I Only Date Girls

By darcyjog

43.7K 3.4K 779

Ming had seen it with his own eyes how one of their senior classmates is always looking at Yo and Ming can cl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Ming and Kit - side story

Chapter 13

1.7K 140 16
By darcyjog

A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it. 

Wayo POV

I can't believe this. How did this happen? Why did I decide to become friends with those ladies? They didn't even listen to me when I was begging them not to nominate me to be a moon, but they didn't listen. Now what am I going to do? I don't know how Pha will react. We just found each other, and we just started dating and now, I have to spend time every night practicing for this silly competition that I don't want to be a part of. Oh, this is just crazy.

I sigh as I sit down next to Shane and Ming. Shane turns towards me and asks, "Yo, what was that for? Did something bad happen today?"

Ming leans forward and puts his arms on the table. "Yo, tell us. What happened?"

I sigh and drop my shoulders in a slight pout. "Oh, I don't know why I became friends with such a group of silly ladies." I slowly look up. "Do you know what they did to me today?"

Ming and Shane just shake their heads.

"Well, those freaking idiots nominated me for the department's moon and for some crazy reason, my department agreed with them. Now, I'm the freaking Science Department's moon. I tried everything that I could think of to try and get out of it, but the seniors weren't listening. UGH!!! Now what do I do?"

Ming instantly chimes, "Great! I thought that I would have to do it all by myself, but Yo will be right there with me all the way. This is perfect. I won't be bored."

Shane chuckles, "Yo, this isn't the end of the world. I'm also certain that there were a lot of guys that were wanting that title, but you were the fortunate one that got it."

There is no way that I would call this being fortunate. Not ever. Instead, I think I would call this very unfortunate and maybe even torture. Oh, why won't the seniors let me out of it. I'm sure that they can find someone else that is willing to do it. There were plenty of other guys standing up there today, but for some reason, I was the one that everyone wanted. I need to find someway of not being so handsome. This is starting to get to be a curse, especially when they call me cute. Shoot, I'm not cute. I'm handsome, but I still don't want to be the science moon.

I shake my head. "Yes, it is. It is the end of the world to me. I don't want to get up and prance around like some peacock strutting his feathers. I don't do things like this. EVER!"

Ming bounces around the table and happily wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Yo, it will be fun. I'll be there, too. Oh, did you forget that P'Pha is the current campus moon and he will be required to be there too to help mentor the new moons and stars."

Wait! Did he just say that Pha will be there too? Oh, I forgot. He is the current campus moon and I think I remember our seniors talking about something like that, but we haven't had our first practice yet. That will be tomorrow.

I lean away from Ming and mumble, "P'Pha will be there."

Shane immediately chimes, "Yes, your P'Pha will be there at all the practices and at all the activities helping to mentor and talk with the new people. However, he will be responsible for more than just you. Oh, P'Forth will be there too."

Ming bounces around in his seat quickly adds, "Oh, that is right. I almost forgot about P'Forth. It won't be so bad with both of them there. Come on, Yo. This isn't a bad thing, but a good thing."

I still don't know about that, but with both Pha and Forth there, I'm starting to think that it won't be that bad. I don't think that I will be hating it that much then. I hesitantly say, "I don't know guys. I still really don't like having to prance around up on stage."

"What don't you like and why is N'Ming's arm my Yo?"

Pha is here!

I excitedly turn to see him, and Ming quickly withdraws his arm from me. I'm also sure that Ming is looking for Kit. After Ming's little confession, I can't help but to notice that Ming is constantly looking for or looking at Kit when he is around. The countdown has begun and I'm wondering exactly what Ming's game plan is. Will he be direct and immediately try to win Kit over, or will he go the round about way and try to win him that way. Either way, I think Ming is going to have a little harder time than what he thinks he will. I have never seen Kit date a guy and Ming may just be fighting a losing battle if Kit isn't even into guys.

