Adopted by One Direction(Edit...

By samm_thats_me_

209K 5.9K 2.7K

This is not the same story that starts with a girl who's been abused or been in an orphanage for her entire l... More

Chapter: 2
Sequel out
authors note


4.5K 152 21
By samm_thats_me_

Samantha's P.O.V

 "I'm going to miss you guys!" I said as I hugged my new best friends.....5SOS. We're almost done with the tour, and so was amazing. Nicold went back home, but I'll see her soon. We're currently at Peru and it seems like a nice place. Bad thing is that we have thousand of fans outside the hotel so we can't do anything yet.

"We'll miss you too!" they all said as we fake cried on each others shoulders.

"You know that the tour is not over until....a few more weeks" Liam said

"Oh yeah...." we said as we pulled away from the group hug. This guys are fun to hang out with. Especially Ashton, he might be the oldest one in the group but he's like Louis.....that means that they're both childish.

"Psst! Guys! Want to go see the fans?" I whispered to them. A big smirk grew on their lips as we all raced out of the room.

"WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GOING?!" Liam yelled and we stopped on our tracks. We slowly turned around trying to find an excuse.

"TO EAT!" I yelled back as we raced to the elevator once again

"What are we going to say to the fans? They speak a different language" Calum said

"Don't worry. I speak Spanish very well.....I think?" I said as they all chuckled. The elevator doors opened and we just walked around the hotel. A lot of people looked at us as if we were crazy on our way out. Which was true, we were going on the danger zone once we're outside those doors. We stepped out side and the group of fans screamed so loud that I got scared and jumped on Luke's back.

"Maybe we should go back inside" I said as I grabbed onto him for dear life.

"Don't tell me you're scared. Besides this was your idea" Ashton said

"Well then I changed my mind. Let's go" but they just kept walking around. Why did I had to talk? We kept walking.....well they walked, I was carried around the hotel. I wasn't as scared as I was before so I jumped of Luke's back and walked around with them. We decided to sign some thing to the fans and took pictures with them. It was really fun until someone threw a shoe at me and it hit me in the head.

"OW! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled as i rubbed my head. A fan shouted at Spanish saying 'That's for hitting Harry with a shoe!'. I glared at her as more fans started throwing things at me. I don't know if it was for anger or fun. Most things were stuff animals but other things were har like shoes, water bottles....and a rock? Don't ask me how they got one but they did. That rock hurt so bad that I felt like my head was bleeding. I touched my head and looked at my fingers to see....blood. Oh look at that, a stupid bitch just made me bleed.

"Whoa, what happened?" Michael asked once he saw my head. I was just so mad that I tried to jump on top of that girl who threw the rock at me. But Calum dragged me inside the hotel before I had the chance to attack.


"DEJAME IR! TE VOY A PEGAR CON UN ZAPATO Y VAS A VER LO QUE TE PASA! TE VOY A COLGAR DE UN PUENTE CON HILO DENTAL Y LE DIRE AL COOKIE MONSTER QUE TE MATE PORQUE THE COMISTE TODAS SUS GALLETAS!" (Spanish:Let me go! I'm going to hit you with a shoe and you're you'll be sorry! I'm going to hang you from a bridge with dental floss and I'll tell the cookie monster to kill you because you ate all his cookies!)

"QUI VA à TOUS CEUX QUI NOUS REGARDENT ET NE FONT RIEN! VOUS SEREZ DéSOLé POUR NE PAS ME LAISSER PRENDRE SA REVANCHE!" (French:that goes to all of you who are watching and not doing anything about it! You'll be sorry for not letting me get revenge!

"LO TI AMMAZZO TUTTI E POI SEPPELLiIRE. POI, QUANDO QUALCUNO CHIEDE DOVE VOI RAGAZZI SIETE DIRò CHE IL MOSTRO DEL BISCOTTO MANGIATO VIVO!" (Italian:I'll kill you all and then bury you. Then when someone asks where you guys are I'll say that the cookie monster ate you alive!) I kept screaming as I got weird looks from other people.

"I think she's broken! She's talking in different languages! The boys are going to kill us!" Calum started to panic. Hehehe, might as well play a little prank on them. I suddenly collapse on the floor and laid there as I tried to look like I had fainted.

"SAMANTHA!" they all shouted. I felt my head being picked up as I slowly opened my eyes.

"I see a light" I whispered. The look on their faces was hilarious. It was a mixed of sadness, guilt, scared and hurt.

"No! Don't go into the light!" they all yelled

"It's so keeps getting closer!" I whispered as I closed my eyes and tried not to breath.

"Sam?....Sammy?....SAMANTHA OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES!" but I kept my eyes closed. I felt myself being picked up. Should I let them know I'm okay? Nah in a little while, then I'll tell them.

"Is she death?" I hear Michael whisper to whoever was carrying me.

