The Bad Boy Has Secrets

By ItsMoreThanWords

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*Some people bring out the worst in you, Some people bring out the best in you* I watched as his lips moved... More

Chapter One- Your Body Says Different.
Chapter Two- Its Not A Threat Its A Promise.
Character Profiles
Chapter 3-Ditching With The Bad Boy.
Chapter 4- True Colours, Fights and Suspension.
Chapter 5- The Unexpected.
Chapter 6- He's My Bad Boy.
Chapter 7- I'll Make You A Deal.
Chapter 8- Four Days.
Chapter 9- Everything's Going To Be Fine.
Chapter 10- Where Are You?
Chapter 11-You Have No Idea.
Chapter 12- I Need You.
Chapter 13- More Than Ever.
Chapter 14-Lets Fight.
Chapter 15-This Needs To End Now.
Chapter 16-Its Not Your Fault.
Chapter 17-Mistakes.
Author's Note-
Chapter 18-Dont Get Mad Get Even.
Chapter 19- Choices and Consequences.
Chapter 20- Is This The Happy Ending?

Chapter 21- Graduation Day.

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By ItsMoreThanWords

The Bad Boy Has Secrets-

Chapter 21- Graduation Day.

I woke up to hear loud cries, meaning the triplets were now awake. The triplets were now a month old and everyday they got bigger and bigger, we all met at Eleanor's for a barbecue every Saturday so her family and Liv's parents could see the triplets. Every Sunday they go to Jace's brothers house so they could spend time with there niece and nephews, plus it gives me and Jace some space. Eleanor is always on call if we need some help with babysitting whenever we need her, it's helped a lot having her there for me since I don't have my own parents to help.

I felt Jace move next to me and I opened my eyes to see Jace getting up. "I'm up" I said getting out of bed.

"Go back to bed if you want, I've got them"

"It's fine Jace" I said as I followed him into the triplets room.

Chelsea was screaming, yeah we nicknamed her screamer because she was. Jaxson was the laid back easy one and Jake was the one who was always smiling. But triplets and a now three year old since Esme had her birthday a few days ago was hard work. I picked Chelsea up and rocked her to calm her down, Jace grabbed Jaxson and Jake and we walked downstairs to feed them. "Baby can you grab the milk" Jace asked.

"Yeah" I set Chelsea on the floor in front of Jace as he placed Jaxson on the floor. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed three bottles of milk, as I handed two to Jace and I began feeding one to Chelsea my phone began ringing. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey it's me" Cleo's voice came through the phone.

"Hey, what's up?" I said as Chelsea started fussing in my arm.

"I wanted to let you and Jace know that I ordered your gowns and they've came"

"Thank you, your a life saver" I said into the phone.

"Your welcome, are we meeting you at school or at my mums?"

"Well I was going to take the triplets to school, your mum offered to look after them while we're busy, plus Jace's brothers are going to be there" I said into the phone.

"Okay, well then I will see you at school in a few hours" She said.

"Hey what are we supposed to wear underneath?" I asked quickly.

"Well we were going to go out for a drink after, so a dress"

"Okay thanks, see you in a while" I said.

"Bye" she said before hanging up. I put my phone down and looked at Jace.

"What did Cleo want?" He asked chuckling.

"She wanted to tell us that she ordered our graduation gowns and they arrived"

"That was nice of her" Jace said.

After we finished feeding the triplets and placed them down on there playing mat. "Hey" Jace said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.

"Hey bad boy" I said leaning back into him. "We're going out for a drink after graduation by the way, so wear something nice"

"Hey I always look good" I laughed loudly when he said this making him turn me around. "Are you saying I don't always look good?"

"Well" I said serious, trying to hide my smirk.

"Your so cheeky"

"I mean I've seen hitter people" I said smirking.

"Oh really?" I was pulled into Jace causing me to laugh loudly. "In that case" I felt his lips touch my neck and I felt weak under his touch. What can I say I was madly in love with this bad boy. "You still think you've seen hotter people?" Jace asked pulling away smirking.

"No" I said shaking my head. "I don't look at anyone else but you"

He smiled down at me and pecked my lips. "What time do we have to be at school?" Jace whispered in my ear.

"The school want us there at 2 so we have time to get ready and work out who goes where and stuff" I said.

