Black-and-white (Translation)


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A decision by James Potter changes Harry's life. Snarry I was allowed to publish it from FanFiktion here sec... More

1. Always the same dream
❤️2. Letters - Despair - New hate
❤️3. Different thoughts And again in the infirmary
❤4. Explain that to Black!
✔5. Canossa and a new beginning
✔6. The beginning of a friendship
✔7. Luna
✔8. I'm scared, part 1
✔9. I'm scared, part 2
✔10. Finally out
✔11. Better acquaintance
12. Solution
13. Departure
14. Fury
15. Military Council
16. Little history lesson
17. Persuasiveness
18. Preparations
19. Wedding
20. conversion
21. Fudge
22. Cat mood
23. Crap problems and other catastrhopes
24. Arrival in Diagon Alley
25. Diagon Alley Shopping Spree
26. Shopping Spree 2 and what the hangover tastes
27 Reactions
28. Lesson for the teacher
29. From the love of the house elves
30. From the love of the house elves 2
31. The Dursleys 1
32. The Dursleys 2
33. Field research
34. Interlude
35. Wolf taming
36. How big is the world?
37. The last holidays
38. At the Dursleys
39. Back at Hogwarts
40. A new year begins
41. The party
42. The first day of school 1
43. The first day of school 2
44. Umbridge
45. Firenze
46. Mephisticuffs
47. How to make people and other beings happy
48. Surprises
49. Further research
50. Small interlude at the lunch
51. Defense? Classes?
52. The emergence of the DA
53. DA meeting, part 1
54. DA meeting, part 2
55.The calm before the storm
56. Preparations for the war
57. Firing
58. Remus and audience
59. Lucius Malfoy and a teacher conference
60. Visit
61. Transformation, the second
62. Vampire tomcat or cat vampire?
63. The charm of the vampire cater
64. A mission for the HA
65. Surprising transformation
66. It was murder
67. Revenge for Laura
68. In the middle of the war
69. Time together
70. A Malfoy at the crossroads
71. Christmas with the HA
72. Christmas with the Dursleys
73. St. Mungo
74. The festival, as it should be
75. Salazar Slytherin
76. Chaos, more presents and a letter
77. Gifts, animals and cuddles
78. cleaning
79. We are wizards, not gunslingers
80. Birthday with surprises
81.More birthday surprises
82. Free at last
83. Sirius the teacher
84.Weapontraining and the rest of the school year
85. Rose-Manor
86. Dates
87. Family secrets
88. Family reunion part 1
89. The family reunion part 2
90. Another family secret and invitations
91.To meet
92. Roland's birthday part 1
93. Roland's birthday part 2
94. New arrival and sad songs
95. A double birthday
97. Serena
98. A huge slip-up.
99. The punishment does not wait
100. Beginning of school with consequences
101. Ice Cold Revenge Part 1
102. Ice Cold Revenge Part 2
103. Minister, Black?
104. Nicolas Flamel
105. A new addition
106. Dementors are distributed
107. Fighter for .... Malfoy
108. Three angels for, ... Malfoy
109. Spy, only something for professionals
110. Tasks of a minister
111. Family Malfoy
112. Preparations for Snake Explanation Part 1
113. Preparations for Snake Explanation Part 2
114. Hot nights Part 1
115. Hot nights Part 2
116. Mission snake part 1
117. Mission snake part 2
118. Christmas in bed
119. Erotic hospital in the house of Snape
120. Draco pushes to it
121. New forest dwellers
122. The herd
123. Snake in love
124. Before crashing
125. On vacation with a ruckus
126. Stubborn, stubborn, the Snapes
127. Grown up for the second time
128. Abominable betrayal
129. Hell begins
130. In twos in hell
131. Lucius' promise
132. Preparation and conversion
133. An act of selflessness
134. Attack
135. Kidnapping with consequences
136. A wild escape
137. Attack of the ancients
138. Again among the living
139. The anger of a school director
140. Epilogue

96. Finally complete

2.4K 87 2

Of course, the two house elves had come. Just like Kreacher. The three did not hesitate to help with serving. Only with great difficulty could the two birthday children persuade the helpers to sit down at the table.
the meal was delicious. There was a choice of different dishes, across the world.
Harry enjoyed himself deliciously as some guests stared at the chopsticks.
"That's not serious?" Sirius complained.
"Yes, but it is also a fork next to it, you can take it."said the Kreacher.
Rolo and her parents also looked at the things in confusion. Only Gogol seemed to know how to handle it. He showed it to the others as well.
Stories were told all the time. Neville's grandmother reported how far they were on the world map. it would take only one to two years until everything was drawn. At least as far as the areas of humans were concerned. The magical beings were almost completely unexplored.
Dimitrius and the twins told how their shops ran. and that really was not bad. Also Dumbledore gave some stories for the best.

