
By kweenxkrowns

2.1K 43 193

He leans in so close that I can feel my breathing hitch and hear my heart pounding a hundred miles per hour. ... More

Author's Intoduction
Character Biographies
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62 3 15
By kweenxkrowns

A boy's eyes meet mine. I try to pull away from his gaze but the power it holds is much too strong for me to fight. His alluring stare pins me to my spot and I'm left silent and paralysed.

Without breaking eye contact, the blonde boy tells the girl to leave. All of her attempts to get his attention back fails and she eventually falters, letting out a frustrated huff, getting off his lap to leave.

She closes the door behind her.

The sound of the door slamming shut jerks me back to reality and I immediately scurry towards the table and grab my notebook, pulling it to my chest.

A clear sign of defensiveness. A voice in my head tuts. Why are you doing this?

"Sorry. I was just about to leave. I had no intention to be a cockblock." I say, emotionless.

The boy continues to stare at me. In the dark, I'm not able to see his features too clearly. Especially since he sits so far away from me. What I can make out is the outline of his body. His legs are crossed and his back is straightened but it almost looks like a lazy posture. Even in the dark, the tiny light that the window provides is enough for me to see the intrigue that his gaze holds.

I hold my shiver and turn to leave.

But just as I'm about to reach the steps, a hand grabs my arm in a firm grasp, holding me in my place.

I try to calm my beating heart and turn to him, almost gasping when I see who it is.

Up close, the boy's features are so much clearer. His brown eyes shimmer with intrigue and underlying lust. Probably from his encounter earlier. His blonde hair is disheveled from all the tugging. It looks so soft and I'm sure it will feel that way too. I resist the urge to run my hands through his hair as my eyes travel lower to his dainty nose, and oh-so kissable lips.

I gulp and look back at his eyes.

It's clear who he is now and I mentally smack myself for not realizing earlier.

He's not exactly the type of person I'd like to get involved with.

He stares back at me with the same level of intrigue. Just without the lust.

He tilts his head. "Shinsung. Isn't it?" I almost drool at the sound of his voice. It's so smooth and alluring. His voice drips with sweetness that almost makes me sick to the stomach.

If he thinks I can be his next conquest, then he's dead wrong.

I nod.

"Not much of a talker now, are you?" He muses and I glare at him.

"I have no reason to talk to you. I came here for my notebook. Nothing else. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got better things to do that doesn't involve you." I sass and pull my arm out of his grasp.

He lets out a hearty chuckle. "There's that voice that I love to hear. For a second, I thought I got the wrong girl." He trails off, giving me a stare that can only ever mean trouble and leans in. "I'm sure that it wouldn't hurt putting me on your to-do list, kitten." I fake gag and smack his chest.

"That's such a guy thing to say but okay."

"I wasn't joking, kitten."

"I have a name, ya know?"

"I think kitten suits you better though."

"It's pointless to have this conversation with you so I'm leaving. Adios." I declare and proceed to give him a lazy salute.

I walk off but he seems to have other plans as he grabs me by the waist this time and pulls me towards his chest.

"I don't like being walked out on without permission, kitten." He growls out in a threatening voice.

I scoff. "You better let go before I make you regret it."

He chuckles into my ear darkly, the tone sending shivers down my spine and he smirks. "What Jimin wants, Jimin gets. And right now, he wants you, kitten."

I stare up at him, setting my plan in motion.

Jimin's POV

She's staring at me now and I have to fight back the groan that threatens to escape my lips as I stare down at her.

Her big, black eyes are shining with innocence which I know she doesn't posses and her tiny lips push out to a pout. I don't see her hair but that's okay because her face is something that I could marvel at forever.

Without a word, her tiny hands trail up my shoulders, down to my neck and then down to my arms which continue to hold her in place.

I feel every touch. Every touch that doesn't fail to send chills down my spine and ignite every fibre within me, to yearn with desire just for her.

Just for my black-eyed, feisty little kitten.

She continues her little show, teasing me, and it takes every fibre within my being to stop myself from taking her then and there.

She grabs my arms and takes them off her, placing them to my sides and eventually, her hands continue to feel me up, until they reach my shoulders and wrap themselves around my neck.

She leans in and I feel her warm breathe hitting my ear.

She nibbles on my earlobe and lets out a breathy moan against my ear. I moan back.

"Kitten. You better stop while I can still control myself." I warn darkly.

