Black Canary (2) β€’ boyxboy |...

By aestheticpale

32.3K 1K 45

Sequel of Black Canary "They say everyone's born a hero. But if you let it, life will push you over the line... More

Part 1
Part 2


511 22 1
By aestheticpale

Black Canary

"We have to get going Drake!" Slade says as the team meets me up in the same spot I was in, with Ra's deceased body lays on the ground.

"We're not going to leave you behind." Rene says wanting me to come with them. "You can't leave Will alone." He reminds me of the little kid and I remind myself that it would destroy him if I didn't come back home, but I can't come home without Ollie either.

"And I'm not going to leave Ollie behind either. He needs me." I say to them and they know that I'm stubborn and that there is not use of convincing me to go with them. "There's a small plane in the hangar that can fit all five of you. Take that and leave." I say to Slade and Felicity as they'll follow my commands as I play their team leader. The team nods and walks away not worrying about me as they should except for Slade.

"And what about you?" Slade grabs on to my arm being my protector as usual. I know he has these strong feelings for me and I wish I could give those feelings back to him, but my loyalty lies with Ollie.

"I'll figure a way out." I tell Slade reassuring him but he doubts it. "If I don't make it, please-"

"-Don't say that!" Slade says with tears in his eyes and I don't want him to be this way.

"Slade! Please! Take care of him. I haven't been the greatest parent to Will recently, but I know you will." I say proud of him for who he has become. He used to be as black and white as me during my dark days, but he's changed and accepted his humanity.

"We will." He corrects me and lets go of me and walks away following and leading the team into the hangar as he should. I then follow the path that Ollie took and follow him to get to him. I find him in this glass room where the floors are made of glass with the view of nothing but the cold Pacific Ocean.

I spot him standing in the middle having a meltdown. I walk into the room carefully and slowly as his mind is sensitive. The blimp begins to have a shutdown and it begins self destructing itself. This part of the blimp explodes and a giant piece of the ceiling almost falls on to Ollie.

"AAAAIEEEEEEEEEEEE." I scream throwing it off before it could land on him. I then run towards Ollie trying to hurry him up.

"You know me!" I say carefully to Ollie and Ollie looks at me with anger and throws a hard punch at my chest pushing me back.

"No I don't!" He shouts aggressively.

"Ollie. You've known me your whole life! Laurel, Sara, Thea... Ollie we all grew up together!" I say trying to remind him of his value of family. That's all that he cared about, was starting a family.

"Shut up!" He screams and then throws another punch at me and I hold his fist and push him off not wanting to hurt him. He continues having his meltdown breathing hard and having a crisis.

"I'm not going to fight you Ollie. I love you." I say and the more that I say it, the more that I don't believe it anymore. The ship continues to explode itself and it's only a couple of minutes before we're under the ocean.

Ollie growls and then tackles me down to the glass floor. "You're my target." He says switching back to Al Sah Him and begins to punch me multiple times. My face begins to bleed as every punch hurts more and more and I feel myself swell up. Ollie then stops before making the last punch that could end me switching back to himself.

"Then finish it." I respond back to him, testing him once again. He didn't kill me last time, and this time I know he won't. I then see another explosion and this one is closer causing a big part of the blimp to begin falling from behind Ollie. "I just wish we had more time." I repeat what Ollie last told me before all of this happened. Ollie stares at me recognizing that sentence and as he does, the giant piece falls next to us cracking the entire glass and I fall through the sky and slap into the ocean.

My body begins to sink down deep as I'm too weak to swim back up. As I begin to lose my breath I see a dark figure swim down to me and grab on to me. The figure brings me back up to the surface and lays me down on a flat piece of debris. I roll over to see Ollie floating on the debris besides me as he's half in the water and half on the debris.

"You came back." I say weakly as I lay down on the debris on my back staring at Ollie with a small smile. He looks at me recognizing me finally and touches my wet hair, moving it away from my face.

"I remembered." He says and I watch the blimp crash into the ocean on fire as the bomb won't detonate. It'll just die in the ocean, forever to stay inactive. We're miles away from the coast of Star City, with no way back home, and no one able to find us. I give my hand out to Ollie to hold on and Ollie takes my hand holding on to it, tight.I begin to pass out, becoming cold and weak unable to keep myself warm. We'll die together.

"It's almost Christmas." I remind myself knowing that I'm not at home with Will like I should be. These last weeks have been crazy and my present for Will is hiding in my bedroom closet. I won't be there to see him tomorrow morning to celebrate Christmas Eve with him.

My breathing begins to get slow and I look over at Ollie who is passed out already. I close my eyes trying to focus on staying alive and as I do, I feel myself create an energy that I never knew that I could harness. I feel a strong connection with Diana, Wonder Woman, and sense her in her apartment in Washington D.C. I hear her say my name as she senses me with her.

"Diana." I breathe out as my last words for a call for help. The connection then fades away and minutes later I spot two figures fly over me and Ollie. The fire from the blimp lights up the figures and I recognize Superman and Wonder Woman floating over us.

"They're still alive." Kal says to Diana and picks up Ollie in his arms as Diana picks me up in her arms. I pass out completely on Diana's arms not being able to remember what happens afterwards.

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