Black-and-white (Translation)


543K 17K 2.1K

A decision by James Potter changes Harry's life. Snarry I was allowed to publish it from FanFiktion here sec... More

1. Always the same dream
❤️2. Letters - Despair - New hate
❤️3. Different thoughts And again in the infirmary
❤4. Explain that to Black!
✔5. Canossa and a new beginning
✔6. The beginning of a friendship
✔7. Luna
✔8. I'm scared, part 1
✔9. I'm scared, part 2
✔10. Finally out
✔11. Better acquaintance
12. Solution
13. Departure
14. Fury
15. Military Council
16. Little history lesson
17. Persuasiveness
18. Preparations
19. Wedding
20. conversion
21. Fudge
22. Cat mood
23. Crap problems and other catastrhopes
24. Arrival in Diagon Alley
25. Diagon Alley Shopping Spree
26. Shopping Spree 2 and what the hangover tastes
27 Reactions
28. Lesson for the teacher
29. From the love of the house elves
30. From the love of the house elves 2
31. The Dursleys 1
32. The Dursleys 2
33. Field research
34. Interlude
35. Wolf taming
36. How big is the world?
37. The last holidays
38. At the Dursleys
39. Back at Hogwarts
40. A new year begins
41. The party
42. The first day of school 1
43. The first day of school 2
44. Umbridge
45. Firenze
46. Mephisticuffs
47. How to make people and other beings happy
48. Surprises
49. Further research
50. Small interlude at the lunch
51. Defense? Classes?
52. The emergence of the DA
53. DA meeting, part 1
54. DA meeting, part 2
55.The calm before the storm
56. Preparations for the war
57. Firing
58. Remus and audience
59. Lucius Malfoy and a teacher conference
60. Visit
61. Transformation, the second
62. Vampire tomcat or cat vampire?
63. The charm of the vampire cater
64. A mission for the HA
65. Surprising transformation
66. It was murder
67. Revenge for Laura
68. In the middle of the war
69. Time together
70. A Malfoy at the crossroads
71. Christmas with the HA
72. Christmas with the Dursleys
73. St. Mungo
74. The festival, as it should be
75. Salazar Slytherin
76. Chaos, more presents and a letter
77. Gifts, animals and cuddles
78. cleaning
79. We are wizards, not gunslingers
80. Birthday with surprises
81.More birthday surprises
82. Free at last
83. Sirius the teacher
84.Weapontraining and the rest of the school year
85. Rose-Manor
86. Dates
87. Family secrets
88. Family reunion part 1
89. The family reunion part 2
90. Another family secret and invitations
91.To meet
92. Roland's birthday part 1
93. Roland's birthday part 2
94. New arrival and sad songs
95. A double birthday
96. Finally complete
97. Serena
98. A huge slip-up.
99. The punishment does not wait
100. Beginning of school with consequences
101. Ice Cold Revenge Part 1
102. Ice Cold Revenge Part 2
103. Minister, Black?
104. Nicolas Flamel
105. A new addition
106. Dementors are distributed
107. Fighter for .... Malfoy
108. Three angels for, ... Malfoy
109. Spy, only something for professionals
110. Tasks of a minister
111. Family Malfoy
112. Preparations for Snake Explanation Part 1
113. Preparations for Snake Explanation Part 2
114. Hot nights Part 1
115. Hot nights Part 2
116. Mission snake part 1
117. Mission snake part 2
118. Christmas in bed
119. Erotic hospital in the house of Snape
120. Draco pushes to it
121. New forest dwellers
122. The herd
123. Snake in love
124. Before crashing
125. On vacation with a ruckus
126. Stubborn, stubborn, the Snapes
127. Grown up for the second time
128. Abominable betrayal
129. Hell begins
130. In twos in hell
131. Lucius' promise
132. Preparation and conversion
133. An act of selflessness
135. Kidnapping with consequences
136. A wild escape
137. Attack of the ancients
138. Again among the living
139. The anger of a school director
140. Epilogue

134. Attack

1.2K 55 2

At first it was planned that they would attack immediately after the full moon in the morning. But Narcissa stopped her.
"Bad idea, at this time the Death Eaters are always especially vigilant. Just because the werewolves can not help them and they expect an attack. you better delay the raid on dusk, as they are werewolves awake but not yet so fit and the other Death Eaters are tired of the long guard and less vigilant. "
"Good idea," Dumbledore agreed.

