Stellaride behind the flames

By myersa81

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These are one shots based off of the episode in season six and what happens in each and what I think Stella... More

After the road trip pt 1
Authors note
After the road trip pt 2
Aurthor note
Friendship can turn to somthing else
A fire within
The moring glow
Authors note
Keeping the sercet
Meet the mom part 1
Autor's note
Meet the mom pt 2
Authors note
Meet the mom pt 3
Authors note
Teasting the waters pt1
Testing the waters pt2
First date and meeting the ex-girlfriend
Ex- girlfriend pt1
Putting the past behind me pt 1
Putting the past behind me part 2
Putting the past behind me part 3
authors note
just us being happy
all I care about is Stella part 1
All i care about is stella part 2
Being Detectives for the day
Autors note
Meeting stella's friend
I love you
Dealing with a lot of stuff
Saying the final goodbyes
Learning to move on
Hitting a bump in the road
I can't do this anymore
Working past a break up with a coworker
Authors note
Realize how much i care
Trust your gut
Where do we go form here
Strom on the inside and out of the firehouse
I am here for you anytime
You're the one he needs right now
New beginnings
Its scary
Badass stella
Push to the limit part 1
Push to the limit part 2
Just the two of us
Happy birthday kelly
Stella is the best
Find your people
Girls on fire part 1
girls on fire Part 2
Girls on fire part 3
A future leader
Set back
Over it
Presure getting to me
Bringing back memories
Change is okay
Happy anniversary stellaride 
Being inspired
You got this kelly severide
You are so strong
Did i pass the test
Im never gonna leave you
My  fiancé
something for the fans
Firehouse is my family
season 10
Where is stella
Are we okay
Helping a fellow firefighters part 1
Helping a fellow firefighter out part 2
You are an inspiration Stella kidd 
Thinking of my past
 i'm scared to lose you 
Leadership disagreement
weirdness before the wedding
The wedding day is finally here
I have something to tell you
Finale thoughs
Married life
Helping a friend move pasted the hard part
Helping a troubled young girl and her mom
Married fire cops
A proud moment
Leadership differences
Taking the control back
The aftermath 
The missing parts of the aftermath 
We are in this together
Working on our trust again
Doing this on my own
I can finally breathe again

Better man

992 8 5
By myersa81

DD= carol ex-husband CS= carol spears AH= Alexa Hubble  AL= ambo lady

Stella's pov: it's been a couple days since Kelly figured out who the arsonist is. Right now it's shift day again and I walked past his office and I notice him looking at some files and I guess he still not letting this go. So I decide to walk into his office to see what he is doing

S= still working on the arsonist case
K= carol spears she's in the wind no sign of her
S= CPD is involved
K= intelligent unit is in the middle of something voight said to sit tight and trust the process. This is the last thing I thought would come out of my mouth but I wish Benny was here. He chew up some ass over at CPD to have the half of the department in the streets looking for this lady
S= well I am not half the Department but I'm in ( she sits on his bed) what are we looking for
K= no you don't have to do that please
S= i'm helping you end of story
K= fine

We start looking through the arson files for a little bit in about 15 minutes later Mouch comes and finds me and tells me that case he needs all truck 81 to head to med with ambulance 61 for a little boy so I leave with them toward med. about 45 minutes later returned the firehouse and I went straight to Kelly's office again

S= hey I'm back
K= hey... take a look
S= all right
K= Hubble said that while Carol Spears was married to this guy Doug Denton he must've helped her control her compulsion even if he didn't know anything about her starting fires OFI went into this place yesterday to talk to Denton but he wasn't very hopeful mean he was cooperative but he still bitter about the divorce hasn't seen her since she left wants nothing to do with her
S= i'll bet you a box of crackers this guy knows more than he's letting on I mean he knew her best he'd know where she would hole up
K= yeah but OFI said they were stalemated
S= I don't know what Hubble's personal situation is but you know maybe I'd be better qualified to talk to somebody about it with relationship with an ex spouse

Kelly's pov: at first when Stella wanted to help me I was a little scared because I didn't need help on something like this plus with us being exes I don't know how that would work but then I am at least it's nice to have somebody else to look in these files with me have a better look and have a more fresher look At them. Plus I get to spend more time with Stella which is so nice. About three hours after shift started squad three and Engine 51 got a call about the car being on fire when we got there I noticed somebody was in it so I had Herman and put water on it so I can try to save the person inside. But by time the fire was out the woman was dead and when Herman cleared out the fire he noticed something on the floorboard of the car

H= whoa severide look at that... gas can this girl or guy turn this car into an oven

I then look up and saw something

CZ= what's up boss
S= there are some weed then after that's the donut shop where she told Benny she was a victim and this is her car

