fanboy |

By musicbeatloves

545K 31.2K 7.5K

Arthit would never admit in public that he's a fanboy for the model turned actor, Kongpob. He did not expe... More

01 celebrity.
02 connect.
03 chance.
04 thanks.
05.1 image.
05.2 plunge.
06 fansite
07 line.
let's talk.
08 hit & miss.
09 friends & site
10 fan
11 dodged
12 questioning.
13 out to play.
14 domestic
15.1 attack
15.2 Patch up
16 friendship rules and kisses
17 boy
18 late night visitor
19 charm
let's talk
20 little demon
21 pinkmilk
22 sleepless
23 epiphany
words from the author
24 Hunting
25.1 good night kiss
25.2 model it.
25.3 snapshot
26.1 Hot Mess
26.2 Baby Don't Stop
26.3 After the Heat
27.1 Shennanigans
27.2 Missing You
28.1.1 The List
28.1.2 Sensation
28.2 Fanboy
Fanmeet content suggestions
29.1 Fanmeet
29.3 Fanmeet
SP - Hormones (teaser)
SP - Hormones
29.4 Fanmeet
30 Date Night
30.5 Arcade
31 Beach
32 Together.
33 Explosion
34.1 Radio
34.2 Shame
35 disappointment.
36 - The Choice.
38 year 1.
39 year 2
39 my warmth

29.2 Fanmeet

6.7K 444 135
By musicbeatloves

Of what the fans thought was the end, Girl's day Something played through the background and another performer entered the stage with a spotlight focused on her.

It was Jennie Panhan, a popular TV host in Thailand, wearing an exact replica of Girl's day's black costume including the feather ring.

At the first few seconds, Kongpob looked surprised at Jennie's entrance, moving a bit to the side to give way to her. Jennie acted like she owned the stage along with her backup dancers. 

When she glide her legs apart, people started screaming again. Who doesn't like a performance like this? Arthit had began clicking nonstop. 

Even though he's Kongpob's fanboy, he simply loves this performance. Instead of sticking to pictures, he changed the setting of his camera and recorded it.

At the one minute mark, Jennie challenged the male celebrity and as rehearsed they both danced during the chorus. Arthit heard a lot of voices getting hoarse at that point. He would not be surprised if someone fainted. He was shaking so badly at that point and was sure that the video would come out shaky.  

Arthit almost shouted in disappointment when the song ended to soon for his liking. 

Fans hadn't stop screaming as if injected with more energy than ever. 

Staff members from backstage then gave the two celebrities microphones. Jane, Kongpob's manager personally gave his charge a jacket while leaving Jennie without one, earning a few chuckles from the audience. 

"Am I invisible P'Jane?" Jennie put one of her hands on her hips. "Nong Kong, I'm cold. Hug me." And she did.

"Okay that's enough Jennie. You might not make it out alive. " The MC ruined her chance of taking advantage of the male celebrity. 

 Jennie pouted and reluctantly let go of Kongpob. "Hello guys! I'm the ever divine goddess and soon to be Kong's girlfriend, Jennie Panhan." She introduced with a playful grin and winked at the audience.

She provoking the crowd and some of them screamed "no" at her words. 

"You shouldn't be mean to my beloved fans P'." Kongpob told her with a sweet voice.

The fans all agreed loudly to this. 

"Speaking of Kongpob's beloved fans, it's time for another game, right? "

"Before I tell you guys the name of the game, we'll be randomly selecting participants with drawing lots."

8 numbers were called and no fansite masters were called. None from Arthit's fellow fansite owners seemed to mind. They were all immersed with having fun in their own way by taking pictures. 


All eight introduced themselves with their usernames, following the previous' fan's example.

"Kong your fans are so cute. Too bad they can't fit into my pocket." Jennie commented. 

Still in a skirt, confidently standing on the stage, he winked at his beloved fans with a smile everyone had dubbed as Kongpob's 'killer smile'. In video games, it's equivalent to a critical hit to fan's hearts. 

All the fans onstage was physically affected by his smile, rendering them all blushing and speechless. 

"Our next game is called cotton kiss."

This got a lot of reactions. 

The MC laughed and smirked at the crowd. "Only the winner will get to have such privilege. One who eats the cotton candy the fastest would get the privilege to eat cotton candy with... Kongpob."

The shock looks on all the participant's faces were humorous. But it also reflected all the audience feelings. There was also a look of envy towards the players. They have a chance that no other fan could possibly have.

"I'll repeat. The goal of the game is to finish the cotton candy with the shortest time possible. It's up to the participants on how they'll do it."

"Remember it's Kongpob's kiss that at stake here." Jennie added, making kissy faces beside the male celebrity. 

The prize was really tempting. Arthit has his mind working overdrive when he heard the prize. He was torn at being jealous and embarrassed at the mental image. He wanted to do that with Kongpob. Yes he secretly admits that he wants to do more than a kiss. Just secretly.

