Newt x Reader - The Heart

By aerovxoid

351K 6K 6.6K

After getting out of the maze alongside your brother and close friend, you cant trust anyone, especially afte... More

Safe Haven.
Is this safe haven really safe?
Is This Safe Haven Really Safe? (pt.2)
The Escape
Shuck Minho
Dont Touch Me
Because of Me
Jorge and Brenda
Hang Tight
Party Of The Living Dead
The Right Arm
The Attack
The Attack
The Rescue
Hes Not Here
I got tagged
End It That Way Too
5k special????
gimmie some questions
Long Ride
Old Friend
Whats so Funny?
im bad at this.
Pinkie Promise
Miss Me?
im a mess rn
Finding A Way
-Thank you-
New Book
Im Sorry

The Inevitable

5.3K 100 314
By aerovxoid

    Before we get into this chapter I would just like to say that im sorry for not posting in over a month, im a lazy shithead sooooo... Im so sorry though, I love younalk for being so patient, thank you!

We sigh in relief as we finally stop running. My thighs burn as my lungs beg for air which I gratefully can now catch. I lean my back on the small concrete wall behind me, slouching further down so no one can spot my now messy and sweaty hair. I sit next to Newt, who looks as if he's gonna pass out at any minute. I hear Gally and Thomas talking to each other but am to focus on Newt to eavesdrop at the moment.

Minho swiftly moves in front of Newt as he pats his shoulder, I can see a flash of sadness cross Minho's face but he quickly covers it up.

"How are you feeling?" Minho asks concerningly, his still wet hair moving side my side slightly from the wind, or from every breath he takes.

Newt manages to chuckle before responding, "Terrible." He says with a slight smirk. "It's good to see you though." Newt says as he places his hand on Minho's shoulder, genuinely happy to see him. I smile at them as its good to see them together again. Minho grips Newts hand for a short moment before swiftly making it over to Thomas and Minho.

I look at Newt as he hastily tries to unbutton his now dirty and torn up jacket. "Here." I say as I help him with the last button, as he was clearly struggling. Newt smirks at me slightly but I just roll my eyes and Thomas walks over to us.

"Alright Newt we gotta go." He says as he grabs Newt and swings his arm over his shoulder, supporting most of his weight. They begin to walk slowly and I join Minho and Gally for a brief moment.

"Why are you helping us Gally?" Minhos asks, genuinely confused as one may and should be. "I put a spear through your chest." Minho finishes as he furrows his brows at Gally, I chuckle slightly but quickly pull it together as Minho gives me a short glance.

"Nobodys perfect man." Gally says with a tight lipped smile before patting Minho on the side and following behind Thomas and Newt. I look at Minho as he looks at me, a confused expression on his face.

"What he said." I say before walking after Gally, staying quite a ways away from him just in case trouble comes. I eventually hear Minho following me.


"Let me help." Minho says as he grabs the other side of Newt as he almost passes out. I look at him and tears brim my eyes, he looks miserable. The veins in his face are now bulging and throbbing, black goo like liquid slowly coming out of his mouth, and his eyes were bloodshot red and puffy. I walk alongside Gally, right behind the other three as we hear a loud boom come from the right of us. I turn and see fire erupting from the gates of the city, debris flying everywhere. We all stand and look at the scene unfolding in front of us.

"We were supposed to take out WICKED not the whole damn city." Gally says truthfully, shock clearly evident on his face.

"Lets go." I say quickly, now leading.

I lead them around a sharp corner heading where Gally told me the tunnels were. Hut before I could continue on I see guards lining the street, as if they were waiting for something.

"Shit." I whisper as I quickly duck down behind a concrete wall, the others following suit. I look at Newt as I hear another coughing fit. He sees the look im giving him but quickly waves me off, mouthing 'im fine' to me before slouching down on the wall.

"Damnit." Gally says as he leans his head against the wall, trying not to get seen.

