Tameless but Together (Hiccup...

بواسطة Styla_Mythic

111K 2.6K 805

"You are different. You are courageous. I might be those things too, but there's one thing you're forgetting... المزيد

A/n: Beginning Info (IMPORTANT!)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
A/n: Thank you!!

Chapter 20

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بواسطة Styla_Mythic

It had been a month since the dragons had left. The air was already beginning to get colder. Still, you and Hiccup were happy. You had talked to his mother to see what she thought about the new main thing everyone was wondering. Valka said that you both were meant for each other, but ultimately, it was up to both of you.

You were in your room, your brothers having helped you and Hiccup build a house of your own. They were fast workers. Everyone had to be now that the weather was getting colder. You and Hiccup did share a room, but it wasn't abnormal for you. Still, Hiccup was out helping with more of the construction and you were lost in thought. Is it time? You sighed heavily. You needed to go for a walk and think.

You left the house, leaving a note for Hiccup should he find you gone and begin to worry. You traveled out into the forest, walking alone and letting your thoughts roam. You kept walking until you heard a shrill cry. You paused.

"What...what was...?" You looked around. The noise came again. You hurried toward it and you were stunned. It was a little pup. He looked new and very frail. A late birth. The mother must've abandoned it, knowing it wouldn't have enough milk to sustain it through the winter. 

Then you heard a hiss. You turned and saw a snake creeping toward it. The pup kept whining, calling for its mother and completely unaware of the danger. You gasped. You looked around for anything you could use. You saw a large stone. You quickly grabbed and it got ready. The snake rose up, getting ready for the kill. You heaved the rock and sent it flying right onto the snake. It crushed its head and the tail of the reptile went limp. You swooped in swiftly and rescued the little wolf. You rushed back through the forest as took him home to the village, away from the dangers of the forest.

You took him inside and got him cleaned up. His eyes opened after you dried him off. He had one blue eye and one golden eye. Your heart melted. He yipped at you and you quickly got him something to eat. You gave him some water and some of the fish you had in the house. He took it greedily. You were glad he was eating it. You'd cut and mashed it up as best you could so he wouldn't have to chew. He couldn't really tare into things yet.

You heard the front door open. You looked up, your heart skipping a beat. What were you going to say? 'Hey, I just picked up a wolf in the woods. No big deal, right?' Yeah, that sounded like a good idea.

"(Y/n)! I'm back, sweetheart!" You knew you couldn't hide it from him. 

"In the kitchen, Hiccup!" He came in and saw the pup. His face fell. "I can explain." You said, picking up the little guy. He looked at you and nodded, clearly not wanting to get upset with you. You felt reassured by that. "I went for a walk and found him all alone. He almost got killed by a snake. I saved his life." Hiccup thought about it. He sighed.

"(Y/n)...it won't replace them." You nodded.

"I know that, but now...he needs us. Doesn't he deserve a chance too?" He smiled at you. He walked over and pet the little pup.

"Of course he does." You smiled.

"So, we're keeping him?" Hiccup chuckled.

"If that's what you want, then I won't stop you. I probably couldn't if I tried anyway." You giggled.

"Can't argue with that one." He rolled his eyes.

"Let's find him a place to sleep. Little guy looks pretty tired." As if on cue, the pup yawned and snuggled into your arms. You laid out a blanket on the floor and fixed it into a circular bed. You placed the baby wolf inside and he gladly snuggled into it. Hiccup chuckled.

"He is cute." You smiled and nodded.


"So, you found him, what are you going to name him?" You looked at him. You smiled as you got an idea. "Arctic." 

"Arctic?" Hiccup asked.

"Yeah. The pattern on his fur. It needed to be wintery, but...still have a flare to it." You explained. Hiccup smiled.

"Yeah, you're right." He said, pulling you in closer. "Arctic it is." Hiccup's face fell after a moment. "(Y/n)?"

"Hm?" You hummed softly. He looked hesitant, but he spoke anyway. 

"I...I want it to be just you and me tonight, okay? Can you...meet me by the overlook? An hour after sundown?" You were surprised, but you smiled. You kissed him.

"I'll be there without a second wasted." You promised. He looked thrilled.

"Thanks, angel." You blushed slightly. 

"You better get back to the others. I bet they still need to to help with all of the work still being done." 

