Tameless but Together (Hiccup...

By Styla_Mythic

112K 2.6K 805

"You are different. You are courageous. I might be those things too, but there's one thing you're forgetting... More

A/n: Beginning Info (IMPORTANT!)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
A/n: Thank you!!

Chapter 21

4.2K 104 48
By Styla_Mythic

Today was the day. You were more nervous than you had ever been in your life. There wasn't much to it, but you still felt your stomach churning. You were currently in your sister's room. Runa had insisted she help you with your hair. You had no idea what she was doing with it, but whatever it was had to be very complicated. You'd been sitting there for 20 minutes already. You felt a tug.

"Ow! Runa!"

"I know, I know. I'm trying not to pull, but I didn't promise this was gonna be painless. But I can promise that it's gonna be worth it!" You sighed, smiling slightly. Still, the sickness in your stomach returned quickly. You groaned as it felt worse this time. "Hey, don't throw up on your dress, sis." You grumbled at her, but your face fell again and she seemed to realize it was pretty bad. "You'll do fine. There's nothing to it! Besides, this honestly won't change much. It'll just make it official! You want that, don't you?"

"Of course I do! I'm just...afraid of looking..."

"Dumb?" She asked. 

"Yeah..." You muttered.

"Like I said, it's not hard."

"How do you know? You're not married!" 

"I have been to weddings before and it seriously doesn't look hard at all. I'm sure you won't even think about being worried once you get up there. You'll be too focused on him." You thought about it.

"I guess you have a point there..."

"Exactly. Now, this is gonna pull a bit. Just bare with me." You felt another tug, but this one wasn't as bad since you were ready for it. 

"Thanks for the warning that time." You chuckled.

"Don't mention it." She chuckled along. Then, there was a knock at the door. 

"State your name and business!" Runa snapped quickly. She was also on attack dog mode since she was determined for Hiccup not to see you beforehand.

"Gods, Runa! It's just me!"

"Not specific!"

"Thor almighty. It's Ash!"

"I demand proof-"

"Come in, Ash!" You laughed, cutting Runa off. She glared at you but went back to work as Ash came in. 

"Hey, (Y/n). Wow, Runa, that's really impressive-"

"SHUT THE DOOR BEFORE ANYBODY SEES!" Runa shouted. Startled, Ash quickly closed the door and Runa nodded, satisfied. 

"Tell me you aren't going to do this to any of our wives if and when we get married," Ash muttered nervously.

"You will not see her for a week before time with Runa on guard." You giggled, teasing her. But seriously, you had barely seen Hiccup at all during any of the outfit planning. Runa had kept everything with you under wraps. It was a tad ridiculous, but you'd been glad to be able to see him every night at least since you both were living together.

"Oh, quiet! I'm sorry I'm traditional!"

"That hairstyle isn't traditional." She glared daggers at him and he said no more.

"Anyway, what's going on Ash?" You asked, changing the subject.

"Well, Hiccup is definitely getting antsy. He wants to know what torture you're going through. Everybody is actually kinda scared with how Runa's acting right now."

"How can they be scared? We've been in here alone for a while." Runa asked.

"The shouts of our mad sister travel pretty far," Ash said with a grin. She huffed and kept working. 

"I'm almost done here, so if you don't mind, tell the groom that the bride is in good hands."

"I'd say crazy hands, but whatever you say."


"Yep, crazy." You snickered.

"AAAGH!!" You both laughed as Ash left before Runa could tackle him. He shut the door behind him and Runa soon finished with your hair. "There! Despite the distractions, it looks perfect!" She said, rather proud of herself.

(You may choose what you like! Short hairs, I spent forever just finding these so you guys got even more free will. Hair color depends on you. Btw, it's this plus the flower crown that Astrid had because that's also traditional.)

You looked in the mirror and gasped in shock. You couldn't believe it. You didn't want to flatter yourself, but you had to agree. You looked beautiful. Runa looked at you, all dressed up and ready to go. You saw the tears in her eyes. You walked over to her and hugged her.

"I-I...I never thought I'd get to see anything like this again. When I was little and saw the weddings it was always so magical, but I never thought I'd get to see any of you grow up when I was taken away. I never thought I'd get to see my sister live her life. I know that I only knew you guys through, well, Mom since you hadn't been born, but I still missed you. I'm just...happy to be home. I know that Cala would be so proud of you if she were here." You laughed, trying not to break down at her words.

"D-don't make me cry, now." She laughed a bit too and you both pulled away. 

"They're here with us." You stared at her, stunned. "Mom, Dad, Cala, and I'm sure Stoick is here for Hiccup too. They're with us today." She assured you. "They're with you today." You smiled at her.

"And so are the dragons." Runa chuckled.

"Most definitely. I'm sure Nightshade would be worse than me today." You laughed at the thought.

"She most definitely would be!" You both laughed together for a bit before finally calming down. Once you were finished, Runa took your hand. 

"Come on, the love of your life is waiting."

Hiccup's POV

Gods, I was so nervous. I was pacing in my room with Arrow and the boys with me, waiting for the news from my mother. (Y/n) was still with Runa and that only made it harder for me to make sure everything was fine. I wasn't allowed within a yard of (Y/n) or anywhere where I could get a good look at her. Runa made sure of that. 

"Dude, you gotta relax. Everything is going just as planned. It's gonna be fine." Ash said. 

"How can I relax!? I have no idea what's going on or if anything is wrong or-"

"Hiccup!" Carl and Kent said together. 