"What are they waiting for?" Minho says, worry written all over his face. I look around but jump back as an explosion erupts to the right of me, Newt arms fly around my waist and pull me back, and away from the explosion. At a different moment in time, I would be a blushing mess, but considering the circumstances…

We watch as people come in full force, attacking the guards. I quickly realize that these are Vincents guys, coming for revenge. Bullets flying left and right barley missing us. Newt pushes me down, his body slightly hovering over mine as bullets fly past us.

"Stay down, stay down!" Thomas yells.

"We gotta go, we gotta go." Gally urges as he lies down on his back completely, his grip tightening on his gun with every passing second. I quickly grab Newts arm and hoist it over my shoulder as Thomas does the same. We both stand at the same time and begin to practically drag Newt at this point to a safer area, Minho and Gally close behind us.

We settle for a building with the door broken open, even though its close to the battle, it's far enough away to not have to worry about bullets. Thomas and I sent Newt down against a wall as I crouch beside Newt, slightly covering my ears from the noise. My hand finds its way to Newts as I squeeze it tightly. Minho and Gally slip down beside me as Thomas quickly grabs the walkie talkie.

"Brenda." Thomas repeats into the walkie before finally getting a response.

"Thomas, where are you?" She asks, worry evident in her voice. "We're not gonna make it" Thomas says in between heavy breathes. "What-what are you talking about?" Brenda asks, stuttering slightly.

"Just take the others, get them out while you still can." Thomas says while resting his head on the back of the wall, tears slightly brimming his eyes but he quickly blinks them away. A few seconds go by of static from the other side before its interrupted.

"No." Brenda says sternly.

"Brenda" Thomas says back just as sternly, his face stern, as if he were talking to her face to face.

"I'm not leaving you." Brenda says back, a slight quiver in her voice. "So forget it." She finishes, the quiver gone.

Thomas sits there for a second, debating on what to say to her, his face full of so many emotions. I want to say something to him but before I could he raises the walkie to his mouth. He licks his lips before responding.

"Even though you should?" He says before dropping his hand to his side, his breaths finally returning to a normal pace. I hear the static of the walkie talkie as if Brenda was gonna say something but then it's gone. I look at Newts intertwined hands and smile slightly.

This wouldn't be so bad of a place to go I suppose.

I wipe a tear from my cheek as I hear Brenda's voice from the walkie.

"Thomas," she says before pausing, "don't worry, im coming to you." She says, determination in her voice as she turns the walkie off.

"What are you talking about?" Thomas asks. I watch as his face contorts into a look of confusion, as does mine. "Our rides here! Just look for us near the tunnels!" She says, a small laugh escaping her before her voice is gone. I look at Thomas, hope filling my eyes. Minho and Thomas quickly grab Newt and we all haul ass out of the small store we were in. Gally and I lead them to a small sidewalk, guarded from the street.

"Newt, were almost there." I say as I begin to hear him struggle. "Just leave me…" I hear him say before Gally and I jump back slightly as a flaming car goes flying down the street. We all fall back and Minho and Thomas put Newt up against the guard, blocking us from the street. We watch as people run left to right, screaming as if there was no tomorrow. We all look up at the sound of a berg from above us. I smile as I see a berg enter my line of sight, landing by the tunnels where Brenda said.

"Thats them, we gotta go." I say as I bend down with Thomas to grab Newt but am stopped. "Go without me." Newt says as he begins to cough up black blood. Tears flooded my eyes at his response. Does he really expect us to just leave him here?

We all look at him in disbelief as he takes in sharp breaths of air, as he tries to control his slight irritation.

"Minho," I hear Thomas say, "You gotta run ahead, grab the serum and get back to us as soon as you can." Thomas finishes, looking at Minho expectantly. Minho looks at him as he furrows his brows. "Minho…" Thomas says, practically begging at this point. "He's right, I can cover you." Gally says as he begins to walk towards the street, crouching down right before the sidewalk and street come into contact, waiting for Minho.

