Scanned- A reader x IQ story

By WriterPig125

109K 778 1.7K

Y/n Bosak is the adopted brother of Zofia and Ela Bosak. After being an orphan on the streets of Berlin until... More

1st Day Off, Part 1
1st Day off, Part 2/Carnival
First Day
The Date
Up and Running
A/n #1
Baby, Again?
Family Reunion?
The acog's and the red dots
Happy Birthday Marius!
Noobies? Part 2
Pool Day
Story Preview
Ability (Gun Fist!)
Operation Stinging Nettle
Big Day

Closing Chapter

2.1K 18 27
By WriterPig125

Somewhere around 4 years after last chapter:

This chapter is just going to be a random day in the distant future of this story that leads up to the next story.

Monika POV

I woke up to find Y/n missing from his spot next to me in bed. I checked my clock and it read 7:30. Y/n is never awake this early anymore. I opened the door to Eleyna's room and found her window wide open. Her window opened into the front yard, which was on a decently busy suburban street in Hereford.

Shit. I jumped out the window, still in my pink pajamas, and fell into a net. A goddamn net! It's not like I would've gotten hurt from a climb out of the first floor window, but still. What are those two up to?

After I threw the net off myself I looked around the yard until I found Y/n's phone with a note stating read me in sloppily scribbled letterr. I opened it, and it was a video of two 'soldiers' with clearly altered voices saying I'd better hotline them 10,000 cookies or I'd 'get it'.

"The hell?"

"Mommy said a naughty word!"

I turned around to see Ellie wearing her old Halloween army soldier costume and sitting in the shrubs, a chuckling Y/n beside her.

"What the heck do you two think you're doing up so early?"

Y/n- Messing with you."

"And what got the two of you up so early? You're rarely awake before 10 on an off day Y/n."

Y/n, rubbing the back of his head- I was going through a really bad night terror and I guess you slept through it, but Ellie must've come into our room during the night and she woke me up."

The night terrors. Y/n has them really bad. He freaks out almost every night in his sleep and screams things. It's horrifying to hear it. He screams my name, and about the white masks. For some reason I don't get them. I think he got it from helplessly watching me get knocked out and then seeing me abused at the cocaine factory.

"So you decided to use that extra time to scare the living bejesus out of me and create a fake interrogation scene?"

Y/n- Hey, I wanted the cookies too. A plethora of sweets would keep us occupied for a long time. This was a joint operation, and you were the hostile."

Ellie giggled as her dad used words that flew right over her head.

Y/n smirked at me- Since you didn't comply with the ransom, I guess you're getting eliminated."

Ellie pulled a nerf revolver out of her camo waistcoat, aimed, and 'shot' me 'dead'.

I exaggeratedly fell to the ground and shouted out- Bleh! I am dead!"

Y/n fist bumped Ellie- Ya know what kiddo? Now that mommies 'taken care of' I can take you to the mini-mart and we can buy as many cookies as we can eat."

Ellie- Yay! Down with the communist tyrant! Cookies for all!"

I can't believe that Y/n set this whole thing up just to get some cookies. Eh, I guess it seems like she had a lot of fun setting it up with him. Also, I don't think Ellie knows what a commie is, nor did she use it right.

As soon as the two of them turned I stood up and spoke- And how is that going to fit on the budget Y/n?"

Y/n froze mid walk and turned with a face of terror.

Y/n fell to his knees- Dear god no! Not the budget! Bleh!" He pretended to be force choked and reached for his neck.

He then rolled over and also 'died'.

I turned and looked at Ellie before speaking- How about the two of you help me bake some cookies with a mix that I have?"

Ellie's six year old face immediately lit up and ran inside the house. I waited a little bit for Y/n to get up before I placed a light kiss on his cheek.

"Hon, thanks for setting this all up with Ellie."

Y/n retaliated to my kiss by placing his hand around my ass and squeezing as he pulled me in close. I gave a little yip from surprise and after a few moments of cuddling we walked inside to see Ellie sitting on the counter, still wearing her fake army costume, ready to bake.

Ellie- C'mon mommy, let's cook these!"

"Ok. How about I go change and daddy helps you start the cookies?"

Ellie excitedly nodded her head up and down, extremely excited by the fact that she was actually going to get to eat cookies later.

