Drunken Miracles

By Purplepaises1

80.3K 2.5K 113

Taylor Weaving was plenty of things, but desperate, she was not. Desperate for sex because she two best frien... More

Drunken Miracles
Mistake? Try Disaster.
Your Shorts Are...Short.
Cars Weren't Built For Sexual Tension
Frustration. Not The Nice Kind.
Lab Partners
Having Low Self Control Doesn't Mean You're A Slut. Does It?
Best Friends. Need There Be More Said?
Movie Magic
COD, Old Woman and Curtains.
It's Been Too Long
Simple As That
Is Molting A Side Effect For Falling In Love?
Nate fucking Presley
Wildebeast Vs Alligator
Birthday Wishes
Those Fluffy Handcuffs
Iron Man
Oblivious, Arrogant Heartbreaker.
Mexican Wrestler
She's Such A Slag, Not Even The Pimps Want Her.
Drunken Miracles
Quite Frankly, The End.

To Wag Or Not To Wag, That Was The Question.

2.8K 90 7
By Purplepaises1

To wag or not to wag, that was the question.

Taylor groaned as she walked towards biology, her hands clammy and heart all over the place. She hated feeling guilty, even when she shouldn't because she really didn't want to face the awkwardness of seeing Oliver.

In her defense, he had been mean to her best friend, and she turned into one of those mother bears protecting her cubs kind of madwoman, but she still shouldn't feel guilty.

Oliver's face flashed in her mind, and she groaned again, really not looking forward to the encounter. Why did she always manage to get into awkward situations? It just wasn't fair. It was like all the other teenagers were getting the epic moments, and she was getting the bury-your-head-in-the-sand ones.

"You look like you're about to shit a brick." Mitch appeared beside her, his face twisted in amusement.

"Well shitting a brick would probably be more pleasant then bio right now." Taylor muttered a reply, gripping her books harder. Mitch laughed, throwing an arm around her shoulder.

"What did you do this time? Yell or stab Mr. Turnpike?"

Taylor grunted, elbowing him in the ribcage. "Don't you have a skirt to chase or something?"

Mitch shrugged, looking confident. "You know what I say, keep it mean, keep 'em keen."

"Mitch, that only happens in movies. Or Twilight."

Mitch's mouth dropped open in shock. "I have a certain appeal too, you know."

"To the opposite sex?" That was Taylor's cue to laugh. "You're just too cute, Mitchy boy." She ruffled his hair, and he smacked her hand away lightly, an annoyed look on his face.

"Whatever. See you at lunch?" He asked, and she nodded, watching as he bounded down the corridor in his haste to make it to class.

Speaking of class...Taylor sighed. She couldn't put it off any longer. But she really didn't want to-

She frowned, hiding behind the nearest row of lockers as Oliver and Nate walked past in the opposite direction to biology.

Were they wagging? Taylor thought, waiting until they were around the corner before stepping back out into the corridor.

What in the world were they doing? The question bounced around in Taylor's mind again.

To wag or not to wag, that was the question.

Her feet were already running down the corridor to catch up to the two boys.

Damn it, she hadn't thought it through. She caught sight of their backs and thought to hell with logic as she followed them out into the car park, trying to keep a good distance and hid behind a blue car as they walked towards Nate's.

"What are they doing?" Taylor muttered to herself, frowning. Were they seriously just wagging? Mind you, Nate was well, Nate, and she wouldn't put it past him to ditch school just because he could. But Oliver? He was bad with a capital B at biology, he needed all the help he could get.

Suddenly, Nate paused, throwing the keys to Oliver, who slipped into the passenger side, and jogged back into school. Taylor was about to follow him when she realised that 1) she would look like some crazy deranged fan girl stalker following him, and 2) Oliver would see her for sure if she stood up.