Newt grabs Minho's forearm before he has a chance to go, "Thank you, thank you Minho." He says, as if he was saying goodbye. Im not letting Newt die.

He can't die.

"You just hang on, you hang on you hear me?" Minho says before letting go of Newt and crouching over to Gally before they both make a run for it down the street and out of sight. Thomas and I look back at Newt who is totally dazed out, I can see him getting angrier and angrier every second, meaning he's gonna turn soon. My heart breaks a little at the scene but Thomas snaps him out my shaking him slightly.

"Were gonna try this alright?" Thomas says, looking at Newt. "Now, let's get you up." Thomas says as he begins to slightly pull Newt up as Newt reaches for his neck before pulling out some sort of necklace as he continuously says no to Thomas. He rips it off his neck before extending it out to Thomas.

"Take this." Newt says, looking at Thomas expectantly.

"We dont have time Newt come on," Thomas says one more time before Newt completely loses it.

"Thomas just take it! Take it!" He yells, I watch with tears streaming down my face at the sight of him, Thomas takes the necklace as Newt gives me a brief look before turning back to Thomas.

"Please Tommy, Please." Newt says with pleading eyes as he looks at Thomas. Thomas nods slowly as he takes the necklace and slips it into his pocket, making sure it's secure.

"I need you to give me everything you go, okay?" Thomas says as he begins to count down from 3, Newt nodding his head as Thomas pulls him into his feet. I stand and begin to lead them, my gun raised and ready for any type of threat.

I lead then to what seems like some sort of station before I hear Thomas start to say no. I turn around and see Newt slowly falling from Thomas grasp. I run over to them and catch Newt with Thomas as we begin to drag him but it's not enough as Thomas and I go down anyways, my gun sliding across the floor as I hit it. I rest Newts head in my lap as we hear Thomas' name echoing through the whole city.

"Can you hear me?" The voice who I immediately recognize as Teresa says again. I look at Newt as Thomas stands. I hold his face as tears streamed down my face.

"You can't leave me, not yet, this is why I didn't want to get close to you boys." I say as I lay my head against Newts, his eyes peer towards me as if it's him for a split second but then he's dazed out again, as if he can't see or hear me.

"I need you to listen to me, I know you have no reason to trust me" she pauses for a second before continuing, "But I need you to come back."

"I have so many things I want to tell you, so many things I want to witness with you… So many memories I want to make with you."I say as I place a feather light kiss at the top of Newts head as Teresa continues.

"Thomas, you can save Newt, there's still time for him," Teresa says which causes my head to shoot up, tears still streaming down my face as I lightly bring Newts head off my lap and onto the ground as I stand. "There's a reason Brenda isn't sick anymore, its your blood."

At this I take one last look at Newt before walking over to Thomas, standing beside him as Teresa continues.

"Do you understand?" She asks, the sincerest in her voice kinda scary. "She isn't sick because you cured her, and she doesn't have to be the only one."

I look at Thomas as see Tears brimming his eyes as he listens to Teresa very closely.

"All you have to do is come back, and all of this will finally be over. Please, just come back to me. I know you'll do the rig-" before Teresa can finish her voice is cut off and silence swarms Thomas and I. Thomas and I look at each other as we both slightly smile, for the first time in a while, hopeful. We both turn to pick up Newt but when we turn, he's already standing which causes my breath to hitch in my throat as Thomas and I look at Newt, his back turned to us.

"Newt" Thomas and I say at the same time as we look at him, completely baffled on what were seeing. When he turns around I release a shaky breath as I see what has happened, why he can all of a sudden stand on his own.

He turned.

Newts gaze lands on me as Thomas whispers his name one last time before Newt launches himself at me.

"Y/n!" Thomas says as he pushes me to the side, causing Newt to fall to the ground. When I hit the ground my head scrapes the concrete, causing pain to flare up on the side of my face. I scream in pain as I hold the side of my face. "Run!" Thomas says before Newt gets up and launches himself as Thomas.

