What if?

By thevelvetrose

193K 1.8K 668

*Currently Editing* (Read my stories Horrifying New Start, Rise Against, then It Ends here.. first) *This i... More

Chapter One: Samantha Peters
What if? (2)
What if? (3)
What if? (4)
What if? (6)
What if? (7)
What if? (8)
What if? (9)
What if? (10)
What if? (11)
What if? (12)
(part 2) What if? (1)
What if? (2)
What if? (3)
What if? (4)
What if? (5)
What If? (6)
What If? (7)
What If? (8)
What If? (9)
(Part 3) What If? (1)
What If? (2)
What If? (3)
What If? (4) Final Chapter

What If? (5)

9K 82 21
By thevelvetrose


“I’m sorry, not pregnant” The doctor said.

Weird. I felt… sad? How can I be bothered by this? I mean, I am being forced here, but yet I’m upset.

Maybe because after seeing Penelope with Rosie, it just made me think of children. Gosh I’m sick!

I guess I’ve always pictured myself with a family.. I’m nuts! I should be put in the loony house!

I got off the chair and followed Jack back to the room in silence.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t help your race” I said.

He smiled a small smile and then laid on the couch.

I could tell he was in deep thought by the way he smiled..


I’ve lost track of how long I’ve been here, I guess two and a half months or so.

Ugh, I caught whatever sickness Zoey had. I felt like I was dying. I whimpered in the bed as I attempted to sit up.

“Just lay down, what do you need?” Jack asked.

“I need.. My mommy” I whined.

“What does your mom do when you’re sick?”

“She makes the extremely salty corn chowder, then sings to me, then she turns on Casablanca, which I hate because old films freak me out.. You know, maybe my mom wasn’t the best care taker” I coughed.

“Well, I can make you soup and give you an official Twiad book” He flashed a smile.

I tried to give a small smile of approval, but of course I was so weak that it turned into a grimace and some puking into a little orange bucket.

Jack held my hair and looked out the little unbreakable window so he wouldn’t throw up like I did.. Like he did earlier when I threw up fish and it smelled horrible.

It was hysterical until his throwing up, made me throw up more.

“Here’s some vegetable soup, please just try to eat it” He handed it to me.

He lifted me up so that I was sitting up, then he propped the soup onto a little tray on my lap.

I lifted the spoon and took a bite, only to throw it up into the gross orange bucket.

“My cooking cant be that bad” He said with a smile playing on his lips.

“Not your cooking.. My stomach”

“I need to take your temperature.. Bend over”

“Excuse me?”

“I was just messing with you, you should have seen the look on your face” He chuckled and shook his head.


I coughed and stuck the thermometer in my mouth.. Beep, beep, beep. Jack looked at it and took the soup off my lap.

“What?” I asked.

“Your fever is too high, I need to cool you down” He said quickly.

He lifted me up and then carried me out the door and then in minutes we were outside the great wall that I had dug under a month or so ago.

It was super chilly out here, unnatural because I was out here just a week or so ago when Jack let me walk around inside the wall, and it was hot out then.

He sat down up against a tree with me in his lap. I whimpered at the cold night, I whimpered at the pain I was in from the sickness.

“Just five more minutes okay?” He said.

“Why did you take me outside? Its way too cold out. What happened to the wash rag method?” I complained.

“A wash rag wouldn’t cool you down fast enough, plus I like the great outdoors, its peaceful”

It was peaceful. Well other then the chattering of my teeth or the need to throw up every time you think you smell food.

After a few minutes, he picked me up and took me back inside.

“I need to put an IV in you because you cant keep liquids down” He told me.

“N-No needles” I pleaded.

“Here is some tea, now I will give you some and you will have to try to keep it down okay?”

I nodded. Anything sounded better then needles. He forcefully opened my mouth and poured the tea in, then held my mouth shut.

“Its just until you get it down. Okay?” He said as he held my jaw shut.

After having about a cup or so of tea poured down my throat, about a third of it came up and got all over Jack’s hand. I must say, I was having trouble breathing because I laughed so hard.

He groaned and washed his hand, then told me that I did that on purpose (If I could, I would)

“Feeling any better?” He asked after I managed to get some more liquids in me.

“Just peachy” I grumbled.

He chuckled and got a wet cloth and dabbed it on my forehead.

“You’re so lucky you cant catch this” I told him. After what he had told me earlier, he was very lucky to be a Twiad. This was awful.

“I know” He flashed a smile.

(Two weeks later..)

Jack walked into the room, seeming stressed. I figured it was because yet another shot didn’t work for me, but then he looked at me with green/brown eyes.

