Dance with Me, Chaton

Door ChocoluckChipz

16.6K 929 737

Adrien had always been an obedient son, allowing his Father to manipulate him every which way. Once an adult... Meer

Civilian Lives
Lucky Charm
Bad Luck Charm
A Helping Hand
Sick Day
Animal Tendencies
Ticking Clock
True Love's Kiss
Giving up
Hawkmoth's Defeat
Community Service
Kwami Swap
Waiting on You

Identity Reveal

531 32 20
Door ChocoluckChipz

Adrien ran. Going home to take his car would've probably been faster, but Adrien couldn't think straight.

Ladybug and her Chaton.

There was only one person whom Adrien could've called that name. Only one person called him Chaton in return.

He ran faster.



There had to be some clues on his phone. He was sure there were. At least he could see if Ladybug texted him yet. If he failed to find her yesterday, she would've texted him already. She did every morning. And if not, well, he only hoped she didn't see him making out with Marinette... if she wasn't her, of course. Because as it stood now... The thought of Marinette being his Lady...

The club in his sight, Adrien dug deep and sprinted.

"My name is—Adrien Agreste. I forgot—my phone—here. Yesterday," he said in one breath as soon as he reached the bartender.

"I remember you." The guy smirked. "The non-drinking guy who downed a bottle of vodka with a girl and didn't make it to a room."

Adrien closed his eyes, still trying to catch his breath. "Yeah, I got it. Everyone saw. Can you tell me where I can find my phone?"

"Model and colour?"

Adrien answered.

"Can I see your ID?"

Adrien pulled out his driver's license.

"Here." The bartender drew his phone from somewhere below the bar.

"Thanks," Adrien murmured, grabbing the device. It was dead. He growled and ran again. This time back to his apartment. The moment his phone was back on, Adrien feverishly unlocked it. There were quite a few missed calls and messages, most from his father and publicist. He ignored them, clicking on Discord.

Chat Noir: Hello. Where are you?

Ladybug: At the bar. Having fun with my crush.

Chat Noir: What's the name of my rival?

Ladybug: Adrien.

Chat Noir: <image1584>

Chat Noir: I'm right beside this lady. Can you show me your Adrien?

Ladybug: <image1281>

The last message was sent only an hour ago.

Ladybug: So, I guess you found me yesterday, huh?

Adrien's lips spread into a lovesick grin. Marinette. His Lady was Marinette. The most awesome girl he'd ever met was also the one he was slowly falling for the last few weeks. On both sides of her identity.

Chat Noir: Now I have a legitimate excuse for giving you those hickeys.

She replied right away.

Ladybug: Are you trying to get out of making it up to me?

Chat Noir: Not at all. I'm just saying, I'm not a creep who jumped you for no reason.

Ladybug: Do you want to get together and discuss this and "reasons" and other stuff, like the fact that you're my boss?

Chat Noir: When and where? And I wouldn't worry about the boss stuff. Father's regulations concerning in-company dating are pretty lax and personally, he couldn't care less.

Adrien tried to push the worry away. He didn't lie: Gabriel truly couldn't care less about his employees dating as long as it didn't influence their work. However, Adrien was his son, and that little aspect might affect how his father would react. He didn't want to talk about it now, though. Marinette was his Ladybug! He'd deal with his father when he got there. For now, let him just bathe in happiness he'd never thought possible.

Ladybug: Let's talk about it tonight. I have to go to my parents for dinner in an hour, but I can make it out in two hours? So, I'll be free at seven?

Adrien checked his messages. Nothing from Plagg which didn't mean he didn't have to go today. Just not in the next few hours.

Chat Noir: Seven works for me. I'll pick you up at your parents' bakery?

Ladybug: No way. If my parents see us (and believe me, they will) we aren't getting out. Stop a block or two away and text me when you're there.

Chat Noir: Got it.

Ladybug: Have to go now. See you soon, Chaton. <3

Chat Noir: Have fun. Ttyl, my Lady. <3

His heart struggling to beat consistently, Adrien grinned at the screen, biting at his lip. She wanted to see him! She even sent him a heart! Being fully aware of his identity and everything he did, including all the embarrassing incidents he'd had.

