that he will control anyone close to her or you. You must be careful. I don't know what he has planned other than his wish to destroy anything hindering him and getting his revenge on Team Rocket," Celebi said. Silver nodded as he processed the information. "This all sounds so crazy," he muttered.

        "I don't know if I'll be able to contact you after this so everything is left to you. Mewtwo will likely hav-" Celebi was saying but a sudden blast of energy interrupt their conversation blasting both Celebi and Silver out of the way. Silver was quick to recover only finding that Mewtwo was now in their presence. The psychic type pokémon seemed as angry and lethal as the last time Silver had seen it.

        "Did you think you could get away!" Mewtwo growled. The area had changed to a regular forest and Celebi was nowhere to be found. Silver let out a slight whimper as he backed away from the terrifying pokémon. Mewtwo shot forward and Silver closed his eyes in fright not having any pokémon to defend him or anything to stop the pokémon.

        "Silver...Silver wake up!" her voice called. Silver's eyes shot open and he stared at (y/n) as she met his gaze with her worry filled eyes. "You had another nightmare didn't you," she stated. Silver didn't do anything but continuously stare at her. She reached a hand out to move some of his hair out of his face. "It's been happening to you a lot more lately. Do you want to talk about it?" (y/n) said as she sat on the side of his bed.

         He shook his head not wanting (y/n) to worry about the new potential problem. Silber wasn't even entirely sure if the nightmare was a real warning or not. It wasn't the first time he'd had a nightmare about someone from his past threatening to ruin his current peace. Instead of worrying about it, he sat up in his bed and hugged (y/n). "If you ever want to talk aboit anything, just let me know okay," she said. "Okay," Silver quietly said.

        ...If only he'd known that two weeks later when they went to visit his sister in Kanto, he'd be jumping into a whole new world of problems...

And that was the Prologue. Nice and to the point...sort of. Next chapter awaits so until next time you nice readers!

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