To me, the first thing is to find out if Kit would ever think of dating a guy and then proceed from there, but I don't have any idea what is running through Ming's head. I'm too scared to know what he is actually thinking.

But right now, Pha is here and he is my main focus.

A smile instantly pops onto my face. "P'Pha!"

Before I can say anything else, Shane interrupts me. "P'Pha, tell Yo that it isn't that bad to be selected as his department's moon. Ming was trying to tell him that he will be there too and that Yo won't be alone, but Yo thinks that it is the end of the world."

A smile slowly spreads across Pha's face as he turns to look at me. "You are the science moon?"

I slowly nod. "But I don't want it."

He wraps his arms around me and coos, "But I will be there too. This is perfect. Now, I don't have to go for hours without seeing you. I was really dreading this year's competition, but now, I'm fine. My baby is going to be there too."

Well, I guess if it makes Pha happy then it can't be all that bad, right. I slowly let my hatred for it melt away as Pha's happiness for me being a moon takes over. If Pha is happy, then I'm happy too.

Pha quickly pecks my cheek and then looks at Ming. "So, N'Ming, you are the engineering moon?"

Ming smiles and nods. "Yes, and I'm so excited."

Beam chuckles, "If I remember right, N'Ming, you were a playboy in high school. Being a moon will definitely increase your odds of getting girls' number, but don't let it go to your head. Ai'Pha still has people swooning over him everywhere we go."

Shane snorts, "I don't think the competition had anything to do with it. I wasn't there in high school when you P's were, but from the stories I heard, the three of you were worshipped. I know that Ming had a huge following too, but nothing like the three of you."

Kit huffs, "Worshipped? I wouldn't necessarily say that we were worshipped, but we always seemed to have people following us everywhere we went. Even now, we can't hardly go anywhere without someone posting something about it on university forum."

Beam smiles, "Or on our fan page."

Shocked, Shane chimes, "Wow! You have your own fan page now?"

Beam smiles even wider and nods. "Yep. Almost as soon as we got here, someone formed a fan page where they record everything about us, so if we stay in one place too long, people will start arriving. I'm sure that you nongs will have one too, if you don't already."

Wow! People are crazy. Who in the world would want to follow us around? Okay, we can be pretty funny from time to time, but that isn't a reason to follow us around. Really. People need to get a life.

Ming quickly chirps, "Do you think so?" Ming quickly turns towards me and eagerly pats my arm. "Yo, that will definitely help us in the moon competition. This is great!"

Okay, I think Ming has lost his mind. I don't want people posting what I'm doing, plus it is boring. I can just see it now. A picture of me walking into the bookstore and buying manga followed right behind with me sitting at restaurant eating while reading my new manga. Man, that is just so interesting. NOT! Come on people, get a life.

Pha calmly replies, "Well, as long as they know that N'Yo is mine and to not come close to him, I'm fine with it. Maybe I should give them a few pictures to show just how much Yo is mine."


Before I can ask, Pha pulls me even tighter against his side and when I look at him confused, he seizes the opportunity to softly kiss me. A nice sweet and gentle kiss that nearly has me melting into a pile of goo on the floor. I never realized that it could be like this. I dreamt about it, but this is so much more than I ever expected, and I love it.

Shane chuckles, "P'Pha, if you keep that up, your fans will soon hate Yo instead of love him, however you do need to let everyone know that you aren't into anyone but Yo."

Kit nods his head and hums, "N'Shane is right. Even though Ai'Pha hasn't dated anyone this last year, every time a girl stands next to him for more than 5 minutes or is seen with him more than once, everyone immediately assumes that they are dating."

Beam immediately snorts, "Then you have people that just put you and Ai'Pring together because you are the campus moon and star and we have classes together. I still have never seen anything other than friendship there and so I don't know why people keep trying to put you two together. Plus, I know that you only had N'Yo in your eyes and in your heart. No one else even stands a chance."