And so it was done.
The twins had made one of their rings especially for Narcissa, so they could help them from a distance as well. Although each of them now knew the traps waiting for them, they wanted to play it safe.
severus also took Harry aside to let him drink.
"I'm not really hungry."
"I know that, but it's still better if you go into battle with strength. My blood will give you a power boost. "
"And it also makes us feel more clearly," Harry smirked.
"That's another positive point," confessed Severus.
Of course, Harry drank extensively from his husband. Luckily he did not have to worry that he could drink it empty.

then it was time, the curse breakers were the first on the way. They were led by Bill and Fleur. They would call the others when the air was clean and the shields history.
Harry went back to Narcissa and the triplets and said goodbye to them.
"I hope we come back with Lucius and Dudley. Unfortunately, I can not promise that, "warned the young man.
"I'm glad you do not give me false hopes. But I believe in you. Take care of you all, "Narcissa warned.
"Yes," Harry answered.
"Kid, it's time," Severus shouted.
Immediately, Harry went to his group. They traveled with a portkey. The young Vampirkater clung to his husband, he still hated these trips. That would probably always stay that way.
"Are they all there?" Whispered Severus as they arrived at their destination.
In her group were, besides Harry and Severus, Remus, Sirius, the rest of the Golden Trio, and the twins.
There were four groups in total. one with swindlers already there and three with attackers now scattered around the property. Each group also had at least one Auror with them. That made the whole thing official. Now they could attack from several sides simultaneously.
Of course, they were all connected via ring. So they could also warn Poppy and the girls with which injuries had to expect.
Since all arrived well, they now made their way to the Manor.

"Careful, there's a gluttonous plant up front," warned Fred, nibbling on one of those things in the simulation.
"Look, what's up in your mouth?" Ron wanted to know disgusted.
"That's just clothes," Severus reassured the young man.
"Probably she has already eaten the rest," came from Sirius.
"Black, that does not help," Severus growled.
"Alright, as long as I do not have to see how she devours one of us," the redhead placated the man.
Nonetheless, Ron was told that he was not happy about this information.
"It's best to go around the plant, who knows how long their last meal has come from?" The werewolf suggested.
Nobody disagreed. However, they could only pass the right side of the plant, because on the left was a small pond with uncomfortable inhabitants. Huge leeches that could jump too. On the right side, however, it was not better, here they had to dodge a hedge spewed out of the skewers.
"Look, one more," Hermione said.
"Looks like Draco did not tell the Death Eaters very well about the traps," George said happily.
"Or they forgot," Fred said.
"They all smell like werewolves, maybe they crashed into the traps on a full moon night," Harry mused.
"Probably if they did not control their wolf then they were looking for food and the Manor is full of it right now," Remus confirmed.
"And as Wolf, they did not pay attention to the deadly traps," Sirius went on.
"What about the others?"
At Hermione's question, Severus lifted his ring to his mouth and inquired of the rest of the groups.
"They must have fought, here lies one with a bitten throat. And further back, I found one whose belly was torn open, "Dumbledore informed her.
"It does not look better with us. Dead werewolves everywhere. they seem to have fought each other, "Moody said.
Also interesting information came from Arthur Weasley's group.
"We also have some bodies around, but they were not killed by werewolf bites or traps. Here was clearly magic at work. "

"Looks like there's been a fight within this killer gang," Ron mused.
"They've definitely taken a lot of work off us," Fred said contentedly.
"The question is, why did they fall on top of each other?" Severus said.
"We can think about that later, now we have to focus on the attack. Careful, there's a trap in the front again. The two stone kites come to life when we are so stupid to go through between them. And we must not touch them either. Oh, and do not look in the eyes, "Harry listed.
"Maybe I should ask Lucius to provide me with the terrain as a practice site for the Aurors. Of course only with weakened traps, "Sirius mused.
from his ring they heard a laugh that clearly came from Narcissa.
"We're at the door," Hermione interrupted the minister's thoughts.
"Ready?" Severus wanted to know.
Harry pricked his ears and listened to someone behind the door waiting for them.
"The air is clear, but we still have to be very quiet."
Remus went on as a werewolf, he had the best reflexes, after Harry. But he really did not want to send in the young Vampirkater first.
Only when the one who gave the all-clear, the others came after.
Over the rings they heard that the other groups were now in the estate themselves.
"Let's go look for them and then get out," Ron whispered.
that was their job; they were to be entangled in as few battles as possible, but only to take care of the liberation of the prisoners.

