Chapter 13: Annabelle

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A/N: Here it is, you guys! :D Chapter 13! Whoo ;) Thanks for reading, and enjoy! <3

Chapter 13: Annabelle

    I felt him. The magnetic pull of the Mark to Henri was painfully hard to ignore. It was especially difficult when the vampire was on the other side of my door.


    I groaned at the sound of his voice in my head. I should ignore him, I should-

    'You do know I can hear that, right?' he told me, a smug tone entering his already smooth voice.

    I frowned and leaned my head against the door, the only object that stood between us. The Mark pleaded for me to embrace Henri, to love and forgive him.

    It wasn't that easy. I just wanted it to stop and shut up for good. Since I still had no way of escaping the bond, I could only hope he would leave me alone for good. Sadly, his presence didn't leave the apartment hallway, and he wouldn't leave without talking to me first, I assumed that much. If he wanted to apologize, I was short on patience, and my listening skills were in short supply tonight.

    'Toni, please open the door,' he pleaded softly. He hadn't yet spoken out loud, and I vaguely wondered if he feared that Ethan would hear him.

    'No,' I shot back mentally. I earned a load of silence before there was a soft, gentle knock on the door I had my back and head leaning against.

    Damn it.

    'I just want to talk.'

    Slowly, quietly, I got to my feet, and opened the door a few centimeters. Henri took up most of the space, the tall, lanky vampire looking, well, exhausted. He didn't smile at me or flash his fangs. His dark hair was disheveled, and his black eyes were deep soulful. The Mark gave a whisper to desire, but I instantly squashed it.

    No time for that...

    When he stayed silent, I frowned even more, debating whether or not to slam the door in his face. I'd told myself I never wanted to see him again, and yet... I was hesitating.

    "What do you want?" I asked softly.

    Henri shook his head, and with our telepathic link, he replied. 'Your hunter friend... '

    I sighed, and said a little softer. "Ethan isn't here."

    Henri nodded stiffly. "I came to apologize."

    "Yeah, I figured," I muttered. "Henri, I know what you felt for Giselle when she kissed you. It was... " My voice broke in desperation. I hated myself for feeling jealous of a vampire, even one as mean and slutty - don't forget drop dead gorgeous - as Giselle Beauregard. Micah had unknowingly failed in helping with the sheer brokenness of my heart.

    "It doesn't matter," Henri replied firmly. "Giselle doesn't matter. This is between you and me."

    I opened the door a little wider, and caught a glimpse of the Sinclair family ring on his finger once more. The stone glinted ominously. I promptly bit my lip. "You have a minute. Just a minute to explain yourself."

    "Toni-" he started, but I wasn't about to take shit. "A minute, that's it. Use your time wisely."

    Henri frowned at me, black eyes drawn downward. He wouldn't meet my gaze. "Antoinette, she kissed me, not vice versa," he admitted through clenched teeth. "Giselle knew that, by kissing me, she'd piss you off and get under your skin." He shook his head. "I would never deliberately hurt you like that. I'm sorry."

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