The Hunters Saga #2: The Wolf...

By RJ_City

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"DEATH IS QUICKLY CLOSING IN..." "You don't know what control is." I blinked. "Okay, so... I'm stuck with... More

Copyright & Dedication
Chapter 1: Keeping Up Disappearances
Chapter 2: The Wolfsbane Rubies
Chapter 3: Lip Locking With Lycanthropes
Chapter 4: Rebound Girl
Chapter 5: Rogues Just Wanna Have Fun
Chapter 6: Sibling Secrets
Chapter 7: The Ties That Bind Us
Chapter 8: Heirloom
Chapter 9: Family is Blood
Chapter 10: Moving Target
Chapter 11: Bloody Birthday Candles
Chapter 12: Little Hunter Blues
Chapter 13: Annabelle
Chapter 14: Code Red
Chapter 15: Fatal Attraction
Chapter 16: Be Still My Unbeating Heart
Chapter 18: Charmed, I'm Sure
Chapter 19: Re-Marked Love
Chapter 20: Stakes Not Included
Chapter 21: Abomination
Chapter 22: Weakness
Chapter 23: Hide & Seek
Chapter 24: I'm Dying & I Know it
Chapter 25: Fresh Blood
Epilogue: Proditor
TEASER - Book Three: The Hawthorn Pearl

Chapter 17: Risk-Taker

3.9K 274 68
By RJ_City

A/N: Hey, everyone! Decided to post earlier than I thought I would :P Who's ready for an interesting/exciting/great chapter?! That's what chapter 17 is all about, just take it from me ;P (my opinion ^_<) Thanks for reading, and enjoy! <3

Chapter 17: Risk-Taker

   For once, I wanted a dangerous mission. I needed a dangerous mission. I needed something to distract myself from my chaotic love life, if that's really what I wanted to call it. I'd never had a boyfriend – an official one, anyway – and I didn't exactly count Russ as that guy. Sure, we were bonded, we'd kissed... a few times so far. Plus, he was a vampire, and I was a hunter.

   I could already smell the forbidden romance cooking up a colossal storm.

   I headed to the Agency for a mission. Or so I hoped. Coming onto an empty first floor, I sighed. The others must've been on missions... so why wasn't I? Ethan usually contacted me when I had been assigned to one...

   Then I grimly remembered that our secretary, the one who'd handled the assignments, was dead.


   Then there was Stephen, who usually distributed the missions among the hunters of the sector.

   Man everything here was so screwed up!

   "Antoinette?" I glanced up at the voice, and met warm brown eyes and a kind, aging smile.

   Hyacinth Church.

   I graciously returned her smile, my mind trying to piece together why exactly she was here, in the hunter office quarters. When no one else was around. The Order member put a warming hand gently on my shoulder. "What brings you here?" She didn't wait for me to answer, for her eyes narrowed, and she stepped back, her body suddenly stiff. "You heard?"

   "What?" Now I was genuinely confused. "What happened?"

   Hyacinth sighed. "There have been more deaths, all linked to Henri Sinclair."

   "W-what?" I sputtered, eyes quickly and effortlessly going wide. This was something I did not want to hear, especially after Henri stormed off the other...

   Oh God, was this all my fault?

   I found it difficult to breathe suddenly. "W-when did this happen?"

   "Last night," the fair-haired woman answered in a soft voice, turning her face down in silent grief. "It's all over the news: bodies mutilated, throats torn open, snapped necks, hearts missing." She shook her head. "Henri Sinclair is back in the city."

   Technically, Henri had never left New York, but I didn't dare correct her.

   "At first, Ryan believed that-that it was Stephen," Hyacinth told me with a frown. "The wreckage was worthy of a newborn without guidance." She took a deep breath, and wiped her eyes slightly. "I'm sorry, it's just... this brings back some unwanted memories."

   Naturally, I wanted to comfort her, but how? I sighed lightly and went to sit at my cluttered desk. Hyacinth followed. "Of course, the DNA matched Henri Sinclair exactly, and it tied him directly to the murders."

   I bit my lip. "So, you want me to arrest him again?"  

   Hyacinth met my eyes, and her brown ones seemed alight with fire suddenly. The little spark quickly overthrew her feelings. "Not arrest. Hunt. Hunt him down, Ms. Drake."

   "Excuse me?" I gaped.

   We hunters never condemned a vamp to die – permanently – unless under extreme circumstances. Arresting him wasn't enough anymore, according to Hyacinth; according to the Order. They wanted me to track him down, bring him back... for execution?!

   I held back a gasp of surprise. "A trial won't happen this time around... will it?"

   Hyacinth shook her head slowly. "Ms. Drake, he is not a good vampire. Not even remotely. Henri Sinclair has been an enemy of the hunters – specifically the Church family – for decades, and it won't change. Ever." She closed her eyes briefly. "He needs to be ended. Permanently." The Order member dug into her purse and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, which I soon realized was a photograph.