His breathing hitched as he scrolled higher. He was her crush! He must be dreaming but no, there it was: black letters on a white background. She called him her crush!

He grinned wider. Dreams do come true. Marinette liked him back.

Wait! Was... was this a date then? The word hadn't been said, but it sure sounded like one. He'd better prepare. Just in case. He had three hours until he had to pick her up. That should be more than enough to plan something. Location first. They'd probably want somewhere private to talk. The public had seen too much of them already... speaking of which, he'd better make sure that video was taken down soon. Note to himself: call back Nathalie and his publicist as soon as he finished planning the possible date.

So, should he bring her home? Nah. It might send the wrong message, and he'd rather avoid that. They needed to talk it out first. Her place was out of the question for the same reason. Restaurants were too busy and full of people. Plus, she'd be having dinner with her parents, so a restaurant was a No. They needed somewhere quiet. Maybe they could go to a park or stroll along the Seine? The Seine was probably a better option, less touristy places there. Or he could drive them to one of the more remote places... The farther from the centre of the city, the better. Adrien held his breath. He knew the perfect place. He hadn't been there in years, but it was perfect! Done. Now, off to change his clothes and get flowers because he absolutely had to bring her flowers...

Three hours later, Adrien stood in front of his car a block away from Tom and Sabine's bakery, a bag with Marinette's clean clothes in one hand, a red rose in his other, and a text message sent a few minutes back. She didn't take long to appear.

"Hey." Marinette waved and smiled at him, her cheeks adorably pink.

"Hi," Adrien echoed, frozen in his place. Gosh, she looked amazing. Her hair tied up in a messy ponytail, a red top, paired with a fitted, cropped jeans and red sandal heels. A simple clutch and a few bracelets for accessories. Adrien forgot how to breathe. There was a reason Marinette got into Gabriel all on her own. She certainly knew how to dress to impress.

"You look amazing," Adrien whispered.

"Thank you," Marinette said. "We'd better get out of here before my parents see us. Papa wanted to take Maman for a walk just now."

"Kay," he mumbled and didn't move, his half-lidded eyes glued to Marinette. She had a crush on him. Him! This amazing woman thought he was worthy of love.

Marinette giggled and pointed to his car. "Is this yours?"

"Yes." He stirred and offered her a rose. "For you."

"Thank you." Marinette smiled, taking the flower.

Adrien opened the door for her. "After you."

Marinette settled in. As soon as he closed the door behind himself, she asked, "So where are we going?"

"A little garden by the Seine on the outskirts of Paris. It's the most private public place I could think of for tonight."

"Sounds good."

Adrien drove off. His hands sweaty, he glanced at Marinette fiddling with the rose.

"Is it all right?"

She looked at him questionably. "What do you mean?"

"The temperature. Should I make it colder or warmer?"

She smiled. "It's perfect. Thank you."

He let a few cars pass at an intersection, before making a turn.

"Do you want some music?"


Adrien turned on his favourite radio station and Jagged Stone's tune ripped through space. He hurried to turn the volume down.


She chuckled. "That's fine. I love Jagged."

"Me too!"

Another intersection. Red light. Light traffic. He almost missed their turn.

"How was the—"

"How was your—"

They both chuckled.

"You go first," Adrien offered.

"I just wanted to know how was your day?"

"Not bad. Lots of running around."

"You didn't get in trouble with your father? For that video?"

"Not much," Adrien shrugged. "He's too preoccupied with his own problems to get me in real trouble. I was summoned more for a scolding than anything else."

"That sucks. I'm sorry."

He slammed the brakes, a motorcycle cutting in in front of them. "Sorry."

"That's fine."

They stopped at a red light.

"How was dinner?"

"Good. As always. You know my parents. They are easy to please just by showing up."

"They seem very nice."

"They are. I'm lucky to be their daughter."

The car in front of them suddenly stopped. Adrien slammed the breaks again.

"Sorry. I'm usually a better driver. I promise. Don't know what's going on today."

Marinette laughed. "You're alive and your car isn't dented. I'd say you're a decent driver."

He concentrated on the road, terrified of making a mistake. They could talk later. For now, Adrien had to focus on getting them there safely.