"I DON'T KNOW!" they all shouted. Their voices cracked a little.....I went too far with this prank, I should let them know I'm okay.

"BOOO!" I shouted as they all screamed and I fell on the floor.

"OW! THIS HURTS MUCH MORE THAN THE ROCK!" I laid on the floor as I watched them look at me with a mix of happiness, relief, surprised and anger.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!" They shouted as they hugged the live out of me.

"Duh! You should have seen your faces, they were funny---wait, were you guys crying?!"

"No!" they quickly dried the tears from their eyes. HOLY CRAP THEY DO HAVE FEELINGS!....just kidding, I already knew that.

"Awww! Come here boys! Gimme another hug!" they all hugged me so tight that I felt like I was going to break.I pulled out my phone and saw on the black screen that I had dry blood on the top of my head.

"I think that we should go back to the room. I need to clean up before because if the boys see're all death!" I said as I ran towards the bathroom. I cleaned up my head and I was ready to go.

"LEGO!" we all shouted as we ran towards our hotel room, which was huge.

"We're back!" I yelled as I sat on the couch.

"What took you guys so long?" Harry asked as he came and sat next to me

" takes time to get eaten!" I replied

"Really-is that dry blood on your hair?!" he asked. Shit, I didn't clean all the evidence.

"'s ketchup" I tried to lie.

"Samantha..." he gave one of those looks that scared me. I sighed of frustration.

"Fine....I might have convince them to go see the fans with me and they agreed. Everything was fine until one fan threw a show at me for hitting you on the other day with a shoe. Then they started throwing more stuff at me, not only shoes, stuff animals but they somehow got rocks. One of them hit me in the head and I got mad. I was about to jump on them but little panda face right here, dragged me inside before I could hurt anyone" I said

"It's all my fault!" he exclaimed. Say what now? How? I'm confuse!

"And how is this your fault,  Harry?"

"Because, I might have tweeted that you were just playing around and hit me with the shoe" he nervously said. I stood up and looked down at him.

"It wasn't your fault. I shouldn't have done that in the first place"

"Yes it was!"

"No, Harry! It wasn't!" I said as I sat back down next to him. I gave him a smile before I hugged him. I took him by surprised at first but then he hugged me back.

"Don't be hard on yourself. It wasn't your fault and that's it. Done" I said. He nodded before kissing my forehead as Liam came in the room.

"Hi guys-WHY DO YOU HAVE DRY BLOOD ON YOUR HEAD?!?!?!" he yelled as he rushed towards me with the the rest on the boys as 5SOS watched us, scared for life.

"Just some of the stupid things I do! Now stop touching my head! It hurts! Little Panda, can you get me soda from the fridge?" I asked Calum as he nodded. He's new nickname is Little Panda....I still need to find one for Ashton and Luke, Michael's is Mike or Mickey.

"Please tell me you didn't went to see the fans" Liam said as Calum brought me my Coke. I nodded as I took a sipp. He just pinched the bridge of his nose as I tried not to laugh.

"You know that-"

"Was very dangerous. You shouldn't have done that Samantha! It was irresponsible from you!....yeah I know Liam. You say that always, I already memorized it" I said as the rest laughed.

"Well......what are we waiting for? Let's have fun in this weird place! Let's see the fans!" I raced towards the door but someone grabbed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"WHAT THE FUCK LUKE?!" I yelled at him

"There's no way that we're seen the fans without security again! You made us think you were dead and almost gave us a heart attack! So....No!" he said as he sat me on his lap....this guys has gotten attached to me really soon, but so have I. They're like the brothers I never had and I'm like the sister they never had.

"Awww, is Luke concern? Gimme a hug weirdo!" I said as I hugged the life out of him. Soon Little Panda, Mike and Ashton joined the hug. Soon enough One Direction Joined and we had a freaking big group hug.


"Yes?" they all said

"Can't breath!" I yelled as they all pulled away. I'M FREE!

"Let's go. We have to get ready for the concert so let's get going! We'll take care of your head on the way! And somebody take Samantha! We don't want her killing any fans for what happened" Liam instructed.

"Awwww, you're no fun!" I whined as I jumped on Niall's back and we walked out of the hotel. Once we got outside....some fans kept throwing things at us......and another rock hit me but it didn't made me bleed. I jumped of Niall's back and walked towards the group of fans.

"WHO THE HECK THREW THIS?!" I screamed but once again I remembered that they didn't understand me. But they just threw stuff animals at me.....SWEET! I took all of them and ran towards the big limo, forgetting about the conflict me had and with toys in hand! More stuff animals for my collection!

"Drive Paul. We're good to go" I said as he started driving as the boys just watched me like I had grew a third head......they should had gotten used to this kinda of things, it happens a lot.


Yellow my readers.

I made a trailer for this book, cheek it out and tell me what you think.

Love Sam xoxoxoxo

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