Scanned- A reader x IQ story

By WriterPig125

109K 778 1.7K

Y/n Bosak is the adopted brother of Zofia and Ela Bosak. After being an orphan on the streets of Berlin until... More

1st Day Off, Part 1
1st Day off, Part 2/Carnival
First Day
The Date
Up and Running
A/n #1
Baby, Again?
Family Reunion?
The acog's and the red dots
Happy Birthday Marius!
Noobies? Part 2
Pool Day
Story Preview
Ability (Gun Fist!)
Operation Stinging Nettle
Big Day
Closing Chapter


4.1K 26 73
By WriterPig125

I woke up to Monika snuggling against me. It is definitely more comfortable now than it was when she first laid with me. Not wanting to wake Monika, I slid so that her head was resting on my chest. I was able to reach across her back to the nightstand, and then grabbed my phone. Monika's head made a perfect phone-stand. I started watching The Office on Netflix. After sitting for nearly an hour, Monika finally lifted her head, sleepily smiling at me.

Monika, sleepily smiling: Last night sure was fun."

Y/n: You tell me about it."

Monika planted a kiss on Y/n's forehead.

Monika, happily but quizzically- So, was that your first time?"

Y/n, slightly nervous- Yeah."

"Well, you did great. We should do that again sometime." Monika says, lifting up the covers to reveal herself and Y/n in just their undergarments.

Y/n, pulling the covers back up- Yeah, we definitely should, just not right now. It's 9 in the morning on a Sunday. Maybe tonight?"

Monika, slightly annoyed- Fiiine."

Y/n got up, followed by Monika, and they both got dressed and came out after Y/n took a shower.

Marius was attaching a magnifying glass to his 416-C, right in front of his reflex sight.

Y/n: Marius, what are you trying to do?"

Marius, happily and childish- I'm trying to make an ACOG!"

Y/n- Ok then.

Bandit- You know, they ran out. I think someone just doesn't want use to have them. Eliza's broke a few weeks ago and we haven't gotten an ACOG shipment in months."

Y/n- I've got one."

Bandit- How? I need one."

Y/n- Idk my gun already had it."

Bandit- Well then, I may need to have at talk with Six."

Monika- Ok then, no one really cares Dominic. What are you guys doing today?"

Bandit- Pub?"

Marius- Definitely Pub."

Monika- But we have training tomorrow.

Dominic- So?

Monika- You're gonna be hungover during training.

Dominic- Like I'm not always?"

Monika- I guess that's true. Y/n, you gonna go with them?"

Y/n- I mean I haven't been to a bar since before I came to Britain. So hell YEAH!"

Dominic- Sweet! You're a tall boy. Bet you're a heavyweight drinker?

Y/n- I mean not really. I wasn't able to drink until 3 years ago (Poland's legal drinking age is 18)

Dominic- You'll get hooked on this British stuff. It is the shit!"

Y/n- Alright then. We've got a while before we go out, right?"

Dominic- Oh yeah. Mike'll probably call me to say their leaving around 5 or 6. You'll just come with me. I have a car."

Y/n- Alright, thanks. I really need to get a car or a bike sometime. Also, where is Elias? He was here last night."

Dominic- He left around 7. Said something about swimming classes with Ela."

Y/n- Haha, he wants to see my older sister in a bikini! That sly dog."

Dominic- Yeah. They've been dating for a long time now. I wonder if he's ever going to ask her the question."

Y/n- Wait, Elias plans on getting engaged with my sister?"

Marius- Yeah! He bought a ring last week!"

Dominic- Marius, quiet! You weren't supposed to tell him or her that!"

Y/n- Well, he has my blessing. I'm surprised he hasn't asked already. Ela loves him to death.

Dominic- I think he's planning on doing something special when he proposes.

Y/n- Oh. So I guess pretty soon I'll have an engaged sister and a pregnant and married sister."

Dominic- Speaking of Zofia, when is she supposed to have her child?"

Y/n- I don't really know. I haven't asked for a while."

Monika, acutely and precise, quickly- she's 8 months pregnant. around one more month to go. Ela told me the other day."

Y/n- Dang, my girlfriend knew better about my own sister than I did."

Monika- Girls just remember those kinds of things. Anyone want to do something before you dunces go drinking?"

Marius- We could watch anime!"

Y/n, Dominic, and Monika, all at once- NO ONE WANTS TO WATCH ANIME!"

Marius, sadly- Awww."

Dominic- Strip club? Monika could get up on a pole for you Y/n!"

Monika, right after slapping him across the face- Goddamnit Dom! We are not going to a club, and I am not giving anyone a lapdance!"

Y/n- I wouldn't mind that, but how about airsoft? Apparently there's a good arena close."

Monika, evilly smirking- I wouldn't mind shooting Marius."

Marius- Oh god! Protect me from the evil lady!"

Dominic- She's not gonna shoot you Marius. We're going to play air-soft."

Marius- Oh.

After packing up into Dominic's car, the four drove to the airsoft arena.

Getting out of the car

Y/n- Damn, this place looks a little run down." You point at a fallen trash can, and a sign with half of the letters missing. The building was made of old faded bricks.

