Sold as a bride to a vampire...

By freakynikki

131K 4.2K 381

Stormlyn is a teenage girl with the luxury life any teen would die to have, but her life changed after the be... More

Meeting the hot new guy
The Mall
The big bonanza
Strange Sunday
Manic Monday
You have to be kidding
The hospital.. *dun dun dun*
History (part 1)
History (part 2)
Bitter sweet reality
Dinner for one?
Facing the world (part 1)
Drunken love talk
Unexpected events part 1
Unexpected events part 2
New beginnings..
The camping weekend (Part 1)
The camping weekend (Part 2)
The camping weekend (part 3)
The camping weekend (part 4)
The end of the camp
Facing the world again
Night of terrors
Nightmare on Elm Street
The pre engagement party shock
The engagement party part 1
The engagement party part 2
Input competition
In hospital
Unanswered questions
Traitor revealed
Another MF a/n
You're kidding, right?
Propoganda (continued)
So it begins..
Battle ready
Almost Lost


3.5K 89 23
By freakynikki

Warning: Contains sex scenes

Chapter 6

*buzz buzz buzz buzz*

I moan while pulling the covers over my head. Go away you stupid alarm. I don't want to wake up. Ever.

*buzz buzz buzz buzz* the alarm keeps mocking me. Ugh dammit!

I quickly shot out from under the covers, grabbing my phone and throwing it to god knows where. I heard a shatter as it collided with something.

"Oh fuck.." I mumble out irritably at myself. Why am I in such a mood? I honestly don't know. Periods maybe. You never know with us girls.

I sigh, getting up from bed.

I glance at the time. 7:30 am. Well I guess I should get ready for school then huh.

I lazily walk over to my closet, starting to rumage through it. I got a hold of a cute shirt that's a tight fit and some cameo shorts. I grabbed some socks and undies along with my black combat boots and made my way to my bathroom. I got dressed taking my beautiful time. I combed my hair out, deciding on braiding it into an over the shoulder ponytail. I just put on some black eyeliner and black mascara with a touch of light brown lipgloss on my lips. I put on some perfume and my cross necklace. Alrighty then.. Let's get this day over with.

I grab my school bag and personal bag, not even bothering to find my shattered phone. I make my way downstairs not even saying goodbye to James.

As I walk to my car struggling to find my keys, I trip over something and nearly broke my face as I fell against the garage wall. Oh my god.. Really? I struggle a bit to regain my balance, when I feel a sharp pain shoot through my skin and into my brain. My hand automatically finds its way to where I made face love to the wall, and as I suspected, I somehow cut myself open. Blood came gushing out and my vision started to blur a bit, so I collapsed to the ground on my knees.

I just sat there for a bit, regaining consciousness because I have a mother of a headache.

"Miss Mareu?" I heard someone ask concerned.

"Huh?" I bubble as I lift my head and narrow my eyes to make my vision more clear.

It's Micheal, one of our home security guys. He's around 26, dark brown hair and brown eyes. He's also tall like 6'5 and let me tell you, he can handle weapons.

"Miss Mareu! Come here, let's get you to a hospital. You might have a concussion. And looks like you need stitches too.." He began and I couldn't consentrate after those words. I was in a daze. I felt myself being lift up by a pair of strong arms and I went totally numb from the pain in my head.

My vision came and went and I could hear a door being opened and I was laid down on soft leathery seats. I groaned as another pain sting through my head like a lightening bolt. I heard the car engine start and I could feel we started to move. I just tried to consentrate the pain away when I hear the car stop.

The car door opened and I heard Micheal's voice yell.

"Please I need help!" Honestly, what's the big deal? They just going to give me a stitch or two and painkillers then send me on my merry way. Typical doctors..

Soon after he called for help, I got pulled out of the car and onto a gurney. It's like I'm in some movie or shit. The white lights and faces of nurses and doctors hovering over you while rushing you to theatre or something.

I was booked into a private room for observation. A female doctor came in shortly after, and I try to sit up right but she just pushed me back down.

"Stay down and relax honey." Her friendly yet professional voice cooed softly.

I try to glance around but she quickly grabbed my attention by shining a little flashlight into my eyes. I scrunge as a pain shoot through my cornea, as if someone is pressing a thousand needles inside it.

"Oh honey, you've got a nasty concussion and that cut is deep. Let's get you fixed up shall we?" She sternly said while she's grabbing some medical things. She brought a needle to my arm and I nearly had a heart attack along with my concussion.