"Newt! Stop it!" I cry as I stand, slightly dizzy at the flow of blood running down my face. Thomas and Newt are now rolling on the floor fighting each other. As they seperate, Newt looks at me on his hands and knees but it's actually Newt this time.

"Newt!" I yell before he looked back at Thomas and says words I will never forget.

"Tommy, kill me!" Before he runs towards me, tackling me to the ground.

"Newt! Please, it's me!" I cry as I push him away from my face and Newt stops fighting with me. He looks at me, pain and horror in his eyes as he slowly reaches for my face. I flinch a little but am immediately relaxed at the feeling of his touch. Thomas come up from behind but stops as he hears Newt talk.

"I'm sorry…" Newt says before he reaches for the gun in his belt,  cocking it before pointing at his head.

"No!" I yell before pushing the gun away from Newts head, causing it to slide against the floor. This causes Newt to get mad as he continuously forces my body to the ground, my neck flaring in pain as Thomas tackles Newt off of me.

The world around me spins as my head gets worse.

I look over at Newt and Thomas and see Newt pull out his knife, and continuously slashes it towards Thomas before he straddles him, putting the knife up to his chest, penetrating a tiny bit as Thomas lets out a blood curdling scream. Thomas kicks Newt off of him before crawling up to his feet.

I shake my head as the dizziness fades slightly and my vision clears.

I see Newt coming closer and closer to Thomas with the knife slashing at each other back and forth until they meet.

"No!" I scream as the knife plunges into Thomas. I get to my knees as tears stream down my face.

It's not until they pull apart I realize that it's not Thomas who was stabbed but…


"Tommy…" I hear Newt say before he looks at me, a small smile tugging at his lips before he falls to the ground, Thomas catches him half way and lightly places him down.

"Newt!" I scream as I crawl towards them.

Thomas looks at Newt from above as I rest my head on Newts chest, tears coming out like a waterfall onto his shirt. I look at Newt as I cradle his face, tears from both me and Thomas coating Newts body.

"No,no,no…" I say as I look for any sign of life but nothing happens.

I look at Thomas as I can feel his gaze on me. His eyes are filled with tears as he meets my tear stricken face.

I look up and see Brenda staring and Thomas and I, tears already meeting her eyes. I look at her hand and see bliss, which makes the tears fall even harder.

We were so close yet so far…

I feel Thomas grip my hand for a short moment, causing me to look at him. I see him stand as he looks between Brenda and Me before he turns around and walks off. I want to stop him but, I have no words. Im to weak.

I look back at Newt as I do the only thing my body will let me.

I scream.

I hold back the scream when I feel a pair of hands wrap around me. I look up and see Minho, his face emotionless as tears fall down his cheeks. I wrap my arms around Minho and cry into his shoulder, needing the comfort. I look and see Fry kneel down beside Newt, tears meeting his cheek.

I look at Newt as I cry into Minho's shoulder, his face and eyes motionless but I still try and come up with a logical reason that he's alive. Trying to convince myself that hes not dead, that he will come back to me, to his family. But I already know the answer to the question.

Hes gone.


So uh, that just happened.

I feel like we were all excpecting it, even though I knew I wanted Newt to die at the end of this I still cried while writing this because it genuinely hurt me. I hope you guys arent sad, on second though i hope you are sad because that means im doing a good job at writing emotion! Anyways this chapter was one of my favs to write and I am actually really happy with how it turned out. Tell me what you gusy though of this chapter and the emotions you are feeling.

Btw that means that the next chapter is the final chapter fo this amazing journey. Im gonna save all of the mushy stuff for next chapter but I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who has stuck with me from the beginning, I will be doing a appreciation post after my last chapter pretty much tagging the people who have been here from the beginning, who always showed me their love and who sometimes voted for my story because I dont want them to go unnoticed. ❤

So until then I hope you enjoyed that chapter I will see you guys soon(I hope😅)!

Love you 3000. (Yes I am still saying that, dont hate😹)

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