I Will Never Be Yours

By asminc007

1.8M 139K 31.6K

'Love has the power to tender the broken, but self love has the power to change' Sequel to 'It was Always you... More

Sneak Peek #1
Sneak peek #2
Character's Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26a
Chapter 26b
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character's Rant
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Engagement (Part 1)
Engagement (Part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Wedding (Part 1)
Wedding (Part 2)
Wedding (Part 3)
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Author's note
Chapter 107
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122a
Chapter 122b
Chapter 122c

Chapter 108

12K 927 189
By asminc007

1 week later...
New Delhi...
Singhal's house...

Sameer is standing in front of the main door of his house, debating to go in or not...

The guards were really surprised to see him at the gate and immediately let him in, they were about to call Priyanka via intercom and inform about his arrival, but he instructed them not to, because he wasn't really sure whether he wanted to see his family or not...

He lifts his right hand which was shivering with anxiety to ring the door bell, but then stops mid way thinking about the consequences of seeing his parents and brother....

Sameer was aware of his gullible nature and also knew how manipulative his parents were, if he falls into their trap, there is no one to take him out of it...

His parents were wrong, and he knew that they will manipulate him to not trust Jai, it wasn't like Sameer was completely trusting Jai, Arjun and Aayan, after all he was their sworn enemy's son, but still he did not feel that they had any intention to use him...

What if they turn me against Aayan and Ananya...?

Come on Sameer ! Man up, you cannot let anyone manipulate you, you will be 28 for god's sake...!

But I don't want to see them, I don't what will I do, when I see Priyanka Singhal...! And I don't want to see Dad as well...

But I need the certificates, I have a interview...

'Forget it... I won't go inside, I'll get another copy from the university...' he mutters and turns around

To his bad luck, the door opens and the butler of the Singhal's house, Mr. Yadav opens it and sees him, he was a aging man in his 60s and has seen Sameer and Yash growing up in this house...

He was the only one, from whom he would hear stories about his real mother's kindness and how she treated everyone in the house, because no one else spoke about her...

Since Priyanka entered this house, everything changed, most of the staff refused to work for Singhals and left the job, because of her mean nature...

But Mr. Yadav did not leave his job, he stayed there for Sameer, because he was scared for his well being and did not trust Priyanka and Prateek to treat him well... But to his solace, none of them were mean to him..

'Sameer Baba...' Mr. Yadav said with a raspy voice

Sameer closed his eyes and exhaled in frustration, as now there was no escape...

Mr. Yadav came in front of Sameer to face him, he was in tears, he held Sameer's shoulders, and began sobbing..

'Thank god you are alright Baba... We were dead worried about you...' he cried and Sameer held his arms tightly and wipes his tears

'Don't cry Chacha... I am here and see nothing happened to me...' Sameer says

'How dare you disappear like that without informing us Baba...? You know your father has gone crazy since you left, he's searching you everywhere... Right now he is at the police station again, to ask about your whereabouts... I asked all your friends and associates... No one had any idea about you...! Where were you Baba...?' Mr. Yadav asked wiping his tears

'I wanted to stay away from the people who stay in this house Chacha... So I was somewhere safe and aloof, where these people cannot find me...' Sameer replied with disgust

'Why Baba... They are your parents...!' Mr. Yadav exclaimed

'And they killed my mother...!' Sameer replied angrily and Mr. Yadav was taken aback..

'So.. So you know about that... I..' Mr. Yadav stammered

'Yes...! I know that cancer was not the reason my mother killed herself, Prateek and Priyanka Singhal were...!' Sameer spat and then took a deep breath to control his rage

'Baba... I...' Mr. Yadav was about to say, but Sameer cut him off..

'I am here to collect my certificates and some stuff that belonged to my mother... I'll leave after that....' Sameer declared and turned around to walk inside the house

As he entered the servants were shocked to see him, he did not smile at anyone, like he normally does, and went straight towards his room

'Sir, Shall I inform your mother about your arrival...? She went to her kitty... She'll be here ASAP...' One of the maid asked and Sameer turned to glare at her

'If you do that... You'll be fired immediately...' he threatened her angrily and she gulped

This means no one is at home... Good...! Sameer thought...

But then something struck him and he looked around

'Where is Yash...?' he asked the maid, who was wiping the sweat from her forehead

'No Idea Sir, he has not come home from last 15 days...' She informed

For some reason Sameer became restless hearing this, if not here, where is he...?