   My brow furrowed as her heated words sunk in. So, the Church's had a beef with Henri? What had that vamp done to deserve such unrelenting hatred?

   I had a feeling that Hyacinth was going to explain it to me. The woman sat in the chair on the side of the room, directly opposite from where I sat. "The hunters have never been benevolent toward the supernatural races, especially the vampires. We're constantly surrounded by them. You must understand that?"

   I nodded, willing her to continue.

   "When I was a young girl, about 10 years old, I met a warlock of an adequate degree of magic. He was my world... we fell in love." The older woman smiled at the memory. "When I grew older, we kept in contact, even though my Father forbid association with the supernatural community."

   "Did your Father eventually approve?" I asked softly, earning a shake of the head from Hyacinth. "They never officially met. Jeremiah, the warlock, left my life as soon as I became pregnant with his child."

   My eyes widened at that. So, Hyacinth Church had a child; one that I'd apparently never met.

   Or had I?

   I shifted almost uncomfortably in my seat. "You had a child?"

   "Yes, a baby boy. I named Jeremy after his Grandfather." Her voice dropped even lower. "He kept his Father's surname 'Stone', as we never married."

   "Was your son a warlock, too?"

   "Half-warlock," Hyacinth corrected with a small smile. "Being a half breed, he had been born with no magic whatsoever."

   Hyacinth let out a sigh suddenly. "Anyway, my family was happy for me, but they also wondered about the Father in question. Ryan had multiple hunches, but he never figured it out. Since Jeremy had no magical abilities – or potential, for that matter – he was safe in his human environment. No mishaps."

   "Did he eventually become a hunter?"

   Hyacinth shook her head slowly, hiding her face in her hands. "On the night of Jeremy's 16th birthday, the day before he would've joined the ranks of the vampire hunters, he was attacked."

   The place was plunged into silence, except for the woman's quiet sobs, and my spirits plummeted. I had a feeling that I knew where this was going...

   "Henri Sinclair took him."

   "Did he kill Jeremy?" I dared to ask.

   "We found no body, Ms. Drake. We always assume the worst when there's no body to collect."

   I remembered my Dad saying something like that, and I knew exactly what it meant.

   "Once he was gone, my Father and Ryan set out to stake him, against my wishes of course," she grasped at the photo, and stared down at it. "When they finally found Jeremy, he was alone. He'd been abandoned by Henri Sinclair, his sire, and had been set loose on the city, killing many." She took a shaky breath, and her shoulders relaxed. "The others tried to stake him, but it never happened. After they'd found him, he was never seen again." Hyacinth locked eyes with me. "My hope is that he had a great immortal life; that he stayed out of unnecessary trouble."

   "You hate Henri for what he did to you," I pointed out, finally getting it all. "What he did to your family."

   "He disgraced the Church name, and he's been nothing but a danger to humans ever since." Hyacinth stood and handed me the crumpled picture. It was of her son, I guessed as soon as I looked down at it. Jeremy Stone looked nothing like his Mother, but he looked normal enough to play human. Was he still a vampire? How come Henri never told me about this?

   Maybe he didn't want you to know about his dark past, a voice at the back of my head whispered to me.

   I stood up just as Hyacinth turned to leave. "Henri Sinclair will be captured."

   "You can't do it alone," she warned. "It's too risky now with all of the deaths he's responsible for. Just keep an eye out for him, okay?" I nodded firmly, and the silver-haired woman left my sight. I didn't stay at the Agency for long. I remained to get some more weapons, and afterwards made up my mind.

   I'd go to The Wolfsbane Rubies later tonight. I'd get answers from any and every vampire that I came across.

   Whatever the cost.


   "You came all this way just to see me? You really shouldn't have!" Gavin purred as soon as he saw me walk into the heavily-populated nightclub. It was a Saturday night after all, and I'd gotten in with no trouble whatsoever.

   Gavin must've had something to do with that.

   I tried to pass the glaring vampire, but he swiftly grabbed onto me and spun me around until our faces nearly touched. "So, sweetheart, what are you doing here?"

   "Well, if you must know," I huffed, trying to calm my raging heartbeat. "I'm looking for excitement, Gavin, but I don't think you really fit into that category."

   The vampire laughed and dug his nails into my bare shoulders, causing me to wince. "You're words wound me, ma princesse." Gavin dragged me further into the club, farther and farther from any possible escape. "Excitement? May I ask why?" he pondered just as he pressed into me harder, causing me to let out a hiss of pain, not to mention discomfort. I wouldn't let him hear my screams; it was what he wanted.

   I laughed a bit to hide my fear. "My life's too damn depressing. I need a little adventure and danger every once in a while."