"Sweety, be calm and still. This will help with the pain." She said sweetly this time.

I relaxed a bit and focused my attention rather on my pain. I felt a little sting and then I heard her speak again.

"There, see it wasn't that bad. Now let's attend to that wound shall we?"

She grabbed the medical needle and thread and brought it to the wound on my head. I twitched a bit as she went about her work, but soon it was over.

"There. I'm just going to keep you here for the day, so you can rest and I can keep an eye on you." She said strictly while cleaning up.

"What? No why? I'm fine! I need to get to school." I protested.

"Honey, a concussion isn't a joke. What happened anyway?" She asked me suspicious.

"I um.. I wasn't paying attention where I was walking. I tripped and fell against our garage wall." I said shamefully. It sounded even worse when I actually told her.

"That must have been a real nasty fall then. But no arguing, you're staying the day. I will let your parents know." She simply stated.

"No! Not my parents please. They're on vacation. Rather just call James. He's our butler." I quickly responded.

She raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. She just turned around and made her way out of the room, leaving me alone.

I sigh, the pain is almost completely numb. This is just awesome... I irritably tell myself.

Oh well. Might as well make myself home, cause I'm not going anywhere apparently.

I shuffle, twist and turn until I'm comfortable, grabbing the tv remote. I flicked through the channels on tv, until I landed on a movie channel.

'This means war' was on and it was about 10 minutes into the movie. I sigh as I slouch back into the hospital bed, starting to feel really tired.

I started to zone in and out of it, fighting to stay awake, because I know how dangerous it is to fall asleep so soon after getting a concussion. I mean I was just joking about never waking up. So let this be a lesson: be careful what you wish for ey...

The forces of slumber was too strong... Soon after I fell into a deep sleep.


"Do you think she's okay?" I heard a guy's familiar voice.

"Yeah, she's a fighter. This is like an afternoon nap to her probably." I hear another guy's voice.

My eyes feel so heavy. I feel like there's a 10 ton block attached on my eyelids.

"Will you guys just shut up? For christ sake you're like worse than girls at a slumber party." I hear a female's voice...

"Suck it Tessa." I heard one guy say. Oh my god.. What is she doing here?!

"When and where?" She asks the guy sarcasticly.

"Ew I can't believe you were friends with Lyn. Such a whore.." The same guy retorts.

"Will you two just quit it! Why are you even here? She despises both of you." I hear the first guy's voice again.

"Oh and she loves you I take it?" I hear the one guy ask retorically.

"Maybe she does.. What's it to ya? You guys are long over." I hear a smug response from guy number one.

Oh my lord.. The voices.. It's Kaidan and Danny's.

I frown and stir in my awkward state of being. I need to wake up. I want to wake up and find out WHY in god's name are them 3 here.

"I think she's waking up." Tessa spoke up first.

I finally force myself to open my eyes even if it was just barely. I groan from the new found pounding headache surfacing with the movement I probably made just now.

"Hey Lyn, how are you feeling?" The 3 of them asked in unison.

I groan again and bring my hand to where I hit my head so fantastically.

"I'm not dead yet, so go away." I said with discomfort of pain.

I hear... Nothing. Silence. I look up and try to focus and see the three of them staring at me in disbelief.

"What?" I ask them with hand gestures.

"Why would you say that?" Danny finally found his voice. He sounds pissed.

I just gave him a flat look. Can't they get the hint I don't want them near me. How stupid must one be?

"Lynie.." Kaidan started. I cut him off before either of them could say something.

"Don't Lynie me. And you.." I say pointing at Danny, "You must take me for some idiot. I know you slept with her!" I continued my rant.

"And Tessa.." I turn my attention to her now. "You have no right to come see me. I told you I NEVER wanted to see you or speak to you again. Now all of you.. GET OUT." I finished with a raised voice.

I heard a 'but' and 'please' but I just ignored them. They must think me quite the fool. I'm over this pathetic society. I want to move on and those two just won't go away. As for Kaidan, for all I know he wants to freaking suck me dry after he has me where he wants. I'm no idiot. I've read too many books, seen too many movies. But just, this is no book, no movie. Its reality and it time that I face it.

I gave them a glare, and saw they were stuck in their footsteps, not moving an inch.

I gave a big sigh while calming myself and relaxing.

"Lyn can I talk to you alone please?" Danny's voice broke the awkward silence.

