Taming Life: Revelation (Book...

By inhaleyou

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Read to find out. Book 4 of Taming Life series More

Chapter 1: Snakes
Chapter 2: After Us
Chapter 3: A Million Pieces
Chapter 4: I Hope
Chapter 5: Unbeknownst
Chapter 6: Operation Bloods
Chapter 7: Operation 12
Chapter 8: I'm the Boss
Chapter 9: Divorced My Husband
Chapter 10: Happy King Day
Chapter 11: Just Best Friends
Chapter 12: More Than Best Friends
Chapter 13: New Life
Chapter 14: Us Time
Chapter 16: Last One
Chapter 17: Final Try
Chapter 18: Forever and a Day
I'm Listening
Chapter 19: Back Together
Chapter 20: Dear God
Chapter 21: Fidelity
Chapter 22: Father and Son
Chapter 23: My Other Half
Chapter 24: Beginning of Time (Epilogue)
Chapter 25: It Started With a Word (Epilogue)

Chapter 15: Vacation

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By inhaleyou

Rome, Italy. Friday August 20 @ 8:32 pm

The St. Regis Rome - 5 star hotel

Arriving at the hotel, the ladies were greeted with a beautiful decor at the penrhouse suite they paid for. It wasn't the usual hotel they were use to, but a more lavish and exquisite decor and well defined and detail furniture and upholstery. Gracing their nostrils were midnight rose scents, allowing them to feel comfortable and more relax than they were.

Natalia, Reagan, Reign and Jasmine decided on taking a vacation a few months back, leaving their significant other and their kids. Reagan however, thought it would be fun to invite Mercedes and Kamilla as well Claire, their cousin, to enjoy their one day stay in Rome, Italy, just to blow off some steam and get their minds right.

At this current moment, the ladies were now having dinner in the huge living room while holding a decent conversation and catching up with each other.

"She's okay. We found out that she has asthma and it scared Ethan." Jasmine spoke about her baby girl, Justice.

"How did he react when y'all knew the gender?"

"He was happy." she smiled. "During my pregnancy he said he always wanted a girl. Twin girls for that matter. Then when we found out the gender, he couldn't stop crying."

"Awwww." they cooed.

"He's actually happy i left though because now he have her all to himself."

"Did you ever tell mom and dad about your pregnancy?" Reign ask.

"No. I'm still scared."

"Of what Jas?"

"That they would hate me and judge me again."

"First of all. That's a damn lie. They never hated or judged you. They were just disappointed."

"Exactly. I even spoke to Jay at that time and she was ranting about how she wanted you to come back home, but your dad wouldn't let you." Kamilla spoke.

"I'll tell them soon." Jasmine said.

"Come on. They would already figured it out. They've been pregnant more than 5 times already. Maybe they know, but are just waiting on you."

"Either way, i don't think you should hide this from them. Especially mom."

"I'll tell her."

"Take your time. How about you Claire? We haven't heard from you ever since you left for college."

"I've been good."

"You look good physically... But not mentally. You wanna talk? That's why we're here right? To catch up and clear our minds."

Claire looked at Kamilla and Mercedes before looking at Reign, then down at her hands.

"I don't know." she mumbled and they frowned, sensing that she really wasn't okay.

"We haven't introduced you guys. So Reign, you already know Mercedes and Kamilla. Claire, this is our sister Reign, Nas wife, Mercedes and Jacion's wife Kamilla."

"Nice to meet you." they spoke, taking their time to shake each other's hand.

"It's okay Claire. You can trust us. We don't judge because no matter what you're going through, someone has got your back." Reign assured her.

"Thank you." she gave her a small smile. "So life as a doctor has been fun. I have my own life but it's just so dull."

"Realtionship wise?" Mercedes ask.

"Yeah. I was trying to make it work with my first boyfriend but we both weren't on the same page eversince he started asking me for sex."

"What do you mean?" Natalia ask.

"Well he's a surgeon, we met at a convention. We both had the same goals and plans. We saw each other in our future. We've been together for 2 years without sex and he seems to never have a problem with it. But as we were approching our anniversary in our third year, he ask me if i was confortable with having sex with him and i said no."

"Is there a reason for that?" Kamilla ask.

"Uhm yeah... I- i w-..." she sighed, causing Natalia and Reagan to look away, knowing her reason. "I was molested when i was six years old."

"I'm sorry to hear." they spoke.

"Yeah. He uhm... He started asking over and over, non stop and i would tell him no. We had a heated argument about it where it got physical and i stabbed him. I went to my mom and my uncle was there at the time. And he was saying that i should tell him about it. I was scared to give my ex my reason because it took me a long while to accept that it actually happen. When i went home that same day, i told him about it. To think that he would understand and sorta comfort me, he left." she chuckled bitterly. "He packed his things, and left. 3 years of our relationship went down the drain just because of his selfish needs. I saw him a few times in the city and when i would try to talk to him, to explain myself more, he would avoid me. The last time i saw him, he was with a girl... And she was pregnant, and engaged."

"Oh my." they gasp.

"Im okay though." she smiled. "I'm single and I'm okay with that."

"It's not healthy Claire. Don't you want kids?" Natalia ask.

"I do. I always wanted a family but i-"

"You're scared." Reign finished her sentence. "I've been there before and i understand what you went through and is going through right now."

"I want to try another relationship again but i don't wanna chose the wrong person."

"There is no wrong person just like there is no perfect person. You just gotta hope for the best."

