Scanned- A reader x IQ story

By WriterPig125

109K 778 1.7K

Y/n Bosak is the adopted brother of Zofia and Ela Bosak. After being an orphan on the streets of Berlin until... More

1st Day Off, Part 1
1st Day off, Part 2/Carnival
First Day
The Date
Up and Running
A/n #1
Baby, Again?
Family Reunion?
The acog's and the red dots
Happy Birthday Marius!
Noobies? Part 2
Pool Day
Story Preview
Ability (Gun Fist!)
Operation Stinging Nettle
Big Day
Closing Chapter


3.4K 26 33
By WriterPig125

It has been 2 weeks since the last chapter. Zofia was due to have her child anytime soon, and Elias had proposed to Ela. She had clearly said yes, and the two were happy. They actually planned to move into the townhouse next to Zofia's soon, so that they could be neighbors.

Cut to 4 am, Saturday morning, 2 weeks after last chapter

Monika can be seen poking Y/n, and the radiating digital clock on the nightstand can be seen to read 4:02 am.

Monika, poking Y/n, quietly- Y/n, get up!"

Y/n, sleepily, pulling his covers over himself- What? What time is it?"

Monika- 4am, but that doesn't matter! get up sleepyhead!"

Y/n- Nooo! I want to sleep."

Monika, in a tremulous voice, not able to hold in her excitement, loudly- Zofia had her child!"

Y/n, sensing he actually had a reason to get out of bed, hopped up and quickly put on his favorite hoodie.

Monika, opening the door out of the dormitory- C'mon, lets go!"

Y/n- Wait a minute, don't we need a car? Neither of us have one."

Monika, dissapointed- Oh."

After thinking for a few minutes, Monika spoke happily in a singsong voice- Let's wake Dominic and take his car! I have a drivers license."

Monika opened the door into the other guys rooms.


I guess Elias is with my sister. Is he there already? Must've spent the night at Ela's.

Y/n looked over and saw Dominic sleeping peacefully on the top of his bed. In the bed across from his was Marius, laying with a pillow under the covers.

Monika began poking Dominic, but it was to no prevail.

Y/n- How are you going to wake him?"

Monika- Watch this.

Monika first tried whispering softly into Dominic's ears. It did not work. After that, Monika winded up, and slapped Dom across the cheek as hard as she could.

Dominic snapped- What the hell? Why are you waking me up!?"

Before Monika or Y/n could respond, Marius jumped out of bed, clearly worried. In his hands were a full sized anime body pillow of Asuna from Sword Art Online.

Marius- Who cometh into thyne room!! Trying to steal thyne fair maiden Asuna!?"

Monika and Y/n just stood there for a moment before bursting out laughing.

Dominic, checking his phone- Like seriously dude, why the hell did you wake me up?"

Marius proceeds to hide his body pillow under the covers and put a shirt on.

Y/n- Sorry about that Dom. Monika and I need to use your car to get to the hospital. My older sister had her child and we want to see her."

Dominic- Oh, ok then. Here's my keys." Dominic pulls up his pillow, grabs his keys, and tosses them into Y/n's hands.

Dominic- Don't let your girl drive. She's no good. Don't know how she passed her drivers test."

Marius, realizing something- Ha, so that's where you keep your keys! I will take them tomorrow and drive for the first time ever!"

Y/n, wanting to get away from the ever so annoying Marius, quickly walked out of the room and into the hallway with Monika behind him.

TimeSkip to Driving in the car

Monika, checking her phone as Y/n drives- Here, I put the address into the GPS. We should be there within the hour.

Y/n, right after narrowly driving past a few drunks hobbling on the streets- Hey Monika. I have a question."

Monika, eager to answer- Yeah? What is it?"

Y/n, quietly, hoping no one would hear him, even though they are alone in a car- How did Marius get into Rainbow? Or even the police forces?"

Monika- It's kind of odd. I guess no one has told you yet, but Dominic actually adopted Marius."

Y/n, gasping- Wait, like as a son?"

Monika- No, not really. Like a brother. There are only 5 years between the two, but Marius got into a horrible incident as a child. Neither of them have told me what happened, but apparently he was in a coma for 7 years, from the time he was 9 till he was 16. So if you think about it, Marius is still a teenager. It's not like he grew or matured while he was in the coma, so he is only 15, maturity wise. Hence why he looks, and acts, like a child."