"Yes, but I promise tonight will be ours. Deal?" You leaned in again.

"Deal." You whispered softly, kissing him slowly and passionately. Hiccup moaned a little ad you couldn't help but blush harder at the sound. You both pulled away after a moment. He smiled at you, his eyes glowing with love.

"Take care of him. I'll see you then, (Y/n)." He began to leave.

"See you then, Hiccup." He smiled back at you before heading out again. 

*6 hours later*

You walked toward the overlook, wondering what Hiccup had in mind. The moon glowed brightly and you paused for a moment. You remembered the night Hiccup had caught Toothless. It had been just as crystal clear in the sky. You chuckled as you figured that might've been an aid into Hiccup catching him. The clouds would've shielded him well, but I guess we were lucky there were none then. 

You kept walking and soon, you saw a blue lantern hanging on a tree branch. Then, you saw a pink one, and then a purple one, and then a golden one and a green one. You followed the trail of lanterns and you gasped when you got to the end of the trail. Hiccup was standing under a huge willow tree that had lanterns that looked like dragon heads hanging all over the branches. A blanket was on the ground just barely out from under the tree and Hiccup had on a nicer outfit that only made him even more attractive to you. You also saw white flowers all around on the ground. It was breathtaking. 

You had worn something cute, but nothing fancy. Hiccup didn't seem to mind that at all. He was kind of the same way, after all. He didn't own much for fancy. You knew that fact. 

You walked over to him, your eyes still darting around in wonder. Is this why he was out all day? You wondered absentmindedly, not really caring too much about finding out the answer to that question. You were too lost in your amazement to care. 

You made it to him and he was smiling, but also biting his lip nervously. There was a mixture of hope and fear in his eyes. You knew why and you laughed lightly at his nervousness. 

"D-do you like it?" He asked. You shook your head, disbelieving that he actually had to ask. 

"Oh, Hiccup, this is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me." He looked more confident now.


"Yes!" You exclaimed. Your arms wrapped around him. "Who else would do this for me but you?" He relaxed and hugged back.

"I was...worried I might've gotten carried away." He admitted, blushing embarrassedly. You chuckled.

"It's perfect, you doofus." He smiled at you. He cupped your cheek.

"You look so beautiful right now. N-not that you don't always look beautiful." He said quickly. You giggled lightly. 

"You really are such a doofus." He relaxed a bit.

"Yeah, but I'm your doofus." You blushed, liking the thought of that.

"You have been since day one, even when neither of us knew it." 

"Yeah." His eyes met yours again. "Would you like something to eat? I...I brought a few snacks." Your grin grew.

"I'd love some." You both sat down and he grabbed a little basket that you hadn't noticed until now. He opened it and pulled out some strawberries and chocolate. (Don't yell at me just yet. If any of you remember from the book of dragons, the Snap Trapper lures Vikings with the scent of chocolate, so clearly they know of it and can make it.)

He dipped one and handed it to you. You gladly bit into it and you moaned at the taste. You finished the first one, your cheeks burning from your blush. You looked at him.

"They're delicious." You told him. He smiled. The two of you talked and laughed as you had your snack. You dipped your finger into the chocolate and dabbed some on his nose. He blushed and you giggled as he looked away.

"Not funny, (Y/n)." He muttered, embarrassed. You smiled softly at him.

"Hiccup," He turned and you kissed his nose. He blushed and froze, too stunned to move. "Mmm~" You hummed at the taste again. Hiccup's cheeks were on fire. You pulled back and kissed him on the lips after cleaning the chocolate off his nose. 

"Mph!" It was a bit startling at first, but the young chief had no objections and kissed back. You could taste the chocolate and strawberries on each other's lips, only making it even more enjoyable. You felt him get onto his knees and begin to move on top of you. You fell back as he did, your lips only disconnecting a little before crashing into each other again. He now had you pinned as his knees encased the lower half of your body, holding you there. 

Your heart was pounding in your chest, but it kept a steady pace. Your hands played with his hair the way he liked it and he cupped both sides of your face, giving himself more control and access. He pulled away slightly.

"(Y-Y/n)..." He breathed out before diving into the kiss again. Just hearing him say your name in such a loving and wanting way made your heart melt for him. 

