Enchanted - A Stydia / Jily A...

Oleh enchantedstydia

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The year is 1976, and life at Hogwarts is growing more complicated by the day. Lydia and Stiles are keeping s... Lebih Banyak

Just The Girl.
Voodoo Doll.
The Reckless & The Brave.
Do I Wanna Know?
Love Like Woe.
Snap Out Of It.
Revelations Ending.
Everything Has Changed.
Dirty Little Secret.
Is There Somewhere?
For Him.
No One's Here To Sleep.


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Oleh enchantedstydia

For Liv and Margie.
For not thinking I'm weird (or just for accepting that I am really weird and not judging me for it), for always being there, for withstanding my self destructive crushes on boys that were really bad for me, and for being the best friends a girl could ever ask for.
Love, Zali.


Introducing Enchanted, a Stydia/Jily crossover. Marauders-era characters have been converted into Teen Wolf characters and there will be a cast list at the end of this chapter. (Please note: THIS FIC IS NOT NAMED AFTER THE SONG ENCHANTED BY TAYLOR SWIFT. WHILE THAT IS A NICE SONG AND ALL AND TAYLOR IS VERY TALENTED, NO. JUST NO.)


This was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name
Until I see you again.

-Enchanted, Taylor Swift.

The doors of the Great Hall burst open forcefully, a spray of gold and purple sparks spewing out like fireworks. A tall figure in Slytherin robes ran out, tugging his hood over his head to hide his face.

Lydia Martin stopped short in her path, ducking behind a suit of armor as the boy stormed down the corridor. She had learned long ago to avoid Slytherins at all costs, especially the older ones. This one looked about her age, based on his build. He was probably in some of her classes.

He passed one of the flaming torches on the wall, the light quickly revealing his features for half a second before he was gone, hurrying to the staircase that lead to the Slytherin common room.

Lydia laughed quietly to herself. Whittemore. No wonder he had attempted to hide his face - his skin was covered in blisters and decidedly blue. A chorus of sniggers sounded from the alcove in the wall a few feet away from her.

"Did you see his face?!" a boy laughed meanly.

"Prongs did a number on him," agreed another.

"He deserved it," the first boy said."Wannabe Death Eater twat."

Lydia crept towards their hiding place silently, making the three boys jump as she stepped into view, clearing her throat loudly.

"Fu- Martin." Scott McCall's look of surprise morphed into a sheepish smirk, his eyes running up and down her appreciatively. Typical.

"Hello boys," she said coolly, locking each of them in an appraising stare for a second. McCall was leaning against the wall with almost rehearsed casualness, his arms crossed and a look of superiority on his face. He met Lydia's green eyes with his equally sharp black ones challengingly while Danny Mahealani stood bathed in shadow behind him, chewing his bottom lip nervously.

Isaac Lahey, the only one of the four self-christened 'Marauders' she could stand to hold a conversation with, stood just behind and to the side of Scott. The purple bruises under his eyes stood out starkly on his pale skin, though his baby blue eyes still held their same persistent friendliness.

"Hey, Lydia," he greeted her, a strained smile forced onto his lips. He did that a lot. Fake smiles for everyone to hide the fact that he hardly ever slept and was in a perpetual state of grouchiness. He did it so people wouldn't worry about him, though Lydia still did.

"Hi Isaac." She smiled genuinely back at him. Empathy was both a gift and a curse, and Lydia had a lot of it. She switched her gaze back to Scott, his annoyingly long hair a tangled mess - a result of that afternoon's Quidditch practice, probably. He shot her a charming, thousand-watt smile.

"Why aren't you lot having dinner?" she inquired, eyebrows raised delicately. "I thought teenage boys never stopped eating."

The trio shifted uncertainly, glancing at each other for ideas.

"Lost my... wand," Danny finally blurted, looking to a surprised Scott for confirmation. "Yeah, we thought some Slytherins might have hidden it so... we went looking for it." He shrugged. "Guess it's not here."

He tugged on Scott's sleeve as a sign to follow him, taking a step forward to leave. Lydia stepped in front of them, blocking the way out.