After the meal, Harry and Neville were urged to open the gifts.
For Harry, of course, there were many books and sweets. neville also got books, but they dealt extensively with plants of all kinds.
From the goblins, Harry got a snake figure, the family of course had made them themselves and everyone had helped.
Dimitrius handed each of the lions a box. When the two guys opened it, they stared stupidly.
"Um, thanks Dimi, but I'm not that vain," Harry said cautiously.
"I agree," Neville mumbled.
Both boys held up a mirror perplexed.
The researcher and his wife burst out laughing.
"Hey you two, who do you think I am? These are not normal mirrors. This is my latest invention. The two-way mirror. You can communicate with other people. "
"Like a fireplace?" Neville wanted to know.
"Something like that, just that you do not have to go to your knees anymore. you just have to press this button and say who you want to talk to. "
Harry cocked his head.
"Similar to a phone."
The spells that had no idea about the Muggle world looked questioning. But Aurora nodded.
"Likewise, Dimi came up with the idea when we were on vacation with the Muggles last year. We were thrilled with this device and so my husband was right behind it. "The last sentence, the woman had spoken proudly.
"Of course you have to tell in advance how your mirror connection should be called."
Dimitrius showed the two how it worked. And immediately it was tried.
The rest of the guests made big eyes.
"That's how you make a fortune," Fred commented.
"Yes, but for the moment I just want to sell this product just like my powder to certain people. I do not want it to be used by the Death Eaters. "
"Understandable," commented Minerva. Who was going to place an order tomorrow.
"Would you sell it to the goblins?"Gripock wanted to know curiously.
"Because I'm sure your people are not on Riddle's side, yes."
He made the goblins shine. Especially the little Rolo. That way she could talk to Harry more often. because the chimneys of the goblins were not connected to the network.

From Luna, both guys got self-made supporters against some beasts who got into the coffee ... well.
Harry handed Neville his gift. There were different rose bulbs from the Rose estate. of course also planted in the volcanic soil.
"What will grow out of this?" The plant lover wanted to know.
Harry chuckled.
"Let yourself be surprised. Only so much, everything comes from our property. "
Severus was pleased because Harry had said "ours." He gave his husband a kiss on the head.
neville blushed and thanked him. Then he handed over his gift.
"You have to be careful, it's very easy."
Gently, Harry opened the box. In it was a tree on which two animals sat. A cat and a bat. Both were made of fine silver paper.
"I wonder who the bat is," Remus grinned.
Severus shot him a dirty look.
Harry ignored the quarrels. He had some idea.
"Say, forest spirit. Is that about? "The vampire adviser did not say, it was just too unimaginable.
but the boy nodded to him.
"Yes, I made it out of some chewing gum papers my mum always gives me."
Almost immediately it was quiet in the room. Most of them looked awestruck at the little masterpiece. At some point Harry's tears came. Carefully he put the figure back in the box, then he hugged his fellow-lion.
"Thanks Nev, that's incredible. I will keep it in honor."
The shy boy gave the hug back.
"I know that, that's why I gave it to you."
As the boys opened the last presents, Severus looked at his student with new respect. Harry knew what the chewing gum papers were about. And now Longbottom had made such a lovely gift to his husband from some of them. yes, the character would definitely get a place of honor. And a magic spell, so it was not destroyed.

After unpacking the presents, Mr. Lovegood led his guests to the horses. Anyone who wanted, was allowed to ride.
Of course, Harry first helped Rolo on one of the ponies. lady Ronja walked on the other side next to her daughter. The animal the baby was sitting on was very friendly. It even left Harry Fox on his back.
"Grottenolm is great. Daddy, I want to do that more often. "The little girl cheered.
"I was afraid of that," muttered Gripock.
"Do not worry, sir. You can come here at any time with the little ones. There is always someone there to look after the animals. I'll let my elves know. "
"You have elves?" It came in astonishment from the bank employee.
"Yes, but they are very shy. they prefer to stay hidden. Only with the horses they come out. It was granted to them. Not everyone likes people. "
Xeno grinned mischievously at the goblin.
"Oh, there are some exceptions," he said. Likewise mischievous.