Y/n- Oh. Makes sense. Then how did he get into Rainbow?"

Monika- Marius was on the streets of Berlin when Dominic found him. His parents had died in a plane crash while he was in the coma. Dominic, 21 at the time, saw this teenage boy begging for food and felt bad for him. he decided to adopt him, but I don't know whether he'd be his dad or his brother. Dominic has raised him for like 6 years now. When Dominic got accepted into Rainbow, he was told he couldn't keep a non military on base, too much confidential stuff going around. It was too expensive for Dominic to buy a house and feed a kid, so he just got Six to allow Marius into Rainbow. Although he acts stupid, he's flown quite a couple planes and is an excellent tactician. Hopefully all of that knowledge will help you."

Y/n- yeah, thanks. I always wondered about that."

The rest of the ride was taken in silent anticipation of seeing Zofia's baby.


Monika and Y/n hurriedly ran into the building, stopping at the reception desk.

Receptionist- Hello, young sir and ma'am. How would you like my help today?"

Y/n- My sister had a child earlier this morning. We'd like to go see her."

Receptionist- So that is what brings you here at such an early time. What is her name?"

Y/n- Zofia Bosak."

Receptionist, politely- do you mean Zofia Evans? Polish, late 20's?"

Y/n- Yeah, that'd be her. Thanks. I totally forgot she has a different last name."

Receptionist- No problem. Her room is on the 3rd floor, A27."

Y/n, and Monika- Thank you."

Y/n and Monika ran down the hall, up the 2 flights of stairs and made it to Zofia's room.

(Sorry if this is 100% inaccurate, I haven't been to a hospital since I was 3. I also have never seen someone who gave birth to see their baby)

Monika slowly opened the door, and she, along with Y/n, walked in on one of the most precious scenes he had ever seen. Ela and Elias were quietly and warmly standing together snuggling together in the corner of the room. Zofia was laying on the bed, her small baby wearing tiny pink jammies, cuddled up to her side, Danny looking very fatherly watching her and the child as she slept.

Y/n, quietly- Hi Danny! Congratulations. I see she's a girl?"

Danny, happily, also whispering- Yes sir! Little mommy had herself a daughter."

Monika, excitedly- What's her name?!"

Danny- Sonia. Little baby Sonia. We wanted a name that related to your sisters roots, so we went with a Polish first name, American middle. Sonia Morgan Evans."

Monika, moving closer to the baby, fangirling- She's sooo cute! Elsbieta, isn't this baby beautiful?"

Ela, walking away from her soft snuggling with her fiance, puts her hand on Monika's shoulder. "She is quite a beauty. We got to play with her before Zofia fell asleep. Danny's making sure little mommy gets to sleep. Apparently Zofia had Sonia around 10 last night, but genius Danny here didn't text Elias until 1 am. We got here at 230. It's 545 now. Took you guys a while."

Monika- Sorry, but sleepyhead over here wouldn't get up, and we had to get Dominic's keys."

Y/n, sleepily- Yeah, and I'm still super tired."

Y/n goes and sits down on a chair next to Elias. Monika walks over to him, and nestles her skirt comfortably onto his lap. Y/n leans back in his chair, softly wrapping his hands around his girlfriends waist. Ela and Elias do the same, except they are quietly kissing.

Monika, politely- Danny, can you wake us when Zofia wakes? I don't think any of us got much sleep."

Danny, quietly rocking the baby in his hands- Yeah, no problem. Hopefully little missy right here and my wife will get a little sleep." After thinking to himself, chuckling- Haha, I wonder how I'll explain to her when she's older how I only have 1 eye. That'll be funny."

Y/n fell asleep, Monika in his arms, until he was gently tapped awake by Danny.

Danny, whispering- hey, your sister's up. Your girlfriends still asleep on your lap though."

Y/n, laughing, gently pushing Monika's blonde hair out of his face- Yeah, I could tell by the hair in her face. No matter what happens, she's waking up soon. Watch this."

Y/n, a grin on his face, stands up, Monika in his hands. As she opens her eyes she sees that he has lifted her up well above his head, making it seems as if she is in the air.