"So," Marinette broke the silence a few moments later. "You are Chat Noir?"

Adrien nodded. "And you're Ladybug."

She hummed.

They fell into silence. Why was it so awkward now when they could chat for hours online and had no issues talking as Adrien and Marinette before knowing they were also Chat Noir and Ladybug? Was it—

"Okay, I have to know: do you really dislike your father's new line?" Marinette asked. "Because I thought—"

"That if I'm his son, I must love everything he produces?"

"Kind of?"

Adrien huffed. "Please. I don't think he really likes it himself. But he was tipsy and Audrey Bourgeois had it out for him. It all happened way too fast, and now he's dead set on going through with that ridiculous bet with his head high."

"So, technically, we didn't have a chance for him to change his mind in the first place?"

"I was hoping more people than just me would appeal to his reason," Adrien replied.

Marinette sighed. "Well, high fashion is full of ridiculous outfits. Let's just hope it'll pass as one of those 'made for art, rather than wearability' things."

Adrien chuckled. "I'm sure everyone would look at it that way. Though, usually, it's a few outfits in a line, not most of it."

"There is always a first for everything," Marinette snickered. "And your father did start a few new trends over the years. Maybe this time it's us who don't get his genius?"

"I really hope that's the case," Adrien chuckled. "Otherwise, I can't see how Gabriel can remain at the top, considering it's already in the middle of at least two scandals."

"The designers' firing?"

"Yeah. Father's trying to contain it, but from what I've heard, the damage is already done, and if he'd managed to salvage his reputation with payouts only, he'd be lucky."

Marinette sighed and said nothing for a few moments. "What's the other one?"


She nodded.

"Us," Adrien said. "#AgresteMakeOut. Though Nathalie assured me she took the video down and it should die out soon."

Marinette turned to watch the scenery in her window, whispering, "It seems I'm at the centre of both scandals. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it." Adrien used the few moments he had at a red light and turned to Marinette, placing his hand on top of hers. "You might be involved, but it was me who pushed it into a scandal territory both times. And since I've been the perfect son all my life, I think it's time I caused my father a few troubles already. Otherwise, how will he experience the full joy of parenthood?"

Marinette giggled. "Still—"

"No stills, no buts, no worries," Adrien said. "We'll have time for those later. For now, let's just enjoy this evening and take one thing at a time."

"Okay." Marinette smiled at him and switched the topic to something unrelated to the main issue on both of their minds.

They arrived at the park shortly after. Majestic trees serving as a canopy, bountiful of bushes and flowers nestled on the sides of wide walks, vining between spacious lawns. Not many people walked around. Birds' singing filled the space instead. The park housed multiple benches, but Adrien led Marinette to the one from which they could see the sunset over the Seine and the part of the city in the background.

"It's so pretty here," she said, looking around.

"My mom used to take me here for walks when I was a kid," Adrien said, sitting down. "She loved it."

"I can see why."

Shyly, Marinette joined Adrien on the bench, her eyes focused on the scenery, cheeks the prettiest shade of pink. The conversation stagnated, neither brave enough to start.

"So..." Marinette started a few awkward moments later. "We wanted to talk?"

"We did," Adrien replied. A light breeze blew by, bringing a faint, flowery scent of the nearby blooms. There was a distant noise of people chatting and cars passing somewhere far away. Adrien nibbled on his lip, fiddling with his fingers. "You did an incredible job on covering the hickeys. I can't see a thing."

Marinette suppressed a snort. "Thanks. The girl from the store was most helpful."

He rubbed at the back of his neck. "I read our chat from yesterday."

"So did I."

"You said you had a crush on me."

Her face went crimson, eyes snapping to him. "I was drunk! I could've claimed to be a long-lost love child of Namibian Princess or an elephant from the Mars!"

Adrien laughed.

"Not funny," Marinette pouted. "I warned you I say nonsense when I'm drunk."

His chest tightened, smile vanishing from his face. "So, you lie when you're drunk?"

"Not necessary, but I can say stuff I don't mean."

He searched her face for a moment, something tightening in his throat. "So, you don't have a crush on me?"

She didn't answer, bowing her head and hiding her face in her hands.

