Memories [A Bensler Fan Fic]

By GirlandHerKeyboard

13.5K 719 93

They thought that once they had graduated from high school, they were old enough to have their own life. That... More

44: Only Memories Now
Author's Note
Author's Note Update


362 13 0
By GirlandHerKeyboard

The morning after Olivia was released, Elliot showed up to the Benson house with breakfast for Olivia and some homemade cookies that his mother insisted on making for Olivia.

"Hey." Olivia smiled when she opened the front door. Elliot grinned as he looked at her, before stepping forward and kissing her several times.

"How are you feeling?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shrugged as she let him into the house as she shoved her hands into the pocket of her hoodie.

"I'm feeling okay. I'm tired and feeling a bit weak, but they said I would since I lost a lot of blood. But I'm happy that you are here." Olivia spoke, and Elliot smiled as he shut the door behind himself.

"I'm so glad you are happy because I brought over french toast from that dive we used to eat at."

"That place is nearly an hour away, Elliot! And they don't open up until ten!" Olivia exclaimed, and Elliot nodded as they walked into the kitchen.

"Well, we were in there almost every night because it was cheap but good. They remembered me and I told them about how you were pregnant and I knew you'd be craving their french toast. So they made us up some and didn't even charge me more for making them open up early." Elliot spoke, and Olivia felt tears well in her eyes.

No matter how often they fought after they moved out, Elliot always did make sure to do small things to show her how much he loved her, even if they were in a rough patch.

"Elliot, I feel like sometimes you are too good for me." She breathed, as she sank down onto one of the kitchen table chairs, and started to unpack the bag.

"Honestly, our whole relationship I have felt like you were too good for me. That you deserved more than I could ever get you." Elliot spoke, as he sank down beside her.

"I guess that since we both think that the other is too good, that we are meant to be together... Now, thank you so much the french toast because I was actually wanting some."


Jason Benson hated having Elliot over as often as he was. But he didn't want to tell Olivia that, because he knew that his little girl might run again, but this time she'd never come back. So he kept his mouth shut around his daughter and only told his wife at night.

"Hey, so I'm going over to Elliot's. I'll be home in the morning." Olivia spoke, as she came downstairs with a duffle bag over her shoulder. It was about a month since Olivia started to bleed, and she and Elliot were doing great and were still incredibly in love.

"You are staying there overnight?" Jason huffed, from where he was sitting in his recliner. Olivia looked over at him and nodded.

"Yeah? I kinda want to spend some more time with my boyfriend. And tomorrow he gets his papers and finds out where he is going for basic." Olivia spoke, as she walked towards the door and sat her bag down before placing her hands against the wall to steady herself as she put her shoes on.

"You aren't sleeping at his house. He is going to take ad-" Jason started, but then he watched his wife walk down the stairs.

"Jason, she's a big girl. She's going to have a baby in five months. So, I think that she can sleep over with Elliot. If she has sex, she has sex. She can't get any more pregnant." Melanie spoke, before looking at Olivia who was blushing.

"I'm gonna go now... uh, have a good night," Olivia spoke. She grabbed her bag before heading out the front door with the keys to her brother's old car in hand.


Elliot and Olivia laid together in his bed as they waited for sleep to come, but neither knew if it actually would. Between knowing that Elliot was leaving soon and they would be a part, and the anger they both felt for what Jason was trying to do was keeping them awake.

"When you leave, I'll be alone for 13 weeks... by then I'll be 7 weeks shy of having our daughter," Olivia spoke, as she looked over at Elliot.

"You can live here with my parents. They said that you are more than welcome." Elliot spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Thanks, baby... I just don't want my parents to think that I'm completely abandoning them. I want them to still be involved in her life." Olivia replied, as Elliot shifted a bit, and then Olivia shifted back into a position where she was comfortable in his arms.

"They will be. I just think that you would grow depressed living there. You never know what your father may say about me. Liv, just move in here, honey." Elliot spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"When are your papers going to be here?" She asked, before she sat up and reached over to the bedside table to grab her bottle of water. She drank from it and waited for Elliot to respond.

"Noon. They are being specially delivered. So I guess that you and I need to figure out some things to do till then." Elliot replied. Olivia looked at him and nodded.

"I don't want you to go... I wish that you could just stay here. That we could-"

"We tried to find jobs, Liv. We tried to be adults but then we fucked up. We didn't do enough to ensure that we were good and could pay rent." Elliot spoke, and Olivia bit her lip before climbing out of bed and she slowly stretched her arms above her head.

"You could go to South Carolina or California. Those places are so far away, especially California. Do you think that you and I can make it for 13 weeks without being together? What about if you meet a girl in training and start to like her more than you like me? Or what if you decide that you don't want to come back and marry me and take me along with you?" Olivia whimpered.

"No one and I mean no one, could ever make me love them more than I love you. You are my other half, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you and our daughter. Olivia, chances are that I'm going to South Carolina. I will write and call you when I can. I'll call for updates on our daughter and how you are doing. I will be waiting 13 long ass weeks to marry you and to-"

"Marry me now." Olivia interrupted.

"Marry you now? What? Don't you wan-"

"I want to be married to you before you leave. Let's go get a freaking marriage license and let's get married. It takes two days for it to come in, so let's get one and-"

"Olivia, are you sure?" Elliot asked, and Olivia quickly sat down on the bed and drew him close. She kissed his lips several times before speaking.

"I've never been surer in my entire life."

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