Hetalia Ghoul

By AngelxFlores

31.4K 1.6K 955

° December 25 2018 - #2 in Prucan° °January 5 2019 - #1 in Gerita° °April 24 2019 - #1 in Ameripan° °June 21... More

This is Me
Another One
Where Did He Go?
A Friend
Who's This?
An Idea
Mask Maker
The Hero
More Information
Hanging Out
Another Day
The One-Eyed
Frog Prince
The Revenge Deal
The Doctor
The Waiter
Memories and Secrets
The Rules
The Girl
A Picture
author's note
Moving Out
Run Away


305 15 22
By AngelxFlores

- Francis' POV -

With Arthur gone in a hurry, I decided to continue the research.

"Okay... A little more than 1000 files in here... This is going to take a while,"

I went ahead and opened the second file, trying to point out at what point did Dr. Zwingli join the Kol Clan.

"Experiment #0002; Natalia Braginsky. The CCG captured #0002, a young ghoul but powerful. The board approved my prototype of a weapon which is a blade that can cut a ghoul's limb and will not allow the ghoul to regenerate it after. This could be a game-changer in the battle between humans and ghouls. I would hate to test it out on this little girl, but she almost bit my leg off. We'll see how she likes it,"

The image of a young girl with long platinum blonde glaring with teary eyes in a cage, with her leg amputated. The next picture was the prototype of the blade that was used. Nowadays, it is not uncommon for us to use the device. It was the type of weapon I used to kill Katyusha.

The next experiment was #0003; Lily Zwingli, "The night that I amputated #0002, my building was invaded by Kol Clan Ghouls. I was the only one left in the building and I had Lily with me since it was closed. I had to pick up some papers and I had to take her with me since I usually watch her. Katyusha Braginsky is the leader of Kol Clan and Natalia was her little sister. When I was out to get my gun, Katyusha sneaked in and stabbed my sister fatally before taking Natalia. Ivan, the younger brother, helped me save time and save Lily but at a cost. I needed to use ghoul organs and tissue to save her. The DNA was compatible enough to keep her alive, as well as make her half ghoul. After a talk with the Kol Clan leader, we agreed that if I helped them by betraying the CCG, they will help my sister adjust to ghoul life. From now on, these files will be confidential and my record of my research for the Kol Clan,"

I continue reading Lily's file, as it had been updated later on, "Like hybrids, Lily shows to have more strength than a normal ghoul. In fact, she may show more strength than a natural born hybrid. I've been wanting to research more about half human-half ghoul hybrids, natural born or man made. Lily may be the first successful man made hybrid, but I wonder if I can create more. And in the process, I can continue #0001's failed experiment of creating a controlled soldier. It seems Katyusha is on board with that idea. I will create an army for us. She said she will be keeping out an eye for a candidate for such experiment"

So that explained why Vash was working for the Kol Clan. I clicked on the next file and was surprised that unlike the others, this was not titled as I assumed to be in numerous order, but rather was #1918. It was the largest file so far with what looked like years worth of research and notes. Under the title stated the name and a side note "Formally known as #0004, renamed #1918, as that is his trigger,"

I opened the file to read the name and picture of a young boy, like Kiku, trapped in a cage. He had a very light blonde hair, almost silver and dark eyes and was very pale.

"Experiment #1918 had been kidnapped at age 10 by the Kol Clan for my research. Katyusha said that he was out on his own late. His only family was his brother and father. His father was killed around the time of the kidnapping. He is a human but I was hoping to recreate what I have done with my sister and also #0001's experiment. Gilbert Beilschimdt will become the first controlled soldier,"

Where did I hear that name before?

"He will go through similar process of #0001. First, I would have to reconstruct his biological structure,"

I skim through it, not wanting to read the gory details of surgeries and tests done to the poor boy. The images shown that his hair has changed to a silver and his eyes were still dark brown but with a red tone. One of his eyes were pitch black and red.

"Like #0001, he was tortured and trained. It took a while for him to stop resisting and to get used to his new abilities. Just as I predicted, he was as strong as Lily. Instead of triggering him with blood, I decided to use more of a command approach. This is where the phrase #1918 came in. If we were to release him as a soldier, it would be difficult to contain and it is certain for him to try to look for his family. And so I used a type of shocking mechanism in order to make him forget of his past life. Although, it may have backfire as he constantly forgets his name and other important details when triggered into commands. Back to the command. To trigger #1918, one must look directly into his eyes and slowly say: 'One. Nine. One. Eighth. Nineteen-Eighteen.' Simple enough for us and him to remember. Once activated, #1918's ghouls abilities and strength will double and be under the command of whoever triggered him. The only backfire is that if he is under command for too long, he will start to go out of control and kill, no matter what, similar to #0001's side effects. It's difficult to bring him back to his senses. Only someone they trust can calm him. Lily became friends with him, even though he was afraid of her from the constant battles we forced him to do with her to test both of their abilities. The more we test him though, the more he loses his memory, and therefore loses trust in all of us."

I continued to skim, as it was mostly just progress on strength and training and such. At the end of the page, it had some lose notes, "#1918 has escaped and Katyusha is mad. Years of work is gone. I'm afraid she'll kill us. I need to find him or run away with Lily,"

The note seem to be have written a couple months ago like Arthur and I had guessed, before Katyusha's death. At the end of the note, there was a picture of the runaway, in what he looked like before he had escaped. A tall, built, still pale. His eyes were more red than brown now. His hair was still white and messy.

"He reminds me of Ludwig," I thought out loud. A second later, I shot up from my chair in revelation, "It's Ludwig's missing brother!"



He finally got it :)

Also, two updates consecutively in two days?? Gasp

Can anyone guess why I chose 1918 as Gilbert's number? ;)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I appreciate all comments and votes and I'll see ya next update!

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