And most importantly what is he up to...?

'Any Idea, where he is...?' Sameer asked further

'Yash Baba was in the Bangalore last month, now Sahab doesn't know where he is...' Mr. Yadav answered on the maid's behalf and gestured her to go from there..

'Can you find out where is he...?' Sameer asks Mr. Yadav

'No Baba, how can I find him...?' Mr. Yadav asks intrigued

Sameer thinks for a while and then looks at Mr. Yadav

'Ask Mr. Sinha, our accountant to send me Yash's bank account transactions, from last 15 days right now, within 15 minutes...' he orders him and Mr. Yadav nods and goes away to make the call

Sameer enters the room and starts searching for his certificates, when his eyes land on the photo frame on the side table of his bed

He keeps the folder he just found on the table and walks towards the frame, it was his baby photo with his mother when he was 6, and this was his last photo with her..

As he picks up the frame, tears form in his eyes, he caresses the photograph and tears roll down his eyes

'They lied to me Maa... They lied to me about why you went away...!' he cried and then held the frame close to his chest

'I am so sorry Maa.... I wish I could've done something to save you... To stop you from doing that... How could you Maa.. How could you leave me among these monsters...! Didn't you think about me once...?' he sobs and sits on his bed

Someone gently keeps his hands on his shoulders, and consoles him, which makes him sob even more...

The person hugs him and Sameer cries on their arms...

'She loved you Baba... And she did that to provide you a secure future... She did everything in her might to secure your well being and then took that horrible step... Don't ever think bad for her... She was a noble lady...'Mr. Yadav said and Sameer continued to cry..

'Why did they lie to me Chacha...? Why did they do that to her...? How do they live...!' Sameer cried and Mr. Yadav hugged him tightly..

'Don't think like this Baba... They are your parents, they will never think evil against you... They love you...' Mr. Yadav said and Sameer left him

'They do nothing without a hidden intention Chacha, especially Priyanka Singhal...! And my father is no saint either..! Don't give me that crap that they love me... ! They don't love anyone except themselves...' he reverted back angrily and got up from his seat and put the frame and the file in a bag, while started searching for his other stuffs

'Baba... Please stay until your father comes here... Just meet him and then leave....' Mr. Yadav pleaded

'I don't want to see his face...!' Sameer growled and continued to do his work

'Baba, your father is restless from last 3 months since your disappearance... He hired people to search you all across the country, even visited Jai Varma multiple times to know about your whereabouts, he goes to the police station every 2nd day to ask about you... That man deserves to know that you are fine and safe... He is your father... Don't do this to him...' Mr. Yadav said

'I am not going to live with him or forgive him ever...' Sameer says

'I am not asking you to forgive him Baba, just show him your face and he'll be at peace that you are okay... If not as your father, just think of him as a 57 year old man, who is running here and there to find you, just to make sure you are okay... As a human, just think about him Baba... Please... I beg you...' Mr. Yadav pleads, folding his hands in front of him

Sameer sighs 'You always do that... That's so not fair...' he huffs frustrated

'Come on Baba... Don't get upset.. All I am asking is just let him see you, then you can leave...' The old man pleads

'Fine ! Call him... I have got my things, and I need to leave... This house is suffocating me... So tell him to make it quick...' Sameer whines and Mr. Yadav calls Prateek

This is a bad idea... It's really a bad Idea...his inner mind scolds him..

He sighs and walks out of his room towards the room at the far end of the corridor, which was locked from years, He takes the keys from the holder and opened the lock...

This room belonged to his late mother, and was the very place, where she committed suicide, as Sameer got inside and was greeted by a familiar fragrance, the wind blew through the door, from where he entered, moving the curtains and he felt a wave calmness in this suffocating house...

And why not, this room belonged to the woman who loved him more than anyone, he slowly walked towards the bed, and sat on the stool beside it, where he would usually sit, to hold his mother's hands when she was sick and she would caress his hair...

He couldn't control his tears and begin sobbing, placing his head on the bed, and after a while he felt someone caressed his hair...

Sameer quickly looked up to find no one there, he sighed and then thought why his anger suddenly melted away as he entered this room after 20 years, he felt like his mother never left, she was still there, welcoming him with open arms, the only difference was he cannot see her anymore...

Priyanka did not let him get inside, and she would always tell Sameer that, she did not want to feel him nostalgic and cry, as it would hurt his mother...