Luckily they did not need a lumos because the whole manor was lit.
Carefully they crept towards the dungeon.
soon the group could hear the sounds of fighting.
"They probably found the other groups," Fred muttered.
"And just as it sounds, one of them just made the mistake of attacking Tonks."
George's guess was that they could all hear the loud cussing and screaming of Moody. Followed by a lot of noise.
"I do not want to know what he did to the one who attacked his wishful daughter," Ron shuddered.
"Concentration," Severus warned.
the jailer led her past some traps and then on to the cellar.
Unfortunately, they were soon stopped. House elves stood in their way.
The little creatures looked anything but happy.
"Sorry, Master Lord has given us the job to stop anyone who wants to go to the dungeons."
Harry stepped forward.
"We are here to rescue the prisoners, unfortunately we must continue, please go to the side."
"We really would like that, but we have our orders," whispered an elf.
"Understand," Harry sighed, "Dobby, Winky, you can come!" He shouted loudly.
Immediately appeared in front of the stunned house elves, Winky, Dobby and the elves of the Malfoys.
"Should we take care of this?" Dobby wanted to know.
"Yes, but they do not fight voluntarily, as if it does not hurt them too much," the vampire asked.
"How do you get in here? Our master has closed the site to foreign house elves ", a male elf kiekste.
"And our swindlers have reversed that," Winky said proudly.
The house elves of the Malfoys then immediately went on the attack. They wanted to do anything to protect their dominions.
"Please, save our masters," a kitchen elf asked.
"We will do our best," Severus promised.

They left the elves behind and ran on.
"Can we really leave her alone?" Hermione asked worriedly.
"You know the house elves of the Malfoys badly, they can fight if need be. And they will do nothing to their colleagues, after all, they do not act of their own free will, "she reassured her teacher.
"Nevertheless, they will ensure that the little ones do not get in our way anymore. The house elves love Lucius, Narcissa and the triplets. They will do anything to protect this family, "Harry said.
"So on," Remus growled.
"How long do we need to go to the dungeons, dammit?" Sirius wanted to know.
"You know how long the manor is, that may take some time," Ron reminded him.
"Great until we get there, we certainly have some Death Eaters on our necks. all will not be able to stop our people. Surely they know who we are looking for, "poisoned the Minister.
"That will not be avoidable, but we should hurry. The later we're stopped, the better, "Severus grumbled.
they dodged two more traps and finally got into the lower basement, unfortunately their luck ended here.
At the next corner she was expecting a group of Death Eaters in full gear.
"Here ends your way. Give us the vampire and the potions master, then you can go. "
"Is that Draco?" Ron was stunned.
"Seems like that, does he really think he can fool us with his disgusted voice?" Fred growled.
"In any case, he thinks we would do what he says. Such a jerk, "George poisoned.
The Death Eater jerked back briefly, then relaxed again.
"How did you recognize me?", He wanted to know.
"By your voice, we said. You betrayed us the last time. Pray that I can not get my hands on you. I can not stand such liars like you, "Sirius growled.
Draco removed his mask.
"I thought you would never know. Especially after Potter has so relied on his nose. "
"My name is Snape, and believe me, I will not make that mistake again. How do you feel when you have your own siblings and mother on your conscience? Do you enjoy torturing your father? "
Draco's face twisted in disgust.
"They do not deserve better. I should be the only son. And then they also betray the Lord. "
Harry realized with a start that his school rival was serious. Especially when he spoke of his Lord, you could not only hear worship in his voice.
"Shit, he succumbed to him," gasped Harry.
"If you say so, you might think he has a crush on Riddle," Sirius choked.
"It is," came dry from Remus.
Both the werewolf and the vampire killer were able to smell the pheromones very clearly. And that was certainly no potion.
"Yuck," Ron choked.
"You can puke later, now we have to continue," Severus interrupted.
The jailer did not hesitate long but went to the attack.
Immediately, Draco also attacked.
"Get it done, but watch out for the snaps. The Lord wants her alive. If anything happens to them, "he shouted.