Monika- Does it really matter how it looks? As long as the guns work it's fine."

The group walks in, Y/n pays for everyone, and they get geared up. Since there is a limited amount of guns in the airsoft arena, everyone just gets m16's. It was the cheapest and easiest.

Dominic- Ok, so what are teams?"

Monika, pulling Y/n to her- Y/n and I vs you two!"

Dominic, pointing to Y/n- You gonna try and beat me?

Y/n, slyly- Sure."

Dominic- Ok then. Prepare to get your ass handed to you. Better make sure one of us doesn't shoot your girlfriend."

Y/n, fake saluting, laughing- Yes sir, lieutenant dumb-ass!"

The ref called the teams to each side of the arena. It was a open field, with a small stream running through the middle. There were trees sporadically placed all over the battlefield, and a couple hills. The whole map was no more than 100 yards long and 50 yards wide. Still quite large for a 2 on 2. Each time started behind a hill on opposite sides of the map.

Y/n- What's our plan? I've never used an M16."

Monika- You hold down Dom. I want to shoot Marius. You give me cover fire, I'll run up and take out Marius. I assume he'll push early on."

Y/n- Ok then. Good luck. Make sure to put your mask on."

Monika gives Y/n a small kiss before they both pull up their masks and bandannas.

3-2-1 GO! An air-horn was blown. This was deathwatch. One hit, one kill. "Kill" both enemies, you win.

Monika slipped around the hill, her small posterior easily fitting behind a larger tree. Y/n lays down, looking through the 2x he had on his gun. Monika had opted for a red dot. After a few minutes of waiting, someone got up and started running towards them.

Must be Marius. he must've got tired of waiting.

Y/n- It's Marius. Light him up!"

Monika happily fired round after round at Marius, multiple striking him in the back. He fell over and was "dead". Monika fired a few extra rounds into his ass, just to "make sure". He audibly yelled and doubled over in pain. Monika and Y/n started laughing.

Monika- Thats what he gets for watching anime at 2am when I'm trying to sleep."

Y/n- Oh, that's why you wanted to shoot him so much. I always thought that noise was my sister and Elias."

Monika- Since when do anime and sex sound the same?"

Y/n- I don't know. I don't watch anime."

Monika- Neither do I. Let's go shoot Dom."

The two slowly crept over the hill as Marius walked out of the arena. After crawling nearly 50 meters towards the opposing hill, a barrel glinted out over the mulchy mound.

Y/n-Shit, roll!"

Plastic BB's started nailing the ground around Y/n.

Y/n was able to roll down the field, falling into a small trench. Monika was able to run/crawl on her knees into the trench.

Monika- Thank god I'm not wearing a skirt."

Y/n, laughing- Yeah. That'd be funny. You got a grenade?"

Monika- No. I guess we'll just have to wait until Dominic pushes us."

Y/n- Ok then.

After waiting for a few minutes, Dominic stuck his head up over the far side of the hill. Both Monika and Y/n tried to shoot him, but neither were able to score a hit before he had scampered to a tree about 25 yards from the trench.

Damn, he's faster than I thought. We could lose if he can get on top of us. Guess we're gonna have to push Dom."

Y/n, without giving a word, sprinted towards the tree Dominic was at. Once he was about 5 yards from the tree, Dominic, hearing Y/n, stuck his gun out from the tree Al-Quada style and shot him multiple times.

Y/n, walking off the court- Dammit! Monika, he's still behind the tree."

Dominic, feeling confident, slowly crept towards an unsuspecting Monika. He would have easily caught her off guard, but a few meters from the trench he stepped on a stick, sounding a large crack. Monika poked her head out of the dirt and popped him right in the groin a few times.

Monika, pointing at Dominic, not realizing she hurt him- Haha, we win! In your face Dom!"

Dominic was laying on the ground, releasing slight moans of pain.

Monika- Oh, crap! Are you ok Dom?"

by this time Marius and Y/n had made it onto the field, realizing Dom was on the ground.

Dominic just groaned some pained noises, and pointed towards his groin.

Monika gasped.

Y/n- Yeah, you popped him pretty bad. He has some pretty thin pants. That's gotta hurt. He'll be fine though, wait a few minutes."

After a few minutes of waiting, Dominic stood up and got off the field.

Dominic- Holy shit! That hurt like hell!"

Monika- Haha, yeah. You ok?"

Dominic- Yeah, I'm fine. Just gonna have a few welts in the tendies. If I hadn't stepped on that fucking stick Id've gotten you easy."

Monika- Yeah, I thought you would've come from the other side. You definitely wouldn't have been shot in the goodies had that not happened. You would've won."

Dominic- Yeah, I was kind of on my own once this retard *points at Marius" decided to run out into the open."

Marius- Hey, I was bored!"

Dominic- So?"

Y/n- Hey, why don't we stop fighting and play some more games? I did pay for 3 hours here."

The whole group played multiple more games, sometimes with randoms. Dominic was on the winning team the most times after the clock had ran out.

It was 3 o'clock when the group left. The boys were ready to go out drinking.


Sorry for publishing this multiple times, but it is finally finished. The next chapter is kind of a part 2. Also THX so much for 1K reads so quickly!

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