Embers and Ashes

By Wild_Court

84.4K 2.7K 701

After the failed attempt at binding the Night and Autumn Courts together through the marriage of the Morrigan... More

Authours Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Court Fashion
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Note
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5
Bonus #6
Bonus #7
Bonus #8
Bonus #9
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Authors Note
The Next Story

Chapter 2

2.6K 70 4
By Wild_Court


   Months before I was to leave my father had ordered an army of semstreeses to the castle. Along with mountains of fabrics purchased from the Autumn Court that would suit my colouring. Lucky for me I have inherited my mothers Autumn appearance with olivey skin, thick chestnut hair, and my hazel eyes.

   So when I say that my luggage had been thurally packed. I am not joking.

   For my travels I chose a simple fawn beige dress with golden thread swirling up the skirts in vines and bellowing winds. The long sleves cusped with gossy frills around my wrists. The fabric fine but warm. Comforting, and much more suited to my prude preferances in fashion. Unlike my peoples flamboiant, breezy, and revealing clothing; the Autumn Court is strick in believing a woman's body is only for me mate or husband.

   The rebellious part of me wants to have the dip of the collar to be made a bit deeper. Just to rattle some sexist nerves, but I have always felt more comfratable in my body while fully covered. It's my preferance.

   My choice of dress seemed to also please the Preistest that we went to see before I left. Father thought it best to ask for a blessing and prayers for my well being. To be honnest I will need all I can get if I'm going to survive this marriage.

    Kneeling at the Mother's alter in the mountain temple always struck something in me. It brings me peace and a feeling of power knowing that the divine female is the one with the strongest magic. Bringing life into the world, and no male will ever take that from us.

   The High Preistest had began her prayers at the breaking of dawn. All three of us, my father, brother, and I all silent as we listen.
   Asking the Mother for her guardianship and to bless my womb to bare children. I could almost feel the uncomfratable squirming from my father. Thesan's face pinching together as if someone had forced him to down curddled milk.

   I was able to hold back my laughter until the Priestest begs for my future husbands heart to be softened and loving towards me. Thesan muttering snidley under his breath, "Might wanna pray a big harder on that one."

   The Priestest giving my brother a frightful glare and father hissed at him and swatts him upside the head. I have to bite down on my lips and cover my laugh to try and strangle the laughter. Thesan gives me an apoligetic look but I offer him a smile. Thanking him for the bit of dry humour that I wish I could join in.

   It wasn't until we were all standing in the palace courtyard where the carriage had been brought out that I finally had to say goodbye to my family. My father being the first to grab me and hold me close. Holding me like he regrets having to let me go.

   "I'm sorry", he murmurs in my ear. "My baby girl, I am so sorry."

   "It's okay Da. We all have our part to play. This is mine. I'll do my best to make you proud", I hum and take in one last deep breath of his sent.

   "You already have", he nods and kisses my head lovingly. His voice hardening then as if he were sending me off to war rather then to a husband.

   Then came the point where I had to hug my big brother goodbye. Who waisted no time in grabbing me and giving me a bonecrushing hug.

   "You got the thing?", he asks in my ear.

   I nod and smile. "Fit's perfectly around my thigh. Hopefully no one will be looking there."

   "Sure as Hell hope not", he hisses but calms down and sighs. "I'm gunna miss you butthead."

   "Me too", I laugh. "Oh, and one more thing. You have to make me a promise. As a wedding present."

   "I'll promise you just about anything right now for what you're about to go through", he agrees.

   "Good", I smile and take a deep breath. "Thesan, we only get so much time with the people we love, and one day we might not have anymore time. I want you to be happy. I want you to have a life I might never get to have. With someone who really matters. . . Tell him you love him."

   Thesan stills as he looks down at me with an expression of shock.

   "The only two people in the world that don't know all ready that you two are meant to be is  you two", I roll my eyes but smile. "Tell the poor Peregryn before you loose the chance to. Be together. Love eachother. Prove to me that real love still egsists in this world even if I can't have it. Please promise me."

   Glancing over my shoulder I knew he and his soldier were locking eyes. That when my brother wouldn't be able to handle the tears in his eyes any long that that guard would pull him into the dark corners of the palace to comfort him. They'd been friends since the beginning, and I'd be dammed to eteral agony if I don't see them end together.

   Despite the pain Thesan smiles and look back at me. "I promise."

   Beaming I give him one last tight hug before pulling away. Allowing Tyren, the emissary and advisor of the Dawn Court, to help me into the carriage. Settling down  to watch my family fade away as one of the guards sent with us winnows us across Prythian to the Autumn Court.

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