Royal Exemption || 김태형 || Ban...

By Amaranthine7722

480K 28.4K 6.2K

From the lineage of royals who are recognized and privileged yet no longer in the position to rule the countr... More

The Young Monarch ♤
His and her Secret ♧
Not enough ◇
Smitten ♡
Naive ♧
Unearthly ♤
Punished ◇
My name is Charlie 😐 ♡
Innocence ♧
Jealousy ♤
Touch ◇
Spoiled ♡
Maybe not ♧
Got it? ♤
Kidnapped ◇
Sweet invasion ♡
Guarded ♧
Munchkins ♤
In denial ◇
Sad Charlie ♧
Amicable ♤
Special ◇
Backup ♡
Overprotective ♧
Terrified ♤
ㅠㅡㅠ ◇
Knots ♡
Triggered ♧
Wistful ♤
Mocked ◇
Reality bites ♧
Confession ♤
Estranged ◇
Bad thoughts ♡
Heartbreak ♧
Avalanche ♤
Shook ◇
Changes □
Secret place ♡
Threatened ♧
The last to know ♤
Distant ◇
Decisions □
invisible line ♡
Acceptance ♧
Breathe ♤
Consequences ♧
Regret ◇
Thoughts ♡
Feelings ♤
Troublemakers ♧
Delinquent ◇
Whatever ♤
Surprise ♧
Clandestine ◇
Stay ♡
I promise! ♤
Stupid girl ◇
Without consent ♤
No escape ♧
But you are... ♡
Doe eyes ♤
Ischgl ♧
Denial ◇
Bad tea ♤
Complicated ◇
You're Bad ♧
In Peril □
I found you ♡
Hmpf. ♤
Chaos ♧
Defiant ◇
Will you? ♧
Impulsive ◇
It ends here □
The Verdict ♤
Formality ♧
5 steps away ◇
The new mistress □
Irresistible ♤
'That thing' ♧
Loyalty ◇
Pinky swear ♡
Sweet escape ♤
Stalked ♧
Reconciliation gift ◇
Don't tell anyone ♤
Worthy ◇
Monstress ♤
Dejected ♧
Worries ◇
Old friend ♧
Rue ◇
Love Maze ♤
Invitation ◇
Blue ♧
Yorkshire ◇
Smug Fvckers ♤
Crushed ♧
Growing Pains ◇
Security ♤
Fools ♡
Officially Korea's; Officially MINE ♤

10 steps away! ♡

3.3K 216 48
By Amaranthine7722

Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna


A warm welcome, smiling faces and tight hugs welcomed us in Vienna. Seokjin, who I last encountered months ago isn't the frowning bear anymore. He was really glad to see us
However, his smile lessened and replaced by a foolish one upon seeing Taehyung. Like me, Namjoon was warmly welcomed with a fist bump and a hug.

"How was the travel dear?"

The Austrian princess approached the young prince as we were finally settled in the huge baronial receiving parlour of the Austrian palace.

He smiled but his eyes obviously roved around the place. Why not?
The person he intentionally visted isn't even around. The crown prince instantly noted the way his face turned a little sullen as Charlie was nowhere to be found. The crown prince cleared his throat which quickly caught the other's attention.

"Our dear Ischgl is apparently taking her lessons. As you know...she didn't have proper schooling and she spends a few hours everyday re learning everything. You can join her after she's  finished with her subjects for today."

Taehyung wryly smiled and bowed while butler Robert, one of the most trusted and the boldest butler in the palace, suddenly stepped forward.

"The princess wanted to send you a message, your highness."

*cricket sounds*

"Ehm, Robert, which one of us? As you can see there are about 6 royals here now."

The crown prince inquired. The butler apologized and quickly proceeded. He faced Taehyung.

"Princess Ischgl would like to announce that she is not to join the Korean prince today. She also firmly delivered that the Korean prince has to stay 10 feet away from her in any place under any circumstances. Also... She wants me to deliver you a snort."

The Austrian crown prince spilled his tea while majority of us silently laughed.

And so the bold butler snorted. After the announcement, he bowed and turned around, walked back to his designated place.