"We've been all over the village! Everyone is here and getting the last things ready!" Kent assured.

"Yeah! You got nothin' to worry about, man!"

"What about (Y/n)? What if something is wrong with her dress or-or what if Runa is running behind with whatever she's doing!?"

"Okay, to prevent Chief Heart attacks over here from killing himself with one, I'm gonna go check on them," Ash remarked and headed off.

"I should come-"

"No, you shouldn't. Runa would never let me in if you were with me. I'll be right back." He reminded and left. I kept pacing and Arrow shook his head with a sigh.

"Hiccup, it's perfectly fine. Just breathe, okay?" I nodded, trying to calm myself. 

"I-I'm sorry, I...I just..."

"We understand, Hiccup. Believe me, if Ash ever got married, we'd have to tie him to a tree a day beforehand to keep him from running around in a panic!" Zane exclaimed. They all laughed at that and I couldn't help laughing a bit at the idea as well. "Don't tell him I said that, by the way."

"No problem," Arrow replied. Soon enough Ash came back.

"Just as I thought, they're both fine and on time too. Runa nearly tackled me though." Ash chuckled. I didn't find it as funny. I was honestly scared of Runa today. She had acted like this before, but not to this extreme.

"Well, we better go find our spots. Goodluck, Hiccup." Kent stated with a smile.

"See ya!" Carl added.

"You'll do fine," Zane reassured. 

"Yeah." Ash agreed. "Goodluck out there." With that, the four brothers left and it was just me and Arrow. Arrow walked over to me.

"Hang on. I might not be as good as Runa, but this is a bit off. Hold still, Hiccup." He fixed a piece of the crown and I smiled thankfully at him. 

"Thanks, I must've bumped it or brushed it or something." He grinned.

"You're gonna be fine, Hiccup. If you can take on a fleet of dragon trappers, you can handle a wedding."

"I-I know, I...I guess I can't help being a bit...scared." 


"Well...I-I know I'm the one who asked her, but...I still don't feel like...I'm enough for her." 

"You? Not enough for a girl like that?" 

"What? You saying she's not enough for me?" I asked.

"No, she's more than enough. That girl is something else, trust me. I saw that from day one. But you are more than she feels like she deserves too, you know."

"No. There's no way she feels that way."

"It's true, man. I have never seen a girl look at a man with more love. She would give anything for you and you'd do the same for her. You two are meant to be together. Anyone and everyone can see that, even our enemies. Now, they might want to screw it over, but they can still see it. That I'm sure of." I sighed.

"I...I just can't help it."

"Do you love her?"

"What!? Yes! With all my heart! She's everything to me!"

"Than what are you waiting for?" I paused. I smiled a bit.

"Thank you, Arrow." He chuckled.

"Anytime." There was a knock at the door. We both turned and saw my mother there.

"They're ready." Arrow nodded and left.

"You'll be fine." He said on the way out. I nodded at him and he left. Mom came over and made sure that I was completely ready too. I spoke up.


"Yes, dear?"

"I...I wish Dad was here to see this." She frowned a little. I felt her hand on my cheek and I looked up at her.

"He is. Your father would never miss this, no matter what. He's here with us today. I'm sure of it. And you know what?" I shook my head a little. "He would be even more proud of you than I am." I smiled a bit, a tear rolling down my cheek. I really did miss him, but her words helped a lot. "Now, dry those eyes, son. You have to save some for the bride now, don't you?" I chuckled a bit.

"Thanks, Mom." She smiled.

"Let's get going."

Third Person POV

Everything was set and ready. Everyone waited patiently for it to begin. Hiccup walked with his mother up to where he was supposed to stand before she went and joined the others.

 After a minute or two, it was time. Everyone looked back as Zane walked his youngest sister down. Being the oldest living male in the family, the job had been left up to him. 

Hiccup was stunned by her beauty. She looked like a goddess to him. Runa had really done it with her hair. It only made his heart swell more, all nerves having been forgotten by both bride and groom.

The two of them stood in front of each other, smiling with a glow only meant for each other. Gothi began and it all felt like it happened in the blink of an eye. From the start already to the vows. 

Hiccup was shaking, but it was with the opposite of what he'd feared. The love and overwhelming emotion had gotten to both of them. As he made the traditional promise to her, the two of them couldn't hold back a few silent tears.

(Y/n) returned the promise, the wording only slightly different for her. Even the audience couldn't hold back a few tears at this point. Hiccup lifted his hands to take hers and the two of them held each other as Gothi bound them gently. As she finished, she stepped back and Hiccup gladly leaned in to kiss the woman who would now and forevermore be known as his until the two of them met again at the gates of Valhalla. 

Their lips sealed the promise forever as they kissed. Hiccup cupped her cheek as her hands rested on his shoulders. A single cheer burst out to start all the others.

"To the Chief and Chieftess!" Everyone broke out in celebration as the two parted. Their eyes glowed with love as they smiled at each other.

"I love you." Hiccup told her softly.

"I love you too." She replied before they both turned toward the mass of cheering Vikings. (Y/n) saw the Runa had caught the flowers and we blush madly as was Arrow. She smirked at the two before smiling back at the crowd. 

Afterward, out on the cliffside, the whole group stood together, looking out at the ocean below. They all stood there together as they remembered their dragons. But there was one thing all of them now knew. As one era ends, the doors always open for another to begin.

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