"So we have some time" Jace said smirking. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Oh no mister" I said shaking my head. "Not until my baby fat is gone"

He started laughing and when he saw I was serious he stopped laughing. "Wait your serious?"

"Yes" I said.

"Did you just reject me?" Jace asked shocked.

"Yes you got rejected for once, suck it up cheeseball" I said laughing.

"Oh come on, so you have some baby fat who cares"

"I care" I said. "Not to mention we have three babies to take care off"

"Fine" Jace huffed pouting.

"Aw is the bad boy pouting" I said in a girly voice. "Oh and he's blushing" I said teasing him.

"Am not" He said quickly.

"Aw Jacey" I said titling my head to the side.

He didn't say anything just looked at me before smiling. "So I blush, so what I'm human sue me" he said. "Why would I blush and pout, I'm being teased by the most beautiful girl in the world"

I giggled a little and felt my cheeks heat up. "Now who's blushing" Jace smirked.

"So I blush, so what I'm human sue me" I said mimicking his words.


"Cheeseball" I said back.

"Blusher" he said not breaking eye contact.

"Pouter" I smirked.

"You win" Jace said hugging me. "So what are we wearing today then?"

"I'm wearing a dress" I said.

"Ooh, which one?" Jace asked curiously.

"I don't know yet" I said.

"Well we have two hours until we're needed at school, so what do you want to do?" Jace asked.

"Well I have to do my hair and makeup, we need to make up some bottles of milk for them and we both need to shower and eat" I said.

"Okay, you go shower and I'll make the milk" Jace said.

"Okay, make sure you keep an eye on them" I warned him before running upstairs.

I decided to shower first before I got dressed, so I took a towel into the bathroom since we hadn't out fresh ones in there and jumped in the shower. Taking a fairly quick one, well if you call ten minutes quick then I got out. I left my hair down in its natural curls and quickly grabbed my makeup. I convinced Jace to let me wear it for special occasions, and this was one.

I applied foundation and powder and put green eyeshadow on my eyes, I decided to go with green eye shadow since my eyes were green. I applied eyeliner on the bottom of my lids and then on the top, along with mascara and I topped it off with some blush. Once I was satisfied with how I looked I went to the wardrobe to pick a dress, instantly my eyes went to my black dress. It had long black sleeves and went up to my neck, so all my chest was covered but it went down mid thigh and hugged my curves perfectly. Most of my baby fat was gone since I had been working out, but there was still a little bit of baby fat that hadn't gone. I still couldn't wear heels so I decided to wear my black converse with it, hey it's not a bad look actually.

Once I was sure I looked okay I sprayed myself and walked back downstairs into the lounge, I saw Jace playing with the triplets on the floor and I couldn't help but smile.

"Showers free" I said making Jace's head snap towards me. He stood up and walked over to me.

"You look hot cherry bomb" He smirked looking me over.

"Why thank you bad boy, but seriously go shower I'll make us food" I said. "What do you want?"

"We could just pick up McDonald's, saves you having to cook" Jace shrugged.

"Yeah okay" I said nodding. "Now go, before were late. I'll get the triplets dressed" I smiled at him.

I ran upstairs quickly and grabbed some clothes for them, I decided to go with the one piece for them all. On all of them it said BTBFF and then under it it says what the letters mean. (Born Together, Best Friends Forever). Chelsea's was pink so I put pink socks on her feet, Jaxson and Jake's were blue so I put blue socks on them. I smiled as they led there, Jake was smiling slightly, Jaxson was led there staring up and Chelsea looked as though she was going to start crying. I started making baby noises to them which distracted them when I heard jace's deep chuckle from the side.

"That was a quick shower" I said as I looked at his outfit. He had dark wash jeans that clung to his hips, a white t-shirt that showed off his muscles and high tops along with his leather jacket of course.

"Not everyone takes ages in the shower cherry bomb"

"Well come on then let's go so we can get some food" I said placing Chelsea in her baby seat. I went and packed the baby bag with nappies and milk while Jace out Jaxson ipand Jake into their car seats. "Okay I'm ready" I said as I picked Chelsea's car seat up. I opened the front door and let Jace out first before walking out and shutting it behind me. Once we got to the car Jace put the car seats in place while I locked the front door.

We both got in the car and Jace took off to McDonald's. All I could say was Jace could eat, he was like a human vacuum cleaner. He had double what I eat, I was shocked but started laughing when he started pinching my chips. "Hey you had your own" I scolded.

