High School Story: University...

By proteus912

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 18

89 3 0
By proteus912

Chapter 18

April 7th

Nicole woke up early in the morning. She was ready to go on an early morning ride with Riley, but she knew that he wasn't. she walked into his room and poked him in the shoulder to wake him up.

Riley rolled over and opened his eyes. He then looked at Nicole and then the time. Then he remembered that he had promised Nicole that he would go on a morning ride with her.

Nicole was all dressed and ready to go.

Riley smiled at Nicole and then told her to leave his room so he could get changed. Nicole smiled back at him and left so he could get changed. She waited in the lounge room for him to come down.

It wasn't long before Riley was dressed and he came down the stairs. Nicole could see his lighter and a cigarette in his hand so clearly he was planning on having one. Nicole followed him outside because she had a suggestion to propose, anyway. So, Riley took a seat in his car and Nicole did the same on the front passenger side.

"Would you like me to teach you how to groom and saddle Ruby?" asked Nicole.

Riley lit up his cigarette and blew a puff of smoke out, "the teacher being taught sounds a little weird, babe," he joked.

Nicole laughed, "I know, but seriously. Would you like me to teach you?"

"I'm happy to give it a go, but I don't know how good I'll be at learning."

"I don't mind."

"Okay, then. That sounds like a plan."

"Now, I have had my breakfast," said Nicole.

Riley laughed, "that eager to get up and going, are we?"

Nicole laughed as well, "yes, I am. Are you going to have breakfast?"

"Nah, I don't think so. This'll do me until we get back."

He was referring to the smoke.

Nicole didn't like that, "since when is a cigarette breakfast?"

Riley shrugged his shoulders, "sometimes it's all I have. And coffee."

"You skip breakfast?"


"That's not good."

"I know."

"Is it because you are too excited for a cigarette?"

"It's not excitement, babe. It's a craving."

"Can you give it up?"

"Once I am motivated again."

"When will that be?"

"I'm not sure."

Riley then finished his cigarette and he and Nicole headed around to the paddock to sort out the horses. Nicole grabbed everything she needed and started teaching Riley everything about grooming and saddling. He didn't make the best student ever, but he did pick it up well and he saddled Ruby well. And it wasn't long before it was time to go.

"Excited?" asked Nicole after she mounted Lightning.

"Horse riding in the morning," replied Riley, "what could be better?"

"But it's still not your cup of tea."

Riley shook his head.

"Don't worry," said Nicole, "you'll love it."

Then Riley and Nicole headed off. Nicole couldn't have been happier and she was so glad that she had asked Riley to move in with her. It was one of the best ideas she had had in her life and she didn't regret a single moment of it. She loved spending time with her boyfriend.

"Amy's coming home today, Nic," said Riley as he trotted Ruby so he was riding next to Nicole. Nicole smiled because he was getting better at trotting. He was even able to post now.

"That's great," replied Nicole.

"And I want to go and see her."

"Okay. When do you want to go?"

"This afternoon," said Riley, "I want to give her and Catania some time to settle in."

"Okay, that sounds good."

Then Nicole and Riley continued on their ride, enjoying each other's company. Nicole thought a morning ride was the perfect way to do that.


When Amy got home that afternoon, she was surprised when she heard a little boy laughing in the backyard. She was even more surprised when she heard her husband's laugh as well. Amy looked at Catania, wondering what was going on. Even though Catania had no idea what was going on, Amy still looked at her. It was clear that Catania didn't care, though, and she just wanted to get back to sleep. And now Amy just felt like going to sleep as well.

But, on a brighter note, Amy was glad that she was feeling so much better.

And it was all because of the retreat.

Although she did have the occasional problem now and then, the retreat taught her ways of dealing with it so she could not cry or get frustrated. She and Catania had been getting along better now and Amy was so glad of that. She could now see that she could be the best mother she could be.

And she was so happy.

But what Amy couldn't understand was why there was a little boy here, but she was disturbed from her wonderings when Tasha dashed outside and wrapped her arms around her big sister. Tasha was so glad that Amy was back and it was clear she could tell she was a lot better. Amy was glad of that.

"I missed you," said Tasha.

"I missed you as well," replied Amy.

"How are you?"

"I am good," said Amy, still listening to the laughing boy, "who is that?"

"Who is what?" replied Tasha.

"That little boy."