Then Harry picked out a mount. it was a big cent. His hooves were as wide as hubcaps. At least Severus was of the opinion.
"Why is not it surprising that you are picking the largest specimen?" The teacher said.
"Hey, the bigger the better," Harry countered.
Xeno laughed.
"He's right, dancer is really a braver, do not worry. He is not my biggest copy though. Come, we are looking for another animal for you. "
"If you think."
At some point everyone had a skimpy pedestal. even Remus, the horses did not seem to mind that the man on him was a werewolf.
One had even found an animal for Hagrid. The only thing bigger than Harry's.
And then it started. Xen took the lead and rode along a beautiful forest path.
Harry could not help but notice that Dumbledore looked absolutely silly on a horse. In contrast to his tutor. The woman also seemed to have experience in riding.
The ride took over two hours. with several breaks because sometimes someone fell off his horse or one of the animals said that grazing would be more interesting than walking through the area. But everyone had fun.
When they got back to the stud farm, most of them were ready. So the humans, the animals did not seem to mind.
They took care of the horses and took off their saddles. Even that was fun for everyone. But then it was time to say goodbye.
Harry and Neville thanked their guests for coming and Xeno for the invitation.
"And little brother, when will we meet again?"
"I do not know."
Luna chuckled, then leaned forward and whispered something into Harry's fur.
"What? I just say the truth."
"I'm giving that back," the boy mumbled, the girl just laughed and hugged him goodbye.

Back at her estate, Harry did his usual round, taking care of all his animals. In the meantime, the elves brought the presents away. and Severus, who took a bath for himself and his little one.
"Kitten, are you coming?"
"Immediately." With that the boy ran into the bathroom.
After slipping into the water, Severus came to him.
"Where were you?" The Vampirkater wanted to know.
"I just had to take care of something."
The potions master went to his husband in the tub and began to foam.
With relish, Harry let himself fall into the touch. He loved it when his husband so spoiled him. He also washed his hair. Then he went on with himself.
"We both smell of horse."the man stated.
"I wonder why," chuckled Harry.
"Did you like the day?"
"Of course, especially Nevs, present. The boy is incredible. "
"I thought so too. That proves how much he likes you. "
Harry nodded and then leaned back against his husband. he was done with the washing. Now he gently slid his hands over his little boy's naked body. In the middle he stopped.
"I love this place," Severus muttered, stroking the penis.
Harry sighed softly. He let himself be spoiled a little, then he turned in the embrace.
"Severus, please sleep with me."
This, please, gave him a puzzled look. Harry had not used the nickname for his husband to realize how serious he was.
"You want something?"he asked again for safety.
"I think you understood me very well. I want to sleep with you, right. Please, make me your husband. "The last sentence was whispered and Severus also saw the slight red glow on his husband's cheeks.
"You are already my husband."
Harry snorted slightly.
"You know exactly what I meant. Please Sev, do not let me beg. "
Immediately Severus shot his man tighter.
"I did not intend to do that. I just want to make sure you really want that. "
"Of course I want it. and not just since today, but you know that very well. Severus, I trust you, you would never hurt me. We are married for a year now. I do not think you realize that my birthday is our wedding day. Let us, as the saying goes, make the marriage. "
severus had to smile. His husband was really old-fashioned sometimes. But Harry was right with one. Severus had forgotten that today was her wedding day too. His companion, however, did not seem like it. And he was determined to give himself to his husband. Merlin, looked as if he too was old-fashioned, thought the teacher.
Severus put his cat in a kiss, then he stood up with him in his arms.
He quickly spoke a dry spell and went with his little one on his arms in her bedroom.