Soon he had to pull away since you both were running out of air. You both stared at each other, your eyes glazed over, dazed from the kiss but still filled with love. You both panted slightly and he closed his eyes. "Gods above, I..." You looked at him, wanting him to continue you. His lips curled into a smile. "I can't get enough of you. I love you so much." A bubbly laugh slipped out of your lips. You brushed some of his hair back before cupping his cheek.

"I love you too. More than anything in the world." He smiled but soon he looked unsure, breaking his gaze from yours. You frowned. "Hiccup?" You asked gently. He sat up and you took that as a sign to get up too. You waited patiently for him to say something. He breathed in, getting ready to speak, but all that came out was a sigh. He looked at you again and you saw a bit of determination in his gaze.

"(Y/n), I need to say something, because if I don't say it now, I know I'm going to regret it." You nodded, shifting into a more comfortable position so you could listen. He sighed. "(Y/n)...I've loved you for as long as I can remember. At first, it was just because you were the prettiest girl in the village, but then...when you met Toothless I was so afraid you were going to hate me. I was terrified you'd rat me out and they'd come after him. But...you didn't run away. You stayed and you shocked me even more with Nightshade." You giggled a bit at that part and he chuckled slightly too. He kept going. "I still just thought it was a small crush and I was convinced nothing was going to happen, but...that first flight we had together...even if we almost died it was nothing like I'd ever felt before. And I don't mean because I'd never flown before, I mean because...I'd never had a friend to share anything with before let alone something insane like that." You smiled. 

"Me either." You admitted. He smiled a bit but kept going.

"No matter what, you were there for me. You were by my side at my best and worst moments. You broke the rules for me sometimes and you for sure slapped sense into me when I needed it most at other points." You giggled again. "What I'm saying is, you've been the biggest person in my life for as long as I can remember. Even when we were kids I always thought you were amazing. But you know something?"

"What?" You asked, smiling without a care in the world thanks to the absolute bliss of the moment.

"The same day when we flew together, remember when we rested on the beach? When it was just you and me and Toothless and Nightshade?"


"Well...that day...I knew what I wanted. I finally understood what I needed in my life. I might've denied it at first, but it was always there. That day...you stole my heart. And you've had it ever since." Your eyebrows furrowed. This conversation suddenly felt more loaded than you had previously realized.

"Hiccup...what are you saying?" 

"I'm saying that I love you more than life itself, (Y/n). I'm saying there is nobody else that will ever make me complete. You've been in my life for so long now and I don't want that to end. Ever." He reached behind himself and your hand shot to your mouth as you understood. "I'm saying..."

"H-Hiccup..." He pulled a small object out of his pocket and held it up to you.

"Marry me, (Y/n) (L/n). I know we're already betrothed, but I want to start a new life with you. I want to share it all with you. I want you to be my wife." You were crying by this point. He bit his lip, nervous of your response. Your hands fell away from your mouth and your arms wrapped around him. You let out a laugh that was more of a sob. 

"Yes." You breathed. "Yes, I'll marry you, Hiccup." He let out a sigh of relief, probably never feeling more of it in his life. After a good minute of just hugging, you both pulled back and he slipped the ring onto your finger. You admired it.

"It's beautiful." 

"Runa helped. She's got a really steady hand." He chuckled. You smiled and kissed him again. 

"I will share the rest of my life with you. That is my eternal promise, Hiccup Haddock." A few tears were in his eyes now too. He wiped them away, trying not to get so emotional. 

"H-heh, I-I guess I wasn't as ready for this as I thought." He chuckled. You laughed along and kissed his tears away.

"Think about how I feel." He laughed lightly again and nodded.

"Yeah, I know." You both hugged again for a long time. Then, out of nowhere,

"DID SHE SAY YES?!" You both quickly looked back toward the path and you saw Carl there. He was suddenly yanked down. You could hear somebody not so quietly scolding him and you couldn't suppress your snickers. You looked at Hiccup with an eyebrow raised. He laughed out of embarrassment.

"D-did I forget to mention I may or may not have asked your brothers to help me set all of this up?" You laughed.

"You are such a doofus."


"CARL!!!" You heard all three of your other brothers shout at the same time. You and Hiccup fell over laughing.

"Some things never change!" He exclaimed, his chest still shaking with laughter.

"Trust me, he'll still be like this if he makes it to 80." 

"I have no doubts about that at all."

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