Kit adds, "I agree. Maybe now is a good time to set everyone straight."

Well, I really want to chase people away from Pha, but I'm not sure that we should go to any extreme to do it. I think we can handle it one at a time and sooner or later, everyone will know. I'm really not into big public announcements. I have had enough of that with my father and his business. I don't need to do that with my personal life too.

Pha looks at me lovingly and hums, "Maybe."

Shane quickly adds, "Well, don't worry to much about Yo. I think he can stand his ground, and Ming and I will be there for additional help."

Beam chirps, "Us too."

Well that makes me feel a little better. I knew that I wasn't alone, but hearing their support makes me happy.

My ears perk up when Ming turns towards Kit, who is sitting across from him, and asks, "P'Kit, are you going to be at the practices too?"

Kit instantly huffs, "Ai'Pha has already told us that we have to be. I think his exact words were, 'if I have to be there, then you do to'. Right, Ai'Beam?"

Chuckling, Beam nods. "Ai'Kitty, boss has given his orders and we have to follow."

I couldn't help but to chuckle lightly too. I still can't believe that these two call Pha boss. I had heard it a couple of times in high school, but it still makes me laugh every time I hear it. I still don't know why, but it does.

Instantly, Pha whines, "Hey, I didn't know that N'Yo and N'Ming were going to be in it this year and I needed you guys if this year's stars are as crazy as last year. I don't want another fight on my hands. It was embarrassing enough last year."

What? Fight? Stars? Did that really happen? Well, I know people can go crazy for my Pha, but I didn't think that they would fight over him like that. Okay, I knew that I may fight, but it wasn't something that I was willing to do right away and only after I had learned to fight myself and I got stronger. When I was a nerd, I would have never thought of doing it. I probably would have quietly just walked away if Pha had told me that he wasn't interested in me, but I'm a different person now and I know that Pha loves me.

Shocked, Shane suddenly blurts out, "Really? A couple of the stars got into a fight over P'Pha?"

Kit and Beam nod their heads. Kit slowly sighs and then looks at Pha. "This idiot, somehow, got a couple of the stars thinking that he was interested in them. Ai'Beam and I were right there with him the whole time and we still can't understand how it happened. I know that it was wishful thinking on their part, but it ended in a big cat fight and both the stars were expelled from the competition. Ai'Pha felt so bad that he even tried to quit the competition, but the seniors wouldn't allow it and we stuck like glue to him after that to prevent it from happening again."

Pha softly mumbles, "It was horrible, and I felt like it was all my fault."

Beam immediately barks, "Ai'Pha, it wasn't your fault. Who in their right mind would think helping a couple girls carry some bags and supplies would end up in that big of a mess? I'm a player and I'm done a lot, but I had never seen two girls jump to such a conclusion before. Saying 'sure I'll help' doesn't translate to 'oh baby, I like you' and 'will you be my girlfriend'. They were just crazy."

Well, I wasn't there, but knowing Pha, I'm sure he did help them. He was always helping people in high school, so it is no big surprise that he would continue that into college. If the stars were as crazy as some of the girls that I used to see following Pha, I'm sure things were misunderstood, and they were grabbing at anything that they could.

I softly add, "I will be there this time too, so I can also help."

Beam chuckles, "You may get a lot of hate too. As soon as they see Ai'Pha staring at our cute N'Yo, they may get jealous and want to push you out of the way, N'Yo. You better be prepared."

Shane sternly replies, "That is why I'm going to be there. I'll help to protect Yo."


Thank you stomach for breaking up this conversation. I really didn't want it to continue.

At the sound of my stomach's loud growl, everyone instantly turns and looks at me. Ming and Shane both chuckle, and Shane calmly says, "Well, if you don't want a fight here and now, we better get some food into Yo before his hungry beast takes over. That is not something that I usually let happen."

Ming chimes, "I agree. Let's get some food."

Posted April 22. 2019

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