Tasha looked at her feet.

"Tash?" asked Amy, "what's going on?"

"I don't understand what you mean," replied Tasha. Amy could tell that she was lying.

Amy sighed and then handed the baby carrier to Tasha. Tasha took it and just watched as Amy walked through the house and then in the direction of the little boy's laugh. It led her to the backyard where her husband was sitting on the grass with a little boy next to him. This little boy was no older than five, and he was happily playing with Max.

And as beautiful as the scene was, Amy couldn't look past the fact that there was a strange little boy playing with her dog.

When Ian heard that someone was there, he stood up and brushed the grass off of his pants, "you're home," he said.

"You weren't expecting me," replied Amy, eyeing the little boy, "clearly."

Ian then walked up to Amy and took her hands in his own as he gave her a kiss on the forehead, "I am so glad you are home," he said.

"Who is this?" asked Amy as she let go of Ian's hands and crouched down to the boy. She smiled warmly at him, as she did when she said hello to all children. Amy loved children and it was one of the reasons why she wanted to complete a primary school teaching degree.

"Cody," said Ian.

Amy smiled at Cody, "hi, Cody."

"Hello," replied Cody before he stood up and hid behind Ian's legs.

"He's not good with strangers," Ian explained.

Amy smiled and stood up, "that's okay," she replied, "he doesn't know me. And, more importantly, do you have anything you need to tell me?"

"I do," Ian nodded.

"I'm listening."

"Cody is...well, he is my son."

"Your son? You have a daughter. With me. You don't have a son."

"I know I have a daughter, but I also have a son."

"I think you need to explain," Amy folded her arms across her chest, "from the beginning."

"Tasha and Isabella found him," replied Ian.

"Keep going."

"When I was on my last year of placement, I was placed in a year twelve class. There was one girl in there and she had a huge crush on me. I never acted on it."

"Clearly," Amy scoffed.

She really wanted to know how this little boy came into the world, then.

He didn't come into it on his own.

Ian obviously played a part in it.

"But on the night of the year twelve graduation, she got me drunk and we slept together. Then I found out about Cody. He is my son, Amy. Are you going to hate me forever?"

"I am not mad, and I will never hate you," said Amy, trying to stay calm, "but why didn't you talk to me? I am your wife; you can trust me with these things. How old is he?"


"We have been together for three years. You kept your son a secret for three years. Why did you do that?"

"Because I had him taken away from me. Ever since he was taken away from me, I told myself that I didn't have a son to make myself feel better. It is hard having a child taken away from you," Ian explained.

Amy had heard enough now. Even though she wasn't mad, she didn't know what to think. She only knew that she didn't have to be mad at Ian because he didn't cheat on her and he didn't hurt her.

He just kept his son a secret because it was only way he could deal with his grief.

He had eventually lost his son for three years.

And he naturally would have grieved.

"What's wrong?" asked Ian.

"I need to go for a walk. You stay with your son and Tasha will be right with Catania," replied Amy.

"You're fine with leaving her?"

"I am not in a joking mood, Ian."

Then Amy headed for the front door. She felt that her head was spinning right now and she still didn't know what to think. And as she arrived at the front door, she saw Riley and Nicole walking up the path.

"Ames," said Riley, "what's going on?"

Riley always knew when his best friend was upset.

"Nothing," replied Amy.

"It doesn't look like nothing."

"I need to be alone."

"I don't think so, Amy, I am coming with you," said Riley before he looked at Nicole, "you'll stay here, won't you, babe?"

Nicole nodded, "I will."

Then Amy and Riley headed off, Amy not sure what she was going to do right now.


Nicole had never been more confused in her life. She needed to find out what was going on so she went inside and greeted Tasha.

"What's going on?" she asked.

Tasha didn't get time to explain before a little boy came running in followed by Mr Wilson. Nicole wondered who the little boy was as she looked at him.

"Tasha," said Mr Wilson, "where is Amy?"

"She's gone on a walk," replied Tasha, taking Catania out of the baby carrier to hold her in her arms.

"A walk?"

"Yeah, a walk. She has just gone to clear her head and she will be back soon."

Mr Wilson looked stressed.

He ran a hand through his blonde hair.

"I hate to say it," said Tasha, "but if you had have come clean about Cody in the first place, this never would have happened."

Now Nicole knew what the little boy's name was.


