World's Devil- Naruto fanfic

By camellia-

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Her whole world changed in a matter of seconds: Korosu joined the Akatsuki. Three years later, Korosu Akuma i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Four

2.8K 133 51
By camellia-

Chapter Four: Message from the Devil

Kisame quirks an eyebrow at the sleeping bodies before him. Korosu's dark curls are tangled in Itachi's thin fingers and Korosu holds her slim fingers curled around his hand. They are unnaturally beautiful sleeping beside one another; Korosu's delicate features complimenting Itachi's hardened and handsome edges. Kisame chuckles to himself and imprints the image in his mind for safekeeping to look back on happier memories.

"Hn ... Kisame?"

"Morning sleeping-beauty," he flicks Itachi on the forehead.

Itachi glares at his blue-skinned friend, eyes cold like daggers. He starts to move, when a soft whimper of protest stops him. Itachi looks away from Kisame and glances down, Korosu's soft features meet his eyes, her lips parted gently in sleep and dark lashes fluttering across smooth pale skin. He remembers her asking him not to leave her alone last night. He knows her nightmares have been getting worse.

"Did you get breakfast?" Itachi ignores Kisame's wiggling eyebrows and pervish face. Kisame knows just as well as Itachi that nothing like that happened between him and Korosu.

Kisame bellows with laughter, his hand flying to his stomach as he tries to control the laughter racking his body and stay quiet enough so Korosu doesn't wake. "Oh, sure. I know my queue when it's time to leave when I hear one."

Itachi's softened gaze sharpens into a glare. One last chuckle leaves Kisame before he leaves the room and shuts the door behind him, walking away from a sleeping Korosu and a deep-in-thought Itachi.

Itachi runs a hand through his hair debating whether to wake her or not, but she looks so peaceful laying there with her body curled against his. He sighs and smooths away strands of loose hair caught in her lashes, his touch gentle and careful. Letting her sleep outweighs waking her, so Itachi slips out of her grasp, grabs a towel and heads for the connecting bathroom.

Steam fills the bathroom, only wisps trailing into the other room where Korosu sleeps. Her soft whimpers are drowned by the water hitting the tub, her shallow cries of horror not heard and the slight thrashing of her limbs unseen. Itachi's clueless to the sudden nightmare plaguing her, but had she been awake, her relief that Itachi couldn't see her like this would have left her breathless with thankfulness.

"Itachi..." She whimpers softly, her hands unconsciously searching for him.

She grasps at empty air, his warmth fading away as the seconds tick on and he continues his shower. The tears once flowing down her cheeks dry, but droplets remain like water petals on spiderwebs on her lashes. Twisted around her petite frame are the sheets, cocooning her in a net of safety or trapping and suffocating her.

The shower door opens, trails of moisture following, and Itachi walks back into the room toweling his hair off. He's dressed in full gear for the day. Noticing the difference from the time he left to now, his gaze searches for Korosu in a desperate haze.

Seeing a dark spill of hair, his body relaxes and his muscles unclench. He hurries over to her, careful not to wake her, and scoops her up in his arms. Tenderly laying her down on the bed, Itachi smooths away sweat soaked strands from her lips and closed lashes. Concern laces through him, causing him to squeeze her hand unconsciously. What had happened while he was in the shower?

Korosu stirs in her sleep, feeling her hand concealed in warmth. It drives away the darkness, bringing light to her otherwise bottomless world. A soft whimper leaves her lips and her eyes remain shut, the energy leaving her. Struggling to open them, she squeezes back, searching for strength. When her hand begins to hurt from the pressure gripping her thin fingers, she finds the strength within her to open her eyes. The nightmares always take so much from her.

Beautiful dark eyes fill her world, making everything else around her colorless. "Itachi." She breathes in a hushed voice.

He can't hold back the faint smile of relief from splitting his face in half. The great Uchiha knows how to show emotions, though it doesn't surprise her at all. Never had she thought Itachi the soulless killer everyone assumed him to be. "Are you okay?"

The tenderness in his voice makes her breath hitch and her heart to stop beating before picking back up in a frantic pulse. Hiding the pink staining her cheeks, Korosu attempts to burry her face in the sheets still covering her body. Itachi, noticing her attempt, stops her by placing a finger under her chin and facing her towards him.

"I'm fine, honestly." She smiles weakly.