Now it was up to Harry to open his eyes wide. There were rose petals everywhere in the room. And as you saw by the colors, they were all from the estate.
Everywhere in the room hovering light balls which all gave a soft light. over the four-poster bed a new beautiful canopy was stretched. He was also decorated with roses. The bedding was also new. And as Severus put Harry on the paintwork, the boy felt the fine silk under his skin.
"What?" He could not find out more at the moment. Severus chuckled.
"Although I forgot our anniversary, but also I wanted to take the decisive step. I put that charm on the room earlier. It only works when you are ready for the last step. I did not expect it to be that far today. "
Harry looked around radiantly.
"It's beautiful, thanks."
"I want your first time to be special. It should be just as beautiful as you are. "
Severus leaned down and kissed his cat. He was overwhelmed by the words of his husband. besides, Harry would never have thought him so romantic. Nice that he always found out new things about his husband.
Severus kissed and licked his way across Harry's body, paying special attention to the nipples, of course.
When Harry's hands also wandered, they were stopped by Severus.

"No, I want you to enjoy today. As I said, it should be unforgettable. "
Harry gave the man a quick look, then nodded. He dropped back onto the sheets and concentrated on Severus.
he resumed his walk. At the navel he stopped again and circled him with his tongue then he simulated the actual act by pushing into the small depression. This elicited a sweet sigh from Harry.
But Severus was not enough. he wanted to scream his little one and hear more begging. Not for nothing did he reinforce the spells around the room. Nobody else could hear his man except him. Not when he got into ecstasy.
Slowly he kissed Harry's hipbones to his loins. Harry had no hair, especially in the genital area Severus made every time anew. He gently kissed the tip of Harry's cock and was rewarded with a slightly louder moan. He gently slid his tongue over the sensitive flesh, paying close attention to the small gap.
Harry clawed at the bed sheet and groaned loudly. He always found it incredible what his husband did to him.
"Sev, you're driving me crazy."
"That's the way it should be," the man muttered darkly.
Several times he licked over the top, then over the whole shaft. Since Harry was hairless, it was even more fun. Then he took his husband completely in the mouth.
And immediately he heard what he wanted, a long and loud moan.
"AAAHHH! Sev. "Desperately the boy held his hand over his mouth.
Immediately, Severus released his husband from his mouth.
"Not," came from below, "I want to hear you. Let me enjoy the sweet pleasure screams."
"But, I always get so loud," mumbled the young man, embarrassed.
severus grinned wolfishly.
"Exactly, I do not want you to hold back. Please, let me hear your pleasure. "
Although Harry was red again, but he met the desire of his husband.
He returned to his task, the beautiful cock of his husband. he relished the hardness, while he massaged Harrys' testicles with his other hand. Since he was very practiced in what he did, he was able to absorb his little one. So he had the second hand free. He wandered to the secret opening of his husband. He willingly spread his legs. something that Severus immediately shot in the loins.
Gently he massaged the muscle ring, but made sure not to penetrate Harry. He wanted to wait.
When Severus sensed that Harry was not going to last much longer, he looked up. Lustiful emeralds met his gaze.
"Severus, I'll be right there."
Carefully, the man nodded and sucked even harder. That was too much for his little one. He came screaming into Severus' mouth. He swallowed everything before he came up to Harry and kissed him.
When she parted, Harry looked at him almost sadly.
severus put a finger to his lips.
"Shh, I wanted you to come. We are just starting. Do you remember, I told you that I'm good. And I'll prove it to you tonight. So be very relaxed. "
Harry's eyes had grown larger and bigger as he explained. He nodded and kissed the finger.

Severus leaned over Harry's ear.
"Open your mouth," he whispered. The boy followed suit and Severus put two fingers in it. The Vampirkater sucked on it until his husband pulled it out again.
then he turned back to the lower part of his little one. He had no intention of widening Harry with just a bit of saliva. But he wanted his husband to be as hot as possible before he entered him, and that was guaranteed in this way. Already, Harry did not seem to know where to go with his feelings.
Again, Severus massaged the secret opening he so longed for. The relaxation of the muscles was probably related to Harry's nature. White vampires and also Nekomata were considered very active sexual beings.
When he then penetrated with his first finger in the Vampirkater he heard a lustful wheeze.
"Merlin, that feels wonderful."
"Fine, tell me if I'm too fast."
"There is no danger at the moment."Harry whispered before moaning again.
While Severus introduced the second finger to his little one, he took a small box he had already prepared. There was homemade lubrication in her. Not the nasty stuff that stuck everywhere on the fingers. this one was distributed only where it was needed. So you had your hands clean.
Severus pulled his fingers out of the boy. Carefully, he spread the cream on it and then cornered it again.
Harry, whom he watched attentively all the time passed under the touch. he probably did not even know Severus had put three fingers in him by now. But he would notice the next one. Severus had indeed found the secret pleasure of his husband. He gently stroked it.
"That's what I want to hear from you. do not hold back."
Harry would not have been able to do that. Again and again, Severus stroked the dot that made Harry see stars.
"Please, Severus, take me. I want to feel you inside of me."
Severus had to swallow at the words.
"Merlin," he breathed.
"Spread your legs a little further."
Immediately, Harry followed suit.
The Potions master pushed the young man a pillow under his butt to get a better angle.
Severus slid between Harry and put on his own hard cock. Slowly he penetrated his man.