His gaze falling to the ground, Adrien sighed. "I... Sorry, I thought... I assumed... hoped at least..."

"Maybe a little," she murmured into palms. "Tiny teensy one. Miniscule. Ridiculously small. Like almost non-existent."

Adrien grinned, joy filling his chest as he scooted closer and took Marinette's hands away from her face. "Really?"

"You can't shame me," Marinette pouted. "I've had a crush on you since I was, like, thirteen. I admit—a celebrity crush at first, but then it grew into something more. And now that I've met you in person—why do I even have to justify myself to you, anyway? It's your fault for being all flirty and gorgeous and kind and fun and completely amazing and don't you get me started on those Pet Me, Marinette thingy! Do you even realize I almost died in there?" She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's not like I'm not allowed to have a crush, anyway, so I'm not sorry, but it's completely your fault."

Adrien laughed and threw his arms around Marinette, pulling her into a hug. His head buried into her hair, Adrien whispered, "Wasn't I the antisocial, thinking-that-he's-better-than-anyone-else son of Gabriel Agreste? How did you still like me?"

Marinette tensed for a moment, but once he wrapped his arms around her tighter, she relaxed. "One reason I've been so ecstatic to work at Gabriel was because I thought it would allow me to meet you. But then you were never around, and when you were, you never paid much attention to any of us, always rushing away as soon as you were free. My crush got squished pretty fast, and rumours were swirling around, and I was in a vulnerable place, so I might have believed them. That's until I've met you, of course, but I'm still sorry."

"It's me who's sorry," Adrien murmured into her hair. "I was too busy to notice you before. To notice anyone. My loss. If only I'd known there was such a sweet and beautiful girl who liked me."

"I'm sure there were and still are plenty of girls who like you, Adrien."

He shook his head, a bittersweet smile on his lips. "I'm sure there are. I mean I get dozens of Valentine cards every year—"

"Oh, gosh, no!" Marinette groaned, dropping her head into her hands.

Adrien pulled away and frowned. "What's wrong? Did I say something?"

"Please, don't hate me," she whispered through her hands.

"Why would I hate you?"

"I used to send you letters every Valentine until I was about eighteen. I'm such a fool. I didn't even sign them."

Adrien sucked in the air. "You didn't sign them?"

Marinette shook her head. "I kept forgetting or was too ashamed."

Adrien chuckled and gently lifted her face to his. "Please, tell me you also put little hearts over your Is?"

She looked at him. "Yes? Why?"

Adrien grinned, pulling her back into a hug. "Every year there was only one unsigned card, and I always thought that person was the only sincere one. They didn't expect me to reply. They just told me their feelings, and that was it. It was cute. I ended up looking forward to your cards, and I might have kept them all."

"You kept them?"

"Yup. Not only that: I reread them often."

"No," Marinette whined. "They were cringy. Why would you do that?"

"They're beautiful." Adrien smiled, pulling Marinette close. "Just like you."

Her lips parted, eyes widening just a speck as Adrien leaned forward.

"I really like you, Marinette. As Ladybug and as Marinette."

She gulped, her cheeks darkening. "You... you like me?"

"Very much," Adrien whispered, cradling her face with his hands.

Marinette's lips parted in an airy, shy smile.

He gave her one of her own and leaned in.

Her breaths shallow, Marinette let wet her lips, her eyes fluttering closed.

That was all the permission Adrien needed. He pulled her closer. Soft breaths burned at his skin, her lips just a speck away—

His phone rang a particular tune.

His body tensing, Adrien growled, closing his eyes. Barely breathing, he pulled back and giving Marinette an apologetic smile, murmured, "I'm sorry. I have to take this one."

Adorably flustered, she squeaked something incoherent and pulled away.

He didn't take his eyes off her, fishing for his phone. The annoying voice from his cellphone brought him back to reality.

"You didn't answer my messages."

Adrien frowned. "I didn't get any. Good evening to you, too."

"Get a better phone then," Plagg grunted. "Can't you afford it?"

"My phone is fine. You haven't sent me anything."

"I did and every single one of them said that you have a session in ten minutes."