Well, you're in a bit of a pickle, Taylor thought to herself. Why had she decided to go all 007 and spy on them? Because curiosity was a damn pain in the backside. Why couldn't she have just kept her nose out of it? She hated nosy people, and she was one herself. Did that make her a hypocrite? Why was she thinking such random thoughts-

"I never took you as a wagger." A dry, amused voice said from behind her. Taylor screamed, spinning and kicking out blindly at the culprit. Nate stepped back, narrowly avoiding a blow to the shins as he rose his eyebrows at her.

"I-what are you doing here?" Taylor said, her heart still pounding furiously from the shock he had given her.

"I like hiding behind people's cars for fun. You?" He asked, and Taylor glared at him, but tilted her chin up high and looked him dead in the eye.

"I have a doctor's appointment."

"Behind Jason Adamson's car?"

Taylor cringer. She couldn't have just said she was looking for her lost contact? No, she had to make her excuse even worse.

"What are you doing ditching?" She accused, avoiding answering. She was sure that oh hey, I was just stalking you and Oliver because you looked fishy, would sound good.

Yeah, he'd think she was a nutcase.

Actually, the way he was looking at her now already told her he wasn't far off thinking it.

"I know you were following us."

Damn. "How?"

"Well for someone so light you move like an elephant through those corridors sometimes." He commented, as if he hadn't just insulted her inner ballerina.

"Well, tell me why you're wagging!" She half shouted, frustrated that she'd been caught out.

"We're going to get a present for a friend of yours," Nate said, watching her face flash with curiousity before biting down on his lip.

"What? Who! Tell me!" She demanded, and Nate laughed, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, I've already said too much."

"You can't just do that!"

"Do what!"

"Say something like that then not tell me!"

Nate snorted, as if she was simple. "I can."

Taylor rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, we all know Nate's a god. Now tell me."

"Not after that sarcastic, hurtful comment."

Taylor gave him a flat stare. "Really? Now you're going to act like you have feelings?"

Nate opened his mouth and stared at her incredulously. "Wow. You're nasty when you're curious."

Taylor stepped towards him, trying to put on an innocent face. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his, smirking slightly when she heard him make a sound half like a groan in the back of his throat.

"Please, baby? Tell me?"

Nate's eyes watched as her tongue licked her own lips, and his eyes darkened with arousal, but he shook his head slowly, smirking that smirk that was just for her. It caused butterflies to erupt in her stomach, and a pleasant feeling to wash over her whole body.

"I know what you're doing, and it won't work." He stated, and Taylor pulled away, groaning.

"Nate! Tell me!"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "If I took off now, would you follow us to where we're going?"

"No, I'd go to my doctor's appointment." She watched as his eyes lit up in surprise.

"You actually have a doctor's appointment?"

"No, asshole, I'd follow you."

Nate shot her a dark look, before glancing over at his car, thinking. Finally, he sighed, rubbing a hand over his face.

"Fine. You can come." He held up a hand when she went to speak. "But you have to promise not to tell Kally what Oliver's buying her." Taylor looked surprised. So that's who they were buying for.

Taylor squealed, already rushing towards his car. As she slipped in, she realised how bad ass she felt, wagging school for the first time.

Then she locked eyes with Oliver, and paled.

They stared at each other in silence, before starting to shout.

"Oli, I'm so sorry-"

"No, I am more! I didn't mean what I said-"

"But I was such a bitch-"

"You were just being a good friend!"

"I'm sorry!" They both yelled together, and blushed, hearing laughter. They glanced up to see Nate laughing in the drivers seat, shaking his head.

"You two seriously are a pair." He murmured, starting the car and pulling out of the park.

"Seriously, Taylor. I'm really sorry." Oliver said sincerely, and Taylor smiled warmly at him.

"Me too, Oli. Now, tell me what you're buying my best friend."


"Chocolate's and flowers, seriously Oli? What are you, her husband?" Taylor said, making Oliver put them back on the shelf. Oliver scowled at her, sending Nate and Taylor both a dark look.

"I wish Nate hadn't let you come."

Nate's eyebrows rose and he looked at Taylor, who blushed as bright as a tomato at the meaning Nate was implying.