“There is a disease spreading, making women have miscarriages, so they are taking the healthy ones to the houses in the woods” He explained.

“Wow. So do I go?” I asked.

“No, there wont be enough space where they are taking them, and its only the pregnant getting sick.. You will stay here like normal”

“Oh.. Okay” I muttered.

I looked down at my sketches and started thinking.. What if I cant get pregnant? Ever? What will happen to me? Will they take me back home? Or maybe just keep trying till I die? Or.. Maybe kill me?

I shook my head to shove the images out.

He seemed stressed, so I got up and sat next to him with my sketch pad.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“I’m drawing you” I told him.


“Cause you’re hand-some” I sang the last part.

He rolled his eyes.

“Just hold still” I commanded.

I’m no artist, this is just something I do in my free time.. But it was pretty fun drawing him.. Looking at him..

He stayed completely still.

About half an hour later, I finished up.

“Okay, so I made your eyes green” I told him.

“Let me see” He reached for my book.

“No” I pulled it away from his reach.

“I cant see my own handsome face?” He raised a brow.

“Eh.. No”

“Why not?”

“I cant draw good”

“You can draw really well”

“How would you know mister?”

“Because I’ve seen your drawings”

“You what!?!”

He shrugged. Not caring that I was flabbergasted (big word) by what he did. Although I shouldn’t be.

“I was curious” He told me.

“Well.. You wont be seeing this one” I shook my head.

“I’ll wait till you fall asleep”

“I will sleep with my sketch pad in my arms”

“Pft, you roll over to MY side of the bed anyway.. You’re just making things easier for me” He smirked, messing with me.

“Oh, so you’re saying that you’re sleeping in the bed tonight? I didn’t say you could”

“I normally sleep in that bed” He pointed to my bed.

“Not tonight honey.. You lost those privileges”

“Aw.. Well what can I do to earn them back?”

“You have to swear that you wont look at my drawings again!”

He rolled his eyes.

“Fine.. Then you have to… make me cupcakes” I challenged.


“Now get up and make them then” I smiled.

He leaped up and patted me on the head as he headed to the kitchen. I feel so powerful.

(Days later..)

I woke up next to Jack of course. I was practically laying on him, but he didn’t mind the least bit.

He was awake I could tell, just because his breathing wasn’t even.

There was a sound in the hallway suddenly.. Sounding like a gunshot.

I looked at Jack, he was looking at the door confused.

“What was that?” I asked quietly.

“Not us” He breathed, then leaped up off the bed and towards the door.

“What are you doing?” I asked frightened.

“I’m going to see what’s going on” He said, but then he stopped and looked at me.

Suddenly he threw the kitchen door open and came back with a knife.. And handed it to me.

He’s trusting me with a sharp object in my hand? Wow… this is serious.

“Here is a key to the door. Lock it when I leave, I have a key to get back in okay?” He said in a too calm voice.

“O-Okay” I nodded.

I stood up and took the key that was different then I was used to. Not flat, but round. Then I started to worry.

He went to the door, but my hand reached out and gripped onto his arm to stop him.

“Don’t go!” I said panicked.

“You’ll be fine. I promise”

Is it weird that I hadn’t once thought of myself getting hurt? No, I was thinking about him going out there where the gun shots were and.. I don’t want him hurt?

No I don’t. I hated him when I got here for obvious reasons, but I don’t hate him anymore. I guess being here over two months and seeing him everyday changes things.

I was determined to keep him here.

“Let go of my arm, I need to go out there” He told me.


“Please” His bottom lip was out a little. Normally he only does that when I don’t eat my carrots.

I shook my head.

“Don’t leave me” I begged.

The next thing that happened was so shocking, I couldn’t believe it.

His arm snaked around my waist, yanking me into him. And he kissed me. On the lips. But that’s not what shocked me. What shocked me, was that I was kissing him back.

I had Goosebumps and my lips tingled. Have I lost my mind?

Was it because he might die? Or did I actually have some hidden feelings for my kidnapper?

His hands were in my hair, which I didn’t mind the least bit.. What was I worried about again?

Then we heard two gunshots in the hall, making us break apart from each other.

My hands let go of his arm and I stared at the door.

“I have to go.. I‘ll come back ” He told me and quickly slipped out the door.

Oh gosh! What have I done? I was on the brink of hyperventilating when it occurred to me that I might not see him again. If he dies.. What happens to me?

I don’t want him dead, I used to but not now.

I wanted to fight, but of course I’m slow and weak, so I would most likely die in five seconds. Who was attacking? How long will it take Jack to come back?

Oh gosh Jack, why leave me here?

