By Shaiyboardman

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‼️COMPLETED‼️ My true story. Read about everything I have had to face while getting to where I am now. This i... More

Lost Memory
The Facts About My Mother
After Mom's Passing
Things Both My Moms Have In Common
Dad's Girlfriend
Meeting my step mom.
A Letter To My Real Mom 2/11/12
Memories of the Light in the Darkness
Preparing to Leave
Question Time
Flash back to Morris Town
2nd letter written to my mom.
Do You Have A Number?
Did they forget about me?
Where did we move? What school did i go to?
The Glass House
My Real Art
1/2 of 1k
A Letter to My Real Mom 11/2/12
A letter to My Real Mom 12/9/12
Living with all the Steps
A Letter To My Real Mom 4/19/13
A Letter To My Real Mom 5/5/13
A letter to my real mom 11/26/14
A letter to my real mom 6/21/15

Leaving The Bad For The Good

30 6 4
By Shaiyboardman

Don't forget to read the last chapter before this one!

Okay guys this is finally the moment when I moved out of my dad house.

I turned Eighteen on May 5th.

On May 25th after school I went home on the bus. After I picked up my sister from her bus stop we walked home. I went into my dads room and told him "I have something to tell you, but I'm not sure if I should because you'll be mad." It took me a lot of time to actually breathe and talk myself in to actually telling him I was leaving.

My dad demanded I tell him what I had to say so I told him I was moving in with my oldest sister on my moms side and he told me "no the fuck your not!" I cried a lot as he called me names and told me if I moved out he'd never speak to me again. He told me he wouldn't let me take any of my things. I told him I had been giving my sister my things discreetly for the past few weeks.

He rushed out of his room towards my room only to find my room was bland but I had a lot of things. Only half of my things were at my new house the other half was packed up. He was furious I went behind his back. He told me to stay in my room. He kept calling people over and over again. He called my sister and told her to pick me up that night because he didn't want to see me anymore. He called her about five times that day. He also called my grandma and my step mom telling them as well. When my sister got to the house my dad had cooled down. My brother was with her. He said they'd still talk to me and that I was still welcomed around my little sister was having a birthday party the next week.

Well leaving had been hard he hugged me and told me he loved me.

Well a week later my dad took back what he said. You see I used to get a SSI check every month and since I moved out the check went to me. Apparently they were using my check for rent. So when I took my check they almost got evicted. My dad turned off my phone and they all disowned me.

Yea not the best thing to happen to me. I cried like crazy. I was on the phone with my dad and he was telling me all of this. Saying he was turning off my phone and then saying how they needed space from me. I was outside on my front steps crying my eyes out because he was telling me all of this. When he hung up five minutes later my phone was turned off. It was hard for me.

Nothing is ever really that easy. I never knew they were using my checks for rent they never told me. My Gma was mad about that because she felt like they should have been using some of that money for me. Like notebooks for school, dresses for my chorus class, etc. my Gma was the one paying all of that for me because she always felt bad. I never asked her for it. I felt bad I wouldn't be able to repay her, but my dad always asked her for it without me knowing.


Halloween the same year.

I went over to my Gma's house because she wanted to see me.

We stayed there for about almost a hour. My parents showed up and everyone but my dad came into her house. I got to see my little sisters, my older sisters kid, and my step mom. She didn't talk to me and didn't want my siblings talking to me either but my Gma told her to let them.

It broke my heart when my youngest sister asked me why I wasn't their sister anymore. I looked up at Amanda like I wanted to kill her. They had completely disowned me and told my siblings that I wasn't their family anymore.

My Gma yelled at my little sister telling her that I will always be family. I took a few pictures with my siblings before they left. I walked them out to see my dad still in the car. I was upset. Yes that side of my family never treated me well but I still loved them all. Well I have varying feelings towards my step mom, but still. How could they just disown family? It's not right!

I didn't talk to my family for awhile after that. The next time I saw them all was at a birthday party that my aunt(my step moms sister) invited me to. She told me she didn't care what they said. She told me she wanted me there and they could get over it.

Finally later on in late March I called my dad crying. I told him I missed the family and I wanted them in my life. I was 100% ugly crying. He told me that we would work it out. It took about 5 months to do that. Some how I got roped into taking my step mom out for a lunch at a steak place for an apology. Even though I didn't think I should have been the one to apologize I still did it. My bill came out to over $50. Better have forgiven me with that!

Finally we were a family, but they still to this day barely talk to me. I used to complain about it. How they always hit up my older sister to do things with them and stuff. They always tell me it's because she shows up all the time and that she actually calls them first and makes plans. I've tried to get plans made with them a ton of times, but to no avail.

Anyways I'm glad things are the way they are now. I'm happier than I ever was. I have three great family's. I have a boyfriend how supports me. And friends who care. Even the friends here on wattpad. I have everyone to thank for the person that I am now. I'm strong willed, stubborn, shy yet talkative, sensitive yet tough, caring, charming, innocent yet shocking, calm yet feisty, and studious. I'm me. And I wouldn't change myself for anything.

The End!

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