I gave a sly grin to Y/n. I knew that the only things he could cook were Ramen and hot dogs, but it would be funny to listen to him suffer for a few minutes.

I got changed and walked out to see at least 5 bowls that were half full of cookie dough.

"Umm, Y/n, how many cookies are we making?"

Y/n, reading off the box- Well, to make 24 cookies, it says use 3 boxes."

"Yes Y/n, three boxes for a Party of 20!"

Y/n- Oh. Well then. Let's call the neighbors!"

I gently pushed Y/n out of the way as I started laying the cookie dough out on sheets.

"Go call Zofia and Ela, tell them I'm going to need to enlist their ovens."


Those cookies were delicious. With the help of Y/n's sisters we were able to cook all of them easily within 2 hours. But as a punishment and to mess with the guys, only the kids were allowed to have cookies until we were completely done. I think Elias cried inside when he heard that, and Y/n looked completely broken. I had Zofia watch the 3 boys like a hawk. Ellie snuck Y/n a chocolate chip, but I let it slide. I swear those 3 guys were like piranhas to the cookies.

Danny grabbed a wooden spoon that was laying out and started shoving chocolate chip cookies into his mouth like a whale. By the time Zofia had given him a slap to the back of the head, much to Sonia's approval, he must've eaten 15 cookies.

Zofia- Bad Danny bad! You mustn't set bad examples for the children!"

Danny- Babe, I'm already missing an eye from war. I think that's example enough."

Elias- Yes, now give us the cookies woman!"

Zofia- Fine. I guess you'all can eat now."

Although it was a little cramped with 8 people in a tiny little 3 story townhouse, most everyone fit in the kitchen and living room. I saw Y/n sitting on the couch, feeding cookie after cookie to Ellie.

"Y/n, you'd better slow that down on she's going to get a tummy ache, and you're gonna be the one watching her!"

Y/n- Fiiine. If you want to be the one to take away the one love of your daughters life, than so be it."

Y/n lifted up Ellie's hair and whispered something into her ear before she looked at me with a clearly fake depressed face. God does Y/n like to use Ellie to mess with me.

"Alright, fine. She gets 2 more cookies."

Y/n- Only two?"


I left the two of them to sulk as I went into the kitchen. Ela was sitting on the counter with Elias and they were feeding each other cookies or something like that, I don't really know, but it was cute. How they manage to seem like they're dating yet they've been married for over 5 years amazes me. I turned the next corner to see Zofia and Danny playing what I think was poker on the dining room table, with Sonia closely watching them. I swear that kid is a genius, she's gonna become a swindler if she doesn't join the military.

"How are you guys playing cards when there's cookies to be eaten?"

Zofia- Sonia wanted Danny to show her how to card-shark."


Zofia- So she can beat other 2nd graders in cards for lunch money."

"Is that illegal?"

Danny- I don't think so. I did it until I got the shit beaten out of me in highschool. It was an easy way to make a few bucks for a Wawa Hogie Sandwich."

"Good point."


After everyone left Y/n put a very tired and bloated Ellie to bed before crawling into the bed. As soon as he got into the bed he planted featherlight kisses onto my neck, making me release a weak moan.

He grinned and pulled me closer as his lips moved up to my chin and then my mouth. he was constantly giving light kisses, not something he does often. Y/n's more of a rough and tough guy. After his tongue took a short pitstop at my mouth, he moved his lips back down to my shoulders, still planting little kisses, causing a tickle to run down my spine.


As I slowly faded out of consciousness, I looked over and saw that Y/n was already snoring peacefully beside me. Not wanting to disturb him, I planted a gentle kiss on his forehead and fell asleep.

Who knew that one electronics sweep could lead to such a wonderful life?


Yes, it is over, but it will not be marked as completely. I will post the first chapter in next book as soon as it is completed. This next story will be a continuation of the Bosak Legacy.


Description: Eleyna "Ellie" Bosak is a 21 year old soldier who was accepted into Rainbow under the British SAS. Raised by current soldiers Y/n and Monika Bosak, much is to be expected of Eleyna. Can she coup with handling school, love, and war at the same time? Can she keep her fiery temper under control?

After the mysterious disappearance of the 10 year Rainbow director Harry, Seamus Cowden has been put in command. How will he handle the rising threats and attacks coming from a new insurgent group? What will he do? And how will Ellie affect his plans?

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