Monika freaks out for a moment, then laughs. After a few moments of being in the air, Monika realizes she is wearing a skirt. Monika uses one hand to pull in her skirt, the other to gently slap Y/n in the face and tell him to put her down.

Y/n, after putting her down- Oh crap. Sorry Monika. I didn't realize your skirt would be hanging.

Monika, slightly annoyed- Yeah, you think so?"

This whole time Danny and Zofia were laughing.

Zofia- Haha! That was pretty funny. Y/n, just remember, don't lift a girl in a skirt."

Monika, slightly chuckling- Yeah, you think he'd have realized that by now."

Danny- Haha, don't worry, I wasn't looking at you."

Monika, pointing at the sleeping Elias and at Danny- yeah, I'd hope neither of you did. You're married with a kid and he's engaged."

Y/n, trying to change the subject- Zofia, congratulations! You were asleep when we got here."

Zofia- Yeah, sorry about that. I was really tired from giving birth to little Sonia. Want to hold her?"

Y/n- Nope, I'd probably drop her."

Zofia, slightly laughing- Yeah, definitely not a good idea. I was talking to Monika anyways."

Monika, happiness glowing in her voice- Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to!"

Zofia carefully handed the baby to Monika, and she began rocking her in her arms.

After hearing Monika happily yelling, Both Elias and Ela were rudely awaken, but neither seemed to mind. After waiting for Ela to slowly get off his lap, Elias stood up.

Y/n- Hey dude, congrats on getting engaged with my older sis. I know we're here to see the baby, but I haven't seen you since before you two got engaged. You know you can come back to your actual bed sometimes right?"

Elias, smirking- yeah, but I like sleeping in Ela's bed with her."

Y/n- Eww."

Elias- I mean we're buying a house together soon. We'll be sleeping together there. Why sleep away from my girl when I'll be with her every night in a few weeks."

Y/n- Alrighty then. Elsbieta?"

Ela- Yes, younger brother?"

Y/n- Congratulations. On you and Elias. I personally thought you'd run through a different boy every month forever."

Ela, stunned, laughing- Really? Well Elias was a keeper. I stuck with him."

Y/n- I can see that." Looking at his phone- Holy crap, it's 10 o'clock! Anyone want some food? I could go grab some McDonald's."

Monika and Ela were taking turns holding the baby and rocking her back and forth.

Danny- I guess neither of them want any food. Zofia, you want anything?"

Zofia- Hell yes! Double Big Mac, Large Fry, Large Coke, Double Fish Sandwich."

Danny- Hon, you sure you want to eat all that?"

Zofia- I haven't eaten anything unhealthy in months. And I haven't eaten for like 12 hours. I'm starving. Get Ela some nuggets or something. Her and Elias can share them."

Y/n- Alright then, I'll go get everyone food from the McDonald's down the street."

As Y/n started walking out, Danny stopped him.

Danny- Hey dude, can I come with you?"

Y/n- Yeah, no problem.

As Y/n and Danny were slowly walking down the stairs, Danny made a worried remark to Y/n.

lightly crying, Danny- Dude, I don't know what to do!"

Y/n, rubbing the back of his sisters husband, a man he barely knew.

Y/n- What's the problem Danny? Your baby is ok and beautiful and everything is going just fine."

Danny, wiping his eyes- I know, I know. It's just what's going to happen. Zofia doesn't know yet, but I'm getting deployed next month. I'll be in Iraq for a full year, doing spec ops service. I'll be gone for my daughters first year."

Y/n- That sounds horrible. I don't think theres anything any of us can do to get you out of having to fight. I guess you'll just have to spend as much time with your little girl as you can for the month your here. I'm sure Zofia will understand you having to fight and being gone. Don't worry, between Ela and Monika someone will be there every day to help her.

Danny, cheering up- Thanks for the help man. I was just worried."

Y/n- No problem. Let's go get you your McDonalds."

And With that the two walk into the sunset, grabbing the delicious McNuggets and delivering them to the ragtag family.


SRRY IT ENDS ABRUPTLY, I HATE ENDING CHAPTERS. Also, please put your gadget idea in comment section. I still need one for Y/n. He would be an attacker.

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