Sealed With a Kiss

By To_Kill_A_Bookworm

2M 64.5K 6.1K

Poppy White is nothing more than a simple Brooklyn girl...until the day she inherited 1.15 billion dollars. T... More

Eleven Part I
Eighteen Part I
Fall Favorites
Eighteen Part II
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Winter Favorites So Far
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five Part I
Twenty Five Pt. II
Twenty Five Pt. III
Twenty Five Pt. IV
Twenty Six Pt. I
Maid of Dishonor Preview
Twenty Six Pt. II
Twenty Six Pt. III
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One Pt. I
Thirty One Pt. II
A rant on Wattpad Titles & More
Thirty Two Pt. I
Thirty Two Pt. II
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Note From Me About Ch.33

Eleven Part II

49.5K 1.4K 179
By To_Kill_A_Bookworm

XI: Date Night Part II

COLE RICHMOND IS MANY THINGS. He's arrogant and cocky. But he's also incredibly sweet and caring and understanding. He's sexy and charming and funny. He makes me think un-ladylike thoughts and his infectious energy made away with my inhibitions. He makes me brave and bold and the yes, even promiscuous. He' s like the bite of a snake and the antidote at the same time.

He's...he's early. Like an hour and a half early!

Quickly smoothing down the skirt of the cocktail I'd changed into for the occasion, I nervously let out a little squeal and gathered my things. Okay, phone, gloss, little purse whose proper term I don't actually know...All set!

Taking my time to go down the stairs, I mentally gave myself a pep talk. But once my heel-clad feet touched the last step, I realized I was alone.

"Miss Poppy," Ingrid said coming into the room. "There is a gentleman waiting outside for you."

"Thank you!" I said suddenly relieved. Yanking open the door, I stepped out and walk towards the parked town car. The driver came around and opened the door for me as I attempted to gracefully (and failling) maneuver myself into the car.

On the leather seat beside me was a note handwritten on thick stationary.

I would have picked you up myself but the paparazzi are everywhere. Meet you here.


A small smile lit up my face as the car lunged gently forward. Wherever "here" is, it won't really matter. Just the who.

WE'VE BEEN DRIVING FOR OVER AN HOUR. Wherever it is that I'm meeting Cole, it must be out of the city.

Finally after another fifteen minutes we arrived and I eagerly looked out of the darkly tinted windows.

We were out of the city alright. Very, very far out of the city. We were in what appeared as abandoned acres in the outskirts of New York City.

The door was opened for me and I stepped out in confusion. Looking around I searched for a familiar head of unruly blond curls but couldn't find him anywhere. Or anyone for that matter.

"This way, miss." I nodded and walked towards a large shed a few yards from the car. Stepping inside, my eyes widened at the sight before me.

Cole came jogging in my direction and kissed me lightly on the cheek. "Great, you made it."

"W-What is that?" I asked in utter awe. I was much too preoccupied to acknowledge how edible Cole looked in an all black tux with the collar popped open.

"That, Poppy," he said swinging his arm around my shoulder and leading me forward, " Is Marvin."

An incredulous laugh passed my lips, "You names your airplane Marvin?" It was so absurd!

"Actually, It's a jet not an airplane. But yes, I named him Marvin."

"And why, may I ask, am I meeting Marvin?" Cole stopped walking and stepped in my line of vision.

"Because, we're taking him out for a spin." My jaw fell slack.

"No, absolutely not! I am not going anywhere with you driving a jet."

He rolled his eyes. "There's a pilot. He's quite good, actually. He's never once allowed me to fly Marvin, even when I threatened to fire him."

Cole saw my shocked expression and laughed, "Pops, I'm totally kidding."

I let out a huge breath and hesitantly let him guide me towards Marvin. "Don't I need my passport or something? How are we just going to take off for wherever it is that you're taking me to?"

He  rolled his eyes, "Passports are for people flying out of an airport. We are taking a private jet."

"Well, okay..." Cole took my hand and helped me up the stairs to the jet. The inside was like I imagined it would be. Spacious, luxurious, and like something straight out of a movie.

Cole gestured for me to have a seat. "I'll tell the captain we're ready for takeoff."

Cole disappeared and for a second I just let myself acknowledge the fact that I was actually on a jet. I was wearing a dress designed by someone whose name I can't pronounce and being served white wine and appetizers by a man that had a startling resemblance to the butler from The Parent Trap.