"I know but I'm hungry" he whined like a three year old.

"You just ate" I said laughing.

"I'm still hungry" He shrugged and went to try and steal one, this time succeeding.

"Here have them, I'm not that hungry anyway" I said placing the chip packet on his lap.

"Your not starving yourself again are you?" He asked looking between me and the road.

"No" I said shaking my head.

"Promise me your not" His voice was serious.

"Jace I'm not starving myself okay?" I asked laughing.

"Promise me" He said. "Why aren't you promising me?"

"I'm not starving myself I promise" I said linking my pinky finger with his.

"Good" He said smiling. "It's not good for you or for the kids"

"I know" I said nodding. "I don't really feel well to be honest" I said opening my window.

"It's probably nerves" Jace said. "Are you nervous?"

"A bit, I mean I've never loved being the centre of attention and graduating is getting up on stage where everyone is waiting, so yeah I say I'm nervous" I said.

"Don't be nervous, you look beautiful and Im sure everyone in the audience will be thinking the same thing, just focus on me" Jace said grabbing my hand as we came to a stop. "Just take deep breaths, like you did when you were giving birth" He chuckled at the end.

"Yeah sorry about saying I hate you and everything" I said smiling. "I didn't mean it, just it was painful and you have no idea how lucky you are to be a guy"

"Oh come on being a girl isn't that bad" Jace said.

"Please being a male is easy, girls have to give birth, it hurts when you first have sex, we have periods. Being a make is like nothing compared to being a girl" I said looking at him. At the same time I finished my sentence Chelsea made a squeal. "See she agree's" I said laughing.

"Yeah but we have to out up with you women" Jace said focusing on the road as we pulled into the school car park. It was jam packed with people, luckily we managed to get a space. "Do you want to grab Chelsea?" Jace asked me.

"Yeah, you okay with both boys?" I asked as I got out the car.

He nodded and grabbed the car seats, I grabbed Chelsea and we started walking through the car park. Nobody at school had seen the triplets yet, since we hadn't been in school much since they had been born. "Aw is that your triplets?" Ashleigh asked as her and her friends came up to us.

"Yeah" I said smiling.

"What are their names?" Layla asked.

"The girl is called Chelsea, and the boys are called Jaxson and Jake" Jace said.

"Are they actually Jace's though?" Avery asked coming up to us. Ashleigh and her group moved out the way, and in sight was Avery, Katie and Brittany.

"Well unlike you love, I'm not a slut I've only slept with one person" I said.

"Well you can't be that good in bed can you" She smirked.

"Well I obviously am, Jace stuck around long enough" I said.

"Maybe his standerds just dropped" I wanted to hit the smirk right off her face. "Considering he slept with me before you"

"Who's he here with now? Oh yeah that would be me, so love I think you need to take a look in the mirror. He may have done you at one point but he clearly got bored of you quickly" I said. I wasn't looking for a fight but she really did annoy me. "Like every boy in this dump"

"Maybe that's true, but at least I still have my parents" The smirk dropped from my face and found hers. I placed Chelsea's car seat on the floor and walked up to her.

He eyes showed how scared she was. "That was a cheap bitchy shot, and I suggest you take it back before I make you wish you didn't have such a big gob"

"What you going to do? Hit me, bring it on love because if you touch me I'll sue you" she smiled. "Then we're see how long you have your kids for"

"Go ahead, they have an amazing father, amazing family to be there for them" I smiled.

"Your just jealous because I'm better than you" She smirked.

"Well if you think I'm jealous then whatever. I can change being 'jealous' but you can change being a big ugly bitchy slut, that's all your known for" I turned around to walk away.

"At least my parents are here to watch me graduate, where are yours? Where is your family?" She asked.

I clenched my jaw and my fist and turned around ready to hit her. "I believe were here, where are yours?" I knew that voice. I turned my head slightly to see Jace's brothers, Cleo, Liv, Jesse, Ben, Nick, Malakai, Cleo's parents Ryan and Eleanor and Esme all stood next to Jace. I smiled.

"There's my family" I smirked turning to face Avery. "No my parents aren't here, but I know they are looking down on me and I know they'd be proud of me today" I said.