Once we cleaned out the scene we headed back to the firehouse on the way back to call Hubble to tell her about what just went down and possibly the arsonist struck again

K= Captain Hubble please
S= hey ( Kelly hold up a finger to tell her to hold on a second)
K= hey listen it's severide there's a big dump him a car fire headed to the morgue at Cook County it was a car found in front of donut heaven where carol spears first Claimed to be a victim. The car is just like that owned...... but listen I don't think it's her body inside...... i'm telling you check the dental records it doesn't fit for her to go out like this not after 15 years not after toying with my father for so long....... I will...... wanna keep working it
S= yeah

We head back to my office to look over more of the files for more information. Few hours later you're still looking through the files late at night when I look over and seen that stella was yawning

K= hey if you wanna call it a night and get some shut eye
S= i'm good...... you've been staring at that same page for an hour
K= I just don't wanna miss some details
S= but the last time you had that same look in your eyes was after Benny died... and we went to hell you were tired then trying to do too much and I don't like it
K= no one else is going to catch this woman ( Stella put her hand on Kelly's led and then Kelly's phone goes off) hey this is Kelly...... are you going to call CPD this is an escalation..... OK yeah that's what I figured I will. ( he hang up his phone)
S= body wasn't carol's
K= it was a homeless woman with a history of drug abuse and mental health issues Carol must have lured her to the car let her shoot up let the fuse
S= god you're right no one is moving fast enough on this as soon as shift is over we go see the Ex

Stella's pov: After finding out how bad this stuff has gotten I decided for me and Kelly to go talk to the ex-husband the next day after shift. He agreed so the next morning we got change out of her work clothes and your normal clothes and we decided to take his car and head to the ex-husband's house

K= doug I'm Kelly severide this is stella kidd we're with the Chicago fire department
DD= Fire
K= yes can we ask some questions
DD= I just talk to the police department in some Woman from the arson Department or whatever it's called
K= Office of fire investigation yeah
DD= I don't know what else I can tell you
S= no we completely understand but we were thinking we could come inside and talk more casually

He agreed and we walked inside and sat down at this dinning room table to talk

DD= I don't know what you want to know Carol and I or oil and water and we never should've gotten married in the first place but my dad had just died and uh I was in a dark when she found me
K= but you were married 15 years
DD= well it was fine at first and...and we didn't fight it wasn't like that it was just like a.. a gradual erosion you don't ever realize your marriage is falling apart and then it's over
K= Who ended it
DD= I left
K= why
DD= she said things I love her but she... I just felt like I didn't know her anymore

At this point I though maybe I should bring up my history with grant to see if he could feel like he could tell us where carol is

S= I......I was married to a man named Grant he was bad news he wasn't able to help them self and so I spent all my energy trying to help him when I kicked him out he kept coming back to me again and again and every time worse than the time before and I thought about it a lot why why wouldn't he just leave me alone I realized I was the only person in his entire life that ever try to make him better end it drained me drained me until I....i had nothing else to give so I know where you are at Doug and that's why I know that Carol will come back to you just like Grant came back to me you are worth more than this woman deserves I can promise you that Doug so when she comes back we need you to contact us because she is hurting other people Doug she is ( she pulls out a picture and show it to Doug) we need to find Carol so that she doesn't hurt anyone else ( Doug starts to act weird and Stella notice) Doug is she here
Before he couldn't answer Kelly and Stella heard and seen Carol running upstairs so they ran after  her
S= carol.......

Me and Kelly runs upstairs to find carol we start looking through rooms when all of sudden a heard glass breaking and seen carol and ran after her to try to tackle her but she push me back and when I try to grab her but before I could grab her she pick up a piece of glass and slit it across my face but within a second after she did that Kelly came in and tackle her to the ground

CS= get off me you bastard
S= I' m good
DD= oh
S= hey okay
DD= I'm so sorry
CS= help me Doug help me they're hurting me
DD= do you need help Carol they're going to get you help
CS= help me Doug now
Doug tries to move closer to carol but Stella stops him
S= Doug call do it

The police showed up within a few minutes and then told me, Kelly and Doug to go outside while they arrest carol and told me they also had a ambulance outside for me to get that cut looked at so we all head outside I go to the ambulance while Kelly stays with Doug until they bring carol out. Once they bring carol out Kelly walks over to me to check on me

K= it's just a scratch
S= Be honest
K= it's nothing
S= If i'm gonna like Frankenstein's monster I wanna know
AL= won't even need stitches
K= what'd I tell you you were great in there
S= just trying to Connect so he'd open it
AH= severide..... great work
K= i'm just glad it's over
AH= you know I'm not sure if anyone would've ever been able to solve this if it wasn't for you
K= ah thanks goes to Benny
AH= i'll listen someday when you least expect it I'm gonna convinced you to transfer over to OFI you have a nose for it Kelly just like your father