I, Poppy White, was on a date with the infamous Cole Richmond. And not only were we flying somewhere but it seemed like an everyday occurrence to him. He named a jet, for fucks sake!

This was...exhilarating. I felt giddy and drunk with anticipation, and when Cole came back from speaking to the Captain I couldn't hold back the smile that formed on my lips.

He was growing on me, and what's worse is I'm not worried one bit.

I BIT DOWN ON MY LIP NERVOUSLY. For the past half hour since we landed I've been sitting in the plush leather seat interior of another car blindfolded. I could feel his eyes on me, no doubt taking in the high neck and keyhole cut-out of my dress exposing my back.

"I can't believe I let you blindfold me." He gave a throaty chuckle and leaned forward. Or at least that's what I think he did because I could suddenly smell his intoxicating cologne better.

I felt his breath tickle my neck and I very nearly melted on the spot. His feather-soft lips traced the high neckline of the dress, making my heart beat like a hummingbird on cocaine.

I fidgeted in my seat. As great as his touch felt, I was wary of what he would do. My sight was lost and all my other senses intensified.

"This dress suits you," he said quietly. I tensed as his fingers slid up the outside of my bare leg. "You look amazing."

I blushed. "Hmm this blush. You reden so easily."

I felt his fingertips touch my cheek and trickle down to my collarbone. "If I remember correctly, this blush of yours goes all the way down to--"

"Sir," the voice of the driver said interrupting Cole. I let out a breath when Cole's touch left my skin, and sat anxiously tugging at the hem of the short dress. "We're here."

The driver came and opened the door. A cold breeze instantly hit my hot skin and the sound of cars honking and pedestrians assaulted my ears. On wobbly legs, I allowed the driver and Cole to help me out. "Will you take the blindfold off now?"

"No," Cole said playfully. "Not until we're inside." Taking my hand he pulled me forward. I couldn't hold back the giggle that bubbled out past my lips. Everything with Cole was so peculiar. Even something that should have been so normal as a first date. 

"Careful, there's some steps." Gripping on to the cold, iron bar next to me, and with the help of Cole's hand in my other one, I ascended the concrete steps. 

"Almost there." I smiled and nodded, staying quiet to listen to the noise of what I assumed was a highly metropolitan city. I wondere where we are...

"Okay, last step. Now walk forward." 

"Just don't let me trip," Cole chuckled and guided me forward clutching my waist and elbow. 

"Mr. Richmond, Miss White, it's a pleasure," an unknown voice said. "Please, come in."

Cole and the man exchanged pleasantries before they both began walking.

My feet felt the change. Instead of the dull, roughness of concrete, my heels now skitted over smooth linolium. I could no longer feel the cold breeze outside, and I think I smelled food. Had Cole flown me out just for dinner? 

"The whole place has been rented out. Enjoy your night, sir. " the man said bidding us goodbye. Cole thanked him and then lead me away. The only noise was the tip tap of my heels, the noise ricocheing off the high walls. It was quiet, not at all what you would expect a bussy restaurant to sound like. 

"Okay, ready?" Cole said stopping. I nodded, eager to see where he's taken me.

I felt his presence behind me, and after untying the satin blindfold, he slipped the fabric off my face. 

A gasp left my lips as my eyes swept around the room in awe. "Are we...Are we in the Art Institute?"

Cole lagged behind as I ran forward like a child in a candy store, eyeing the beautiful pieces on display illuminated by the soft lights. The hallways were dark for the most part, bringing focus to the art as it should. 

I froze when I spotted my favorite of Joan Mitchell's work. City Landscape was roughly a seven foot oil painting on linen. The mess of pale pink, scarlet, mustard, sienna, and black hues was what had made me fall in love with it the second I'd seen it in a photograph in my contemporary art class. The overwhelming awe I felt unpon laying eyes on City Landscape is indescribable. 

"Not to sound like an idiot," Cole said behind me. He laid his chin on my shoulder and there we both stood gazing ahead. "But what is it?"

"Do you see the intricate weaving of the colors? It's supposed to be the arteries of a city just as they would be for a human body."

I laughed when Cole tipped his head to the side with a bewildered expression on his adorable face. "Oil on linen" he said reading the caption. "Are you sure she didn't just smear paint on a tablecloth?"

A loud chortle escaped my lips at his silliness. Spinning around, I threw my arms over him laughing. "Thank you for bringing me here. It's the most thoughtful first date I've ever been on."

Cole's grip tightened on my waist, "You're welcome, Poppy."