So for the sake of his late mother, the little boy would never cry, and always be happy, so that his mom in heaven is happy too...

But today he did not restrict himself from crying, all things told to him about his mom were lie, who knows, if she wanted him to cry and vent out all his grief, to live happily for himself...

Sameer was crying all the time while in the room, and while going through his mother's stuff he cried more... He collected the things he wanted to keep with him, and then wiped his tears, but they did not stop falling....

'Baba, Kavita didi would not like you to cry for her...' Mr. Yadav says softly, as he entered the room, while Sameer was sobbing holding his mother's pillow...

'That is what Mom said to me...' Sameer cried

'The only truth Priyanka Madam ever said...' Yadav chuckled darkly

'Do you remember anything about my mother...?' Sameer asks

Mr. Yadav smiled and caressed Sameer's hair

'I remember her very distinctly Baba, she was the kindest lady I ever met, everyone in this house loved her, and she never treated us servants, Even Sahab was very fond of her... Yes they had differences, but Kavita didi always made it up to Sahab, and they were happy... Until Priyanka madam was back in Sahab's life...' Mr. Yadav frowned at the last sentence

'I remember once my father was very sick, Kavita didi paid for the whole expense of his treatment and never asked the money back... She was very soft spoken and naive lady... Just like you Baba, you may look like Sahab, but thank god, you turned out to like Didi and not him...' He sighed at the end and Sameer wiped his tears

'Do you remember her last days, and the day when she....' Sameer asked, but could not finish the sentence..

Mr. Yadav had tears in his eyes now..

'How can I forget that time Baba...' he said

22 years ago...
Singhal's house...

Yadav was working in the garden, when Kavita approached him...

'Kishan Bhaiyya... Here....' She hands him a bundle of 100 rupees notes

'What is this Didi...?' Yadav asks him

'Your mother needs money for buying seeds right...? Here...' Kavita smiles

Yadav was overwhelmed by her gesture, as he just casually mentioned about the crisis his family was facing at his native place...

'Didi, I cannot take this...' he said handing back the money to her

'Why not...?' Kavita asks

'You already sponsored my father's treatment, I cannot take more favors from you...' he says folding hands in front of her

'But I am not donating this to you Bhaiyya... I am giving you this money as a loan, you have to return me this, with interest... understand...?' Kavita said, in a fake strict tone..

Kishan laughed at this and Kavita smiled... 'God Bless you Didi...' he smiled

'Uh uh... give all these blessings to my Sameer, Bhaiyya... My mother would always say, that parents good / bad deeds affect their children's well being... I want my Sameer to be happy and no difficulties should come to him at any cost and this will happen only when people bless him...' she said

'Sameer Baba is already blessed with a mother like you didi, nothing can harm him...' Kishan said

Kavita smiled and then looks at watch... 'Oh.. it's Sameer's nap time... i'll put him to the bed, then send Chanda to the kitchen, we'll start preparation for dinner...' she says and Kishan nods

'Kishan bhaiyya please get all the ingredients in the list I gave you, within a hour, Today i'll make Prateek's favourite dishes....' Kavita smiled

'Yes Didi....' Kishan said and Kavita goes inside to find Sameer

Half an hour later...

'Kavita...? Kavita...! Where are you...?' Prateek calls as he enters the house

'Yes...?' She replies coming out of the kitchen

Prateek stares at her, but could not look into her eyes, he was avoiding an eye contact with her and his face showed remorse, which was actually guilt...

'Are you okay...?' Kavita asks concerned

'Yes I am okay... actually there is something I wanted to tell you...' Prateek says in a low voice

'Yes...! I am listening Prateek....Tell me is everything okay at the office...?' She asks, making him sit at the couch and sits beside him

'Yeah.. office is okay... it's about Priyanka...' Prateek says looking down

Kavita gets scared at this... 'What happened to didi...? Is she okay...? Did she and Jai Varma fight again..? Did he do anything to her...! Why do you look so worried...? Tell me Prateek...' She shoots questions at him and Guilt ridden Prateek closes his eyes cursing himself inside..

'Prateek...? What happened...?' Kavita asks again and now Yadav is also listening to their conversation, as he just returned from the market...

'Kavita... I have committed a terrible mistake... you will hate me after this...' Prateek says looking away..