But she didn't know why he was here.

"You're blaming me?" Mr Wilson snapped.

Nicole stood in her place in an awkward silence as she watched Tasha and Mr Wilson argue.

"I am," said Tasha.

"If you hadn't have been so nosy this wouldn't have happened," replied Mr Wilson.

"Don't blame me. You kept Cody a secret and anyway, Belle wanted you in Cody's life again."

Nicole was seriously lost and she was not following this conversation. She had no clue what was going on but she didn't want to disturb this difference of opinion between Tasha and Mr Wilson.

Mr Wilson just sighed.

"Amy will be back soon. She will be okay. You just have to give her some space and maybe your marriage will have a small chance of not being destroyed," said Tasha.

"What?" asked Mr Wilson.


"You think that Amy won't want to be married to me when she gets back?"

"I didn't say that."

"Destroyed marriage?"

"Okay, maybe I did say that. But I also said small chance."

"No, you said there may be a small chance of my marriage not being destroyed. You think I will lose Amy, don't you?"

Tasha shrugged, "I don't know. You could."

Nicole started tapping her foot on the carpet. She was getting impatient now.

"I won't," said Mr Wilson.

"Then say positive thinking works," Tasha joked.

"Do I look like I am in a joking mood, Tasha?" Mr Wilson growled.

"No. Why don't you go back outside? Play with Cody and Max. That will make you feel better."

Mr Wilson didn't say anything. He bent down and picked Cody up and went outside again.

And when Mr Wilson was gone, Nicole looked at Tasha, "care to fill me in?" she asked.

Tasha nodded.

Nicole was keen to hear this story.


"He has a son? Are you serious?" asked Riley.

Amy and Riley had walked to the park and they chose a seat that looked to the river. Amy thought it was nice how her best friend insisted on walking her to the park. As usual, he would always be there when she needed him and at least she was able to talk things through before she got home. It would help her to not say something she regretted.

"He does," replied Amy, "what am I going to do?"

Riley took a puff of his cigarette that he just lit up, "are you mad at him?"

"Do you have to?"

"Do I have to what?"


"We're talking about you, not me," said Riley, "now, are you mad at him?"

"I am more mad at you then I am at him," replied Amy as she glared at the smoke.

Riley put his cigarette in his opposite hand, as if he was hiding it from Amy, "remember when we saw we were talking about you? So come on, are you mad at Ian?"

"No," said Amy, "it isn't like he has hurt me, isn't it?" said Amy.

"Define hurt," replied Riley.

"Well, he hasn't cheated on me. Obviously."

"That's a good thing."

"I know, but a secret son? How could he keep his son a secret from me? I am supposed to be his wife."

"How do you feel about him having another child to another woman?" asked Riley.

"I don't know. I guess I would be worried if he would want to get back with her," replied Amy.

"I don't think he could do that."

"I never thought that he would have a son but I was wrong about that."

"I guess you have a point," said Riley as he took yet another puff, "but Ian married you for a reason. He said his marriage vows for a reason; he loves you."

"I know he loves me," replied Amy.

"Well, isn't that enough? Doesn't that give you a reason to work this out?"



"No, you are right. We love each other and we will be able to work this out. Now, what do I say to him?"

"You say that you want to talk and work this out. You have to sort this out, Ames."

"I will. Thanks for the talk, Riley. Even though I nearly suffocated over here," said Amy.

Riley just laughed, "that's okay. Ready to head home?"

Amy nodded and with that, she and Riley stood up and headed back to the house.

"But, Riley," said Amy as she walked, "he slept with a student. How can I overlook that? It is a crime and he could lose his job."

"What did he tell you?" asked Riley.

"He said that on the night of the girl's year twelve graduation, he got drunk and slept with her. He was on his last year of placement at the time."

"Well, there you go. She technically wasn't a student."

"No, but he started his career by sleeping with a student. How could he do that?"

"I know it was a dumb thing to do but he is your husband. Don't judge him based on a stupid mistake he made in the past."

"But that mistake was made in the past, and now he will never get rid of it. Cody is going to be in his life for good now by the looks of things," said Amy.

"You love kids, Ames, and I am sure you will learn to love his son," replied Riley.


"Anyway," said Riley as he stamped his cigarette out, "how did the retreat go?"

"It was good," replied Amy, "it really helped me and Catania. It feel a lot better now."