The staff was quick in setting up. All eight players each have a cotton candy that was as big as their faces in a paper stick. A bottle of water and some paper napkins were set up beside it. 

They all look nervous and excited. Seeing all participants ready, the MC started the game quickly.

"Let's do this quick. At my count, ready, set, go!"

The result was a total surprise. Although it was expected to end quickly, no one anticipated to end in seconds. LuckyStar751 compresed the cotton candy with her hands and put crammed the whole thing in her mouth. The sweet treat quickly melted in her mouth and she opened her mouth to prove that she finished the whole thing. 

All jaws dropped at the result. No one could contend with the winner's performance as the rest of the participants were just beginning to consume the sweet snack. 

Kongpob had a look of surprised. He applauded her unusual skill. 

The winner covered her face, all red and happy at her victory. 

"Amazing!" The MC praised. "I have no more words for your fans Kongpob. Miss LuckyStar751 be mindful of other fans. An incidental kiss might be your last." He teased. 

This game's winner looked like she was having a surreal experience. A cotton candy was placed between the winner's face and Kongpob's. Everyone was having a rush. This was the one of those rare moments where Kongpob had interacted with a fan this close. Female fans don't get to experience such intimacy with their favorite celebrities. 

"Missy can we switch? I also want a cotton candy kiss from Nong Kong." Jennie was looking at the setup with great envy. Everyone felt the same.

The fan shook her head hard in rejection. There was no way she would let the opportunity go.

"Are you ready LuckyStar751 ?"

The fan looked at Kongpob shyly. Kongpob, still dressed in a skirt, looking all fabulous smiled at her. Her face was all red and it took all her willpower not to jump on her favorite celebrity. 

She savored her prize well. Unlike during the game, she bit on the cotton candy bit by bit. Humoring her, Kongpob did the same. It took almost five minutes to finish the snack. 

There was also a polaroid selfie with the actor/ model. The winner came down the stage full of smiles. 

The fun didn't stop there. Other than Jennie, there were other guests such as Phana, Ohm and Praepalin. With Kongpob, they played musical chairs with a balloon popping twist and even did a lip sync battle. Kongpob performed Poison by Bodyslam shirtless and full of fake tattoos. His fans were screaming nonstop from the endless surprises. Arthit had shouted too, almost making his voice hoarse. 

Of all the insane things that has happened in the event and with the audience's energy going through the roof, Kongpob sang 'So I won't forget you' by bird. It was a slow song to calm everyone down. Of course, he changed into something more comfortable.

Arthit knew that Kongpob was not the best singer out there, but the song really hits the spot. All the girls around him were sighing at Kongpob's charm. 

The song was perfect. Behind his mask, he was blushing and smiling a lot. He took a lot of pictures of Kongpob and the audience as well. For this part of the program, there was something special about it that he can't help but take a memorable photo of the audience. 

"Still breathing guys?" The MC's teased the crowd, earning an enthusiastic reply from the fans. 

"As you guys all know, today is fan's day and we have fan site masters dedicated for Kongpob among the crowd. It was such a surprise that some of them were not what we expected.

"It has been almost five years since Kongpob started modeling and three years since he began his acting career. Fans waiting for Kongpob had been few when he first began but eventually with hard work and a bit of luck, it grew to a size we have never imagined. We are grateful for the fans' endless support. We must not forget some notable fans that contributed to the size of our fandom. Can you guess who they are?"

Different names came from the crowd and it was obvious that they knew what Kongpob's manager meant.

"Right. It's the fan site masters that put time, money, and effort dedicating websites for our dear Kongpob Suttiluck. They have provided all fans of swoon-worthy photos , videos and edits of our Kongpob. So the management and Kongpob as well decided to prepare a special thanks for their unending support. Don't you think they deserve it as well?"

Some protested in envy while the majority cheered. Everyone had visited fansites dedicated to the male celebrity at least once and it was obvious that those who had made the website put a lot of effort in it. No surviving website would survive without a dedicated fan site master.

"Once I call your name fansite masters please go up the stage."





There was a lot of commotion when Arthit stood up and approached the stage. It was only then that it was verified that Pinkcoffee's fansite master was male and he was the only one among the ten fansite masters that are in attendance. 

Arthit's knees were shaking as he took a step closer to the stage. He could feel all eyes on him. In reflex, he fix the mask covering his mouth and at the same time, he met Kongpob's eyes.

"P'?" Even with the mask, Kongpob recognized Arthit. The male celebrity forgot that he was holding a microphone, broadcasting the fact that he recognized Arthit.

For a moment, Arthit wanted to raise a camera and take a picture of Kongpob's surprised face at that moment. 

"Surprise?" An awkward reply came from Arthit. He didn't plan this reveal very well. It was an impulsive decision.

"Oh ho ho! Ei? You know him Kongpob?"

Kongpob looked at Arthit and then back to the MC.





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