Meet the Kid (TF2 and Child!R...

By PennNamedQuill

140K 2.8K 4.3K

The red mercenaries are a little more than surprised to find a stowaway in the back of their bread truck, Loo... More

Meet the Crew
The Hiding, the Seeking, the Child, and the Scout
The Little Nurse
How About Another Round of Hide and Seek
An Interesting Visit
Purple Dress
First Day
Play Nice
(A/N) Guess Who's Back!!!
A Simple Saturday
Knuckleheads Don't Win
Faded Illusion
Through the View of His Eye
(A/N) New Book! RVB fans where you at!
Spooky Sleepover
Sweets, Treats, and Heartbeats (SS part 2)
Touching Base (SS part 3)
A/n: Tf2...School Play
Curiosity (SS part 4)
Found (SS part 5)
Welp....(SS part6)
A/N: Poll time!
In Death We Part (SS Finale)
(A/N) Plot direction...
Rewritten "Prolouge" Preview

The Pacifist (Blue-napped part 2)

3.1K 76 100
By PennNamedQuill

Be prepared for a short chapter.
I typed this all on my phone.
I will be without devices for a long while.
Possible updates on weekends. 

I have a summer job some where remote. The service is very patchy. I am lucky my google docs can save without Wi-Fi.


(Y/n) and Guard's little moment didn't last long⸺

"SCOUT!!!" Two very angry voice shouted. It made Guard jump and (Y/n) grab onto Guard out of fear. They looked up to see Blue Medic and the still flour covered Blue Engineer approaching. (Y/n) never thought that the sight of Engie or Medic would scare her. But then again...

They weren't her Medic and Engie.

She quickly hid behind Guard and under the blanket Guard had grabbed earlier. Guard turned off the TV and stood up. Blue Medic and Engie reached him and started their onslaught of curses and enraged yelling. Medic's german curses were indecipherable to Guard, but Engie's curses were quite clear-

"What in the blazes do you think your on, boy?!" Engie yelled at guard. Behind his hard hat and goggles, his face was turning a intense red as he went on. Guard couldn't help the laugh that slipped out when he watched some of the flour roll off engineer as he scolded him. Medic seemingly calmed down a bit more after he ranted and was slowly showing signs of stopping.

"Hey now Engineer, No need to get so fired up. It was a harmless prank." Guard tried to placate the man, but Engineer was not having it. He picked up Guard by his collar and looked like he was about to deck him.

"Put him down!" (Y/N) yelled jumping up from the blanket. She instantly regretted it when the three men turned to face her. The Medic was looked curious yet indifferent, Guard looked worried and surprised, and the Engineer, well —

He looked like he was trying to decide if he was livid or confused.

Before anyone could really react, and (Y/N) could really think your next action through, (Y/n) threw a couch pillow across the room without hitting anybody.

"What in—" Blue engineer didn't get to finish his response before he noticed that Blue Scout and (Y/n) were gone. He looked to the Medic and the doctor pointed down the opposite hallway. The child and scout were home free. Blue Engineered huffed and marched back to his workshop.

The Medic stood their for a second more thinking, "This is going to be interesting." He left to the infirmary trying to think of away to fix his uniforms.

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"I-I think we lost them." (Y/n) panted out. She wasn't sure if she was out of breath from the running, the fear laced adrenaline, or both. Probably both. Guard, on the other hand, hadn't broken a sweat.

Guard looked concerned as he watched the kid sink to the floor. "Are you okay there runt?" She was panting very hard and she started coughing a bit.

"W-water!" She rasped. With all the commotion that went on earlier, she had completely forgotten that she was dehydrated.

"Well then why didn't you say anything? Come on." Guard says, pulling (Y/n) along with him to the kitchen. When they got in there, Guard sat (Y/n) at the table while he went to make her a glass of water and some lunch. (Y/n) was amazed how nice Guard was now. He hated her guts in the beginning but now here he is: making a simple cheese sandwich with a hint of effort. Guard warmed up to her almost as fast as Scout did. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of crinkling paper. She looked over to the side to see someone sitting beside her with a newspaper. Gloved hands were gripping the paper open in a relaxed grasp.

"Um...Hi?" She greeted. The person flinched. The newspaper lowered to reveal a gas mask.

Pyro?....Blue Pyro.

Blue Pyro studied the small child for a moment. He gave a nod of recognition before looking at his newspaper again.

"Is the news...interesting?" (y/n found herself searching her head for things to say. Her pyro was so much more animated than this one. Red Pyro was always doing something wacky and was extremely cheerful. This Pyro before her didn't give off that same excitable vibe. This Pyro seemed...calm? Collected?

I held my hand out to him for him to shake. Lowered his paper again and made a sound similar to a sigh. He shook my small hand with big gloved ones. "My name is (Y/N). You're Blue Pyro right?" He gave me a nod and stared. "I've never seen you during the battle game. Do you not play?"

He shook his head. "Hu hua hud dahaud ."

"What's a pacifist?" I ask him.

"hu hua hud dah hu hua huddah"

"So you've never fought before?"

He rubs the back of his neck. "Hua, hu Hud hud uh huh huda."

"What do you mean it's complicated?" I asked. Guard finished my lunch and brought it over.

"Hey chucklenuts, how's it going?" Guard greets blue Pyro. The pyro gives him a look before looking back at his newspaper. "Here's your lunch runt. Eat up so we can find something else ta do." He says as he sits down with his own bucket of chicken. I looked down at my sandwich and had a small thought.

Heavy...I wonder how him and the others are doing

How are they doing?

Guess we'll find out next chapter!

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