Kavita makes him look at her...
'What are you saying Prateek... you cannot do anything wrong... I trust you...' she smiles and he takes a sharp breath, massaging his temples

'Now tell me what happened to Priyanka didi...?' She asks again

'Woh... Priyanka... actually Priyanka is... I mean she...' Prateek stammers

'Priyanka is...?' She encourages him to speak up

'PRATEEK SINGHAL....!!!' They hear Jai's booming voice and look at the direction

They see a very furious Jai, marching towards Prateek with a murderous look on his face, followed by Sid and Arjun, who looked equally pissed...

'YOU BASTARD... SON OF A BITCH... VERMIN... IMBECILE.... GOD FOR SAKEN PATHETIC MAN, HOW DARE YOU....!!!' Jai grabs Prateek by collar and pushes him to the nearest wall, chocking him

'Oh my god, What are you doing Mr. Varma... Leave him...' Kavita cries, trying to separate Jai and Prateek...

'Mrs. Singhal, you have no idea what your husband did...' Sid says to Kavita and looks at Prateek who was struggling hard to get out of Jai's hold

Arjun holds Jai from behind and separates them, while Prateek gasps for air... But then Jai punches Prateek on his face, due to which he loses his balance and fells on the ground... Kavita rushes to his aid and helps him stand and glares at Jai..

'How dare you...! How dare you punch my husband like that...' she yells at Jai

Jai ignores her, and holds Prateek by collar, and pushed him to the ground...

'So this was happening in the name of shopping and parties...! Don't you have any shame bastard ? You and she both were married to two different people...! How could you...! Does sanctity of marriage mean nothing to you both...!' Jai growled

'What's going on...?' Kavita asked Jai

'My Wife is Pregnant with your Husband's child...' Jai said and angrily, and Kavita was horrified listening to this...

Without even thinking for a second, she marches towards Jai and slaps him, while the men stare at the flabbergasted

'How Dare You ! How Dare You, accuse my husband with something like that, just because you are my Didi's husband... I did not call the police...! Or else you wouldn't be standing here... Understand ? What do you think of yourself huh ? My husband is not like that...!' She yells, Prateek looks away in shame, Arjun - Sid look at her sympathetically, while Jai continues to glare at her...

'Ooo it's true...! Ask him, ask this to your beloved husband...!' Jai growls at Kavita and she turns to Prateek who couldn't face her

'Prateek...?' Kavita asks, and Prateek doesn't reply anything, which makes her go pale..

'Is this true...?' she asks again, her voice a mere whisper

Prateek did not say anything, just nods his head and looks away in shame and Kavita gasped..

'You have a son for god's sake ! And Priyanka Bhabhi has 2 kids...! Didn't you guys even think about them...?' Arjun says to Prateek disgusted who fists his hands

Prateek did not say anything, he just avoided eye contact with everyone, and Kavita was dying inside, two best people in her life betrayed her...

She quietly sits on the sofa, covering her mouth, and the tears were continuously falling, Yadav felt bad seeing his Didi in this condition, he had tears too...

'Kavita, I am really sorry... But Priyanka and I, we... We never loved you guys... Our marriages were forced upon us... We...' Prateek began, but then she got up and slapped him

'If you did not love us, then why the hell did you have children with us...!' She yells at him and Jai glares at him too...

'You should've told me, right from the start,that you love Priyanka ! I would've left...! And I am sure he would've done the same.... Why backstab us Prateek...! Is marriage a joke to you guys....!' she yells and Jai takes a sharp breath...

'What am I supposed to tell Sameer now huh...? What will he say to Aayan and Nitaara ! You ruined 5 lives for your selfishness... You had no right to do that...' Kavita cries

'Kavita... I...' Prateek tries to hold her

'Don't touch me...!' she glares at him

'I am divorcing that slut...! I have no intention to raise that bastard of yours...!' Jai declares

'That woman and her kid is not coming to this house as far as I am alive...' Kavita declares too

'Where will they go Kavita....? She's pregnant, and the kid is mine.. This man is ruthless to kick a pregnant lady out of his house... Atleast you show your humanity....' Prateek says and Jai marches towards him again

'I have never encountered a shameless man like you in my whole life Prateek Singhal ! You have the audacity to cheat on your wife and then ask her to be sane ! unbelievable..!' Sid exclaimed

'It's between me and my wife, you guys better stay out of this...' Prateek counters rudely

'Unfortunately, now our lives are tied together, by that illegitimate little bundle of joy of yours... Ever heard of Section 497 ? You are going to be jailed under that...!' Jai warns and then leaves the house followed by Sid and Arjun

(P.S. I know it's repealed now... But this scenario is not based on 2018...)