"Proud of what?" She laughed. "The big, fat ugly slut you've become?" Her laughing didn't stop. "Your parents are better off dead, everyone is including your trip-"

I shoved her to the ground a punched her. "I dare you to finish that sentence. I swear if you say the rest of that sentence I will end you"

There was blood travelling down her nose and you could already see the bruise forming on her cheek. She didn't say anything though. "I didn't think so. Good luck with graduating, your going to have a bruised cheek in your photo" I said and stood up, grabbing Chelsea's car seat and walking away. My breathing was heavy and old probably be heard from miles away, I didn't know how I felt I had mixed emotions running through my body. I was sad and upset that she brought up my parents, because I wish they were here of course I do. But at the same time I was angry not at her at myself because it's partly my fault they aren't here.

I stopped once we got into the school hallway, everyone was looking at us and I just bit back the need to say tell them to stop staring. "Nice hit" Blake said.

"Yeah she had blood down her nose" Tyler said laughing. "Good on you"

"Don't incourage her" Jace said glaring at his brothers. "Seriously Charlie? You had to hit her?"

"She deserved it" I said looking at him. I handed Chelsea who was asleep in her car seat to Blake.

"I thought we were doing this anymore?" He asked. He no longer had Jaxson or Jake'so car seats, Jaxson was being held by Ryan and Jake was being occupied by Eleanor.

"She was looking for a fight Jace" I said. "I'm not going to sit here and listen to you give me crap about hitting her when she insulted my parents, but then tried to start on my kids" I said to him.

"I understand what your saying Charlie, but I think what Jace is trying to say is that you have kids to think about now. You can't go around hitting people anymore, you did it when your parents were around don't do it now that their gone" Eleanor said.

I nodded my head. Why did I always feel like no matter what I did I was always in the wrong, because usually I was I know but still. "Okay, fine whatever" I said shrugging.

"Come on we have to go get ready" Cleo said.

I nodded my head and looked at Jace, he didn't look very happy and he didn't look at me for long. "You should probably go find seats, there's a lot of people here and with four kids your going to what to sit down" I said to everyone and then took off walking down the hallway, away from my family and away from Jace who shortly followed me.

"Let's go into the gym" Cleo said opening the gym doors, it was empty so we went in their to put our gowns on since the bathrooms would be packed with girls checking or re-doing their makeup.

"Charlie" Jace said after he and I got into our graduation gowns.

"What do you want me to say Jace?" I asked him. "I'm not sorry for what I did, and I don't think you can handle me"

"If I couldn't handle you I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't have stuck by you"

"You have ago at me when I get into trouble, yet the funny thing is your just as bad as me" I said.

"You have ago at me when I get into trouble" Jace said. "I'm only having ago because I love you and I don't want to see you in trouble"

My face softened at that, everything he said was true. I had ago at him because I loved him and didn't want to see him in trouble, and here I am having ago at him for having ago at me even though I know why he is. "I'm sorry, I just let her get to me"

"I know, but you know you can't do that anymore" Jace wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him.

"I know" I said looking up at him. He was so much taller than me.

Jace leaned his head down and connected our lips. Smiling into the kiss I cupped his face with my hands. "I love you Jace"

"I love you too Charlie"

I looked Jace over and smiled, I couldn't believe we both actually made it to graduation with our school records and yet here we are. The speaker in the school went off alerting everyone that it was time to line up for our names to be called. I began to feel nervous again, Jace must've caught on to this because he looked at me and stopped walking when we were halfway down the hallway. "Don't be nervous, just relax okay. Breath and relax and your be fine. The worse that can happen is you slip and fall" Jace said. My eyes widened, knowing my luck that would actually happen. "It would be funny, but your not going to happen so don't worry. Just breath" He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

I nodded and took a deep breath. "I'll go first, so when it's your turn I'll be sat down in the audience and you can look at me" Jace whispered. I nodded and smiled.

Once we got outside I saw that all the back chairs when the adults and parents sit was full, so full that people would stood up at the back. I could see Jace's brothers, Cleo's parents with the triplets and Esme and Liv's parents sat in the front row. I smiled and took another deep breath, the worst that can happen is I slip and I'm not going to do that.

We wrote our names down and gave them to the deputy principle who was reading them out. "Thank you Jace" she said as Jace handered her his name card. I handed her mine and smiled. "Thank you Charlotte" I had to write down Charlotte Thompson. I smiled at Mrs again before moving up slightly, It went Jace, me, Cleo and then Liv. I felt Jace grab my hand and when I looked up I saw him smiling, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

-Unknown- Nice gown and cap.