After I was good to go we hopped in Kelly's car and he drove me back to my car at the firehouse and drop me off. Got my car and went home for the rest of the day to relax until I have to go to mollies to work tonight. When I showed up at mollies Emily, Brett anx Cruz showed up at the same time as me so we walked in together

H= hey there she is
M= hey
CP= hey
O= hey
( they all clapped for Stella)
H= hey we heard about you and severide where are you now now or soon as you get to drink free all night all right
S= I drink free every night Herman
H= well severide get a drink half off
S= where is Kelly ( to Mouch)
M= uh haven't seen him but if you wanna slide me one of them free drinks Herman Herman was talking about I'd be much obliged
( so she handed him a beer)

About 5 minutes I still didn't see Kelly so when Casey came over to the corner of the bar and ask Otis for something I decided to ask casey where Kelly is since he leaves with him now

MC= can I get an old fashioned
O= you got it captain
S= hey have you seen Kelly
MC= he came home
S= mm-hmm
MC= it's a little weird actually you know that notebook of Benny's he's been caring around
S= uh-huh
MC= hey just threw it on the couch and left I though maybe he came here
S= no

i think about it for a second where could Kelly be and then I knew right where he went so I grabbed my stuff and started to leave

S= Herman I'm gonna need the rest of the night off
H= what your shift just started

So I ran out of Molly's and jump into my car and started to drive to Benny's cabin but before I get to far I text jenifer to see if she knew where his cabin was and she answer back pretty  fast and gave me the address so I drove to the address so I could see what's going on with Kelly.

Kelly's pov: as I heard Stella talking to Doug about how bad she felt in her marriage to grant and how those words were what she said to me months ago when she broke up with me and it makes me realize that how much I pushed her away back then after Benny died and how I treated her and so when we were done at the ex-husband house I drive her to her car and went home for a few minutes and grab some clothes and headed toward my dads cabin to think of how I could be a better man for Stella the man she deserve. Later on in the night after I was cleaning up I heard someone knocking on the door and I wonder who it was because I don't think I told anyone where it is or who knows where it is I got up and answer the door and there stood Stella before she could said anything I decided to speak up

K=  you deserve a better man than I decide... I decide I'm gonna be the man you deserve

Within a few seconds we both lean in for a kiss

General pov: they slow walk into the cabin and starts to undress each other and both end of having sex on the couch

S= wow
K= wow what
S= I am just shocked that you said these words to me and I kinda miss this
K= kinda
S= ok fine I totally miss this and you
K= same here
S= so what made you decide to be a man I deserve 
K=well when you were talking to Doug about how it was like being married to grant and how he complete drained you it hit me that I kinda was doing the same thing to you right after Benny died so in a way this arson case brought me back to you
S= yeah thank god for this arson case
K= so what made you come looking for me tonight
S= well when I didn't see you at Molly's I ask Matt where you where he didn't know  I started to think where you could of gone and then I remember about this cabin  so I left work and head toward here
K= I bet Herman was mad
S= I think so since my shift just started and I left within fifteen minutes of the my shift started but he will get over it ( they both laugh)
K= yes he will  ( they kiss) lets go to bed it's getting late and plus I am tried
S= okay that's a nice fire place over there keeping us warm
K= yes it is

He kisses her forehead and they fall asleep. The next morning Kelly wakes up before Stella wakes up so he gets off the couch with out waking her and goes outside to clean the Porch off . Inside Stella woke up and notice Kelly wasn't there and then heard him outside sweeping the porch so she laid awake looking at the fireplace just being happy they are back together. A few seconds later she hears the door shut and looks up and see Kelly walking in

S= morning
( he walks to the back of the couch while Stella rolls in her back to see him and he grabs her hand)
K= how's it going
S= mmm it's pretty perfect....... how are we going on time

K= ( he looks at his watch) uh we should shower up and hit the road
S= okay.....( Stella sits up and starts to look around) you decide to get this place ready to sell
K= I'm gonna keep it fix it up make it worthy

Stella gets up and walks toward Kelly

S= (laughs) um which way is the shower

( he points toward the shower and then they kiss each other on the lips and Stella starts to walk away but grabs Kelly's hand)

S= yeah no I mean you should show me
K= oh

General pov: they have a long shower and get dressed and head to work in their cars. Once they get there the first call comes in and it's about a factory fire and by the end of the episode everyone is trapped inside.

Authors note : stellaride are back together finally. That line he said to Stella will go down in history. That was a shocker that the Chaplin asked Brett to marry him already. Why did they leave all the firehouse in that factory in danger really. Tell me what you think of this season finale

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