High School Story: University...

By proteus912

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 27

87 3 0
By proteus912

Chapter 27

November 12th

"Come on, Midnight," Isabella groaned.

Isabella had been working with Midnight all morning and he just wasn't listening to her. Although he was a reasonably trained horse, he still like to make sure that his rider knew that he was the boss.

Isabella was seated on Midnight's back, trying to work with him on his gaits. When she asked him to walk, he would go extremely slowly, and he wouldn't go faster than a slow walk. Isabella admitted that he must have been missing Hannah, but she wasn't going to let him off that easily.

Isabella decided that enough was enough, so she decided that she would take Midnight out on the trail. Maybe the open grounds and the fresh air would be good for him. So, with that, Isabella dismounted Midnight to open the gate that would leave her to the trail.

"Wait, Bella," said a voice.

Isabella turned her head to see that Mr Doyle was coming over.

"Why are you going out on the trail alone with that horse?" he asked.

"Its okay, we will be fine. He is a good horse," replied Isabella.

"Now, Elizabeth and I were not too thrilled about the idea of having another horse, but I do know that there is a good horse somewhere in him. But I don't think it is safe enough for you to go on the trail alone with him."

"Its okay, he is not dangerous, just stubborn," said Isabella, "and we will stay at a walk the whole time."

Mr Doyle dipped his head, "where will you be going?"

"Just on that trail," Isabella pointed her destination out. It was the safest trail she could think of.

"Okay, I will give you two hours. If you are not back in two hours, I will be coming looking for you. Understood?"

"I do, and we will be fine."

Isabella knew she would be fine so then she and Midnight headed out, at a walk as promised. Isabella had been out on this trail a couple of times but she never made it to the end. She would always turn back when she reached the middle point. Today, Isabella was going to go the whole way to the end and, to her pleasure, Midnight seemed to be calmer, not bored. The spring in his step had returned to his gait and his ears were pricked forward as he nickered with pleasure.

After a little while, Isabella came to the end of the trail and, to her surprise, she saw the back of her ranch. She couldn't believe it and she had found a new way to the ranch. Isabella walked Midnight to the back of the ranch and she opened the gate. The gate opened at the back of the barn and beyond that were some paddocks.

Isabella dismounted Midnight and walked on the main grounds of the ranch. She reached the side of the barn and she looked to the left.

That was the office.

Isabella then walked further and she came to the top of the driveway and then there were some car parks. Beyond the car parks was the riding ring (the outdoor one). Isabella assumed that there would be an indoor one somewhere. Midnight seemed to like the surroundings and maybe when he was better, he could live here.

The best part of the ranch was behind her.

The house.

Her house.

Ryan's house.

Isabella was going to be living in that house with Ryan.

So now it was time to give it an explore.


It was good that Nicole didn't have any exams anymore, but today was the day she would be finding out what she got. The best part about her university was they fast tracked the results, so the students could see them as soon as possible.

Nicole was glad that she was home alone today because she wanted the peace and quiet. She did not want her father or Riley coming into her room while she was looking at her marks. If she got a bad mark, she wanted some time to herself and she wanted time to work out how she would tell her family.


Nicole was distracted form her thoughts about her marks when she thought about Riley as a part of her family.

It was good how she considered him a part of the family.

Nicole was finally ready to look at her marks. She opened up the page that she needed to be on and she had a look. She got high distinctions and she was ecstatic. All of her hard work this year had clearly paid off and Nicole was so happy. High distinctions on her exams would look really good on her transcript when she would eventually get a job. Now she was so excited to tell her father and Riley.

It wasn't long before Nicole would actually a chance to tell her father her marks because he was ringing her just as she was thinking of him.

"Hi, dad," she said.

"Hi, honey, I was just ringing to let you know that you can come and see the race horse tonight if you like. When I am finished work, I can show him to you," replied Mr Walker.

"Okay, but before you go, I have some news."

"And what news is that?"

"I got my marks back."


"And I got high distinctions for everything," Nicole beamed through the phone.

"That's great, honey," replied Mr Walker.

"Thank you. So, what time do you want me to come?"

"After four."

"Okay, I will see you then."

Nicole was really happy right now. She had just got the marks back that she was hoping for and she was going to see the race horse that she was hoping to see. Right now, this day couldn't get any better.


Nicole was wrong.

This day could get better.

She had just told Riley when he got home her marks and he scooped her up into a hug and swung her around. He was so happy for Nicole and he was so proud that her work was paying off. He said he never felt happy when he got his marks back when he was in university. In fact, he was ashamed with his marks now and he couldn't believe that he actually had this job.

"That's great, babe," he said, "we have to celebrate."

"We do," Nicole agreed.

"Let me take you out for dinner tonight."

"I can't. I am going to the racing stables."


"Yeah, there is this horse that dad wants me to meet."


"I am sorry. I know you want to spend time with me, but I have been dying to see this horse," said Nicole.

"No, its okay. There will be other nights for me to take you out," replied Riley.

"You understand?"