Wait.. I have the key to leave this room, and I could just run and hide in a ship or something right?

I could go home..

But I couldn’t find it in myself to just leave, because Jack is out there somewhere. Maybe dead.. I hoped so much that he was okay.

I leaned against the wall beside the door with the sharp kitchen knife in my shaky hand, waiting for Jack’s return.

Its been five hours or so since Jack left me. My stomach was in a knot, because I was so sure he was dead.

My lips still tingled where he had kissed me. He’s not coming back for me. I’m going to die in here.

Its been eight hours since Jack left me. I was on edge because I’ve heard several gunshots, right outside my door.

He’s dead. That’s it. I’m all alone.

I’ll die from a heart attacked. I have been eating though. I’ve been nervous and nibbling on something helps.

I was still shaking. A lot. It was ridiculous. The doorknob shook and I cowardly hid behind the couch.

Then the door open and slammed closed. This is how I die.

“Samantha?” I recognized Jack’s voice, so I eagerly leaped out from behind the couch and tackled him with a hug.

“Gosh, I thought I was going to die in here-” I began. “You’re bleeding”

His left arm had a gash in it, and blood was dripping down his arm onto the floor.

“Its just a cut” He told me.

“A cut? Yeah right.. What’s happening out there?”

The doorknob shook again, then there was pounding on the door. Jack grabbed my hand and we ran into the kitchen and he locked the door behind us.

All the lights were off in here.

I was blind, but Jack managed to find me and when I heard the door in the other room bust open, I started to scream. Who knows why, I just did.

Jack’s hand was over my mouth, and he pressed against me, so I was between him and the wall.

This was a little too close for me. I mean, he was smashed against me. I know I should be thinking about safety, but all I could think about was if he realized how close he was to me.

The kitchen door was shaking, someone was trying to get in.

“Samantha, I’m going to push you up into the air vent” Jack’s anxious whisper was in my ear, his breath making hairs stand up on the back of my neck.

“O-Okay captain” I stuttered.

I heard something tapping above me, that I could only guess was him opening the vent.

I couldn’t see what was going on, but when his hands were on my waist, lifting me up, I got worried I was about to be smashed into the ceiling.

No, I found myself in a small vent. Not too small where I have to do the army crawl, but small enough that I was a little worried.

His hand was on my butt, making me completely uncomfortable, but he let go when I was safe inside the vent.

I could faintly see because of the opening of vents in other rooms. Just cracks though.

I looked over and faintly saw Jack as he lifting himself into the little space there was. Then he closed the vent opening that we had come through.

“Go” He whispered.

“No, you first” I said.


He really wanted to argue about this?

“Cause, I don’t want my butt in your view.. Okay?” I sounded ridiculous.

He tried not to laugh as he pushed past me and crawled ahead of me.

“Like the view?” He asked me, obviously talking about his butt that was in my face.

“Not really”

“Liar” He smirked.

It was funny how he can be so.. Himself in this situation.

I could see rooms through the vents as we past them. Some were.. Well, when I saw blood, I looked away.

Jack knew his way through here, so when we reached a certain room, he kicked out the vent and leaped out, then helped me out.

We weren’t in a room. It was the hall.

“Run” He told me, he was looking behind me.

Crap. I ran down the hall where he was pointing, and he ran behind me. When I went around the corner, I heard shots fired, and then I questioned if Jack was still there.

When I felt someone grab my hand, I couldn’t help but smile in relief.

We ran outside and through the already opened gate.

“Who are they?!” I asked as we ran.

“Humans.. They aren’t too happy with us” He managed to chuckle.

Humans? The smart thing to do would be to turn around and go to them, but I wont. I for some reason feel safer with Jack.

He was pulling my slow legs along. I couldn’t keep up well.

Next thing I knew, I was being pulled into a ship.

“Where are we going?” I demanded.

“I need to go see if the houses where we took the pregnant women are safe”

With that, he started the ship and we went flying through the woods. I couldn’t say I wasn’t amazed by the ship. I was.

I stayed quiet as he drove. My eyes were on his left arm that was still bloody and nasty. He needed it fixed, but all I know is how to put band aids on, and he needs a lot more then a simple band aid.

We landed close to some cabin looking houses.

“Stay here” He commanded.


“You’re so stubborn!”

“I know”

“If you stay.. I’ll give you some chocolate” He smiled.

“No you wont”

“Of course I wont. Where am I going to get chocolate at?”

He opened my door and we leaped out and ran towards one of the houses.

I didn’t even pay attention to the house, I was more focused on the people there.

I recognized Jack’s best friend Zack, but not the girl next to him.

“Humans attacked the base” Jack told him bluntly.

