Miss Felicity Salvatore (A Va...

By Jessicalaunttinson

84K 1K 125

Felicity Willow Salvatore is The younger sister of Damon and Stefan Salvatore ,she is the image of a 13 year... More

Ms Felicity Salvatore (A Vampire diaries Fan Fiction) chapter one
chapter two x
chapter three
Chapter 4
chapter 5
goodbyes , partners in crime, tears and family air looms .
' if you love her damon let her go '
chapter 8
chapter 9
her or me you choose ?
New Girl x
Chapter 13 x
thats not me i don't do things like that ...have i changed ?
Chapter 14 xx
101 on vampires & moving boxes
Going from prince Charming to complete Asshole !
Waking up and coming to terms .... </3
Am i dying ?
The runaways
On Record for me to experience again ...
Coming home
trying to find me
The Curse
'Please help me'
'this is what it has come to ?'
All comes undone
It's Time
upload Infomation
The final call
floating in the limbo of decisions

Thanks guys :D

1.2K 12 0
By Jessicalaunttinson

ok so thank you everyone ou are truly AM-A-ZING . if i do say so myself thanks for reading , commenting and voting and what not :)

computer hug :D

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