Adrien pressed his lips together. Plagg was lying. He was sure he was. But then, his phone had been off for some time. If Plagg wasn't lying and he'd missed his messages, what else did he miss? Funny though, how in the last four hours Adrien had his phone back, Plagg hadn't sent him a single message... "I'm sorry, but I can't make it tonight."

"Bullshit. I'll see you in ten."

"Plagg, I can't make it. I'm serious. I'm out of the city. Can't I have a day off?"

"Absolutely not, but I'll give you an hour to get here."

Adrien growled, his body tensing. His pulse sped up, heat coursing through his body. Enough! He'd have enough. "You know what! I've had enough! I quit! You win!"

He disconnected and shoved his cellphone on the bench beside himself. Closing his eyes, Adrien dropped his head into his hands. His lips pressed together, he growled. He quit! He'd wanted to quit for a long time, and now he did! Plagg had it coming. He did it to himself. There was no need to make Adrien this miserable, no need to mess up his schedule, his sleep, his sanity. He was tired of his bullshit. He was mentally and physically exhausted! He had a right to quit. Plagg hadn't even taught him dancing yet! Why would Adrien stick around and let that selfish glutton torture him even more?

Then... why did he feel like he'd just lost something important then?

A light touch to his shoulder. Adrien looked at Marinette, apology written all over his face. "I'm sorry. I just... that was my butt camp instructor... and I just—"

"Plagg?" Marinette looked at him with her eyes wide. "You said he's name was Plagg?"

Adrien sighed, "Yeah, Plagg. Camembert-stinking tyrant Plagg. He even has a throne," he scoffed. "Can you believe it?"

Marinette squealed in return. "I only know of one Plagg in the whole of Paris. What does he train you in?"

"He was supposed to teach me dancing, but so far—"

She gasped, her eyes widening. Immediately, she was on her knees in front of him, grabbing his hands. "Oh my gosh! Adrien! You got invited???"

He looked at the ring on his finger. "I think so? The day I visited Kwami Kave, after they kicked me out, I helped an old man on the street. He gave me this ring and Plagg's card. I was curious, so I called him, and it all snowballed from there."

Marinette grinned in excitement. "Adrien. That's amazing! He invited you. Plagg chose you. Do you even realize how awesome this is?"

He frowned. "No? There is nothing awesome about that glutton. All he cares about is his reeking cheese and making me miserable."

Marinette giggled. "Well, Master Plagg is peculiar, but if he chose you, it means he's quite fond of you."

"Hard to believe he feels anything for anyone but his cheese."

"I beg to differ." Marinette stood up. "We should go. You can't be late."

"I just quit. I can't go."

"Text him back," Marinette begged. "He'll take you back. Please, Adrien, I know he's harsh, but I promise you, Master Plagg has a heart of gold. His approach is just... different, but if he chose you it means you need him."

"I need my sleep," Adrien grunted. "I need some normalcy back in my life."

She shook her head. "I can't tell you much because I don't know your life, Adrien, but if you stick with Master Plagg and pass his training, your life would never be the same. My dance trainer practically saved my life. It was also hard; believe me, I've been there. But it's only at the start. Tikki's become my best friend and still helps me with so much even now. I could never go back to the way I lived before. Do you want to live the way you've lived so far, or would you be willing to try something different? Something that might be much better than what you have now? You can always go back if you'd like but don't quit before you reached the end to see what's there."

She looked at him with her eyes wide and begging. Her hands gently holding hers, Marinette still lightly squeezed his. "Please?" she whispered. "Give him another chance."

Adrien inhaled deeply and squeezed her hands back, closing his eyes and bowing his head. How could he say no to her? "Alright. I'll give it another go."

Marinette launched forward, throwing her arms around Adrien. "Thank you! Master Plagg is full of surprises. Good ones, I swear."

He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. "Hard to believe there is anything good in him, but I'll believe you."

She pulled away a little and kissed his cheek, cradling his face in her hands. "It'll get easier, I promise. You'll love the end."

"As long as you're by my side," he whispered, lavishing under her touch. "I can take anything. Any kind of end, as long as you're there."

"I will be," she whispered back, her head leaning closer. "I'll be with you all the way till the end, Chaton."


She lightly touched his lips with hers. "Promise."

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