"No." I simply and flatly replied.

"Please?" He tries again.

"What on earth can be so important Danny?" I hissed at him. I'm worked up and I don't even know why really. It's so bad that I actually ignore the pain I'm in.

"About us." He said in a sad manner.

But before I could answer, Tessa started laughing, and Kaidan mocked him.

"What 'us'? There is no 'us' for you two anymore." Came Kaidan's amused voice.

My gaze snapped to Kaidan.

"Just leave already!" I shouted right before I pressed the nurses button.

Before anyone could say anything, the female doctor came in. Talk about timing.

"Please tell them to leave!" I practically begged her. She raised an eyebrow, but saw my pleading look and coolly did as I asked.

"I think it's time for you 3 to go home."

"Whatever. She is just a bitch anyway." I heard Tessa remark right before she left.

Kaidan and Danny stared at me for a moment, right before they glared at each other.

"Now gentlement." The doctor repeated.

They soon also left and I felt I could breathe again. I felt all these cropped up emotions surface and I finally broke down and cried. I litterally sobbed like a toddler who lost his first pet fish or something.

"Honey, what's wrong?" The doctor quickly came to me concerned at my sudden outburst.

"It's nothing." I sniffed through the tears.

"Aw sweety, well I came to tell you you're free to go home. James said he would send Micheal again to fetch you." She tried to comfort me.

"Thanks. Doctor..?" I started to ask for her name.

"It's doctor Rose Downy." She smiled at me sweetly.

"Well then, you can wait here for your lift if you want." She said just before turning and walking out.

I wipe my face with my hands, trying to wipe away the heartbreak and betrayal I felt at the moment. I just sat there for a few minutes, staring blankly at the floor, when I heard a knock. My gaze automatically went to where I heard the knock come from, only to see the professional looking Micheal standing there like a soldier.

"Hello miss. Are you ready to go?" He asked calmly, trying not to make eye contact. I just keep quiet and stare at him.

I could see he got uncomfortable but I just stared, waiting for him to look me in the eye.

Finally, after what felt like eons, he glanced at me.

"Micheal, why don't you want to make conversation with me?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean miss." He replied professionally looking away again.

"I mean, I know all the staff my parents hired, except for you. You always avoid me." I say softly.

"Why is that?" I continue to interrogate him.

"Miss, I'm only doing my job. I'm not getting paid to 'fratenize' with you." He said with no emotion laced in his rigid voice.

"Oh.." Was all I could voice out.

"Are you ready to leave miss?" Micheal requested again.

"Yeah sure." I simply said.

He came over to me to help me up, but I just shot him off. Stupid guy insults me then wants to help me.

He stepped back, and I got up and started to walk towards the exit. I'm not even that hurt so what does he think? I'm some whiny spoilt brat? Please.. I mentally scoff.

I just walked until I came to the car. I didn't even wait for him or anything while he signed some papers.

I waited impatiently, wanting to get home and destroy something.

Finally, he came out and unlocked the car. Before he could open the door for me, I quickly grabbed the handle to open it myself. Our hands briefly touched..

I jumped back in suprise. It was like something electrocuting me. I held my arm to my chest and stared at this man standing in front of me.

He looked a bit shocked and suprised but quickly shook the emotion from his face.

"That was weird. Did you feel that too?" I asked suprised and puzzled looking at his face to see if I can read his face.

"I'm sorry miss, I don't know what you're talking about." He states as he opens the door casually.

He stands there waiting for me to get in. I glare at him for a second, wanting to give him a snobby comment, but thought better of it and got in the car instead.

He closed the door and went around to the drivers side and got in. He immediately starts the car, and pulls away in a haste.

My head snapped to him as my body jerked at the sudden movement.

"Hey man, what's your problem!" I yell at him angrily.

He ignores me and just drives, concentrating on the road ahead.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" I scream at him. And just like that, the car takes a swift turn onto a gravel road, and he slams on the brakes, making my body jolt to the front and back into my seat with a thumping sound.

He turns to me, and I immediately regret my sudden outburst at him. He looks mad. A flash of anger is visible in his brown eyes.

"I.. I.." I stutter, fear creeping in. I mean he just pulled of the main road for god's sake.

"You.. What?" He asks me carefully examining my face for any sign of.. well I actually don't know.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't take my heartbreak and anger out on you." I started to softly confess, hoping he won't kill me or something equally dramatic.