She then regained her composure, putting on a serious face. "Nate's never made me come a day in his life."

To say he looked shocked, was an understatement.

Oliver choked on his coke, trying to hide the laughter he was making. Nate just stared at Taylor with wide, disbelieving eyes.

"You had to of!"

"No, I haven't. It's a well known fact that about 30% of girls don't orgasm." Taylor said with a surprisingly good serious face. Oliver nodded, joining in.

"It's true dude, where were you in health class?"

"Sleeping, obviously." Nate muttered, looking like he was thinking hard.

"What about the last time? When I did that-"

"I faked it." Taylor cut in, not wanting him to repeat it in front of Oliver. Nate's mouth flopped up and down like a fish, and she had to look away from Oliver to keep herself from laughing.

"You can't of!" Nate retorted, shock still on his face.

"I'm a good actress." Taylor replied with good conviction. Oliver snorted.

"Actually, you're not, Taylor. I saw your grade 8 recital." Oliver cringed, and Taylor shot him a dirty look.

"For starters, I had no idea how to act as a tree, because tree's don't walk, they sway, and also, it was a pretty emotional scene, so I couldn't help but cry when Humpty Dumpty fell off the fucking wall."

Oliver rolled his eyes. "Tree's don't cry, Taylor."

"It was tree sap!"

"Coming from where? You're roots?"

"One of the villagers had been chopping firewood, and I had been a victim, okay?"

Nate cut in again, still caught up in the last conversation. "I'm going to make you orgasm, then."

Taylor threw a hand over his mouth, looking around Wallmart wildly to make sure no one heard. She felt something against her hand, and pulled it away, staring at her palm in shock.

"Did you just lick me?" She asked Nate. He smiled cheekily.

"Did it arouse you?"

Taylor groaned, and Nate grabbed her by the hips, pulling her back against him. Taylor felt her knee's shake slightly at the smile on his face, because it was a real, genuine smile, and it made her feel warm and fluttery in the stomach.

"We could just leave Oliver to do the shopping and go back to my house-"

"Ah, third wheel still here, guys." Oliver cut in, pointing to his own chest. Nate kept his eyes on Taylor's, who felt a blush working it's way onto her face from the warmness in his gaze.

"Feel free to leave whenever then," Nate replied.

Oliver rolled his eyes. "You're my ride, idiot."

Nate just flipped him off, and Taylor giggled. He looked down, smiling slightly at her. Taylor felt her heart expand with the tenderness he was showing. Oliver suddenly disappeared down an aisle, and Taylor soon forgot she was standing in the middle of Wallmart's sweet candy aisle, her arms wrapped around Nate's midsection, leaning into him.

He played with a little of her hair, twirling it around a finger, grinning a little.

"You know I was kidding, right?" Taylor murmured, admitting to the fact that yes, Nate made her orgasm. A lot.

Nate cracked a wider grin pressing his smiling lips against hers for a few, sweet seconds, before pulling back.

"I know. You can't not with me."

Taylor rolled her eyes, pulling away from the guy she realised was starting to mean more to her then a guy who she slept with on occasion.

"Wow, your ego's almost too big to fit into Wallmart." She said sarcastically, and Nate chuckled, shaking his head.

"It's only big because of you."

Taylor smirked. "That's what she said-"

"Hey guys!" Oliver yelled excitedly, rushing towards them with a packet of something in his hands. "What about these?!"

He thrust the box into Taylor's face, almost hitting her nose with it. She looked at the contents, and groaned.

"Put the Lego back, Oli, we're here for Kally, not you."

He pouted, walking away. Taylor laughed, watching as Nate jogged after him to go see where he found it. She knew they'd never admit it, but her boys still loved lego.

Her boys...she smiled. She liked the sound of that.

To wag or not to wag? That was the question. Taylor smiled.

She was so glad she did.


SOOOO this was a filler, because I was writing this chapter before, then I accidently left the page. I know. Faceslap, silly person.

A-N-Y-W-A-Y...I hope you enjoy, because I had fun with this! :D

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