✓ | Hushed Whispers ⋆ Will He...

By juIianblackthorn

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❛❛You save everyone, but who saves you?❜❜ Marie Wayland's entire life is ruined. She is set to marry... More



2K 94 55
By juIianblackthorn

Maybe you didn't realize it then, or maybe I was trying to fool myself into thinking that you didn't, but often - when I spoke of warriors who had their hearts poisoned with darkness and curses, I was actually speaking of myself. But you, you never judged. Not once. You always looked at me as if I were the Sun, telling me that everybody has light in them. That they just need someone who would believe in them enough, someone who would awake their strength and help them win against the darkness.◢



SILENT Brothers did not engage themselves in battle. In fact, they have set their weapons aside for life and dedicated themselves to pursuing wisdom. Too preoccupied with their exhausting research, they rarely interacted with Shadowhunters. Unless, of course, it was absolutely necessary. Like it was now.

To Will Herondale, it seemed like Brother Jeremiah had stood by Marie Wayland's bed for quite a while, trying to penetrate the barriers of her mind and find out what was happening to the girl. Unfortunately for the male Shadowhunter, he wasn't capable of reading the gestures and behavior of a Silent Brother which ultimately drew him mad.

Will's heart was beating an irregular pace, practically begging him to disturb the work of the Silent Brother and ask his questions, thankfully - his mind rebuked him the moment the wild idea entered his thoughts. Charlotte's threatening gaze resurfaced right before his eyes, reminding him of her sharp words as he knocked on the Infirmary room's door only hours before now.

"You can come in if you promise not to bother Brother Jeremiah."

Sighing deeply, Will did just that. He gave his word that he would leave the Silent Brother alone, as long as he was allowed to be by Marie's side.

Despite enduring various heart-shattering events in the past few days, Will knew that there was no place he'd rather be. He had, after all, missed Marie. And that was not even the worst part about it. He had caught himself thinking about the girl multiple times, not for any specific reason, simply because his mind liked reminiscing on the warm memories the two had shared. Occasionally, he would even hear her gentle voice calling onto him, inviting him on an adventure. It would be just the two of them and they would laugh and run, talk and smile, hold hands and look at each other.

But every single time, his mind recalled those thoughts, he was reminded that they weren't to share such moments anymore. And that had left him feeling as if all the air was knocked out of him.

I have finalized my work.

The deep, striking words of Brother Jeremiah rang in the ears of Shadowhunters who were present in the room. Charlotte and Tessa were opposite the Silent Brother, Jem and Henry seated across one of the beds next to Marie's. Will, on the other hand, had his back leaned against the cold wall.

"And?" Will couldn't help himself. "What did you find out?"

The Silent Brother wasted no time, turning himself to the dark-haired Shadowhunter. His eyes were non-existent, his mouth sewn shut. The dark hood he had been wearing only added more to the scary appearance of Jeremiah.

Will Herondale, impatient as always.

"I am not impatient," Will said as shivers danced across his spine. "I just want to know what is going on."

"Brother Jeremiah," Charlotte stepped in. "Please forgive us for our behavior, but Marie had been missing before. Things were done to her and this situation has left us even more worried. We would like to know how we can help her."

You can't. The warlock that had cast a spell on her is a powerful one. Imogen had made sure that no one breaks it.

"What do you mean?" Jem asked, standing up from his previous position.

Marie Wayland is undergoing many visions. From my examinations, I can tell that the girl is tested by magic. Dark magic.

Will's fists were clenched in anger. Why was it always her who had to endure suffering?

"It's the Mark, isn't it? The one she has on her back?"

Yes, William Herondale. It most likely is. From what I can tell, Imogen's spell is trying to see if the Mark had began manifesting its power. She is testing Marie to see if the girl will surrender herself to darkness.

"What?" Jem's eyes went wide. "No. No way. Marie could do everything, but she would never surrender to the power of darkness. She would never willingly choose its side."

"I agree with Jem," Tessa nodded her head.

"So, she is fighting it, right?" Will proceeded.

Yes, she is. That's the reason behind her tremors and drop of body temperature.

"Brother Jeremiah," Henry said. "Do forgive me for asking more questions, but what happens to our girl if she doesn't win against it? What if she chooses to serve the darkness?"

I cannot answer that, Henry. My best guess would be that she will be possessed by it, bound to a life of eternal slavery.

"How come everyone always suggests the worst option?" Will's voice rose. "I've told you before and I am telling you now. Marie is strong and she will win. So, my question is - what happens when she wins against the darkness?"