Avalanche looked extremely pleased and even uttered to the royal elders;

"I could be wrong but I think Charlie is my sister from another mother. That is my friggin' style! Hahaha"

I chuckled and recalled that day when Avalanche sent Taehyung an apology speech through his assistant. Charlie must've thought the same thing and once again, the Korean prince is the receiver of the message.

Every pair of eyes laid on Taehyung.

"My, my, my...looks like you both need time to resolve a lover's quarrel. Well, I do respect my daughter's wishes. But I'm rooting for you."

The crown prince gently nudged Taehyung's side and winked.

"Win that fluffy ball of cuteness back."

We all smiled at the way he encouraged Taehyung.

"Well, good luck on that."

Prince Seokjin crossed his arms and grinned.

The Austrian crown prince cleared his throat once again.

"I'm warning you young men. Especially you, little Alexander. Do not meddle or I'll send you all to oblivion. Kids, behave and let the fellah win his girlfriend  back. Do not bully my future son in law in our territory. Verstehst du?"

(Do you understand?)

And as always since we were little kids, we responded in chorus except with Seokjin;

"Ja, Onkel Max."

(Yes, uncle Max)

The Korean prince was so happy that he even secretly stuck out his tongue on us. What a boast. Lol.



For almost an hour, I did nothing but watch her write on her notes in front of a strict looking professor, despite giving me occasional glares. She's really adorable even when she hates me.

She would roll her eyes like a 7 year-old kid. Too much that I even wondered if she already had a sight of her brain. 

"Prinzessin konzentrieren sich auf Ihre Notizen."

(Princess focus on your notes.)

She quickly continued writing, but I noticed she's still a little confused. German isn't easy to learn. I am quite fluent with the language as well as the rest of the guys but I could tell that it's not an easy language to get used to. 

The professor went on;

"Lesen Sie den fünften Absatz. die ich unterstrichen habe."

(Read the fifth paragraph. the one I underlined.)

And now she looked seriously confused.

"Ehm...uh, B-bitte wi-wi...wiederholen?"

(Please repeat)

Her cheeks automatically flushed in embarrassment.

The professor, who looked quite austere adjusted her spectacles. I didn't like the way she glares at her. Also the way she raised her voice on her which is offensive. I'm pretty sure she's aware that someone is around.

"Wir haben seit Monaten Sätze gelernt. Sie können nicht einmal einfache Anweisungen verstehen. Meine Güte Kind!"

(We have learned sentences for months. You can not even understand simple instructions. Goodness child!)

I wasn't able to contain myself.

"Das Erlernen der deutschen Sprache würde Jahre dauern. Als angehender Ehemann der Prinzessin wünsche ich mir nur, dass Sie sie mit Freundlichkeit und mehr Geduld behandeln."

(Learning the German language would take years. As the future husband of the princess I  only wish that you treat her with kindness and more patience)

Upon seeing me the professor bowed, apologized and took her leave. She also mentioned that Charlie should focus more on her studies. Still with the same voice tone and demeanor.

Charlie, head bowed, after the professor left. I just noticed tears dripping on her notes and I quickly walked towards her.


I brushed her hair aside;

"It's not easy...she makes me nervous whenever she gives me questions in quick paces and when I couldn't understand...she gets upset."

I wiped her face and maneuvered her chair to face me.

"I'll teach you then. I won't get tired of you. You want me to teach you how to curse in German?..."

I foolishly smiled

She frowned and wiped her face.

"No thanks, your highness."

She stood and stepped away from the chair, from me.

"Can I get a kiss and a hug??"


"Charlie, come on... I was worried about you and I missed you a lot...please let me at least hold yo-"

"10 steps away! 😐😑"

"W-what?! Is this for real?? Mine was only 5! This is unfair. I can't even smell you! "

She walked farther;

"Until I forgive you. 10 steps away from me. 😐"

Damn... this hurts.

"And don't smell me! 😐😮"

She shouted.

I can't believe how undeniably crazy I am for this little tease.

"You're making me sad Charlie. 🙁"

"I don't care.😐"

Real indeed. 😢


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