I watch him carefully. Taking in every move. Aware of his strange aura he is emitting, which scares me quite frankly.

"It's fine. I can take it. Teenager drama.." He scoffs as his deep voice trails off.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"You're teenagers. With stupid drama." He repeats.

"Excuse me, but it's not stupid! I dated the guy for years and he went and cheated on me with my best friend!" I yelled as tears threaten to surface again.

"Did you sleep with him in those years?" He randomly asks. WHAT THE BEJESUS MAN! That's intimate info!

I stared at him shocked. Lost for words.

"Did you?" He asks again, a bit louder now.

"Why do you want to know that?" I irritably defended.

"We can do this the easy way, or my way." He slowly starts again.

"Wait what? What's going on?!" I frantically yell.

"Stormlyn, you know a secret. A deadly one at that.. One that will get you killed." He says smoothly as he leans closer to me.

My heart is going insane inside my chest. My insides feel as if I'm about to throw them up.

"You should calm yourself. Its not healthy for your heart." He flatly stated short afterwards.

"You're scaring me Micheal." I say almost out of breath from panicking.

"You should be scared.." He says with an evil glint to his eyes.

Please let me go. I want to go.." I begged softly as tears start to fall from my face.

Just my luck to meet all the psychopatic men. Why me lord? WHY?

"But Stormlyn... You wanted to know why I avoid you.. You want to know why I'm asking you personal questions... Don't you want to know anymore?" He aks me with a grin now plastered on his face.

"Because you're probably a murderer that killed teenage girls for some sick pleasure!" I yell at him.

"Ahh ouch!" I grab my head where the cut is. Ouch it freaking hurts.

"Stormlyn, are you okay?" He asks as he grabs me by my arms to check me out.

"Get off me you asshole!" I snapped at him, trying to get out of his grasp.

Suddenly I felt lighter, and a wind of gush against my skin. Before I knew what was going on, I just heard noises and things that sounded like twigs and leaves being stepped on, and then a pain shot through my back as I got the breathe knocked out of me.

My brain reacted too slowly to clearly comprehend what had just actually happened. He actually roughed me up against a tree.

I try to focus and see Micheal standing infront of me, holding me by my neck. My hands instinctively shot up to claw at his hand around my neck.

"You should be careful of how you treat me little miss." He breaths as he leans into me.

"You.. You're a.. Vampire..?" I choke out.

He smiles at me, baring his pearly white fangs for me to admire.

"Now, did you sleep with Danny?" He casually asks me again.

"No.." I lied.

"Do not lie to me Stormlyn. You will regret it." He says seriously.

"I swear.." I continue to lie. Why does he care? It aint his damn business!

His grip tightens and I gasp for air.

"Last chance." He glance over my body. "You are actually a beautiful girl you know.. Don't mind if I.. Have a taste of it." He says daringly.

"Fine! Yes I slept with him! Are you happy now?!" I screech out in agony.

"Good girl... Now tell me, was that so hard?" He asks me while he loosens his grip, but steps closer.

I wimper beneath his gaze and strong grip around me.

"Please let me go now!" I plead like a pathetic human girl that I am.

"I'm not done with you.." He says in a husky voice. He lowered his hand from my neck to my waist. Oh god please don't let him rape me.

"Please don't rape me." I start to beg him.

"I won't. You will beg me for it." He says with confidence.

I gasp, then push him as hard as I could. He was caught off guard ofcourse, so it worked. I immediately started to run, as instinct kick in.

But yeah, he's a vampire, I am not.. Just mere seconds later he grabbed me. I struggled violently to get out of his grasp, so instead we both went tumbling down to the hard ground. My body collided with the hardness of the ground and soon after Micheal's body collided with mine. It was painful, and my breath was gone for a moment.

But before I had a chance to retaliate, Micheal grabbed me and twisted me around.

I was kicking and screaming, but he just effortlessly muffled my screams with his one hand while getting on top of me.

"Stop fighting me! Or you will regret it!" His demanding angry voice came.

I was crying now, my whole body trembling from fear and pain. But did I ever listen? No...

I bit his hand and he momentarily pulled away, only to bring it back slapping me across the face moments later.

"Fucking bitch!" He groaned.

I just stayed quiet, trying to get rid of the burning sensation on my cheek.

"Jesus.. What am I doing? What have I done?" I heard him ask more to himself than anything else.

