Memories [A Bensler Fan Fic]

By GirlandHerKeyboard

13.5K 719 93

They thought that once they had graduated from high school, they were old enough to have their own life. That... More

44: Only Memories Now
Author's Note
Author's Note Update


430 18 0
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Olivia held on tightly to Elliot's hand as he drove her to the hospital. She didn't know why she continued to hold his hand because she was still so angry at him for what he did. For how he let her believe that they would have no problems being on their own, but instead, he was the one who gave up and hurt her so much.

"Do you still think you are going to be sick?" Elliot asked as he sped up to make it through a light before it turned red.

"I don't know. My stomach just hurts so bad, El... What if I lose him? I don't want to lose our baby." Olivia whimpered, as she looked over at her... at whatever Elliot was to her at this point.

"You won't lose him, Liv... I promise. We will get you to the hospital before anything bad happens." Elliot replied as he looked over at her. But then he saw that the white in her skirt was slowly turning scarlet.

"What?" Olivia breathed, as she looked at Elliot as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Nothing. I'm gonna try and find a shortcut... we need to get there like yesterday." Elliot spoke, as he attempted to joke around, but Olivia didn't want to hear that. She looked down at her dress and started to sob.

"This isn't good, Elliot!"


Elliot pulled up to the hospital and quickly walked over and helped Olivia out of the car. The bottom of her dress was now soaked with blood, and Elliot was praying that their child still had a heartbeat. That their child was going to pull through because he knew he wouldn't have a chance in hell with Olivia if their baby didn't make it.

"Can we get some help?!" Elliot huffed, as he helped Olivia into the ER. He was acting like he had been waiting there all night, but he felt like this all was taking place over several long and heartbreaking hours.

"You need to wait in line like the rest of us!" An angry woman yelled, and Elliot looked at her with so much anger in his eyes that her eyes went wide.

"My pregnant girlfriend is bleeding, you bitch!" He yelled, and Olivia just pushed him away.

"Don't do that, Elliot. If we are going to lose our baby, it's going to happen." She whimpered.

"How far along are you?" A nurse asked as she walked up with a wheelchair. Olivia looked at it nervously, before Elliot helped her sit down.

"16 weeks." Olivia breathed, as tears continued to run down her cheeks. The nurse nodded as she pushed Olivia past the line of people and towards a bed. Olivia felt horrible for all of the people who needed the help and have been waiting, for her to only come in and cut to the front of the line.

"Okay, we are going to get a doctor over here to help you. Until then, I'm going to give your boyfriend some paperwork to fill out for you, and then I'm going to start getting an IV set up for you."

"It's too late... isn't it?" Olivia breathed, as Elliot helped her onto the bed as a few drops of blood ran down her legs.

"Let's try and stay positive Miss..."

"I'm Olivia... Olivia Benson." Olivia breathed.

"Okay, Miss Benson we will make sure that we try everything in our power to save your child."

"There is probably no use." Olivia whimpered.


Elliot waited down the hall and filled out all of the paperwork to the best of his ability. But then he had to call her parents. Especially since he didn't know everything about Olivia since she was adopted by her Uncle and Aunt when she was a baby.

"Hello?" Melanie asked when she answered the house phone.

"Mrs. Benson... uh, it's Elliot."

"Elliot, what's wrong? You sound like you've been crying." Melanie replied, and he had been. Once he walked away from Olivia's bedside, he started to cry because he is so scared.

"Mrs. Benson, Olivia and I are at the hospital. We were at Central Park and she started to cramp, and then when we got closer to the hospital, she started to bleed. Like really bad. I don't know-"

"Okay, calm down. What hospital?" Melanie asked, which those words got her husband's attention and he looked over at her.

"Uh, St. Michael's I think. There are so many is this damn city!" He cried.

"Okay. We will be there soon, Elliot. Okay? Just stay calm and everything will be okay." Melanie replied before she stood and hung up the phone.

"What's happening?" Jason asked.

"Olivia is cramping and bleeding," Melanie spoke, and her husband jumped up and they both started to gather their stuff to leave.

"She's going to be a goner if she loses that baby." Jason breathed, as he grabbed his keys before opening the front door.

"That's why we need to pray that she doesn't. She's our daughter and she doesn't need anything more thrown at her."


When Elliot went back to see Olivia after turning in the paperwork, she wasn't laying the bed he had left her in. Elliot felt absolutely horrible when he saw a nurse change the sheets on the bed since those that Olivia had sat on were stained scarlet.

"She's been moved up to the maternity wing, where the doctor is giving her medicine to stop the bleeding. They are monitoring her heartbeat and the baby's heartbeat." The same nurse that had helped Olivia at the start, spoke.

"Can I go be with her? So she knows that I'm still here?" Elliot asked, and the nurse frowned.

"Family only for right now. Did you contact her parents?"

"Y-yeah... but that's my baby. That's my girl." Elliot replied as tears started to trickle down his cheeks.

"I know that, but just wait. They will let you in soon." She spoke, before walking away.

Elliot turned and stared at the bed as the new sheets were put on. He kept seeing Olivia's face, so full of pain and fear... but he knew that he couldn't do anything about it. He hated himself because he thought he had caused this. The news of him joining the Marines and wanting to get back together with her had pushed her over the edge.

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