   Gavin grinned suddenly, his fangs lengthening before my eyes. "You've come to the right place, then." He leaned in some more, so that his lips coincided with my ear. "You'll pay dearly for what you did to Giselle. If you didn't happen to be my master's niece, I'd kill you instantly." To prove his terrifying point, he pinned my hair to the side, and leaned down to lick my neck. "You're afraid now, aren't you? God, you hunters smell so good when you're afraid. How's this for excitement, sweetheart?" He inhaled deeply and stiffened suddenly.

   Well, crap, he could smell Russ on me. Did he know? Had Henri told him?

   As soon as the vampire placed the scent, he chuckled. "So my brother wasn't lying. You have been a naughty girl, little hunter, haven't you?"

   "Henri... Henri told you?" I barely managed. Gavin might've said that I was staying in one piece, but he could be unpredictable at times. I couldn't trust anything he said.

   "I'm not here to apologize for killing your slutty sire, Gavin," I grumbled and pushed at the vamp's hands. His gaze darkened. "Why are you here, then?"

   "We found the bodies Henri left," I ground out. "I was hoping to confront him here."

   Gavin outright laughed at me. "Are you hoping for death? That'll be all that Henri will be to you now." He paused for a moment. "He isn't the forgiving type."

   "Must run in the family," I shot back, keeping my eyes from meeting his. Being compelled tonight wouldn't help my case whatsoever.

   "Antoinette?" My eyes widened at the sound of Russell's voice. He stood not feet from me, a frown set on his handsome face. Bruno West the were was at his side, and he was sporting a similar look. I was relieved to see the co-managers of the club, but something almost didn't feel right. They made no move toward me. They weren't going to help me?

   Russ wasn't going to help me?

   Gavin hissed under his breath and released me. I put some badly-needed distance between me and the vengeful vampire. Russ still stood, not moving an inch; even when I turned to him. "Russ, I-"

   The vamp shook his blonde head, and looked away, black eyes full of disinterest.

   What the... ?


   He didn't answer. The blonde vamp walked away, leaving me at the mercy of Gavin Sinclair.

   I couldn't believe it. Russ Knight wasn't going to protect me... Did that mean that his Mark wouldn't protect me from other vampires? I tried to go after him, but Gavin latched onto me once more, snickering. "There is someone here who wants to see you, Antoinette."

   "Don't tell me," I muttered dryly, "let me guess... My uncle?"

   Gavin's smile widened, and he snapped his fangs at me before turning to the werewolf who still stood on the sidelines. Bruno turned his gaze from me to the vampire holding me. "Robert Drake is a little late on account of the fact that he had to round up some witches for the hunt."

   Hunt? Wait, witches?

   "The grimoire?" I blurted out, earning a suspicious look from both supernaturals.

   Whoops... maybe I wasn't supposed to know about this...

   "Grimoire?" Gavin repeated, red eyes glaring into me. "Where'd you hear about a grimoire?"

   "My uncle's-" I stopped before I could give away the facts I knew about the supposed cure my uncle was searching for. If Gavin discovered that I knew something, he'd no doubt tell my uncle, and then shit would hit the fan.

   I shook my head at Gavin and glanced over at where Russ had been not minutes ago. I still couldn't understand why he would just... leave. When I needed him, no less. I didn't take the time to wonder too long because soon, I felt a high degree of power settle upon the club.

   My uncle was here.

   "Time is running out, Antoinette." I didn't turn his way, but I knew that he was there. Gavin practically bristled beside me. The whole club seemed to buzz with electricity. The pounding music drowned out my sound of protest when Gavin tugged me off of the dance floor and over to a more secluded area. Once it was quieter and I could hear better, Robert spoke again, his ink black eyes searching me ceaselessly. "Time is running out," he repeated. "Join me or more people will get hurt. Innocent people." He was being less formal than usual, and it almost shocked me. He must've been impatient

   I crossed my arms over my chest, leaning my upper back against the wall of the club for support. "I' don't believe you."

   "Join me or I'll kill everyone," his voice dropped to a dangerous whisper, "everyone you've ever loved or held dear."

   I swallowed hard. Damn it, he was threatening my loved ones.

   "I'll surrender."

   Robert stopped, shocked at those two words that spewed from my unwilling lips. He wanted me to lose, but I would never lose.

   I'd never give in. I'd never surrender.

   I took a step back when I found my uncle's eyes looking into me. I shook my head, and my uncle chuckled softly. "What's wrong?"

   "Stop playing mind games. You heard me, I surrender, and I'm going in willingly."

   Robert frowned, and reached for my shoulder slowly. Instinct kicked in, and I took another small step backward... right into the wall at my back.


   With a swift hand, Gavin restrained me, pressing me tightly against the wall like a prison. I groaned in pain at the pressure. "Wh-what the Hell are you doing?!" My heart helplessly quickened as Robert walked toward me calmly and without hurry, his fangs sliding down with ease.