"You do realize your wand is currently poking out of your sock, don't you?" A smile worked it's way across her face as she took in their reactions.

"I- shit." Danny glanced down to see the handle of his wand sticking out of the top of his sock, wincing slightly as Scott flicked his forehead in exasperation.

"Well... uh... honestly, Martin. Can't a group of friends simply take a leisurely stroll around the castle without being interrogated?" Scott feigned innocence, widening his eyes and pouting a little.

"A group of friends, sure," she responded, shrugging. "But last time I checked, there were four of you in your little... pack." Her eyes flicked over each of their faces. "Moony... Wormtail... Padfoot... but no Prongs?" She cocked her head to the side mockingly. "Where ever could he be?"

The boys looked to each other nervously, before Scott's voice cut short the other two's uncertain mumbles.

"Library," he said brightly. "Studying, you know. He's... ah, very... studious."

"Or," suggested Lydia, "Stilinski is actually right behind me with that damn invisibility cloak of his."

Scott's eyes widened in surprise, involuntarily looking over Lydia's shoulder at the apparently empty corridor behind her.

"W-what invisibility cloak?" he managed to say, swallowing hard at the unimpressed look on her face.

"I think she means this one, Padfoot." The cheerful voice echoed around the empty space as Stiles Stilinski appeared out of thin air, holding up a shimmering piece of fabric with a grin.

Lydia didn't turn around, instead raising an eyebrow at Scott's stammered attempts at explanations.

"Don't worry, McCall, she found out about it a few nights ago." Stiles joined the huddled group, elbowing Lydia in the ribs jokingly. She shot him a look of ice, and his smile dropped for a second before quickly returning.

"I fell asleep in the common room. Studying." She looked at Scott pointedly.

"And I was on my way out to go see the house elves," Stiles continued, "when I tripped over Martin's monstrous pile of books and woke her up."

"And I found it a bit strange that half of one of his legs was missing, so he had to tell me." Lydia finished. Scott shot a glare at Stiles.

"Why didn't you just lie, dickhead?" Scott demanded in annoyance. Stiles snorted, eyeing the little redhead who was currently glowering at his best friend with venom in her eyes.

"Because I don't have a death wish," he stated matter-of-factly. "Seriously mate, what kind of moron would even try to pull one over on the smartest witch in this place?" Lydia looked at him in disbelief. He winked flirtatiously at her, grinning at the blush that flowered on her cheeks as she glared at the floor.

"Besides. She won't dob us in, will you Martin?" His usually chocolate eyes held a huge amount of seriousness behind his glasses, even with the cocky smile on his face. Lydia shook her head slightly.

"I couldn't care less. Just don't annoy me with it and we won't have a problem." She looked each of them in the eyes directly.

"She's still a prefect, Prongs," groaned Scott. "You can't say that she won't dob us in, because she might not have a choice one day." He met Lydia's eyes. "Am I wrong?"

"Yes." Lydia's shoulders squared and her chin came up, daring him to question her. "You're wrong. When I say something, I mean it. I keep my promises, no matter what rules I break in the process." Isaac chuckled softly beside her, earning a quick glare.

"I trust her," said Stiles quietly. His eyes burned in the low torchlight as he looked down at her, his irises glowing a warm amber. Lydia's body tensed at the simple sentence, the implications giving her unexplainable goosebumps. Stiles turned away to look to Scott, who rolled his eyes at his best friend's overconfidence.

"Then you're stupid or insane," Scott shot back snarkily. "In case you hadn't noticed, you two-" He made a gesture between Stiles and Lydia. "-aren't friends."

"Very true," replied Lydia sharply. "But. The Slytherins have been tormenting me for years, and I prefer you over them. So if this cloak is what you use to give them a little retribution, I'm all for it. Hell, I'll even help you." She looked at Scott coldly. "Prefect or not."

Isaac, who had been silently observing the situation with a smug smile, let out a low whistle.