The next second, the curses flew through the area.
,but the group around Harry and Severus had two distinct advantages: they could change the direction of their spells, even after they left the staff, and they had no stupid masks in front of their faces.
severus had told them that these things had a huge vulnerability, the field of vision was limited. Although a spell made sure that one looked through the things, but a certain place was left out. that was at the level of the nose, the Death Eaters would have had to squint to see that part. So if you sent a spell there, the attackers had big problems to recognize it at all.
Of course, the Death Eaters noticed this after a while and took off the masks, but until then they could already make some harmless.
Harry remembered a particular trap in the form of more dragons. The next attacker who ran towards him, he threw with a spell right in between. The dragons came to life, holding out their paws and holding the magician. Then they opened their mouths and shot blue flames at him. There was no escape for the man.
the flames reminded Hermione of her freshman year, it was the same spell she had used to flamboy her teacher. Immediately she created some blue flame balls and hurled them at her attackers.
Severus pulled his halberd and spit on every attacker who came in range. He used his wand to send a lot of curses at the enemies.
The twins turned some Death Eaters into dormice and some others into cats. It was not long before the mice tried to escape from the greedy predators. Unfortunately, with very little success.
"Do not you remember that they used to be human?" Ron shouted.
"The magic makes you forget it. At least for the next four hours. Then we have to catch the cats. Mice, however, should be no more then. "George yelled back.
"Very brutal," Ron murmured, letting leeches rain from the ceiling.
"Are these the critters from the pond out there? They're the size of young cats, "Sirius shouted.
"Yes, I took a few of them."
"And you brutally call your brother," said the minister.
he and Remus fought like a man together. Here it was clear what an unbeatable team they were, no one came even close to her.

Severus took a look at Draco.
"I still do not understand why you betrayed Master. He could have given you everything. I can not understand my father either, "Draco railed.
"What do you feel about Riddle?" Severus asked.
It was not in the least difficult for the man to block the curses of his pupil which were really not worth mentioning.
"I love him, I would do anything for him. As soon as we have your husband I will take him and give the Lord an army of unbeatable fighters. And all will only listen to him and me. I will rule with this great man, "he enthused.
"I thought you were really crazy," growled the Potions Master.
"I'm not. You are mistaken, only because of a magical being have you turned away from the Lord. He would have let you keep Potter safe. But now he will be mine. I'll let you see how I make it my own. "
Severus knew that Draco was trying to provoke him, but he had to get up earlier.
"Forget it, you're not capable of that. and just to answer your question: I feel the same for Harry as you feel for your Lord. And Lucius loves his narcissa about everything, so we did not want to have anything to do with Riddle. Well, I've never been on his side anyway. "
"My love is better," Draco snapped.
"I'm almost sorry for you. Feeling so deep for someone who is not even capable of feeling, "Severus muttered.
Draco tried more and more dark curses, but now the jailer had finally enough. Especially when he saw that his friends needed help. He sent his former goddaughter to sleep and tied it up very well. Then he took his wand to himself and plunged back into the fray.

"Where is Harry?", He wanted to know.
"Down, in the dungeons," Remus roared.
"No, some Death Eaters were after him, but we just can not get away. Try to catch up with him. We call for support over the rings. "
As soon as Sirius had finished speaking, Severus was already running further.
On his way to the dungeons he could see some Death Eaters who were either incapacitated or dead.
"Little where are you?"

"Slowly enough," growled the vampire.
He was on his way to the dungeon, and the closer he got the clearer he could smell Lucius and his cousin. but he no longer wanted to rely solely on his sense of smell, so he was very careful. Unfortunately he was hounded by a horde of Death Eaters.
He had already done most of it. These wizards still did not know how to cast magic properly. they were convinced that they had to aim. Good for Harry, bad for his opponents.
Two more were behind him, he still wanted to get rid of them before he ran on. on the left side he saw some armor, these were traps, unfortunately he could not activate them without becoming mincemeat himself. The things went into the air when touched.
Further ahead, on the right, he saw something he could use.
"That's going to be disgusting," he mumbled.
He lured his pursuers further in that direction.
"Leave me alone, I just want to get my cousin and Lucius," he begged.
"Is not he cute, he just wants to save the prisoners. Kid, you better worry about yourself. You will help us all to eternal life. "
"I can not, I can only heal," whimpered the vampire.
"You can also raise the dead so you are very well able to fulfill our wishes. and now be a brave vampire and come with us, then we will not torture your husband too long before we kill him, I promise. "
By now Harry had arrived at the trap. it was a passage, but as soon as you entered it, the walls raced towards you, and very fast. However, the wall did not go all the way to the ceiling so Harry would be able to fly over it. Hopefully his pursuers did not have a good memory. if they knew what he was up to, his plan would not work out.
Harry opened his wings and raised.
"Damn, he's trying to pile up, we have to get him down."
"He's heading for the passage, go after."
Harry raced to the ceiling, he heard the two Death Eaters following him, and then the trap snapped shut.
The Vampirkater did not look back, the sounds alone would give him enough nightmares.