Itachi scowls, frustration darkening his features. Her damn stubbornness is her one fault, but even with her stubbornness he finds himself falling for her deeper. "Will you tell me if it happens again?"

Surprise doesn't flicker across her eyes, instead warm amusement brightens her crimson orbs. "I promise."

Keeping promises already, my sweet Korosu?

Korosu flinches, her hands retracting from Itachi's and grabbing at her head. The voice sends shivers down her spine, the lilt velvety rich and compelling and intoxicating. Fear shoots through her veins. She doesn't have to know the owner of the voice, she already knew.

Itachi hisses. Pain etches into Korosu's pale features, her beautiful red eyes clouding with immense torture. Her frail body shakes horribly against his, causing him to hold her more tightly against his chest. He doesn't know how to help her. Useless. Korosu needs him and all he's good for is a leaning post and support.

"Korosu?" Itachi whispers. "What's wrong? Tell me what to do to help."

Her brilliant red eyes open. Fear is bright in their red depths, consuming her and drowning her soul. "He ... he's in my head, Itachi."

Itachi shakes his head, trying to understand. Korosu sucks in a sharp breath, convulsing in his arms, her limbs jerking wildly. If she's thinking about her appearance, embarrassment would have shamed her into silence, but Itachi doesn't comment. Instead, he holds her gently but firmly in his arms, trying to ease some of the pain destroying her body.

You can't escape me, my dear.

Like hell I can't! Korosu hisses venomously.

There is still time.

She still has time.

Red eyes—much like her very own—bore into hers with a fierce intensity, striking her soul. Darkness hides his face, revealing nothing to her. That doesn't matter. Korosu knows who it is.

Sneering, she taunts him. Won't show your face but you still taunt me? Coward.

Amusement lights his red eyes, a mocking smile gracing his lips. Have it your way, my dear.

She sucks in a breath, awed and disgusted by the man now standing before her. He can't be more than a few years older than her. His features smoothed over in a cold mask, full lips twisting into a crooked smirk. Red curls tumble leisurely around his shoulders, a contrast to the thick dark lashes framing his crimson eyes. Her heart freezes from the sight of him: the man plaguing her nightmares and constant thoughts, the man who ruined her life from the day she was born, the man who forces her to be the way she is. The man who made her who she is.

He approaches her, his steps steady and determined. He reaches her, his eyes never leaving hers, almost daring her to turn and run away. Korosu doesn't move, her knees tremble, but otherwise she gives no other indication of fear. Then, reaching her, the Devil caresses her cheek, fingers gently stroking her smooth features. His lips lost the mocking smirk, a serene smile making his sharp features soften and become almost human. She feels fear, yes, but she also doesn't move away.

My sweet, Korosu, his eyes sparkle. You're just as beautiful in person as I imagined. You're more delicate and strong willed than what your mind gives up. I've become enchanted by you; a feat no other mortal woman has accomplished.

Korosu's breathing comes in shallow gasps. She feels as if her heart is being sucked right out of her. The Devil is not who she expected him to be. To be frank, she doesn't think anyone expected more out of him than being an evil cruel bastard. He shouldn't be in her head. She knows this, but a larger part of her wants him to stay. She wants some damn answers.

You're mocking me. Korosu states, trying to even her breathing out. This close, his presence was thick and undeniable to ignore.

The Devil doesn't correct her, but his eyes remain tender—almost loving—as he stares into hers. He takes his hand away from her cheek, gently trailing the tips of his fingers around her lips and other features. As his fingers trace her features, a shiver races down her spine from his touch, pleasant. Against her will a sigh escapes her lips and her muscles relax slightly. It is against her will.

The Devil smiles, enjoying her reaction to his touch. Irritation sparks through her. She doesn't like being played. Her muscles stiffen and she jerks her face away from his touch. The Devil scowls at her reaction to his small teasing, but seeing her eye him with interest makes the scowl go away. But, he can see the burning anger in her gaze and he knows that interest isn't the interest he  hoped for.

You have a powerful effect on me, my dearest. The Devil lets his eyes roam her slim figure. A blush of anger reddens her cheeks as she feels his gaze take her in.

She truly is a sight to behold, the Devil thimks. Round red eyes stare innocently into his own cold ones, followed by full pale pink lips begging to be kissed. Dark black hair tumbles in silky curls down her backside, emphasizing her delicate frame. Her soul is pure, shining in white light. It draws him in, tempting him to taint her soul just a little. Seeing her wide eyes staring into his, the thought is banished from his head and is replaced by wonderment. He remembers why he'd been captivated by her, even at the tender age of a babe.

