The Mitchell Boys

De FightingAndSurviving

445K 16.5K 4.6K

๐Œ๐จ๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐จ ๐š ๐ง๐ž๐ฐ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ก๐š๐ซ๐. ๐Œ๐จ๐ฏ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ข๐ง ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž ๐ ๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐ž๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ ... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Character clear up.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 23

6.3K 259 24
De FightingAndSurviving

The people have spoken. Thank you for all of the votes on my author chapter. Thank you for your support. With that said I'll be trying to update at least one of my stories once a week. So be ready for that. Enjoy the chapter, comment, and vote😁.

I heard the garage door open. I'm surprised I did when it is literally a mile away. Those sneaky fuckers!

I jumped off my bed and grabbed a backpack. I grabbed my pair of boots by the door and slammed it open.

The door slammed into the wall and is saw a frightful Jordan jump back. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" His eyes were wide and his hands we in front of him.

I could tell his adrenaline had kicked in from almost being hit by a door. His eyes were wide and his pupils dilated, his chest was pumping at an unnatural rate and he was breathing fast.

By how close he was standing now, and the blur I saw when I slammed the door. I could tell that he had pretty fast reflexes. He repeated his last statement, "what the fuck?!"

I shrugged, calming down a little. "You good bro?" His eye twitched, "you almost killed me, you fucking psychopath!"

I laughed, "If a door is enough to take you out, then I fear for you man." He glared at me. "We're leaving." Then he stormed off downstairs.

What's his problem? The door wasn't even moving that fast. The worst that could have happened is a broken nose.

Rolling my eyes I quickly followed him, my shoes still in hand. Then I started to drift into my own mind.

Yeah, I could have really hurt him with the door, and I would have reacted the same way. Fuck, I forgot one of my faults was a guilty conscience.

"Yo, Jordan!" I called to him from up on the stairs. He stopped and slowly turned around. "What?" There wasn't as much heat in his words as before, but still a snap.

"I wanted to apologize. You caught me in a bad moment, and I caught you in one too. So I'm sorry I almost broke your pretty face with a door."

While he stood there assessing if I was genuine or not, I passed him down the stairs. "You think I have a pretty face?"

I tended for a moment, then ignored him heading to the garage. I felt him quickly trying to follow me. But, I was a lot closer to the garage then he was.

I beat him into the garage. There were only 3 cars in the garage today. Alyssa's, Cameron's and Jordan's.

I moved around, trying to guess which car we'll be riding in. I was walking past the Mercedes Benz S when Cameron dam out of the window yelling at me.

"Yo Christian! Right here! We're taking this one." Holy shit. I'm taking a Mercedes to school.

"You know I'm right here. You don't have to scream. And get back into the car before you fall out." His whole upper torso was somehow able to get through that poor window.

I opened the door to the backseat and shut it quickly. I looked forward to seeing Cameron kneeling in on the seat. Body out of the window like a preschooler. But who was I to judge?

Jordan finally entered the garage. He looked to have a pair of keys in his hand and a garage opener.

He pushed the button opening up the garage then headed to the car. "So Cameron, are you going to stay like that the whole ride?"

I heard his chuckle from outside the window. The door opened and Jordan got into the driver seat.

"Get back in your seat Cameron before you kill yourself." Cameron ignited him. Jordan made a sound in his throat.

"If you don't get in now I'm going to open your car door." He threatened his brother. My eyes widened in shock. He wouldn't he?

When Cameron didn't listen I saw Jordan lunge for the door. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed without thinking.

Jordan opened the door and Cameron almost flipped out the window. The good thing is that he's too big for that.

"Shit!" He yelled, then he started laughing while cursing. "You guys are insane!" But I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face.

"Says the girl who almost killed me with a door." I put my hand up, "first off you shouldn't have been that close to my door."

He gave me a look that said, 'are you serious'. "I wouldn't have been so close to your door if you didn't ask us to get you."

I rolled my eyes, "fuck guys," Cameron laughed in between his sentence, "fuck, get me out of here."

Even though it looked super painful to have a window jammed into your gut, and you're dangling out of an open car door and window. I couldn't help but laugh. Cameron has that infectious laughter where his laugh makes you laugh.

Jordan looked like he was about to help his brother but stopped suddenly. He turned and looked at me laughing.

I had a hand trying to cover my mouth while laughing. My eyes and nose crinkled and it was hard to breathe because I was laughing too hard.

Jordan has a weird expression that I couldn't read. He was looking at me, his eyes inspecting me.