Pulling back a little with a huge smile on my face, I asked, "How did you know?" I never once mentioned that I've always wanted to visit the Art Institute of Chicago. I would have settled for coming to see it amongst the other art aficionados but Cole had rented the place out after closing. It was just the two of us surrounded by beautiful painting after beautiful painting.

Cole suddenly look sheepish. "I um asked around. I never would have guessed you have a masters in Art History."

My smile morphed into a teasing one, "Oh. You asked about me huh? Does that translate to 'I had you investigated'?"

"I-I" Cole said stuttering. I laughed and hugged him again.

"Joking. This is so amazing, thank you."

Cole placed a soft kiss on my temple. "Come on, show me all your favorites. I want to see through your eyes tonight."

Taking his hand, I walked backwards with a smile so big it hurt my cheeks. "Stop dragging your feet, Cole! We've got so much to see!"

He gave me a mock salute and picked up the pace, "Yes, ma'am."

WE SPENT HOURS THERE. Laughing, teasing, admiring art. I felt so happy I felt like I would burst at the seams with it.

Cole had been a perfect gentleman, not once trying anything and letting me enjoy my visit. Well, except for his joke about shacking up in the European Renaissance collection.

After exploring the museum, we went up to the roof cheerfully. My heels were hooked on my index and middle fingers and my other hand was wrapped in Cole's as we went up the staircase.

When Cole pulled the door aside, I stepped out into the crisp Chicago air and stared at the awfully romantic scene before me. Overlooking downtown Chicago was a small round table on the roof. It was all bautifully arranged, complete with red wax candles and a bottle of champagne left out to breathe.

"Sorry, It's a little cooler than I thought it was going to be," Cole said draping his jacket over my shoulders. "Come, I'm starved."

The growl of my stomach agreed and I let Cole tow me over to the table. Pulling my chair out with a cheesy smile, I played along and did a little curtsy. "Why thank you, good sir!"

He gave a snort at the pompous tone I'd adopted. "My pleasure, m'lady." I laughed at his sorry attempt at a British accent and threw my fabric napkin at him.

"Don't make fun of my accent!" He caught it easily and faked shock.

"I would never!" He took a seat.

The door opened and out came the butler from the jet. Cole looked up and his eyes lit up as he eyed the man wheel a cart over. The butler whose name I learned is Samuel placed a tray with a vaulted dome in front of both of us and excused himself.

"Ladies first, " Cole said watching me with a smile.

"Alright," I said easily, and lifting the dome. Instead of finding ridiculously small food portions, a white takeout bag was underneath the cover. I laughed and looked up questioningly.

"We're in Chicago," Cole said diving into his bag,"Of course we're having Portillo's!"

I laughed again and followed suite, plunging my hands into the bag to take out a wrapped sandwich. "This is my favorite part of the city. When I'm in a desperate need of a Italian beef I fly out here just to make a Portillo's run."

"You, Cole Richmond, are ridiculous!" I unwrapped the bread and took a bite. "Hmmm but I can see why the two hour journey is so worth it, this is delicious!"

"Toldja," he said taking another bite.

It might not have been a romantic dinner in an expensive, exclusive restaurant, but this was even better.

By far, this was the best first date of my life.

IT WAS SIX IN THE MORNING BUT I COULDN'T BE MORE AWAKE. We were currently on our way back to New York City, and I sat peacefully snuggled up beside Cole with his jacket around me.

"Poppy?" Cole asked in a whisper.

"Hmmm?" I said lifting my head.

He paused for a long time and I raised my head of his shoulder to look at him. His eyes said he wanted to say something, but when his lips parted he asked me another of the million questions he's asked me tonight.

"I know you have a masters in Art history, but what exactly do you want to do with your degree?"

"I thought about teaching but I know I would be God awful. I worked in a gallery for a few years but the owner was the biggest arsehole on this side of the world."

"What gallery?"

"89 Designs," I said in a small voice. "But it's not like you didn't already know since you had me investigated."

I laughed softly at Cole's groan, "I did not!:

"Sure you didn't."

Cole rolled his eyes and raised his hand to play with my hair. "Have you ever thought of opening your own gallery?"

"What?" I said incredulously. "That--I...No I don't think I could."

"Why not?"

I let his question sink in. What was stopping me? Not the money, I had more money than I could ever think of spending. I had a degree and I had the time.

I just never thought I could ever have life at my feet, every possibility suddenly possible.