Prateek glares at them and then looks at his wife, who was going inside her room...

'Kavita... Listen...' He calls

'I don't want to see your face now...' she says and goes inside..

Little Sameer saw everything from above but couldn't understand anything, Mr. Yadav sees him and then takes him along with him to the kitchen

One week later...

'Chacha, why isn't Maa talking much now a days...? What happened to her....?' Sameer asks, sitting on the kitchen counter while Mr. Yadav was feeding him

'Baba, your Maa is not feeling well, you saw the doctor right ? She is sick...' Mr. Yadav wipes Sameer's mouth and then gives him the water

'When is she going to be okay, Chacha..? She doesn't play with me anymore, and also don't tell me stories... Just sleeps all day... I miss her...' Sameer says sadly and Yadav feels sad for him

'Don't worry doctors gave medicine to her na, she will be fine...' he smiles and Sameer grins

'Is Priyanka Maasi, going to live with us forever...?' Sameer asks, looking at the suitcases of Priyanka in the hall

'Yes Baba...' Yadav sighs

'Yeeeahhh....! I'll go and tell this to Mummy, she will be very happy...' Sameer jumps from the counter and runs towards his mother's room

'No Baba, Wait... Let her sleep...' Kishan follows him

Sameer opens the door and finds his mother lying on the bed lifelessly, her gaze fixed to the ceiling and the pills scattered on the ground

'Maa...?' He calls her, but she does not answer

Mr. Yadav follows sameer and Gasps seeing his mother..

'Didi...! Oh my god.... What did you do didi...' he shakes her lifeless body

'Sahab ! Sahab !' He yells and Prateek comes inside the room, followed by Priyanka

Sameer was cluelessly standing there, When Prateek went there her body...

'Fuck...' he mutters and then shakes Kavita

'Damn it Kavita...! What did you do ! Wake up...!' he shakes her vigorously

'Call the ambulance...!' he orders and Yadav rushes out of the room

Priyanka who was shocked, goes near her and finds a note near the bedside..
It was addressed to her...

'Sameer beta, go out... We have to take mumma to the hospital, ask Driver uncle to start the car...' Prateek says to Sameer and picks his wife up...

Sameer runs out of the room followed by Prateek, but Priyanka stood there horrified after reading the note addressed to her...

'I hope you die the same way I did...' it said...


Sameer had tears in his eyes, after hearing the narration, while Mr. Yadav wiped his own tears...

They hear a screeching sound of the tyre, and Sameer's anger was back..

'Sahab is here... Let me get him to you...' Yadav said and got out of the room

Sameer too got out of the room and locked it, as he did not want his father to enter his mother's room and ruin it's soothing aura...

As he locked the door, he received a message from his company's accountant...

He opened the text and it revealed Yash's transaction details...

'Flight tickets payment, Hotel check-in in Bangalore, Bar payment, Groceries, Flight tickets again, Hotel check-in in Mumbai, Groceries, Bar payment... New car !! Why will he need a new car in Mumbai...? Since when he changed his taste to second hand cars ?' Sameer mutters

What is he doing in Mumbai...?
Should I alert Ved or Aayan...?
Is he stupid enough to harm Ananya...?

His train of thought was disturbed by the sound of approaching footsteps in hurry, and he looks up to see his father literally running towards him, followed by the woman he now hates...

'Sameer... My boy...' Prateek cries and hugs him tightly before Sameer could do anything

Sameer sighs, but did not hug him back, he tries to look somewhere else, when his eyes land on Priyanka who was smiling at them teary eyed and his blood boiled seeing her...

He did not smile at her, just looked away, and Priyanka frowned at this...