"Dude get me out of here." I stopped laughing for a second. "We have to help him." I giggled in between, "we're going to be late."

Cameron and Jordan laughed, "they won't do anything to us." Cameron called from the window. "That's you guys, in new fresh meat."

I opened my door on Cameron's side. His body was stretched out, where his toes were barely touching the seat. Then the rest of his body was turned in a weird angle and he was dangling.

I couldn't help but laugh harder seeing his pitiful state. Jordan got out too and walked around the car.

Jordan burst out laughing and took out his phone. "Dude!" Cameron cries in outrage. Jordan started taking pictures of Cameron and selfies with him.

Finally able to control my laughter I went to the other side of him. So I could look at his face and see if we can shove him out.

Cameron's hair was in his face and his face had some red to it. "Oh lord." I shook my head with a smile.

Cameron smiled at me, "it's going to be impossible to get your fat ass out of there." Jordan stated.

Cameron looked at me and snorted like a pig. I couldn't hold it when he did it. I bent over and wrapped my arms around my stomach dying of laughter.

"Oh my god...this is just like home!" I started laughing harder when I looked at Cameron. "Oh my god! I'm not okay!"

I bet I looked like a maniac laughing like this. Gaining some composure I stood up straight. "Okay, Jordan grab his legs. You pull I push."

Jordan nodded and went to his other side. Once he was where Cameron's legs were he grabbed them.

"Wait, wait wait. Hold up, you are not doing that." I ignored Cameron's outcry. "One, two-"
"Hold the fuck up!" Cameron demanded.

We didn't listen, Jordan pulled and I pushed. Cameron yelled if anyone was close to using they would think bloody murder.

I stopped pushing his shoulders and put a finger to my chin. "Do you usually stick your body out of windows."

Cameron rolled his eyes, "Yeah but they never end with someone opening the door like a dick." Jordan smirked, not a hint of remorse.

"Well then, I have an idea. Might want to move Jordan. Bend your legs up Cameron. Your guts going to hurt for a hot second but that's your fault."

Jordan snorted but moved. "What do you think you're going to." I didn't let him finish before I pushed the door with all my strength. Sending it flying back into the car.

"The fuck!" Cameron exclaimed. "Now If you do it all the time, get out yourself." I proceeded to walk past Jordan and into the back seat.

I looked at the clock in the car. "Shit!" Cameron was almost all the way in, but me yelling shut seemed to scare him. He hit his head on the top of the window area.

"Fuck!" He got his head all the way in and rubbed it. "What is it?" He asked while trying to sooth is head.

"Are you okay, never mind. The time! Well, be late in 5 minutes. Based on the limo drive it's a 10 to 12-minute drive."

Fuck, FUCK! I can't be late! I can't have this in my record. CPS is going to rip me a new one. I'm supposed to have good grades, no tardies and clean of substances.

I hit my head on Jordan's seat. "Fuck," hit "fuck!" Hit. I was about to hit my head again when I felt a hand go onto my forehead holding me back.

"What are you doing?" Jordan demanded. I felt his cool rings on my forehead. "I'm hitting my head, I thought it was obvious. What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to protect your big ass forehead." I leaned back away from his touch. My forehead was hot from his skin and my cheeks were most likely red.

"I can't be late, I can't get a tardy." I looked right into his piercing green eyes. Trying to show him my desperation to be on time.

He seemed to read it. He sighed and started to back up. "We won't let you get a tardy. Only because you helped get my dumbass brother out of a window."

I snorted at his outrageous sentence but relaxed my body. "Thank you." I released a breath stuck in my lungs.

"Out your seat belt on damn it," Cameron demanded. His gaze was icy and urgent. His voice was sharp, "now."

I put my hands up," okay dude, calm down." I put my seat belt on and we headed to school.

We road in silence till we got to school. We were 8 minutes late. Fuck. I was about to slam my head on the seat again but stopped myself.

I quickly slipped on my boots and grabbed my backpack. Hoping out the car I was about to sprint to the office and lie my ass off. Or bribe them, pretty sure this school is okay with bribery. Maybe death threats too.

Someone grabbed my blazer and yanked me back. The force of their pull and my running speed knocked me on my ass. "Fuck!"

I glared up at Jordan who had a fist full of my jacket. "Unless you want detention and an unexcused tardy stick with us."

Cameron walked around the front of the car. His eyes looked around quickly then landed on me sprawled out in the street.

He came over and offered me his hand but I ignored it. Standing up on my own I extracted Jordan's hand off my blazer.