He was no longer held up to the cell he landed and examined the castle. Fortunately, he did not have to be a curse breaker for this. Riddle seemed to be sure that his prisoners would not come out here.
"Alohomora," he whispered, and the door jumped open.
Carefully, he entered the cell and was greeted by a beastly stench. There was a smell of death, pain and fear.
Lucius sat on an old mattress and held Dudley in his arms.
"Harry," he whispered in a strangled voice.
"I'm sorry, I could not save him," he pointed to the young man dalag without moving.
and now Harry knew what he had smelled.
He rushed to the corpse and picked him up.
"No no no! Please, he must not be dead. We trained so long to get both of you out of here. That is so unfair. now that he finally could start a new life, that must not have happened. "
Lucius just sat next to him and looked very unhappy on the body.
"How did that happen?" The vampire wanted to know.
But Lucius himself was not able to talk about it, he could not. especially because the death of Dudley occurred only recently. If Harry had come earlier, maybe he could have saved him. But the aristocrat did not want to tell him that, by no means.
"I can get him back," Harry whispered suddenly, quite excited.
"What? What do you mean by that? "Lucius asked.
"I'm a Nekomata, I can bring the dead back to life, I just have to jump over the corpse! Go to the side I need space. "
Excited, he pulled Lucius away from Dudley and then got ready for the transformation.
"No, Harry, stop, you can not save him," Lucius cried in panic, standing in the way of the vampire.
"What does this mean? Of course I can save him, and I've succeeded at Tonks. "
Lucius was hurting his soul, but he had to stop Harry from doing this stupid thing.
"That was different, Tonks was hit by an Avada. But Dudley had a much more painful death, if you wake him up, he'll be in the same condition he was before his death. He would only die again. "
Harry blinked.
"What was the cause of death?" He asked.
"A curse that Riddle spoke on Parsel, he wanted to prevent Devon from saving him."
"Do you know what the curse did," Harry wanted to know strangled.
Lucius nodded gloomily.
"Yes, his heart has liquefied, down to the bone. Like the poison of a spider, "he whispered.
Harry gasped in disbelief.
He looked past Lucius at his cousin. If that was true, then he really could not help him anymore, he would only cause Dudley more pain.
"That monster," he growled.

"Such harsh words of such a gentle nature," the two heard a too familiar voice.
Immediately Harry turned around with his wand drawn. Protecting he stood in front of Lucius.
"Riddle!" He snapped.
"Put your wand in this cell, only my magic and Devon's work. The precautionary measure I had to take after some of my subjects did not behave as I wanted. Besides, I knew that sooner or later you would turn up here. only I would not have expected the rest of your people. Where is the impulsive boy who plunged into the worst danger without thinking. "
"Died, just like Dudley," Harry growled.
Of course, he had not believed Riddle his words, and tried to do magic, unfortunately, the man spoke for once the truth.
"Did not I tell you, your magic does not work here. You just ran into my trap. "
The Lord came closer and aimed his wand at him.
"How I would like to punish you now for your offenses, but I have to wait for that, your horde will be here soon. However, both of us will have a lot of time together, the rest of our lives to be exact. you will serve me in all matters that I consider appropriate. That way you can work your way to me. And, who knows, maybe someday you will start loving me too. Severus, you originally hated, too. "
Harry's only answer was a growl and hiss. he did not even bother to answer.
From outside you could hear footsteps approaching.
"Severus," Harry whispered.
"I'll take care of that later," growled Voldemort.
He pulled an item out of the cloak and lunged at Harry.
Although he tried to dodge but the Lord caught his arm, the next moment he felt the familiar pull in the navel as the Portkey activated.

"NO!" Shouted Severus and Lucius simultaneously.
At the last second, Lucius was able to reach for the still open wings of the young man and was also swept along.
On the left was a potions master who roared at the top of his neck

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