Forced Bonds

By yoshi_demi

64.3K 1.9K 788

Robin (Dick Grayson) is in a mood when Father's Day hits. The Teen Titans don't know that he ran away from Ba... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 21

1.1K 36 17
By yoshi_demi

Happy Harbor
July 23, 05:29 EST

- - - - - - - - - -

Raven slams her hands down on the table, pissed. Everyone is standing still in the mission room, they each harbor a variety of emotions, but there are two that stuck out the most:

"You can't stop us!" Raven challenges. The lights start to flicker and Beastboy is weakly tugging on her robe. "We will find Robin, with or without your help."

"You are not, it's now obvious that this should've been handled by the League."

A fierce wind starts to pick up within the room, originating from no where in particular. The Young Justice stare dumbly at Raven, unsure of what to think. They had gathered that she was the emotionally unavailable, one who never showed anything... which is true, usually. They are unprepared for the side of her that had a tendency to... break things.

Raven's eyes start to glow red.

"Raven, please calm down. We have to communicate in your civil way." Starfire tries. She whips her head back to face the alien princess. Star flinches but stands firm, staring Raven down. "Look at what you are doing."

"THEY JUST CALLED US AMATEURS! NONPROFESSIONALS! UNABLE TO SAVE HIM!" The wind begins to pick up pace. Beastboy pulls her back and wraps his arms tight around her. Starfire joins soon after, embracing the teen in a group hug.

Starfire whispers into Raven's ear so that no one could hear over the roaring of the winds. "We will find him ourselves, and they cannot stop us. We will not be held down. Please, Raven, stop this."

The winds starts to slow until there wasn't even a slight breeze in the room. The team seems uneasy after the display of upset and power, but are thankful it is over.

Raven takes a meditative breath to calm herself down. Clearing her mind before she opens her eyes and glares literal hell at Batman.

"Alright, Batman," Raven spits monotonous once again, yet there is venom evident in every word. "Explain to me, why we're cut from finding Robin."

The three Titans stand together, separate from the rest of the group, but they don't seem to care. As third in command, Raven decides something in that moment. Standing by what was left of her friends, facing a common threat, she finally understands.

"You are all incapable of finding Robin before something worse happens. The threat is much bigger than I originally thought and this should not be handled lightly, so I will be taking-"

"I've heard enough."

If everyone was still before, they reach the full out level of statue now. Raven ignores the batglare that is sent her way. No one has ever had the audacity to interrupt Batman while he was explaining something- not even Superman. But she stares right back at him. The Dark Knight would never admit it, but that blank stare that she offered made his blood run cold.

"I'm beginning to see why Robin left, and I'm honestly disappointed that I agree with his decision. Let's go."

"Raven, please-" Robin speaks up, but his voice catches when she looks at him with those eyes. He feels like he has had a glimpse of the inside of a black hole and is terrified. Begging the question in all who see the look, who was she really?

Starfire and Beastboy share a glance before nodding to eachother, their mouths thin lines. The tension in the room is proliferating and anger rolls off Batman in waves.

"Don't you-"

They are gone before he can finish; disappearing in a purple-black hole that vanishes as soon as it has come.

"Dare." Batman finishes spitefully. All is still until M'gann flies into the room frantically.

"Cyborg's disappeared!" When no one responds to her, she continues, "He was there on the bed, and then I turn around for a split second and he's gone!"

Conner goes over to comfort her, dragging her out of the room to fill her in. Batman walks out  soon after, signalling for Robin to follow him. The boy has to run to keep up with the angry man and waves good bye to the Team. They all send him silent prayers of luck.

"Batman-" Tim attempts. They arrive at the Cave within seconds after leaving the tower. Tim is cut short when Batman shoves all the papers off one desk with a scream.

"He was right under my nose this ENTIRE time. RIGHT THERE. And I sent KIDS to do what I should've done in the first place! Why did I even trust those TITANS anyway?! We don't know them- what if they're keeping him hostage too?! They're looking for him right now-"


Batman shoots his head up so fast that his neck cramps on him. He doesn't let that stop him from letting his thoughts flow, until he sees the look on Robin's face.


"What is wrong with you?" Tim screams, flailing his arms up and down. He has never seen Batman so... paranoid. "You pride yourself at being levelheaded, yet you always explode when it comes to Dick! You can't do anything if you're like this!"

This catches Batman off guard. Tim is right. He had seen this before- when he gets emotional, he had a tenancy to cover it up with an angry front. It has happened before, it's exactly what drove the Titans away- exactly what drove Dick away. The realization makes his heart ache painfully. Why did he always push everyone away? Why?

"I'm sorry," he caves, kneeling to the ground. "I-"

Bruce is tackled by Tim in a hug that knocks them both over. He wraps his arms around his son and squeezes, pressing Tim's small frame to his own. Please don't leave me too.

"You're still grieving about Jason, aren't you?" Bruce rubs circles into Tim's back and gives a grunt in confirmation. "And I bet Dick's kidnapping isn't helping."

"None." Batman huffs, a little amused. He will never stop being amazed at how fast this kid could put things together. There is a silent moment between the two and Alfred comes down baring coffee. Batman doesn't want the moment to end, but Tim jumps up at the presence of his favorite food.

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I? My apologizes, Master Bruce."

Bruce shakes his head, "No, no, Alfred, you're fine."

Tim looks over again at Batman while pouring himself a cup of the straight black liquid. "You're going to need to apologize, you know. You promised them a week, you promised all of us a week."

"I don't recall promising anything."

"Bruce, they think your abusive. Which I'm not going to lie, you need to work on those anger issues. You've screwed up your first chance to change their minds, and now the second. If you don't apologize, you're never going to see those kids, or Dick again."

"I have to agree with young Master Timothy," Alfred cuts in. "I don't know what's going on, but I do know you, Master Bruce. And this is a very familiar situation."

Batman sighs, knowing it is true. "I'm sorry, Tim. I didn't mean to scare you today. It was misguided."

Time rolls his eyes, "As you usually are when it comes to children."

Alfred is about to scold him, but Bruce let's out a hearty laugh.

"I suppose I am, aren't I."

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