Alia's Lullaby (A Harry Potte...

By hogwarts-is-my-home8

158K 5.2K 829

Alia Black was a simple girl. Quite beautiful really, and definitely radiant for thirty four. But not many pe... More

Alia's Lullaby (A Harry Potter Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

The End

1K 20 3
By hogwarts-is-my-home8

*17 Years Later*

"Mum! I can't find my coat! Fred's hidden it!" Charlotte Weasley cried as she and her family weaved quickly through the crowds of people at Kings Cross Station.

"Fred! Give your sister her coat back!" Elenor Weasley cried as she frantically pulled her eleven year old daughter, Madisson by the hand behind her.

"I haven't got it!" Fred Weasley II cried as he pushed his trolley around people.

"Fred please! Just give it back I don't have time for this you're both going to miss the train at the rate!" Elenor pleaded with her son as she checked her watch and picked up her speed.

"Mum he still hasn't-"

"Charlotte not now!" Elenor cried as they reached the barrier for Platform nine and three quarters. 

"Come on Lotts, we'll go first." Fred grinned as he threw Charlotte's red coat back to her and motioned to the wall with his head. Charlotte scowled and quickly followed her brother as they ran at the wall.

"Come on Mads it's our turn." Elenor smiled down at her youngest daughter and ran towards the wall, sighing out in relief when they reached the other side.

"Oh finally, I wondered when you would turn up." Harry Potter was stood at the side of the train with his family smirking at her.

"Well George decided that today would be a good day to do a full stock take in the shop so I was left to fend for myself with the kids." Elenor sighed, watching as Fred and Charlotte loaded their thing's on to the train and made sure they were helping Madisson.

"I can't believe Albus, Rose and Madisson start this year! It's gone so quickly." Hermione Granger-Weasley gushed as she fussed around her eldest daughter. 

"I'm actually glad it will give me some peace and quiet, Fred and Lottie have been driving me mad all summer! I even made George take them to work with him for two weeks. It'll be nice having an empty house." Elenor laughed.

"You don't mean that El you'll miss them when they're gone." Ginny Potter laughed as she smiled down at her youngest daughter, Lily. 

"You might get empty next syndrome now they're all going El." Hermione grinned.

"You know what next time they're home Ginny or Hermione you can have Fred, Lottie and Maddie for the day along with James, Albus and Lily or Rose and Hugo and you tell me how your day was." Elenor joked.

"Aunt El are you complaining about your children again?" The familiar voice of Teddy Lupin spoke in her ear.

"Teddy Lupin you get taller every time I see you!" Elenor cried, turning around and hugging her godson. 

"What can I say i'm a growing boy." Teddy shrugged with a grin.

"Teddy! What are you doing here?!" Lottie cried, running towards him and hugging him tightly round the waist.

"Isn't it obvious? He's here to see Victoire off!" James Potter, Harry's eldest son cried "I just caught them snogging over there!"

"James leave him alone." Ginny rolled her eye's at her son.

"No way it's too much fun annoying him." James grinned mischievously.

"James give over. I can't believe our little Mads is going to Hogwarts!" Harry ruffled his niece's hair; he absolutely doted on Maddie and she loved him in return.

"I'm not that little anymore Uncle Harry!" Maddie protested.

"I know it's scary." Harry laughed.

"You're telling me." Elenor sighed and watched as her children chased each other around the platform.

"Listening to you guys talk you wouldn't think you liked your kids at all." Teddy laughed at them.

"She doesn't Teddy, that's a fact." Fred and Lottie walked over grinning.

"I love you all but you test me all the time, especially you two." Elenor rolled her eye's.

"But you'd be bored without us Mum!" Lottie grinned. 

"You all better get on the train it's going to leave soon!" Hermione cried looking up at the clock on the platform.

"Okay, please try not to cause too much trouble this year Fred, and Lottie, don't get off on the wrong foot just please behave both of you. I have that many letters from Headmistress McGonagall that I could create a book, please don't add more to my collection. Oh and look after Maddie!" Elenor warned them both.

"I'll try my best but no promises Mum!" Fred cried before he ran off with James.

"And look after your sister's!" Elenor yelled after him.

"I'll be fine Mum." Lottie told her Mum as she rolled her eye's.

"I know you will, I just wanted to try and give him some responsibility." Elenor called after Lottie as she ran after her brother.

"I'm so excited! Write to me won't you?" Maddie asked her, looking at Elenor like she did when she was three years old. It melted her heart. When Maddie was born after Fred and Lottie Elenor couldn't believe just how much she looked like her grandma Alia just like Lottie did. It brought comfort to her knowing that her Mother was always watching and she had sent Lottie and Maddie as gifts to Elenor and George. 

"Everyday Mads if you want me too." Elenor grinned.

"No everybody will think i'm a baby!" Maddie cried looking at her Mother like she was stupid.

"Okay! Okay! Once a week then." Elenor laughed at the disgust on Maddie's face.

"Deal." She nodded in agreement.

"Come on Maddie!" Rose Weasley was looking nervously between the train and the clock as if they were going to miss it.

"See you soon Mum." Maddie smiled.

"Bye sweetheart, see you soon." 

With that Maddie skipped down the platform following her cousin's Albus Potter and Rose Weasley eager to see what awaited for her at Hogwarts, humming the lullaby that Elenor and hummed to all of her children over the years. A lullaby that her Mother used to hum to her, they had named it 'Alia's Lullaby.'

"Please watch over them." Elenor whispered to her parent's as she watched the train pull out of the station. She knew that they were there with her, they were there every step of the way. 

"They're always there." Harry had heard her and stood next to her, giving her a smile and a one armed hug.

She smiled at Harry and turned to leave the station. She couldn't see the ghosts in the corner who had watched her throughout the years as she brought her children up and got married. She would never see Alia's ghostly tear's running down her face as she watched her daughter love her children unconditionally just as she did. And Elenor would never know just how proud Alia and Sirius were to be her parent's. 

She was happy, and that was all that they ever wanted.

They could finally be at peace.



I would like to thank each and every one of my fans who have supported me right from this story to my latest fanfic for everything! You guys are the reason I updated this story to make it better for you! You are the reason i've been writing.

I'm sad to say that for now, this will be my last fanfiction as I personally do not have the time to write anymore. A lot of things have changed since writing this story initially at fourteen and I am now twenty one. Some of you have been there the whole time and it means the world to me!

For now, goodbye and watch this space! I could be back one day!



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