Harry thought he was in heaven when his husband began to fill it. He groaned loudly and turned his back.
Driven by that, Severus kept pushing his young man. He did not show the slightest sign of pain. on the contrary, he continued to turn towards him.
When Severus was completely in his man, he had to stop first.
"Harry, you are so incredibly tight. I have never experienced something like that."
"Probably you have not had a virgin yet," the Vampirkater muttered.
severus laughed darkly.
"Yes, but never someone like you. You feel so hot. I have to wait a bit, otherwise it will be over soon. "
Harry stroked his husband's shoulder and face. They always kept eye contact.
At some point, Severus nodded and Harry wrapped his slender legs around the man's hips.
Now Severus would show the little one not only how beautiful sex was, but also how enduring he could be.
Severus had never told his kid how long he had lasted. but he would know that today.
The Potions master pulled the pace after some time something. That made the boy moan. The man got faster and faster, until he slowed down again.
"What? Why? "Harry protested.
"We do not want to end it yet. right? "whispered Severus darkly.
Harry could only agree with that.
And so Severus continued. He got faster only to almost bring the pace to a standstill.
Both had not been quiet for a long time. they moaned each other's name and Harry kept yelling ecstatically. Sometimes he begged for more. Severus did not always follow the request, otherwise it would have been over.
This game kept Severus for several hours. Again and again, when Harry was about to arrive, he stopped.
At some point the boy looked at him exhausted.
"Please, Sev, I can not anymore."
"Already exhausted, little cat?"
The boy's eyes grew big.
"Does that mean you could still?" The boy asked in disbelief.
Severus laughed darkly.
"Of course, or did you think I would just brag?"
"No, of course not, but I can not keep up with you yet."
Severus kissed his husband intently as he increased the pace one last time.
"Come on then, kid. Come for me."
And so did Harry. After all, Severus now touched with every thrust his point of lust. then he reached between them and stimulated the tail of the young man.
With a loud cry and clinging to his husband, the boy came.
As Severus put his head to the side, the vampire killer bit into it.
Now it was over with Severus' mastery. he also distributed his sperm groaning loudly in his husband.
On the edge he noticed the overwhelming odor his man emanated. That had to be the binding fragrance. He already knew Harry's, but not in that intensity.
It was the same with orgasm. he just did not seem to want to stop at both.

Exhausted, Harry gasped for air. Severus also needed some time to catch his breath. That was something new even for him. But when he finally wanted to pull out of Harry held him whimpering.
"Not," he begged. he also crossed his legs tightly around his husband.
"Please stay in me."
Severus looked down in astonishment. He had never done that before. Although some former playmates had already begged him for it. Severus never wanted it before, but with Harry it was different. He also did not want to get out of this hot spot.
"Then at least let me be different. I do not want to crush you. "
Carefully, Severus turned aside. Now they lay side by side, but they were still connected. And her legs were hooked in a Gordian knot.
Harry happily purred.
"That was wonderful. I hope we will repeat that soon. "
Severus laughed.
"Definitely. I want you to increase your stamina. "
Harry chuckled.
"I think Luna was right."
"With what?" Severus wanted to know.
"She told me today that we would not see each other unless you let me out of bed."
"Merlin, the girl knows too much." Groaned the man.
"No, she only knows that I have been keen on you for a long time."
Severus pulled his man closer.
"Then it will be an honor and a pleasure for me to make you happy as often as possible for the next time."
Harry purred and snuggled up to his husband.
He pulled the blanket over them both. The spell he had spoken on the bed had long since erased all traces of her play.
Satisfied, both fell asleep.

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