You truly are a strange creature.

Her head tilts to the side. You are not so normal yourself, Devil.

Call me by my name.

You have a name?

Given by myself, yes. He laughs, amusement in his eyes and tone. Lucifer.

Lucifer... She tests his name on her lips.

For the first time since meeting him Korosu's eyes soften and she takes a willing step closer. Peering up into his handsome face, she finds strength within herself to raise her hand and gently touch his cheek. He stiffens under her touch, but doesn't move away. Taking it as a sign of encouragement, she trails her fingers over his eyes and trace his lips as he had done to her. Feeling at peace, Korosu lets a sigh leave her lips and her eyes to close momentarily. This is the demon hunting her sleepless nights.

While her eyes are closed, Lucifer takes the advantage to tuck a strand of loose hair behind her ear and warmly kiss her closed eyelids. Shock runs through her as her lashes flutter open, revealing liquide red fire.

You're testing my restraint. He whispers, voice velevety smooth. It sends shivers down her spine once more. She has no idea what—who stands before her.

Korosu narrows her eyes, catching the glint in his eyes. You're mocking me. Again.

Seriousness creeps into his gaze and this time all amusement leaves his posture. Listen to me, Korosu, I am not the only one out to have you. I marked you, yes, but that won't stop someone from trying. I will only be able to appear in your thoughts and dreams, physically showing myself to you so early would damage your mind. He looks her over once more. And I cannot have you babbling in your own stupidity.

Anger causes her to bristle. I am not as weak as I appear to be. Nor as effected by you as you might think. Korosu couldn't help but think of a pair of hauntingly beautiful dark eyes.

I am not mocking you, Korosu, for once I am not.

She studies him, searching for a hole in his reply. Finding none she finally surrenders into him and bows her head, acknowledging the worth in his words. She goes through his words again, puzzling over how dangerous a situation she must be in. Who will come after me even with your mark burned into me? Why exactly would someone come after her? None of this made any sense ...

Lucifer's eyes narrow, hate burning a fire into his soulless orbs. My older brother. He seems to have taken an intrest in you after I marked you.

Korosu nods, accepting his words—for now. Silence falls between them and she finds herself lost in her own thoughts. He, too, seems to be lost in his, a deep look piercing his eyes.

It strikes her how odd this setting is. She's having a conversation with the very man, or being, who she swore to kill when he came for her. She had spent the majority of her life hating this ... being and here she is having an almost civilized conversation with him. She blushes. If Itachi was here she would be embarrassed. Would he think her weak for her to let her guard down this quickly? Is her guard even down all that much? Heat rushes to her cheeks.

You're blushing. It's more of a statement than a question.

She whips her head to face him, her lips parting in a retort, but the teasing smile tugging on his lips causes the words on the tip of her tongue to freeze. Huffing, she glares at him and juts her chin out. I am not blushing, you ass. And it wasn't because of you that I'm blushing.

His eyebrow raises. Now I'm an ass?


Laughter shakes his frame, making his shoulders tremble as he clutches his stomach. You are a very odd person, Korosu.

His red eyes gaze into hers, small crystal colored tears pooling in the corner of his eyes. It makes him look younger, less cruel and cold. Something in her heart warms towards him, accepting his role as the Devil. It's strange, but in a way he reminds her of Itachi and his lonely heart. His too is clouded with loneliness and self-hate.

When will you come to see me again? She whispers, not trusting her voice to work properly for anything louder. She fears that since she's able to hear him now that her time is running out.

The Devil steps closer, his hands cupping around her cheeks. She relinquishes the feel of his cool touch against her warm skin. The fiercness has grown in his red eyes, sparking into a fire. When I have the next chance. I will make time, my dear.

His promise lingers in the air, a chain linking them together. For now she would agree on his terms. For how long? She isn't sure. She has finally met the Devil, the being who has sentenced her to a cursed life. The being who has caused Matsu to mysteriously disappear and for Korosu to reconnect with Usagi after leaving the world she had been born in. She really wants answers, like, why does it take Matsu to break the curse? How much longer did she have before her time is up? Who in the hell is the Devil's brother and what role does he play in this?

Until next time, then. The Devil smiles.

Until next time ...

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