Jem gazed at his parabatai, admiring his belief in Marie Wayland and her strength. It didn't mean that Jem had lost his faith in the girl, it was just strange to him - seeing Will bothered and capable of showing emotions. Of course, Will had always cared for Jem and Marie, but in the past few days, the boy had walked through Hell and back; he had rose like a phoenix, untouched by flames of hurting. He had grown and absorbed everything that tried to tear him down, preparing to use it in order to fight for his loved ones. For Marie.

If she wins - she will proceed to uncover what was hidden from her in the first place. She had her memories stolen, at a very young age.

Will's head snapped up, meeting Charlotte and Henry's gazes. "What is he talking about?"

The couple only shook their heads. "I am not sure, Will."

The girl had her memories stolen by a warlock. That means that there are certain things she doesn't remember, as if someone had snatched those moments from her. According to your story, I'd say that this is what she wanted. She wanted to know her own story.

"This is what she wanted?" Will shook his head. "No, no, no. She may have wanted knowledge, but she didn't ask for battling the darkness."


"Brother Jeremiah, we cannot thank you enough for your assistance," Henry approached him. "We are forever grateful to you for making time."

The Silent Brother nodded.

"Children," Charlotte spared them a look. "Let's go and bid Brother Jeremiah goodbye."

"Do you mind if I stay here?" The dark-haired Shadowhunter asked. "I wouldn't like to leave her alone. In case something happens."

Charlotte nodded her head, aware of how Will felt. "Of course, Will."

Everyone had began stepping out of the room, only Will and Jem were left behind.

"Strange, isn't it?" Jem approached his parabatai. He put his hand on Will's shoulder, earning his attention.

"What exactly?"

"How desperately in love you can be with someone? Despite the distance or not speaking to them in a while, you never stop loving them. Even if all the odds are against you, you will never stop fighting for the person you love. That's what love is, I guess. You love someone until the end of time, no matter what. It's either that or you never really loved them."

Before Will got a chance to come up with a proper response, Jem had already marched out of the Infirmary, leaving the boy alone. "I hate it when you're right, James Carstairs."

In a few short steps, Will Herondale crossed the distance between himself and the girl who was twisting and turning underneath a layer of blankets. He took a seat on the chair that was positioned on the side of her bed, enveloping Marie's right hand with both of his.

"I don't know if you can hear me, Celine, but I have to tell you this," Will smiled at the brunette. "I don't know if you remember it, but we used to spend so many nights together, going over the most ridiculous topics. Often, we would make up stories of knights and princesses, warriors and armies, worlds of darkness and light. We would be creators of our own destinies, our own heroes. Maybe you didn't realize it then, or maybe I was trying to fool myself into thinking that you didn't, but often - when I spoke of warriors who had their hearts poisoned with darkness and curses, I was actually speaking of myself. But you, you never judged. Not once. You always looked at me as if I were the Sun, telling me that everybody has light in them. That they just need someone who would believe in them enough, someone who would awake their strength and help them win against the darkness. It was you who helped me fight the curses, ones that I still have. Maybe I have not yet won entirely, but I am trying. And I want you to try and fight this, as well. I am by your side, Marie. I am here and I am not leaving you. I'll be here until the very end. You have to know that."


MARIE was sure she had stopped breathing a long time ago. Scene after scene, she had watched unrecognizable moments from her young days pass before her very own eyes. The worst thing about it was that she recalled the people that made her childhood days, but she didn't remember the events. She didn't remember the quarrels she witnessed, shared by her own parents. She could barely grasp the fact that she had spent some of the most happy moments of her life in company of the blonde-haired beauty by the name of Eveline Wayland.

"What's wrong Marie?" Will stood by her side once more.

By now, Marie was aware of Imogen's wish to play and torture her further by the presence of a person she had loved. By the person she had killed.

"I don't remember any of these," the girl mumbled, shaking her head. "I don't remember my own mother."

"That's because you're not meant to."

"I am not meant to?" Marie's astonishment arose. "How is one not meant to remember their own mother?"

"Your father has those answers," Will looked at the girl. "He is the one who had your memories taken. He didn't want you to posses Eveline's behavior and mindset. He wanted you far away from the Downworld, kept under a glass bell."

"But I possess them," she whispered. "Despite me not remembering her, I still inherited and developed the same views she had."

"What does that tell you?"

"That my father hates me for it. He hates me for being the spitting image of my mother. He had made that clear enough."

"Very well, Marie."

"You brought me here for a reason," Marie turned to Will. "I want to know what happened. I want to see how she died."