"I'm serious," Cole said shifting. "You should consider it. Nothing except you is holding you back."

I smiled up at him and closed my eyes as I let my head fall back on his shoulder. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For tonight. And for believing in me." He pressed his lips gently against my forehead.

"I envy you sometimes," he said softly.



"You were also a better grandchild to my grandmother than I ever was."

I took his hand and squeezed hard. "You need to stop saying that. You're just as good if not better than I."

"That's not true. You have no obligations, no expectations are set for you. You're so lucky to not have been born into money. Every part of you is incorruptible."

"Cole, what do you mean by that?" I pulled back to look at him.

His icy eyes locked with mine and the most surreal feeling swept over me. I felt an immeasurable amount of sadness and regret seep into me from his eyes, and something else too. Longing I think. His eyes told me something his lips wouldn't say, but it was in a language I didn't understand.

"Poppy..." Cole began but was interrupted by the door opening.

"Sir, we've arrived." I glanced at the driver and gave him a small nod.

"I had a great time. Thank you." He looked like he wanted to say something so I opened my mouth and blurted out, "Do you want to come in?"

Cole nodded with a solemn look on his face. I decided then that I didn't like him void of his silly, carefree smirks. Taking his hand, we climbed out of the car and up the steps to the door.

Stepping into the townhouse, I slipped off my coat and threw it on the chair by the entrance. "What were you going to say before?"

Cole took a deep breath. "I'm scared you'll hate me," he said in a voice so quiet I almost didn't hear him.

"I could never hate you." His head snapped up and his gaze met mine. With eyes so unsure and afraid, he watched me watch him. His face hardened for a moment, and the next thing I knew Cole's mouth was on mine.

His kiss was hard and intense. His hands pulled my hair and clutched my waist hard enough to bruise. He walked backwards, his tongue fighting with my own as he pinned me against the wall.

My legs wrapped around his waist. His mouth moved down to my neck but finding he couldn't work around the high collar he undid the clasp from the back. His tongue met the skin on my collarbone and my grip tightened on his hair.

I heard my phone ring from the chair besides us. "Let it ring," Cole muttered.

I clutched his shoulders as he slid the fabric of my dress further down to pool around my hips. A shaky breath escaped me when his lips traced the outline of my bra. His teeth latched onto the strap and he pulled it down.

My phone rang again and again,  and I all but groaned in irritation. "Just ignore it."

Cole's fingers were around the front clasp of my bra when there was the unmistakable sound of knocking.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." I untangled my legs and dropped down to my feet. Fixing my dress, I gave Cole a kiss and sighed. "Sorry."

He nodded and I turned away from the haunted look that was back in his eyes.

I had barely opened the door when Felicity and D.W. came stumbling inside.

"Poppy," Darcy said with an angry expression, "We've been calling you all night."

"Why are you wearing a dress at six thirty in the morning?" Poppy asked but Darcy ignored her.

"Never mind that. Poppy, I had a PI look into Olivia and your father. It turns out he made a deposit in the bank for fifteen grand last week. The check was made by Albert Fields."

"Who's Albert Fields?" I asked in a confused tone.

"My mother's assistant." I turned and watched as Cole approached us with his hands in his pockets.

Darcy glared at Cole. "Precisely. We have no solid proof yet, but it appears as though Olivia Richmond-Prescott is setting Poppy up."

He looked down and sighed. "I know."

"What?!" Felicity hissed. "What the hell, Cole?"

I stared silently staring at him until he sensed my eyes and looked up. "You-You knew?"

His face looked pain, "Poppy..."

"You knew? You knew and you let me go on being a part of your mother's games? How could you do this to me?"

He said nothing. He didn't need to. I strutted up to him and pulled my arm back to slap his across the face.

He didn't even wince.

"You were right. You're not a good person, Cole Richmond. You're nothing like Mina; you're just like your mother."

Without another word I turned and ran up the stairs. I locked myself in my room and slid down the door holding myself tight.

Hot, wet tears ran fast. My sobs shook me. My misery consummed me. My embarassement, however, was much greater.

He knew this whole time and he didn't tell me.

His mistake was not being his mother's son; it was lying to my face.

My mistake was not trusting Cole. It was taking the money in the first place.

We all have to live with our mistakes.

A/N: Chapter 11 really should have been split into three parts but whatever. This is just a massive upload. Don't worry, It's not over. Far from it.

Vote and comment if you liked this. Sorry for the mistakes. Just ignore them.

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