"That's great, Ames."

"I heard about your job and you moving in with Nicole. How's that going?"


"Just good?"

"Yeah, well, everything is fine with Nicole. Work is another thing."

"What's wrong with work?"

"Just the students and my boss."

"Don't tell me your boss is out old principal?"

Riley nodded.

"Well, now I know why you started smoking again," said Amy.

"Exactly," replied Riley.

Now Amy laughed, "but you have to admit, it must be fun."

Riley shook his head, "no, it's not. He tells all the staff members what I got up to in school."

"Oh, I remember," replied Amy, "weren't you the one who put the soap in the drinking fountains, shaving foam all over the principal's car, threw sand on the classroom rooves and broke the statue of the founder of the school?"

"Yeah, yeah, don't bring up my past. I have heard enough," said Riley.

"I told you that you would never live that down."

"And you were right, as always."

"So, what did Nicole think when you told her?" asked Amy.

"I haven't told her," replied Riley.

"Why? Are you ashamed?" Amy teased.

"I am. Nic is such a good girl and I am a bad boy."

"You are made for each other. You do know how opposites attract, don't you?"

"Of course I do. That is why I think we are so good for each other. I told her to wait until we are married before I tell her what I did in school."

Amy laughed, "that is a good idea. Maybe you will have to wait until you are married for fifty years before you tell her. And even longer before you tell her about high school."

"Exactly. We'll be old and wrinkled and living in a retirement home before I tell her about high school."

"That's a good idea. Or, better yet, don't tell her about what you did in high school."

"She knows about the girls and the smoking," said Riley, "so, yeah, I'm going to leave it at that."

"You can really see a future for you and Nicole, can't you?" said Amy.

"I can. She is different, Amy, and I love her," replied Riley.

"I can see that."

"And it is good how you aren't trying to break us up anymore."

"Yeah, yeah, can we not talk about that anymore?"

Amy knew about Riley's player ways and when she found out that Riley was dating Nicole, she tried to break them up because she did not want to see Nicole get hurt. She tried to break them up, but she wasn't successful when she ended up embarrassing herself after she gave Riley a serve before she heard that Riley had told Nicole he loved her.

"Alright," Riley put his arm over Amy's shoulder, "we won't."

Amy smiled.

It was wonderful talking with her best friend like this. She hadn't done it for a long time and it felt good.

And now she was ready to talk to Ian.


When Amy got home, she saw a woman sitting in the lounge room. Amy assumed that Tasha was playing with Catania in her room and she was glad of that. And as soon as this woman was gone, Amy would talk to Ian and she wouldn't want to be disturbed by anyone.

Ian stood up when he saw his wife, "honey," he said, "this is Belle."

Annabelle smiled at Amy, "you must be Ian's wife. It is nice to meet you."

"You too. You are Cody's mother?" replied Amy. It was best to be polite now.

"I am. I was just about to take Cody home before we saw you."

Amy smiled. This girl did seem to be nice and she also seemed to be the same age as her. Maybe they could have been friends or something once Amy sorted out her issues with Ian.

"Well," said Annabelle, "we should get going. Next time I bring Cody, Ian, we will talk about a plan for when you would like to see him."

"I would like that," Ian smiled.

"I'll see you soon, then."

Amy and Ian watched as Annabelle and Cody headed for the door and then for her car. And when Annabelle and Cody were gone, it was time to talk.

Amy looked at Ian, "were you ever planning on telling me?"

"To tell the truth, I don't think I would have," replied Ian, "are you angry with me?"

"I am not angry. I think I will be okay with it. I love you and we will get through this. Cody seems like a nice little boy."

"He is."

Amy could see the pride in Ian right now.

He loved his son.

"I am glad you have your son back, Ian, but you have to talk to me about these things," said Amy.

Ian nodded, "our marriage is over, isn't it?"

Amy walked over to Ian and hugged him before she gave him a kiss, "our marriage will never be over. I love you too much."

"I love you too."

"Now, tell me the whole story."

Ian and Amy then sat down on the couch and Ian began telling his wife everything.

And there was hope for their marriage after all.

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my articles from 2021 if there are typos or missing commas or incorrect information tell me and if you use my Articles tell me. G-rated its from bad...
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This story has been rewritten. This is the terrible original version. Look for the new one under my works.