1 Girl, 5 Boys, and A Day Tha...

By imjustmexox

11.7K 182 73

Elizabeth~ A 15 yr old, sweet girl with a past, broken dreams, but the 5 best friends/ brothers a girl could... More

Chapter 1~ Mornings and swimming
Chapter 2~ It was only just a dream...
Chapter 3~ Tired of the nightmares...
Chapter 4~ Don't make me go back, please...
Chapter 5~ Paparazzi Sucks!
Ch. 6~ Fan problems...
Ch. 7~ My tummy hurts
Ch.8~ I don't wanna catch the love bug...
Ch.9~ Austin Carter Mahone
Ch. 10~ Am I ready for that to happen...
Ch.11~ "Mood swings"
Ch. 12~ What are you doing?!
Ch. 13~ Marriage?
Ch. 14~ Believe it or not...
ch.15~ Eat A Lot. Sleep A Lot.
ch.16~ "One hint?"
ch.17~ Please, not tonight
Ch.19~ Shadow
Ch. 20~ Round one of two
Ch. 21~ I can't do that
Ch. 22~ Meeting the mom
Ch. 23~ We do?
Ch. 24~ My fault
Ch.25~ He loves me
Ch.26~ Desperate Housewives
Epilogue- 3 years later

ch.18~ Big crowds and clastrophobia

181 6 0
By imjustmexox

HIiii! Hope you guys enjoy this! So I got this out sooner than expected, so yay for me! haha. Anyways this chapter is dedicated to: xohitshope for the new cover! :) The song for this chapter is: don't have one so suggestions??


Liz's P.O.V.

"Liz wake up," Liam said, shaking me.

"No, what time is it?" I groaned, refusing to open my eyes.

"2:30 in the morning," he sighed.

"I thought we were leaving at three?" I mumbled, sleep threatning to take over.

"No we're getting on the plane at three. We need to leave in a few minutes. You're already packed aren't you?" he asked.

"Mhmm. Over there," I said, pointing to the corner.

"Great, so brush your teeth and get in the car and fall back asleep until we get to the plane," he said, helping me up.

"Fine," I yawned, walkng to the bathroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth, probably the worst job I've done in a while, but I was too tired to care. After everything was done, I changed into some shorts and a tank before walking downstairs with my luggage.

"Are you really up?" dad chuckled, grabbing my bag to put it in the trunk.

"Barely," I said, my eyes closing against my will and flying back open.

"Well, get in. You're just in time, we need to go," he said, shutting the trunk.

I nodded and crawled in the back, falling asleep almost instantly. The sleep didn't last long before I was being woken up, again.

"Come on," Zayn said, picking me up.

"Zayn," I squeled, nearly having a heart attack.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, but I've been trying to get you up for five minutes. I decided this was the only way," he said, walking to the plane.

"Well thanks, but wow that scared me," I said, laughing a bit.

"Wow, never heard cranky Liz laugh before," he teased.

"Well, cranky Liz, is beginning to become slap happy Liz," I said, beginning to smile.

"You know, I don't know which ones worse," he said, stepping onto the plane.

I shrugged, yawning as he put me down, and looked around. After looking around, I looked at the others confused, after only seeing the girls as the two other people on the plane.

"Where's Austin? I thought he was performing too?" I said, tiridly.

"Don't worry your pretty little head. Your boyfriend is right over there, asleep," Niall said, pointing to a set of chairs and I could hint the teasing in his voice.

"I may be tired, but I still sense teasing. As of now though, I'm too tired to care, so I'm going to sleep. You guys should to, you need some beauty sleep as well," I said, getting my stab of teasing in there.

"Gee, thanks," Harry laughed.

"Goodnight," I said, sitting next to Austin.

"Hey," he whispered.

"Geez you scared me," I said, placing a hand on my chest.

"Sorry," he said, grabbing my hand and kissing my head.

"It's alright, Zayn scared me earlier," I said, yawning.

"Ready to go back to sleep?" he asked, chuckiling a bit.

"More than you know," I laughed slightly, resting my head on his shoulder and falling asleep.

This time the sleep actually lasted, and when I woke up I actually felt refreshed. Looking around the plane, I noticed almost everyone else was up, aswell.

"Goodmorning," I smiled at Austin, who had either been up or was just getting up.

"Goodmorning, Liz, how did you sleep?" he asked, smiling over at me.

"Great, once I actually got to sleep," I giggled.

"You have a cute laugh," Austin commented.

"Way to rack up on those compliments early," I teased, biting my lip.

"Never too early," he reassured, kissing my cheek.

"Aww," the girls cooed.

"Goodmorning," Austin and I chuckled.

"Well, look who finally decided to wake up," dad chuckled, looking at Austin and I.

"Hey, I was tired," I defended. "And payback is coming boys."