I stared at him, my vision blurry from crying.

He got up from on top of me, and grabbed me once more pulling me up to my feet. I stood there, shaking like a madman scared out of all my senses.

"Stormlyn... Oh my god I'm so sorry... I just.. I lost control.." He softly trails off.

I'm too scared to do anything, and my heartbeat just won't settle down from what just occurred.

This Micheal that was infront of me was the gentle side I think. He took me by my shoulders and led me back to the car. We got in and sat there in silence for like 5 minutes, when he spoke up again.

"I'm really sorry Stormlyn. This is why I didn't want to be around you, talk to you. I can't control myself around you.." He starts to explain gently.

I turn my gaze to him. "What is that suppose to mean?" I ask suprised.

"I've been working for your parents for over a year now, and since the first day I saw you, your smell... It is addictive, the smell of your blood. But I know I can never have it."

I immediately froze. My mind stopped. Everything.

After that life-changing statement he made, neither one of us talked. When we finally arrived home, I literally jumped to get out of the car. I almost broke my legs to get away from him. When I got to the house, Danny was sitting on the steps outside, probably waiting for me.

I just rushed past him, going to open the door, when his hand took a hold of mine which was on the door handle.

"Lyn.. I'm sorry. Please can I come in?" He questions me.

I ignored him and pushed on the door going inside. I walked in a rush to get to my room, hearing Danny following me closely.

Once I was inside my room, I heard Danny close the door behind him.

I stood there, in the middle of my room with my back towards him. I heard him aproaching me.

"Hey.." He said while reaching out to touch me.

I flinched under his touched, but let him continue.

"Why are you so dirty? What happened to you?" He questions, concern filling his voice.

"Nothing. Nothing happened." I simply replied.

He turned me around and saw the state I actually was in.

"Have you been crying?" He asks me.

"So what? I'm only human you know!" I snapped at him finally.

"I didn't say you weren't.." He smiled lightly at the statement.

He stepped closer, taking away some stray hair in my face, looking me in the eye.

"I'm sorry. I really am.. I have no right to ask your forgiveness, I lied and cheated. Which I truly regret." His silky soft voice announced.

"You slept with her Danny!" I yelled at him in frustration.

"How do you know that?" He questions me.

"I'm not a fucking idiot. It's as obvious as daylight." I snapped yet again.

"It was a mistake! I was drunk, and you went home early because you felt sick. We were playing some drinking games and one thing led to another..." He tells me.

"So basically you were horny and she was available.." I said, hurt all over again.

"It only happened once... You know I love you and would never do something to hurt you!" He tries to save his butt.

"Danny-" I begin to talk but he cuts me off with an unexpected kiss.

I pull away from him, staring at him.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I yell at him. Wow I'm yelling a lot today...

He just grabs me, crashing his lips to mine once again. I wiggle under his hold, but geez today I've got no inner strength..

He pulls away, looking me in the eyes with those amazing grassy green eyes.. Uh I mean evil eyes, yes evil eyes.

"I bet if I take you to bed now and make love to you, you would enjoy it." He whispers seductively.

"No Danny.. Don't.." I plead as I get weak to the knees by his soft voice sending not so innocent images to my mind.

"But, I know you want it Lyn.. Just as much as me.. Admit it, you've missed our amazing sex.." He starts to play with my mind.

"I.. I uh.." I mumble as I close my eyes to breath and get rid of this unwanted feelings I'm having towards him.

"Come here." He says in a low voice while grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the bed.

I try to protest but my body has a mind of its own, following his lead.

He twisted me around so I was standing infront of the bed, then he grabbed me by the waist and started to kiss me softly. I tried to push him, but he just tightened his hold on me. He bit my lower lip making me gasp, which gave him the access he wanted.

I try again to protest, but he was having non of it.

So eventually I gave in to my lustful desires and kissed him back. My eyes closed and as we kissed, he pushed me down onto the bed.

He started to kiss down my jaw into my neck, making me moan in pleasure.

"Danny please.." I finally find my voice.

He says nothing, but I feel him smiling into my neck.

He slides his hand across my body, giving me goosebumps all over.

He slowly makes his way back to my mouth and kisses me softly.

Oh my god.. What am I doing? What's wrong with me? I actually want this to happen..

I grab his shirt and pull at it showing him I want to take it off of him.

He lifts his one arm, not breaking our kiss yet, and I pull it off at the one side, doing the same on the other side until finally I pull the shirt over his head breaking our kiss momentarily.