   "We aren't doing this here... I didn't agree to join you yet!" I yelled as my uncle brushed my chin with an ice-cold finger. He chuckled. "You said you were surrendering."

   I jerked away from his touch. "Not here! Not here... " I found myself gasping for breath. I sounded so... desperate. It was so embarrassing.

   "Gavin, release her. She said she's with us willingly," Robert replied firmly, never breaking eye contact with me.

   "Did you drive here?" Gavin asked me tightly, his glare telling me exactly how he felt. He didn't trust me, and I couldn't blame him at all. All this time, I'd resisted; I'd fought back.

   This was all an act...

   I shook my head at the suspicious vamp's question, which caused Robert to smile almost authentically. He was happy. He'd won me over.

   It was a lie. It was all a lie...

   "Then I'll gladly give you a ride home. We can discuss our agreement on the way there."

   I frowned at his words. We had to talk... Well,  there was no way I'd be getting into a car driven by vamps! Who knew where we'd actually end up... Probably not my apartment.

   "Uh, can I call my best friend first? He'll probably want to-"

   Robert's expression darkened before my eyes, causing me to stop speaking altogether. He could see right through me, I just knew it... My eyes and hands were just barely twitching from the lies, and my sweaty scent couldn't have helped me one bit.

   Damn it!

   I needed to leave. I needed a plan. Every smart, clever hunter had a plan. Always.

   I guess I wasn't every smart, clever hunter.

   "Remind me again, when was that deadline? The one where I join you and become a vampire?" I had a stake in my purse. Not that I planned on actually using it... Still, it was there for emergencies.

   "Oh, the deal never had an actual deadline, my dear," Robert murmured before he caught my hand and smiled wickedly.

   My mind was quickly going numb. So, I reacted when I went numb. I punched Robert in the jaw, whipping his face to the side with a snap. I smiled at the damage I could've done, but it soon faltered when he backhanded me across the face, splitting my lip in the process. I felt blood fill my mouth and damn near gagged on it. I fell to my knees in shock and exhaustion.

   Robert sighed heavily and crouched down on his feet so that my eyes were level with his. I wanted to hurt him so badly in that moment. All I did was glare up at him. It was all I could do. My lip was dripping with blood. The red liquid spilled onto the carpet at a steady pace.

   "Are you done, Antoinette?" Robert asked calmly, a content look on his nicely-chiseled face. I wiped the remaining spots of blood from my chin – forgetting that this place was filled with vampires – and whispered. "I'll never be done. I'll never surrender. Never to you." I tried to punch him in the chest this time, but I was slow. Too damn slow...

   It felt like I was trying to hit a mountain. Useless.

   "Gavin, could you get the limousine ready? We have a long ride ahead of us," Robert announced, getting to his feet in the blink of an eye.


   My uncle stared down at me, suddenly puzzled. "What did you just say?"

   "I'm not going anywhere with you," I growled fiercely, my confidence quickly building. It felt... good.

   Robert only laughed heartily. "Antoinette, you're acting just like your Mother."

   "Stop comparing me to her and get out." I quickly realized that Robert was the one who deserved to be trialed and executed, not Henri. Without my uncle, New York would be a lot safer. No doubt. The only thing stopping me was the fact that, with a master vampire gone, how would the rest of the clan react?

   They'd go after me.


   I pursed my lips. "Go. Get out of my face now!"

   Robert's mouth lifted into a small smile. It wasn't a nice, friendly smile; it was... evil. Sinister. Beyond bad. It put shivers down my spine.

   "Alright, my dear. I'll be back. I haven't given up, Antoinette," he turned to go, but before he left at an unimaginable speed, he spoke one last time. "You might want to watch over your hunter friends for the next few days. Who knows, they may be targeted."

   I froze where I stood, but Robert wasn't even finished. "Especially your best friend. What was his name again?"

   "Ethan... " I managed, my throat tightening fast.

   Robert gave me a nasty grin. "Ethan."

A/N: Oh, no! Ethan!! There might be some emotional stuff between Toni and Ethan in future chapters (haven't decided exaclty when, but it's bound to happen!) Remember to vote + comment if you enjoyed chapter 17 :D Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving (those who celebrate) I, for one, am SO thankful for my followers and readers here on Wattpad! Seriously, you guys are the reason I'm still on here posting chapters ;D Thanks for all you do <3 As for the next chapter... It should be here in no time, since I'm already working on it :P See you next time! Thank you so much for reading ^_^

Picture: Elsa Pataky as Hyacinth Church

Song: Make a Move by Icon for Hire

*Follow me on Twitter @AuthorRJCity and like the Antoinette Drake, Vampire Hunter official Facebook page - all links found on my Wattpad profile!*

~ Fangs & Kisses ~

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