“What? When?” Zack asked.

“Hours ago”

I looked at the girl on the couch. She seemed sweet. She had blond hair that was short and curly. Her eyes were round and brown. She was thin, but then I realized she was touching her stomach. She’s pregnant.

“Samantha, you stay here with Aubrey” Jack told me.

So her name is Aubrey? Huh. I thought she was more of a Lisa.

“And you are going where?” I demanded.

“Back to base” Jack told me.


“Yes. Zack will stay here and guard you”

“Jack, stay here”

“I cant do that”

“Then I’m coming”

“Out of the question honey”

I shook my head and walked towards the door to show him I’m not staying.

“Fine. You get to stay in the ship” He said with fake enthusiasm.

I shrugged. it’s the best I could do I guess.

“We’ll meet in.. Paris” Jack told Zack.

“I’m going to take as many as I can there” Zack told him.

“Okay. Lay low though”

(Incase you’re confused. ‘why wasn’t Zack taken?’ well, in HNS, he was visiting Sam and got taken, and in here, he was watching over Aubrey. So he wasn’t taken)

I rode in the ship with Jack and stayed quiet incase he decided to change his mind and leave me with Zack and Aubrey.

When we landed in the same spot we had been in the first place, Jack leaped out and locked the doors behind him with a smile that totally meant ‘I win’.

I fought against the door, but it was useless. I’m not going no where…

I got up and looked at the black sleek ship and sat down, not exactly thinking when I did so.

Several things happened: one, the lights shut off inside the ship, two, it made a weird beep that could have been a self-destruct thing, but I ruled that out, and three, all of the doors popped open.

Well aren’t I lucky? My butt opened the doors!

I ran out and into the building. A stupid move you might think, but I’m a rebel!

“Shoot” I cursed when I looked down the halls and saw some blood.

“Please! don’t take them! Please! My daughter! Please don’t take her!” I heard a man cry out.

I peaked around the corner and saw a man being dragged off by two other men.

“Eddie! Please don’t hurt him!”

I looked to see who said that, and saw a woman I met a while back. Penelope was it?

She cried with the baby in her arms and was guarded by a man. Human I could tell.

I can help them! I will!

I looked around and saw a room was open, so I grabbed a book and walked towards the man with the up most confidence.

Then I threw the book. Sadly it didn’t hit him. So I just warned him I was there. Great.

“Hey!” The man shouted, and walked towards me, ready to toss me in the room.

I took off running down the hall, he followed. I thought I was fast, but when I was slammed against the wall, I realized I think too highly of myself.

My head was bleeding, I felt blood drip down my forehead. He held onto my arms and tossed me into the room with Penelope and Rosie.

“I tried” I told her.

“Samantha.. I’m scared” Penelope panted.

“Me too”

More shots were fired in the hall. Penelope clung onto Rosie, and I clung onto Penelope.

I wish Jack was here..

I’m always the girl who needs help.

We sat there for half an hour, listening to shots fired, and people dying. It was terrifying. We both were crying.

Why did I have to get out of that stupid ship? Jack’s right.. I am stubborn.

He’s probably dead though.. He cant rub it in my face. I actually want him to, because I deserve it, and I need him to be alive!

We sat there for another hour or so. Then I decided we needed to get out of here.

“HELP!” I screamed. If I die, its going to be from being heroic.

“Shut up” The man said.


“I said shut up!”

“HELP! HELP! H-” I was greeted by a slap across my cheek.

Ouch. I glared at the man who was annoyed by me. I whimpered and crawled back onto the couch.

“Now shut up” He told me.

I sat there and nodded, as he went to the doorway again.

“Ah!” He yelp and fell to the ground.

I saw my hero. Jack was there.

“You called?” He smirked at me, then kicked the man in the gut.

But then the man grabbed Jack’s foot and threw him to the ground, landing a few punches on Jack’s face, then Jack was on top, nearly killing the man.

Penelope and I were both shouting at the man.

Jack was thrown across the hall and slammed into the wall.

I watched helplessly. Why do I have to be helpless? I can help!

I got off the couch and kicked the man in the leg. He groaned and then shoved me into the wall. This is how I die. Being killed by my own kind.

Jack was up and tackling the man within seconds. I owe him big time.

When the man was out cold. Jack turned to Penelope.

“Lets go” He said quickly.

“But Eddie!” She cried.

“I cant help him..”

She started crying and gripped onto my arm as we ran through the halls. Poor Eddie..


Author's Note:

What do you think?

If you have read Rise Against, you sadly know what happens to Eddie..

Hope you liked it. (please vote :)

-the velvet rose-

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