I hear a sinister giggle and she speaks. "Mr. Park, you will never have me."

She pulls away and I look at her, confused until I realize what she's been doing all along.

Have I just...been played?

My stare turns into that of disbelief and I scoff it out, mouth agape.

She gives me a little wave and a flirty wink, strutting out of the class, leaving me to drown in my thoughts of disbelief, denial and confusion.

I glare at the door darkly and portray my thoughts out loud.

"Just who are you, Shinsung Yoon?"

Kira's POV

As I walk out of the classroom, a wave of satisfaction washes over me.

Serves him right for being a horny bastard and thinking I was an easy lay.

Kira Song is anything but easy.

I made a mental note to give him at least one positive point as he tried his best to control himself and didn't all out force himself on me, like any other male in his position would do.

A smile of triumph makes it's way onto my lips once more as I recall the events, continuing to walk towards my locker.

I open it and place my book inside, just as the bell rings, signalling the end of the period. But also the beginning of another.

I now prepare myself for my creative writing class and I take my time to place all of my materials into my bag, hearing the students slowly fill up the hallway behind me.

I feel a presence beside me and see Jimin right next to my locker.

I mentally groan as he opens his, and glare up to the sky - well in this case, it's the roof - for raining down such bad luck upon me.

Thankfully, he doesn't make a move to speak to me. I figure that this could either be because I'm nothing but a Charity that he can't be bothered to be seen associating with, or because he's still flustered and aggravated from our previous encounter.

Before I can continue my thoughts, my locker is slammed shut by another and I jump back, only to collide with a toned chest.

I spin around and back up against my locker to see Chanyeol Park staring down at me, malice swirling in his dark brown orbs.

By now, the hallway is silent as the nosey snobs watch in excitement, eager to know what will happen next.

I recover from the previous jump scare and stare up at him, bored.

"May I help you?"

His eye twitches in annoyance but he ignores my statement, continuing to keep his hand on my locker, caging me in.

"So this is the new girl everyone's been buzzing about. I heard that you've managed to attract the attention of our Academy's goddesses and even saw you sitting with them at lunch. You're quite the hot topic, darling."

I continue to stare up at him with the same expression. "What's your point?" I ask flatly.

He doesn't seem to like my response because his expression shifts into something darker.

He growls at me. "I don't see anything special about you though. So, why don't me?" His tone indicates the hidden meaning.

I'm about to speak but someone steps in.

"That's enough, Chanyeol. How dare you try to harass our friend like that?" Rośe screams, aggravated.

My gaze softens as it shifts to her and I mouth, I'm fine, Unnie before resuming to look at the asshole in front of me with cold, beady eyes.

"How about no?" I reply to his earlier statement.

He laughs maniacally. "Who are you to refuse me, huh? Oh. I get it. You're a charity aren't you? How silly of me to assume your services will be for free. So, how much do you want? Name your price. Half a million? Is that too little? A million? Is that good enough for you to show me how good you are in bed? Huh? Answer me."

As I remain silent, he growls and steps closer but a hand on his chest stops him. I look up and confusion fills me as I see the familiar face.


"That's enough, bro. You're taking it too far." He says jokingly. But you can hear the underlying threat in his voice.

Chanyeol glares at him. "Stay out of this, Park." He proceeds to push him out of the way, making Jimin stumble sidewards and grabs my ass against my will.

The students gasp and from the corner of my eye, I see the deadly glare that Jimin sends to Chanyeol.

"You have no right to reject me. You're just a charity. So if I say I want you in my bed, you will follow." He threatens. I scoff, fed up with his behaviour.

In comparison to this guy, Jimin's practically an angel. And that says a lot.

Jimin straightens up, about to send his fist flying to Chanyeol's face but I hold a hand up, signalling him to stop.

He does and stares at me with an 'are you crazy' look.

I shake my head and divert my attention back to the asshole in front of me.

I push him back hard and he stumbles backward almost falling on his ass.

"You bitch!" He screams.

I stare at him, slightly pissed. "I told you to stop didn't I?"

"You don't get to make the demands here! You're just a charity!" He spats.

I sigh, unzip my hoodie and take my hood off, throwing it to Jimin which he gracefully catches, still dazed.

The students gasp once more.

I turn around just in time to see Chanyeol blindly charge at me and I grab his arm, twisting it behind his back and slam his body onto my locker.

I press myself onto him, tiptoeing to make sure I reach his ear, and growl into it. "When a woman says no, it means no."