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Yes," Marie bit her lip nervously. She wasn't sure. In fact, she was terrified of what she might discover. But young Wayland knew she had to endure this; she had to fight the uncomfortable feelings and overcome the pain in order to set the truth free. She had to know what her next step would be and by embracing her past, she would gain the knowledge she had been searching for. She would return home and try solving all her problems, one by one. "I can handle it."

With a single flick of a wrist, Will disappeared, taking Marie on the final quest.


A brunette Shadowhunter girl had been crying. It was the type of crying where one was struggling hard to breathe, the type where all the pressure was suddenly dropped upon one's lungs, preventing them from moving and letting air in. She tried swallowing the gulp that had formed in her throat, but only let out a desperate cry.

"Don't cry, love," the girl's mother whispered, bringing Marie closer to her own body. "You have to be strong, do you understand?"

"But, mama," Marie let out a series of irregular breaths, gazing into hazel eyes that belonged to her mother. "I don't want you to go."

"I know," Eveline smiled warmly, wiping away the tears that glided down her five year old daughter's cheeks. "I don't want to go, either. I would never abandon you, you have to know that. Neither would Imogen and Alexei."

"Why are you going then?"

"It's complicated, little one," Imogen looked at the two Wayland women, shaking her head. Alexei, who stood by the dark-haired warlock woman, embraced her tightly. "We wouldn't willingly go."

The blonde Shadowhunter had wanted to explain everything to her daughter, but knew well enough that there wasn't enough time. It was only a matter of moments before Josiah made an appearance. "Your father is not happy with me, Marie. He believes that I am not a good mother and because of that, he will make me go away, whether I like it or not. He doesn't approve of us visiting uncle Alexei and aunt Imogen."

"But I need you, mama! Who am I going to play with if all three of you go? Who am I going to make flower crowns for? Papa never likes them."

"Listen to me," Eveline lifted her daughter's chin. "Your life will not be easy when we are gone. Your father will try to make you forget about me. Everything about me. About us. And you will, because there is no way to fight against what he is about to do. You have to promise me to be brave when I am gone. Okay?"

Eveline lifted her hand in the air, offering Marie a pinky finger. The child accepted it in no time.

"I promise you, mama."

"Good, my guerrier courageux," the woman sent a warm smile, earning the same one from the brunette child whose locks were messier than ever. "You are far too young to understand what is happening. You are far too young to be thrown into this, but I want to tell you that I am so proud to be your mother. You are the Sun and stars of my life and you have to know, that no matter where I am, I will always be in your heart. I will always love you, always carry you with me."

"I will always love you, too."

"Don't forget about us, guerrier courageux," Alexei smiled, dropping to his knees. The man had brushed out Marie's unruly locks, offering her a weak smile. "We will never forget about you."

"I won't-"

In the middle of Marie's response, the door of the room Alexei, Imogen, Eveline and her daughter occupied burst open, revealing a furious-looking Josiah. Next to him stood several unknown men, all armed with Shadowhunter weapon.

"Seize them," he ordered. "And then tear this room apart."

"No," Eveline abruptly stood up, pushing her daughter behind her frame. From her belt, the blonde seized a blade. Imogen and Alexei followed. "You will not separate us."

"Oh, I will," Josiah warned. "You have yet again crossed me, Eveline. How many times are you going to visit these - these creatures?"

"I'd watch your language if I were you, mate," Alexei warned, displaying his sharp teeth.

The man chuckled cruelly. "No one has to die, Eveline. Surrender yourself and no one will suffer."

"If I do," Eveline spat. "You are going to take Marie away."

"I will take her anyway," he said. "She will not stay with you or with them. Look at this from the other angle, if you lay down your weapon and come willingly - the vampire and the warlock will be spared. Of course, they'll have to stay away from Marie, forever."

"I don't want to leave them, papa," Marie broke the tension, succeeding into earning every gaze in the room on her tiny frame. She felt the coldness of her father's stare, the danger it brought. "I don't want you to hurt them."

"Marie," Eveline turned to her child. "Go and hide in the other room."

"But mama-"

"Now, my love," the blonde kissed her daughter. "Don't come out until I come and get you. And remember, I love you."

"I love you, too, mama!"

The brunette child ran out of the room, leaving the adults alone.

"You do realize that you will never see her again?" Josiah questioned his wife.

"Let's get this over with, Josiah," Eveline gritted her teeth, exposing her blade once again. She had taken her stance, waiting for the attack to come. Imogen and Alexei did the same.

Eveline had tried to warn them. She had told them to leave her alone to deal with Josiah, but the two were incredibly stubborn and loyal. They would have never left her to fight him alone.