"Okay tough guy, let's go then." I started walking to school. I heard their footsteps behind me and Cameron called out to me, "do you even know where you're going?"

Amusement danced in his voice, I scoffed. "Of course I know where I'm going." We entered the school and I had no idea where the fuck to go.

I made the executive decision to go right. "You're supposed to go straight." One of the twins called.

I started to curve, and to play it off I kept walking side to side. "I knew where I was going. I just like to make a bid squiggle while I walk."

One of the twins snorted but I ignored it. "Right." One of them called. I'm not going to tell them I was grateful, I just played it off.

The whole time they kept telling me where to go. "Right." "Right" and finally "Right" I stopped walking and turned to them.

"What the fuck?! We went in a complete circle. So much for following you guys." I crossed my arms and glared at them. They both wore devious smirks.

"We thought you knew where you were going," Cameron said with a huge ass smile. "Well looks like I did because this is where I was first going!" I was trying and failing to not yell.

"Yep, that first right was correct. The office is right there." Jordan pointed to the door right next to us. I was this close to strangling both of them.

"We were messing with you. You clearly had no idea where you were going. But you chose the right path, we were proving a point. Science." I flipped him off and opened the office door.

There was a middle-aged woman at the front desk. "May I help you?" I smiled a syrupy smile that I was taught to perfect.

"Yes actually-" I was cut off when the twins walked in. The woman instantly turned sower. "We told you, boys, already. You'll be suspended if you miss any more class. You'll have week-long detention if you're late for anymore unexcused."

Jordan opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off. "Jordan and Cameron. You and your brothers already knew this. We go have given you almost double the amount your aloud for the quarter!" She exclaimed.

Wow, they really are privileged. This is why I shouldn't have trusted them. I guess I'll have to do this.

Placing the smile back on I went to her. "I am so sorry! I'm new here and my car broke down on the way here. We were leaving from the same place and they saw me. They came to help me, oh gosh. I'm so sorry. I'm late on my second day of school and I caused others to get in trouble." I made my eyes water and tears eyed.

"I'm a mess, please don't punish them. I'll get in trouble instead. My phone died because I didn't charge it and I should have realized something was wrong with my car. I'm such an idiot." I hit my forehead with the palm of my hand. "Please, I'll contact my parents if you want. We can set all this up and just-"

She cut me off. Her eyes filled with pity. It pissed me off but I didn't show it. I started whipping my eyes and blink past my tears.

"It's fine, sorry about everything. No, we don't need a meeting nor contact. Well, let this be a warning for all three of you. Charge your phone next time to call in." She handed us passes and went to put us into the system.

I smiled again, it was a mix of happy and sad. "Thank you! I promise to be more responsible next time. And I won't drag other students into my messes." She waved us out and we left.

Once we were sure the door was closed and we were away from ears the guys lost hit. "Holy shit you saved our asses!" "Who knew you could act!" Both of them said at the same time.

I wiped away the tear that escaped my eye. I hate fake crying because soon it turns into real crying. Then everything just hits and I can't stop.

Taking a deep breath I smiled. "I know, I'm awesome. Now you two owe me." I pointed at them and started to walk to my class.

They followed me coming to both sides of me. "How did you make it up that fast?" Jordan asked, "How did you know she'll believe it."

"Office workers already have a lot of shit to do so by adding parents to the situation, it's to much work for a small cause. Then I cried and started to degrade myself." I started to walk ahead of them. "Which adds pity, all of those combined equals free passes."

I turned around and winked at them. "Well boys, time for me to go. This is only for being here. Me getting to class 20 minutes after this time." I pointed at the time the office woman wrote. "Then I can't save myself."

I started to walk away, but I had to look back. At least once, curiosity was swimming into their emerald and jade eyes.

Turning forward I bit my lip. Damn it. My heart was pumping fast and butterflies were in my stomach. Stop its hormones. That's all it is, 2 really hot and funny guys. That's it. Nothing more.

Then I headed to class with their expressions filling my mind. How will I survive living with 5 extremely hot guys?

I'm holding on my end of the deal. It's Friday and I'm posting. Sure it might be 11 pm but who cares. It's still Friday. Thank you for your support. The comments and votes help me write more, sort of inspires me. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed😜😁

Q: who do you guys think or want to be the first to make a connection with or protagonist?

A: I already have an idea of who I want to. But I have scenarios for all of them, so. I'll take all of your opinions graciously. But all the guys have to at least get a moment with her so it might take a few more chapters. So be ready😜👍🏽😆

Continuฤƒ lectura

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