"I do. I know horses are a big park of your life so I think you should see the horse. I will be waiting for you when you get home."

"Okay," said Nicole as she picked up her car keys.

Nicole then walked to the front door before a thought popped into her head. She turned around and looked at Riley.

"What's wrong?" asked Riley.

"You don't want to drive me?"

"I would," said Riley, "but the downside of being a teacher is I have to bring my work home a lot of the time."

"But, you have asked me out to dinner," replied Nicole.

"I would have finished my work by then, babe," Riley teased.

Nicole smiled, "okay. I'll take to you soon."

With that, Nicole continued out the door and she headed to the city. She was so excited to see this horse.


When Nicole made it to the tables, she was greeted by her father. He gave her a hug and a kiss on the head. It was clear that he was proud of his daughter. He then took Nicole to the horse.

Nicole smiled when she saw the horse in his stall. Her father opened the stall door for Nicole and she stepped inside. She quietly walked over to the horse and ran her hands down his side. It appeared that he liked it because he looked back at her with pleasure in his eyes.

Then Mr Walker handed his daughter a brush, "I am sure he wouldn't mind another grooming."

Nicole then took the brush from her father. She was not going to pass up an opportunity to bond with a horse and she enjoyed grooming horses. It was clear that Shadow Dancer liked being groomed because she stood in his stall with his ears, eyes and mouth drooping. He was relaxed and Nicole knew that he could stand there forever being groomed.

Then Nicole was disturbed from spending time with the horse when she heard voices. She walked to the stall door that was now closed and she saw that Drew was talking to her father.

"Nicole," he said as soon as he saw her peering over the door, "it is good to see you."

Nicole smiled.

"Ben told me that you were excited to meet my horse," said Drew.

"I was. I mean, I am. He is gorgeous," replied Nicole.

"He is, and he is a great horse. I have been meaning to ask, how his Ellipsis Blue going?"

"Fine. He's great."

"And what about Destiny and her foal?"

"They are both great as well."

"That's good to hear," said Drew before he looked at Mr Walker, "now, Ben, would you like to come with me to my office? I have something to discuss with you."

Mr Walker nodded his head and then he looked at Nicole, "I won't be long, honey. Are you going to wait for me here or at the cars?"

Nicole looked at her father and raised an eyebrow, "do you have to ask?" she replied.

"Okay, I'll meet you back here."

When her father and Drew were gone, Nicole got back to grooming Shadow Dancer. She pulled on his head collar so he could turn around so she could groom the other side of him. Nicole was glad that he was such an obedient horse and she was glad that she was able to groom him.

Now Nicole found that she was missing her job here. She had given it up last year when she knew she wouldn't be able to work two jobs while studying her degree. Sometimes Nicole found herself wishing that she could swap her job at the vet for her job back here. This was the first job that Nicole had ever had, and it was the first job she absolutely loved. She got to spend all day with race horses and nothing could be better. Grooming Shadow Dancer was bringing back memories for Nicole and it was reminding her how much she loved this job.

Then Nicole found herself thinking of Isabella and Midnight. Isabella was so lucky that she got a horse, but Nicole remembered when she met Midnight. Nicole admitted that she was a real horse lover, but Midnight was one horse she didn't like. Nicole was worried that he would hurt Isabella and she was also worried for the possible students that Isabella and Ryan would put on him.

Nicole was disturbed from her thoughts when she heard her father get back to the stall. He smiled at her and told her that it was time to go home. Nicole then handed the brush to her father and he put it away before they both headed to their cars to go home.


When Nicole made it home, followed by her father, she smiled when she was greeted by Riley. He announced that he had cooked dinner for Nicole and Mr Walker. Nicole looked at her father, asking him to thank Riley.

"Oh," said Mr Walker after looking at his daughter, "thank you, Riley. That was very nice of you."

"That's okay. It is all ready to be served now so you can sit down if you like," replied Riley.

"I would, but I think I would like to have a shower before dinner."

Nicole glared at her father and kicked the back of his leg. She couldn't believe how ride he was being.

"But I guess a shower can wait," said Mr Walker as he lifted his arm to allow Riley and Nicole inside.

When Nicole, Riley and Mr Walker made it to the table, Riley went and dished up dinner. Nicole glared at her father and made sure that Riley couldn't hear what she was going to say.

"How could you be so rude?" she asked.

"I am sorry, honey, I just don't like the guy," replied Mr Walker.

"I know you don't, but could you please make an effort? You said you would."

"I know, but that is easier said than done. I will try, okay?"


Then Riley came back with Nicole and Mr Walker's meals. He then went back to the kitchen to get his own dinner to the table.

Nicole smiled at Riley.

This day was great and Nicole couldn't help but smile as she ate her dinner.

Today, Nicole got her marks back and she got to spend time with a handsome race horse who she had been dying to meet. And her boyfriend cooked her and her father a meal. Nicole felt that she couldn't have been luckier and she was going to make sure her summer helping Isabella with the ranch was going to be as good as this.

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