"He's here" I said to Jace.

"What?" He asked.

"He's here, Mr Prescott" I said.

"Could he have picked a worse time" I heard Jace mutter.

"It's a great time Jace, it means we can get him and graduate at the same time" I said.

"You want to take down a dangerous man and his men at our graduation?" Jace asked. "Are you serious?"

"It's the perfect ending" I smiled.

Jace nodded. "Cleo, Liv" he said tapping their shoulders. "Ring us when it's time for us, Mr Prescott is here and we're going to take him down now" Jace said.

"Don't you need backup?" Cleo asked.

"No, we've got in covered just call if we're not back when it gets to three people before Jace" I said to her quickly before taking off with Jace.

Jace texted his brothers and we met in the gym. Once Jace's brothers arrived I texted the unknown number back. 'Come find us, it starts with a G and girls wear small shorts' I texted. We didn't have to wait long before the doors opened and in walked Mr Prescott himself with a few of his men. We all took our guns out and pointed them at them, "didn't take you long" I said to him.

"Nothing takes me long" He said.

"So if I killed you would die quickly, good it'll be less messy" I said smirking.

"You see Charlie" he said walking closer. "I'm not the one dying here today"

"You want a bet?" I asked pointing my gun at him.

"Oh I can assure you" The smirk on his face and the look in his eyes scared me, he was evil and he didn't care.

Suddenly gun fire erupted in the gym and shots were fired from all different directions. I stopped shooting and look around, Blake was firing at Chris, Tyler was firing at John, Shawn was firing at James, Dylan was firing at Darren while Jace fired at Mr Prescott. Luke, Jesse, Ben, Nick and Malakai stayed to make sure nothing went down where all the students and all the parents were. I smirked and look at Chris, I held my gun up and let Jace's voice float around my head. 'Straighter Charlie' I smirked and aimed my gun for his you know what and shot. "Unless you want to be next I would put your guns down and give up!" I yelled standing up.

Mr Prescott's other men just dropped there guns giving up, they obviously didn't want to be shot there. Mr Prescott on the other hand smirked, I heard a loud bang go off and then a stinging feeling in my arm. He shot me, the asshole actually shot me. "Ow" I said groaning.

Jace ran over to me and looked at me. "Shit are you okay?" He asked putting pressure on my arm.

"Yeah I'm great thanks for asking" I said sarcastically. "No you fool I just got shot".

He helped me up and I watched as Mr Prescott had handcuffs slapped on his wrists. Nick and some more cops now we're taking them away. "Until next time Charlotte" Mr Prescott said.

"Indeed" I said. I knew he wasn't getting out, but I wasn't scared of him anymore. He was going away for a long time and now was when I could start living a normal happy life.

Jace's phone vibrated. "It's Cleo, it's my turn next" Jace said.

"Let's go then" I said. "Come on what you waiting for, move your asses" I yelled to them all. We took off running down the hallway and back outside, luckily Jace was just in time when they called his name.

"Jace Hunter" Mrs said. Jace smiled at me and walked up the steps and onto the stage smiling. He shook our principles hand and said thank you to him before walking off the other side and sat down. I walked up to Mrs and asked if she could swap Cleo and Liv before me so I could go last. Luckily she nodded and called out the next name.

"Chloe Edwards" Cleo walked up the steps, a massive smile on her face. She shook the principles hand and smiled at everyone before walking off the stage and sat on one side of Jace.

"Olivia Rhodes" Liv hugged gently and walked onto the stage smiling. She waved at everyone, shook the Pringles hand and got off stage as fast as she got on. She didn't like attention as much as Cleo.

"Charlotte Thompson" This was it, I was going to be a student who actually graduated. I walked onto stage, shook my principles hand and took my certificate that stated I had graduated. I went to the middle of the stage and took a deep breath, my arm was still bleeding but I breathed through the pain.

"Congratulations everyone!" I yelled. "My name is Charlie Thompson and I'm a secret agent"

This was the end or so we thought, but not all secrets stay hidden and every end is the beginning to something new.


Hey guys, so this is the end of this book, however drum roll please. There is a sequel which I will be starting very soon, I hope you enjoyed this book and a big thank you goes out to everyone who read it.

This is my first story ever finished and I'm sad it's over, but happy that I get to start the sequel now.

Peace out, stay beautiful and live everyday to its fullest.


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