"Merlin. It does paint a beautiful picture. Can you imagine?!" His eyes lit up with sudden excitement. "Two of the best minds in our year, if not the school, plotting together." He gestured to Stiles and Lydia enthusiastically. "And just think, she has an entirely different social scene to us. Potions club, study groups... and prefects can get into so many rooms that we can't. It would-"

"Hold on there, Lahey," Lydia interrupted. "I'm not saying I want to... be a Marauder. I'm saying that I'm willing to help, occasionally. If I even need to." She shrugged. "Seems like you were doing fine without me."

"Good," said Scott. "you wouldn't be a good Marauder anyway. You're too... pure." He flashed a suggestive smirk at her. "That said, I have a feeling you wouldn't be too hard to corrupt."

"Wow, thanks, McCall. I'll be sure to keep that in mind in case I ever lose every shred of self respect I possess." Her eyes reflected the firelight as she glared at him. Isaac swallowed a snort of laughter at Scott's dumbstruck state, creating a noise that sounded like a cross between a sneeze and a hiccup.

Scott shot him a look, his usual sulky-angry-misunderstood-dark-knight attitude returning with force.

"Well, uh, great talking to you, Lydia. We're gonna go..." Isaac slipped past her into the hallway, distancing himself from Scott.

"Hold it," Lydia ordered as the other three tried to leave. She turned to Stiles, her eyebrows raised and her bottom lip falling into a natural pout that caused highly inappropriate thoughts to race through his head. "What did you do to Whittemore?"

Stiles smirked at her cute little 'prefect' voice. She watched him warily as he put his hand on the wall behind her to lean in, his eyes flickering dangerously as he took in her flustered reaction.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" he said quietly. Lydia fidgeted as his eyes moved to her lips. Stiles chuckled quietly. "Later, Martin."

Lydia glared at him as he pushed off the wall effortlessly, moving with an irritating natural grace that didn't match his gangly body. He flashed her an amused grin before turning away, he and the other boys making their way down the corridor and into the Great Hall.

Lydia was left standing in the alcove, a frown still on her face, trying to figure out why her heart was beating so fast.


Marauders Era Teen Wolf Cast:

Lydia Martin - Lily Evans

Stiles Stilinski - James Potter

Scott McCall - Sirius Black

Isaac Lahey - Remus Lupin

Danny Mahealani - Peter Pettigrew

Jackson Whittemore - Lucius Malfoy

On Lily's friends: There is no real canon answer as to who Lily was friends with at Hogwarts (though Mary, Dorcas, Marlene and Alice are all popular in fanon) so Lydia's friends in this are playing no specific roles.


1. Welcome back to Hogwarts, Wolfies! This idea has been floating around in my brain for an unspeakable amount of time, and a few weeks ago I decided to write it. The idea of Lydia and Stiles as Lily and James is really popular, but (as far as I know) nobody has gone into depth with it. I intend to do that. Hopefully.

2. Special thanks to the BFFL Margie for refreshing my Marauders memory. She's the best. <3


4. Whoopsy, I made Scott the semi-mean manwhore type again. #sorrynotsorry.

4. For those who have been paying attention, I hold a deep seated hatred for Malia Tate (and no, I refuse to call her 'Hale' because she grew up as a Tate and that should be her name dammit.) Anyway, in this story, Malia isn't really a bad guy kinda character. This is because I wanted to explore what might have been if Jeff wasn't a total fuckwit. Honestly, you guys might even like this Malia. I'm not sure yet.

6. As always, comment songs that remind you of the dynamic of this fic, this chapter, a certain character... This goes for any of my writing. Music is a second language, in my opinion, which is why I use song quotes at the start of my chapters. So comment songs to give me inspiration! Or just songs you think I should listen to, period. I'm always looking for new music.

7. One last thing: The cover, while designed by the ever-lovely Abby, AKA Raybanned, features a screencap from a Stydia fanvid. (Not my screencap, either.) I don't remember which one, but round-of-a-freaking-plause for their Photoshop game. Anyway, no, it's not from a real scene. (Also, that's why Stiles isn't wearing glasses, but we'll see if I can't turn it into a totally-in-context scene in Enchanted.)


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