"Dang it, how did you remember that?" Niall said, looking at me.

" I remember things in my slap happy mode, you should know this," I said, giggiling.

"Fair enough," he nodded.

"Glad, you got some sleep before going completely mad," Harry laughed.

"Haha, very funny," I smiled, chucking a pillow at him.

"Hey, weapons down, there are liquids that can be spilled," Dad said, using his authorative voice.

"Yes, sir," I said, bringing my knee up to my chest and placing my chin on top of it.

"Are you ready for tonight, boys?" El asked, looking around.

"So pumped," the boys smiled.

"Oh yea, is Alex gonna be there?" I asked, looking at Austin.

"Yup, already got a million texts about it," Austin chuckled,

"Well, I can't wait to meet him," I smiled.

"Yea, he can't wait to meet you and bug me," Austin laughed.

"Hey, they have to tease you, it's part of the best friend code," El laughed.

"Yea, that's probably true," he said.

"Well, you have about seven hours to figure out comebacks," Harry said.

"Got it," Austin smiled.

"How long until we land?" I asked, falling back into my seat.

"I don't know two, maybe, three more hours," Liam said.

"Alright, cool," I said, biting my nail.

"Why are you biting your nail?" Zayn asked.

"Because I'm so bored," I said.

"Right, so eating your nail sounds like a good idea to stop that?" he chuckled.

"Hey, I have nothing better to do," I laughed.

"Well, this conversation isn't exciting enough for you?" El asked, laughing.

"Naw, too boring," I teased, smiling.

"Gee, thanks," Niall joked.

"You're welcome," I giggled.

"Sassy," Louis laughed.

"Hey, I learned from the best," I reminded him.

"She's got you there," Dani said.

"Whatever," Louis mumbled playfully.

"It's ok, I love you," I smiled at him.

"Aww, I knew I was your favorite," he smiled.

"I never said that," I joked.

"Hurtful," Louis said, clutching his heart.

"Yup, drama king," El teased.

"Hey!" Louis said.

"Love you," she smiled, kissing his cheek.

I laughed, and snuggled into Austin's side.

"Well, hello," he smiled, wrapping his arm around me.

"Hi," I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder.

"So, what would you guys like to do to pass the time?" Zayn asked.

"Not much to do on a plane," Dani noted, laughing.

"We have card games, such as: Phase 10, UNO, and plain deck of cards. Or we can watch a movie," Niall noted.

"Oooh, lets watch a movie," El smiled.

"Which on?" Harry asked.

"Divergent," I piped up.

"Or, Blended," Li said.

"Alright, how do we decide this?" Austin asked.

After discussing we decided we would watch Blended and then play some games.


"Please buckle your seats and prepare for landing," the pilot said over the intercom.

"Woohoo!" I cheered, glad to almost be off the plane.

"Strange child," Louis laughed.

"Hey, I hate planes. I can only handle them for so long," I said.

"That's true," he agreed, nodding.

"Alright, you guys ready?" Niall asked, after the landing.

"Yup, let's go," Austin said, standing up.

"Crowds, why does it always have to be crowds?" I mumbled, noticing the crowd of screaming girls. "And, yes, that was a rhetorical question."

"It's alright, you've got this," Liam said, patting shoulder.

"Mhmm, they're in front of my suitcase," I said, pointing it out.

There was no way I was going to be able to get through that crowd.

"If you don't care that people start talking about us, I can hold your hand," Austin said.

"Please," I said, grabbing his before he can even react.

The screams grew as we got closer.

'Breathe,' I mumbled to myself as my breath became slightly ragged.

"Sh, we're almost there," Austin whispered, squeezing my hand.

"My bag. Where did it go?" I asked, reaching the spot where I had originally seen it.

"Liz!" Zayn called.

I looked over to see him holding the bag, and waving us over.

"Come on," Austin said, throwing his bag over his shoulder.

We made our through the crowd, finally reaching the others.

"O my gosh, can I have a picture?" a fan screamed, shoving a phone into Austin's face.

"Sure," he said, quickly snapping a picture.

"Now, we've got to go," Liam said, leading the way.

"Oh car, how I love you," I said, exaggerating.

"Alright drama queen, hop in," Dad said, unloking the car.

"Hey, excuse me! Big crowds and clastrophobia don't work well together," I said.

"Well, we're through the crowd, and headed to the venue," Niall said.

"Yay," I smiled.

"And Alex is on his way," Austin chuckled, looking at his phone.

"Great," I smiled, resting against him.


I hope ya'll enjoyed this! I don't know how I feel about this chapter, since it's like the second filler in a role, but it's gonna get interesting soon, promise!


1) How do you think it will go when they meet Alex?

2) How will the concert go?

Comment below your answers! Thanks, bye!

~Elise xx

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