Hetalia Ghoul

By AngelxFlores

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° December 25 2018 - #2 in Prucan° °January 5 2019 - #1 in Gerita° °April 24 2019 - #1 in Ameripan° °June 21... More

This is Me
Another One
Where Did He Go?
A Friend
Who's This?
An Idea
Mask Maker
The Hero
More Information
Hanging Out
Another Day
The One-Eyed
Frog Prince
The Revenge Deal
The Doctor
The Waiter
Memories and Secrets
The Rules
The Girl
A Picture
author's note
Moving Out
Run Away


278 23 7
By AngelxFlores

- Francis' POV -

"What's Alfred been up to?" I started the conversation as well both laid in bed, doing nothing but enjoy each other's company. I was forgetting all my worry by just talking to Arthur.

"He's still moping since he got rejected,"

"He got rejected? What was the guy's name, again?"

"Kiku, I believe. And he didn't exactly get rejected because he never told him. According to Alfred, he just isolated himself and is persistent about seeing him,"

"That's odd... What happened?"

Arthur shrugged, "He said they were out one night and Kiku got scared and hid because they saw Yao from work. After that, he ran away and haven't spoken to Alfred yet,"

"Oh, yes!" I sat up, "Alfred told me about Kiku's fear of Yao,"

Arthur sat up next to me, "Do you have any idea of what it means? Yao doesn't look like the type to have people afraid of him,"

"Then you obviously haven't seen him when he gets his lunch stolen," I smirked and then went back to the issue, "But there was a time where he was closed off from everybody. Weren't you there when the incident happen?"

"I know it was around the time the Gladiator and Alarich Beilschimdt were killed. I was busy those times," Arthur explained, "I was working in that mission and also seeing where the missing older son was. It was a tragedy he was never found. Then Ludwig was all alone. At least Emma took care of him for a while. Back to your point, I did hear something about a ghoul mass murdered Yao's family, but I never bothered to look more into it. The poor lad seemed devastated"

I nodded, "He was so bitter and cold towards everybody. He was told he could take a break from work but it only made him more invested and dedicated to it instead,"

"I assumed he was looking for killer,"

"He doesn't even know his real name. He called himself Kuro. Yao started to get trust issues after that. He never managed to find him and it's been 10 years," I continued, "Alfred told me not to ask Yao about Kiku, but I asked him anyways. I mean, I only asked if he knew a Kiku and that's it. For the boy's safety, you know. He said he never met him"

Arthur became quiet for a moment and then looked up, "And?"

"Why would Kiku be afraid of a man who doesn't know him?"

Arthur finally understood what I was saying, "You're not assuming he's the ghoul-"

"The ages and description match up. And we're in the same area,"

"That would explain a lot. That Kiku did seem mysterious from the moment we met him in the junkyard being attacked from those ghouls" Arthur sat up more, finally piecing in my logic.

"And I found more," I said as I took my computer and opened it to a folder, "Do you remember Dr. Zwingli? The one researcher in the science department who is running from the CCG? It turns out he made unauthorized experimentation on ghouls based on his own theories and wants. I managed to take these-"

"The stolen files?!" Arthur took the computer from me, "We thought Dr. Zwingli deleted everything! How did you get this?!"

"It wasn't deleted when I was looking in his office. When I got the threat, I knew the CCG wouldn't let me work on anything Kol Clan related so I decided to download them. I didn't know they got deleted,"

"Then Zwingli couldn't have deleted them himself... At least without entering the area unnoticed. This just proves further that there's someone in the CCG that's helping the Kol Ghouls. But that was reckless of you, Francis! What were you thinking of doing with this information?"

"I knew the CCG wouldn't let me work on the case," I pouted, "I didn't want to just sit still and do nothing,"

"We're doing this to protect you," Arthur sighed, "I don't know what I would do if they somehow get you. They already know who you are-"

"Exactly," I looked at him, "I don't want others involved,"


"But nothing, mon cheri. Let me do my part. Please,"

He stared at me, worried, before he nodded, "Under the condition that you let me protect you,"

"Oh, like a bodyguard?"

"I mean, I guess," he stuttered, "Of course when I'm not working. I'll just stop by. Maybe check on you. Leave,"

"Or you can stay," I smirked.

"O-or I can stay, yes," he stuttered again, which made me chuckle.

"Thanks Arthur," I smiled and gently kissed him, "I feel safer already"

Seeing his flustered expression made me realize how much I appreciate and loved him. I wouldn't know what do if I lost him.

He coughed to compose himself, "Anyways, back to the files from Zwingli?"

"Oh, yes," I returned my attention to the computer and started to look through the files, "The earliest file is this"

I showed him the screen, where it displayed a picture of a child with black short hair in a cage, eyes glowing red and black in fear.

"Experiment #0001: Kiku Honda..." Arthur almost gasped, "You were right. Kiku is a ghoul..."

Before Arthur continued to read his file, he exited to scroll past the rest, "Bloody hell, there's hundreds..."

"Most of them are classified as failures. Which I'm guessing they're deceased"

"The most recent was Experiment #1918: Gilbert Beilschimdt and that was just a couple months ago. Maybe weeks before Zwingli's disappearance,"

"We can focus on that later. I haven't read Kiku's file yet, but I'm worried..."

Arthur started to read the file outloud, "Kiku Honda, age 10, Japanese, Natural Born ghoul captured by the CCG. Parents both killed by CCG. Experiment #0001 was put on the research department since it is a rare to find a young ghoul in good conditions. I've decided to take matters into my own hand as the board did not approve my idea of making ghoul into controller soldiers for the human race. #0001 will go under treatment in order to not just amplify his abilities, but to also kill and attack on command,"

He started to skim some parts where it described numerous torture given to the young boy. It reminded me of Raivis. He finally continued, "#0001's ability is shown to display a full grown ghoul's extent. I assume that as he grows older, he'll have twice as much power. The troublesome part is the controlling of such power. #0001 started to learn the commands by triggering him. His main trigger is the smell and sight of human blood, which because of his heightened abilities and instincts, it's irresistible. The issue now is that once he is triggered, he goes ballistic and acts like a total wild animal with no sense. He only aims to kill whatever is in front of him. He has no control of his actions nor remembers much right after he is back to stable state.  Other triggers include starvation and the simple notion of using his abilities for more than a couple minutes, which is why he tends to try to stay stable and limit his use of his ghoul powers,"

"Alfred said Kiku accidentally cut his hand and then ran away," I mentioned.

"He probably didn't want Alfred to face him if he was unstable," Arthur finished the article, "#0001 has escaped,"

The article is blank after that but then a note at the very end appears, "He was on the news. He had been living under a false name with Yao Wang as an adopted child. He was triggered and massacred all but one of Yao's family and then escaped. I cannot risk chasing after him now. He is considered a failure. I may attempt this experiment in the future,"

"So it's true. Kiku is Kuro..."

"And he's highly dangerous," Arthur closed the computer and got up.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to warn Alfred. He may think he's in love or whatever but the simple reality is that he's in danger,"



Sorry, another filler short chapter but I finally updated!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I appreciate all comments and votes and I'll see ya next update :)

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