Instantly he leaned back in to continue our make out session, when he starts to undo my shorts.

I deepen the kiss, putting both my arms around his neck while he's busy with my shorts.

He broke the kiss again, only to sit up and pull off my shorts.

I look at him while he's busy. He really is handsome.. A small smile appears on my face when I see him struggling a bit. Finally he got it and pulled it off in an instant, along with my combat boots and socks.

Afterwards he slided back up to me, while looking me in the eye. Once our faces were eye level again, he softly spoke.

"You are so beautiful.. I've missed you."

I feel the heat surfacing in my cheeks, and he just crashed his lips to mine yet again.

This time it was a bit more rough, more hungry.

He moved his hand to go undo his pants, and then he stands back up to take them off.

I glance down and see that he is excited if you get my drift..

He bend down a bit, climbing onto me now, opening my legs so that he is between them now.

He presses his body down onto me, positioning himself between my legs. He gently strokes against me, and I gasp as I feel his hard member against me.

He leans in to kiss my neck, his hands trailing down to remove my underwear. I close my eyes once more, hormones taking over my body.

I feel him moving, and I know he's taking off his boxers. He is naked now and I only have my bra and shirt on.

He moves in slowly between my legs, playing at my entrance. I dig my fingers into his back, pure lust taking over my whole body now.

"Oh god.." I breath as a whisper.

"I know.." He answers as he moves to nibble on my ear. Another moan escapes from my lips and I take it was to much to bear for Danny, because then he thrusted into me, hard.

This time a loud moan escapes from me and Danny quickly covered my mouth with his one hand. I breathe heavily under him as he slowly remove himself from inside me. He grabs my one arm and moves it above my head and does the same with the other. He leans back in and kiss me passionately while he thrusts into me again.

"Danny..." I moan his name as total ecstasy swallow my body.

"Hmm?" He mumbles as he continue to kiss me and thrust in and out of me slowly.

"More.." Is all I can choke out. I'm so worked up and I need pleasure.

He starts to pump harder, faster and getting a bit rough. I claw into his sides as I arch my back a bit to give him better access.

"Oh my god that's good.." I let out yet another moan.

He went even harder now, and I can feel my climax coming.

I try to keep myself from reaching my pleasure, until I know he's going to cum.

As he moves quicker, I know he's close so I went to his ear and nibbled on it, letting out a moan to give him that extra push.

I couldn't wait anymore, and I felt him thrust in quickly one, two, three times and I moan loudly in pleasure just as he pulls out and cums on me..

"Eww Danny! That's gross!" I scold at him out of breath.

"Haha, either that or I make you pregnant.." He says as he falls next to me.

"Can't, I'm on the pill." I retorted at his remark.

"That's a shame.." He smirks as he says it.

"Danny.. Stop it. I gave into temptation, not into you. I'm still not getting back with you." I say sternly as I sit up, trying to get something to clean up.

"Wow so just friends with benefits?" He asks me shocked.

"Maybe. I'm just not open to relationships right now.." I explain as I get dressed now.

"I guess its better than not being with you at all." He says a bit of hurt audible in his voice.

"Yeah.." I trail off.

"Well then, I guess I should get going." He says as he gets up and dressed.

After that he went silently and I didn't say anything either.

Oh my god.. What the fuck just happened?

I immediately went to take a shower.

Oh lord.. What have I done? What have I gotten myself into?..

I showered until the water ran cold, making my skin look like a granny's. Old and pruny.

I got out out and wrapped a towel around me, walking to my room once more.

I stare at my bed for a good 500 million seconds (not litterally, just being dramatic lol) and felt guilty and dirty for what had just occurred on it. I feel disgusted with myself for giving into temptation, and with a former lover non the less. Shameful...

I grabbed a shirt and some sweatpants along with underwear and got dressed.

I sigh as I look at the time. 18:20. I realize that I have a headache now and went to get some painkillers the doc gave me. I swallowed them with some water and went to the entertainment room to watch some tv.

I made myself comfy on the couch, put on some movies and relaxed, completely draining my mind from todays strange events.

After a few hours I got really tired, and without realizing it, I must have dozed off to la la land..


Hi guys!!! Sucky chapter I know!! I'm sorry I had some hassles at work and I was so worked up I think I took it out on the book O.o anywhoooooo please vote and comment!!!

Freakynikki ^()^

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