I hear footsteps behind me and see his friends, Suho and Kai, about to grab me, but I shoot them both a warning look and pull at Chanyeol's arm, pressing him onto the locker harder, indicating that if they try anything, I won't hesitate to rip his arm out, and they stop their advances, eyeing each other warily.

I turn back to Chanyeol, tightening my grip even more and he groans, pleading for me to stop.

I roll my eyes at him and reach for his pocket, grabbing the object I need to humiliate him further.

I spin us around and push him hard towards his friends, and he falls on them, making them all fall onto the floor, piled up into a groaning mess.

I wave the wallet in front of their faces and open it up.

I take out all the cards, one by one and throw them all across the floor, just to see the boys crawl around like irrelevant insects to get them. I see a picture of a lady and leave it intact.

I smirk when I see that they have successfully collected all the cards and take all the money out of the wallet and rain it down on them like they'd do at a strip club.

After I do this, my gaze turns blank.

I stare at them coldly. "I don't need your money. Keep all of it. And next time, don't ever try to force your filthy selves on any woman ever again."

I turn to Jimin, grab my hoodie and put my hood on, concealing my baby pink hair once more. I sling my backpack over my shoulder, heading for the exit until I remember that Jimin stepped in to save me and halt in my steps.

Maybe he isn't so bad after all.

I look over my shoulder, shooting him one last meaningful look and walk off, texting the driver that I'm ready to head home.

Third Person POV

After the shocking turn of events that left, Park Academy shaken, the boys now sit in an empty classroom, trying to make sense of what just happened.

"Do you know Shinsung, hyung?" A silver haired boy asks him. He nods. "We had a rather...interesting encounter earlier."

The boys stare at him, waiting for him to elaborate but he shoots them a look that indicates that's all they're getting out of him, continuing to take small sips of his drink.

They sigh in disappointment of being given a cliff hanger.

"That Shinsung girl is really something, isn't she?" Their leader asks. The boys nod in agreement.

"What's really interesting is, I've done my research on Yoon," A thoughtful silence follows and everyone waits for their wide-shouldered hyung to continue, eagerly. "and I found absolutely nothing but the basic details. Well, barely. The only thing I got was her age and name. There wasn't even a single piece of data that were to indicate where she lives, when she was born or anything else. I checked the school's files too, but everything was unknown. When I checked where she lived, it only stated that she lived in Seoul. Nothing more."

The mint haired boy scoffs. "Like we didn't already know that."

An orange haired boy speaks up. "So there's no other info except for her name and age? And that she's a Charity. But we already know that 'cause she didn't even hesitate to announce it earlier."

The silver haired boy speaks again. "And they're letting her go to Park? With that shady background?"

The wide shouldered hyung shrugs. "Well. There was something written in the additional comments section." He says.

They boys turn to him eagerly. "What was it, hyung?" Jimin, now intrigued, asks.

"It said that she is currently Park Academy's biggest asset."

As soon as the eldest says these words, a long silence falls over them. "Well. Did it say how?" Their leader asks. The hyung shakes his head and everyone sighs in frustration.

All except for one.

"How if she's not who she lets on to be? The way she moved and spoke and that regal aura of hers, wasn't that of a Charity's." The mint haired guys mused.

Finally, the maknae sighed.

"Whatever assumptions you're about to make, don't even bother. She said it herself. She's nothing but a charity so we shouldn't waste our time on her."

Everyone is looking at him now, waiting for him to speak some more.

"Have you seen her shoes? They were so worn out. Her bag definitely didn't look designer to me and that grey hoodie she was wearing looked like it came straight out of a garbage can. She's nothing but trouble. She's nothing but a cocky Charity so I suggest you stay away from her." He declares nonchalantly.


"Awwwe. If you wanted to date her, you should've just said so man. We would've backed off and left you to it." Jimin says with a wink and a pat on their maknae's shoulder.

Their maknae just scowls in fake disgust as he shrugs his hyung's hand off.

"I would never date a peasant like her. She's so out of my league. Obviously, she's just some smug charity who has seen and heard too much."

With that, he gets up and walks off, slamming the door behind him, leaving everybody in the room dumbfounded.


Hello, Krowns! It's been a while but your Kween is backk.
That was a super long chapter. Sowwy. ✌
I hope you guys enjoyed it though. The boys will be introduced slowly so stay tuned 😘

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