"Fire!" Josiah yelled.

At first, nothing happened. None of Josiah's followers moved and it had left Eveline confused.

Why didn't they attack?

But a short, peaceful silence that had splashed them was broken. A wave of arrows shattered the windows, sinking deep into Imogen and Alexei's flesh. The two friends screamed, dropping down to their knees.

They were tricked.

"You coward!" Eveline spat in Josiah's face.

"All is fair in love and war, Eveline," the man sent her a smirk and Eveline swore that it was a same cruel smile Lucifer would offer to his enemies. "Seize her. Erase her memories and take her to the planned location."

The blonde woman glared at the soldiers who began approaching her, hoping that her stare would somehow scare them. But she was outnumbered and no matter how good she was, she couldn't beat so many men alone.

However, that didn't mean she wouldn't try to. The blonde kicked and cut her opponents, guided by her moral code to fight until her last breath.

Not even a whole minute passed before the Shadowhunter men have overpowered the proud woman, seizing her by the wrists. "Josiah! Don't you dare hurt Marie. If you do, I promise to find you and kill you myself."

The Wayland man approached his wife, lifting his hand to touch her cheek. Eveline only turned her head to the side. "Don't you dare touch me."

"You have jeopardized our future. It could have been bright if you didn't choose to advocate for them - the Downworlders. We could have had a glorious life together. Now, I just have to remove you."

"I don't think so."

"Let me tell you one thing. You will never kill me, Eveline. You know why?" When the woman didn't respond, Josiah continued. "Because you will not remember me. You will not remember anyone. Not even your precious Marie. And you know what? She will not remember you, either. Everything you offered her, all the love you gave to her - it'll all be for nothing. That is my gift to you."

"You monster!"

"Do it, warlock," Josiah stepped aside, clearing path to another one of his pions. "I am going to find my daughter."

"No," Eveline whispered as a lonely tear escaped her eye. She shook her head. "Do you want me to beg? I'll do it. Just don't do this. Don't take her away from me."

"I wish it were that simple," the man turned away, approaching the door which led to the room Marie had hid in. "Unfortunately, it's not. Goodbye, Eveline. Ave atque vale."

"Marie!" Eveline screamed from the top of her lungs. "Marie, run!"

But the doors closed, silencing the woman's cries for good.


EVELINE Wayland was a good woman, a proud one. She was kind and caring, compassionate and protective. She was a loving mother and a brave soldier.

At the time, five year old Marie Wayland had known that. 

How couldn't she? Eveline Wayland was her favorite person in the entire world.

The little brunette was capable of naming all the good and bad traits of her parent. She could recite the activities she enjoyed doing with Eveline the whole day. She could share all about the stories Eveline had read to her, speak all about her mother's favorite food and book characters.

And although Marie Wayland was young, she had been aware that tomorrow - she might not recall those things. She didn't understand why, but she believed her mother's words, despite not wanting to do so.

The girl remembered obeying Eveline's orders and hiding underneath the table that day, pressing her knees into her chest and shutting her eyes tightly. She had even put her hands on her ears, praying to block all the battle clashes and her mother's desperate cries.

It had worked for a while.

Eventually, the noise had died down and the brunette had opened her eyes. She had withdrawn her hands from her ears and carefully listened to her surroundings.

Footsteps echoed against the wooden floor of the room she was hiding in. They were heavy and slow, taking their time.

Deep down, young Marie had known they didn't belong to her mother, but as every child would - Marie had kept her hopes high. She had wanted them to be her mother's.


Next thing Marie knew, the footsteps stopped right in front of her hiding place. A cloth that had been placed over the table was lifted and Marie's eyes had met a pair of icy blue ones.

It was a cold stare, one that poured fear into one's bones. It was a cold stare, one that was capable of freezing the worst parts of Hell. It was a cold, cold stare that made a five year old child want to cry.

Marie's mama had hazel eyes and they did not make the girl feel scared.


"Hello, dear."

With those words, Marie's world began fading, disappearing into nothingness and the girl found herself struggling to breathe once again. 



Hello, lovely people! 

Here's yet another chapter. As always, I am looking forward to your comments. What do you think? Did Josiah really kill his own wife?

Also, I realized that I hadn't mentioned it here - for those who don't follow me. I have a new story From The Ashes based on The Mortal Instruments books. Go and take a look!

One more thing, would you like to read a character book? You know, the one with all the information and graphics about original characters? I felt really inspired and made some cool edits for Silent Shadows + Hushed Whispers!

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