Maybe We Will: A PoddEarth Fa...

By S5M_5o

60.9K 3.7K 1.1K

Earth was never the 'I've got a bestfriend' kind of person until he met Podd---the roommate who later on beca... More

1. Drunk Nights
2. Deffered Wishes
3. Right or Wrong
4. Meal and Judgments
5. Drunker Nights
6. Confusing Mornings
7. Dire Decisions
8. Stupid Confusion
9. Travel Finds
10. Didn't List
11. Drunk Gap
12. Losing Jobs
13. Safe Night
14. Missing Drive
15. Chasing Game
16. Sand Starts
17. Un Fvcked
18. True Reminder
19. The Things
20. Holding Back
21. Top Fact
22. Dead Heaven
23. Boo Me
24. F Word
25. Some Questions
26. For Keeps
28. Here This
29. Life Saver
30. Two Whipped
31. Questions Answered

27. As I

1.5K 113 40
By S5M_5o


"I've been calling you for a million times already, but your phone's down, where were you!?!"

Okay, I was obviously exaggerating.

I only had to call my boyfriend ten times after I finished my errand at the university.

But a year and a half into the relationship, the most we did was two before we picked each other's call up.

It's actually the first time that he had me call him multiple times before he answered, that's why I went over board with how I put it.

I can't be blamed though, we're celebrating our 18th month the next day and P'Podd started to worry me this way.

We still had a Bagsaen vacation to go to as planned.

"Errr, sorry, I was on a plane. I needed to turn my phone off."

I pouted.

"Ah, okay, wait. What? What plane!?!"

I had to waii at the people at the university lobby when I yelled at what my boyfriend said.

I was there to prepare my papers for  my internship next semester.

"Yeah, well, Mae called, said she needed to see me that's why I rushed to XXX province and forgot to tell you."

I furrowed my brows.

"Mae called you? But why are you at my province? P', in case you forgot, you live at XYZ province. How come you're th---wait!!! Mae!?! You mean, Mae!?! My mother!?! My mother called you!?!"

I heard my boyfriend hummed a reply.


"I don't know. I was just bout to see you when my phone rang and it was her and she asked me if I'm busy and if I'm free to fly over and I said yes and now I just realized how stupid that decision was!"

I groaned.

After that night when I told my family about us, my mother refused to talk to us until it was time for P'Podd and I to come back to the city.

It was the case for two other occasions that we spent a holiday back home.

She would still cook for us and prepare my room which P'Podd and I shared despite her trying to indirectly tell us that the guest's rooms vacant----but she refused to be alone together with us or even hold a proper conversation.

Everytime we arrived or left or did video calls, she would just sit in a corner and watch us and that was the case until then.

I was even wondering how he got my boyfriend's number.

"Okay, you stay there. I'll be there, wait for me. And. P', just, don't listen to her, okay? Specially if she'd convince you to break up with me or leave me or stuff. Just, keep quite and wait for me."

My mother's being silent about my relationship wasn't as bothersome to me until now.

Whatever she was thinking!?!

"I..I don't think I could do that."

"What do you mean!?! Are you trying to say that you'll break up with me once she asked!?!"

"No. What I mean is, I don't think I could face her. Oiiii, Earth! What shall we do!?! All along, I thought, it's Por that's scary, but now...ugh! I should have just called you first before I came here."

I heaved a sigh.

"Damn right! You should have wait for me! But what's done is done, just wait for me, okay? Whatever happens, whatever she says, we're leaving together. You don't leave without me, okay!?!"


"Good. I love you.".

"I love you."

I dropped the call and went straight to the airport as I was getting anxious with what was it that my mother's planning.

That was what kept me busy as I waited for my flight which cost me almost half of a day's photography session---the extra job I took when I thought my family---my mother would cut me off---which luckily didn't happen.

My father even raised my allowance when he learned that I was living with P'Podd.

I drew an air out.

My mother was really never the drastic kind of person. She was actually the last person I thought of being difficult about me and P'Podd that was why I couldn't help but feel uneasy about her suddenly wanting to meet my boyfriend alone all these time.

Not that I thought of her as a really evil person but, with P'Podd and I, I didn't want to take chances.

I was fidgeting for some time before I decided on calling her.


She answered on second ring.


I swallowed dryly.

"I'm driving, Earth. Get to the point."

I bit my lip.


This is my mother.

And I suddenly remembered, although my father was the policeman, it was always my mother who's the disciplinarian.

"I have a question."

My mother groaned on the other line.

"Why did you suddenly called P'Podd!?!"

I said before I lose my nerves.

"Why? Am I not allowed to call him?"

I bit on my lip.

"You are. But why suddenly invite him over?"

I heard my mother heaved a sigh.

"Why? Am I not allowed to invite him over?"

I rolled my eyes in frustration.

"Oiii, Mae!?! Will you please stop answering my questions with questions?  You made it clear that you hate P'Podd and our relationship that's why you can't blame me for being frantic about you wanting to see him suddenly!"

I heard my mother honked on the background.

"Oiii, Earth! Stop being dramatic, will you!?! First of all, I don't hate anyone and I'm disappointed that you think so. Second of all, a friend of mine who owns a factory asked if I know someone who could check her machines and I remembered your boyfriend and I thought, I have an engineer for a son in law, why not make use of it!?! And Podd was just too nice to agree. What's your problem, really!?!"

I gaped at nothing in particular.

"Wait. Did you just say Podd is my boyfriend and that he's your son in law!?!"


My mouth slowly broke into a smile.


I couldn't believe my ears. But I was sure happy.

"Oii, if you're too possessive of your boyfriend, then come follow him here tonight. Por's asking for dinner. If not, then, you must wait until the weekend's over for you to finally see him because the inspection is still tomorrow. Now, I'm hanging up. Your boyfriend just texted me and he said he's arrived. I'm on my way to fetch him."

Ahh, there's that word again.

I was all smiles.

"Keep safe, Mae. I love you!"

I said matter of factly.

"I love you too, Earth."

I heard my mother replied before she dropped the call and I just knew, I needed not to over analyzed things and believed that my mother would always be there for me no matter what.

She loves me.

And she'll love my love too.

Just as I do.


So, I decided to not flip these two so Earth remains the b.🤭

Also, next week might just be our last for this one. This early, allow me to say thank you for all your support and I love you to bits loves!😘

Laters x


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