'Thank god you are safe my boy... I was so worried... Where were you...? Why did you leave us like that...' Prateek cries but Sameer is unaffected by it

'Why did you leave us Son...?' Priyanka asks and Sameer glares at her

'Why don't you both ask this to yourself...?' Sameer replies angrily

Prateek leaves him and he and Priyanka look at each other and sigh

'Beta, you are getting us wrong... What Jai Varma told you is not the whole truth...' Prateek says

'Really...? Then what is the whole truth...?' Sameer crosses his hands over his chest

'He has manipulated you son, he fooled you, so that you cannot take revenge on his son for taking away, what belonged to you...' Prateek says softly and Priyanka stares at him bewildered

'What do you mean, Dad ?' Sameer raises his brows

'You deserved to be with that Ananya girl, not that arrogant Aayan...! But still he snatched her away from you, and Jai Varma did not even let you realise that, by distracting you with some shit story about your mother... See that's how manipulative they are...' Prateek says and Sameer stares at them bewildered

'They are our enemies son, and Aayan is not your brother, Yash is... We are your real family, not them...' Prateek holds Sameer by shoulders

'All those things they told you about Kavita are not true.... She did not die because of us... Infact the truth is other way round...' he says and now Sameer glares at him

'Dad... No...' Sameer warns him, but Prateek does not take his warnings

'The truth is... Your mother and Jai....' he began, but before he could finish, he was pushed to the ground and Priyanka gasped

'HOW DARE YOU...!' Sameer growled and marched towards him angrily, while Prateek backed off scared...

'HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH THINGS ABOUT MY MOTHER, YOU IMBECILE, CHEATING, GOD FOR SAKEN PATHETIC MAN...!' Sameer yelled and was about to hit his father, but Mr. Yadav held him back

'Baba, he is your father...!' he exclaims

'He is declaring my mother as characterless ! I don't care what he thinks about Jai Varma, but how dare he call my mother something like that...!' Sameers pushes Yadav away

'Son... I did not mean that...' Prateek clarifies, but Sameer was beyond furious

'I do understand what you meant Mr. Singhal...! I am not a kid...! And how do you get the audacity to question my mother's chastity, when you yourself are a man whore ! And your current wife is a home wrecking witch...!' Sameer growls and his parents look at him shocked

Their calm, soft spoken Sameer was saying mean things to them, they were beyond shocked after hearing this...

'I am leaving...' Sameer declares taking his bag

'Hear us out, Son...' Priyanka says

'Yeah... I am your Father, you cannot just abandon me..' Prateek says teary eyed

'I am ashamed to call you as my father and thank god you did not give birth to me...' he yells at them and they cry at this...

'And no...! Ananya was not meant to be with me...! I deserve better...! And you are no one to comment on who is my real well wisher, because you are not one of them...!' Sameer says angrily

'Baba... Please calm down...' Mr. Yadav tried to calm him

'I am leaving Chacha...! And they are not my parents.. I already lost my mom, from today I don't even have a father...!' Sameer declares wiping his tears

'Son...!' Prateek cries getting up with Priyanka's help

'Yash is the only child you have now... Don't ever try to contact me or i'll put a restraining order on you...' Sameer says and walks away, leaving helpless Prateek behind..

Random Hotel room...

'We have been waiting for over a month now, how can you be so sure that they'll go out somewhere in coming days...?' Ritika asks Yash

'They cannot keep that baby Amayraa indoors for long, they have to take her somewhere...' Yash replies

'So you say we have to be ready...?' She asks

'Yes...!' Yash replies

'Are you sure about this...? I mean... She is pregnant now...' Ritika says, hesitating

'Are you backing off...?' Yash raises his brows

'No... I mean, I don't like Aayan that much and now they have a baby... Why should we bother...? This plan will be bit harsh on her don't you think...?' Ritika says

'I have to harm her, so that my Dad can have revenge on her dad...' Yash declares

'But the baby is not at fault...' Ritika argues

'Did you forget how they insulted you ? How Aayan used you and his wife slapped you...?' Yash says and Ritika's demeanor changes at this

'Let's do this...' she says and Yash smirks

'That's my girl...' Yash says and takes his binocular out

'When do you think we can execute this...?' Ritika asks

'Very soon my dear...' he replies

'And how will Ananya come with them...?' Ritika asks again

'Her inability to stay indoors for long is going to cost her a huge deal...' He smirked..

'I will destroy your life Aayan Varma...'

Let's see who destroys whom...


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"ℍ𝕚𝕤 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕦𝕟𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘....." ★★★ AARYANSH × ISH...
158K 11.4K 60
Aarav thinks of himself as a daring and dashing dude but in reality he is a darpok (Coward) who is scared of the dark and even now he sleeps with bed...
432K 23K 83
Claimed #1 ranking and also #1 in hotlist many times. MY HEART BEATS ONLY FOR YOU MY HEART SAYS TO LOVE YOU BUT MY MIND SAYS...