"Thanks. Enough about me. What about you Reign?"

"Hella shit. Will and i are working to get pregnant."

"Baby number 3?"

"Yeah. We're hoping for a boy this time. He's loving the thought of being a stay at home dad while manging Raheema and Wrylie. Can you believe he got my babies into football and gymnastics?"

"Awww." they cooed in unison.

"No. No aww. I wanted to take them first. Its not fair. And he's even in the mom squad." she frowned.

"Lets just appreciate the fact that their dad got them into those beautiful activities. Its rare to see fathers indulging in those stuff."

"I agree with Lea. Look at it this way. You have your beautiful family at home and while you're working, your husband cooks and cleans while taking care of y'all daughters. Then you come home to a clean house, dinner and a husband waiting up with your bath water. Ain't it so?"

"It is. I think i over reacted."

"Overreacctttt?" Claire said and they laughed.

"Well for me, I'm in Reigns shoe, minus the stay at home dad part. I'm actually 2 months pregnant..

"Nooo." Natalia whined. "That means we have to limit your drinking intake."

"Aren't you a dentist? What you know about drinking?"

"Enough to know that chromogens attach to tooth enamel that's been compromised by the acid inalcohol and it stains your teeth. In that case, we must drink our alcohols with straw."

The girls started laughing.

"What? It's facts."

"Alright alright. Congrats Jada." Mercedes giggled.

"Thanks." she spoke, receiving huge amounts of congratulations.

"As for me, Jacion and i are having problems getting pregnant." Kamilla said.


"No no."

"I wanted another baby but he's saying no."

"Y'all still have 2 kids right?"

"Yeah. And they're in highschool. We had a break two weeks ago and i was trying to convince him but you know him."

"Stubborn." they all said together.

"His reason was that he wouldn't have the time for another child."

"But y'all had kids over 10 years ago. He's doing too much." Claire spoke.

"I know. I guess i gotta wait until he's ready."

"Meanwhile, i can't get pregnant." Mercedes spoke.

"Why not?"

"The accident i was in couple years ago. I have to wait until my spine is fully realigned and sturdy enough before i can actually have another child."

"Does Nas know?"

"Yeah. He always take me to the doctor. If i look uncomfortable for one second, he's quick to take me to the doctor."

"Nasir loves you." they smiled.

"I remember when it was our birthday and mom had that dinner for us, we could hardly see him because he was all about you."

"Right. I guess it's bedtime guys."

"Bedtime? Shut up and tell us what's been going on with you Nat."


"Oop. You heard her." Kamilla sipped her wine.

"Oh well. I'm okay." she shrugged.

"Okayy?? It's something more than that. Stop playing. We're ranting here."

"Alright gosh." she rolled ber eyes after downing her vodka.

"So I've been talking to this guy. We're actually bestfriends."

"With benefit that is."

"Well i-"

They gasp.

"I was joking." Claire looked at her in disbelief. "Now that we know you back on the straight path..."

"Tell us more." Reign grinned.

"Okay so i really like him. Since recently, he brought me to Hawaii on a business trip with him. While he was out, i ended up seeing my ex- fiancé."

"Fill me in." Claire spoke.

"Her ex-fiancé was Martinique and was also her business partner." Jasmine spoke while eating a cherry.

"Got it."

"So she introduced me to her now fiancé, which is a guy and it seemed as if she spoke about me with him because he said he heard good things about me."

"I know you felt bad." Kamilla frowned.

"I did."

"But hold on. Her now fiancé? That means they've been seeing each other for a while. Aint no way someone could propose to a person that quick unless it was staged." Reagan said and they agreed. "Did you even got a little closure on why she left?"

"No. I ended up crying myself to sleep after i saw her. When he came back to the hotel, he told me that he love me and that he would wait for me even though i can't be in a relationship right now."

"Why not?"

"He thinks I'm not compatible because i don't know how it feels to be lonely."

"I agree. You've been jumping from relationship to realtionship. You've never been single for too long and the longest relationship you had was with your ex." Jasmine spoke.

"I know."

"I don't know him. But i agree with him a hundred percent." Claire said.

"Me too."

Natalia looked at Mercedes that was staring at her with a smirk.

"What?" she ask.

"There's more to it." Lea grinned.

"No there's not."

"You can't lie to me. How you described the situation just now, it sounded sentimental and romantic. Something definitely happened after that."

"How you know."

"All my ex's did it with me before. The night either ended with sex or something romantic. What happen?"

"Well yeah but i mean it wasn't much."

"I knew what happen." Jasmine said.

"No shit sherlock. What?" Natalia said.

"Y'all fucked. Periodt."

She stayed quiet, causing the girls mouth to drop in shock.

"You ain't no virgin no more!!" Reign said.

"I am. We just...."

"Just tell us what happen cause the suspense is killing me."

"We didn't have sex. We ended up going on the beach late that night and we got a little intimate. He said something to me and i kissed him then we went back up to our room and took a bath. I was scared but i ended up joining him. We laid in the bath a-"


"Yes. Naked." she rolled her eyes. "He was funny." she spoke softly while slowly swirling her fingers around the rim of her glass, thinking about that night. "He made me feel comfortable. The way he spoke as if he wouldn't hurt me. The way he touched me so delicately amazes me. Things got heated when he wanted to try something with me. I didn't know what he was doing since i was straddling his waist. He told me that it wouldn't hurt but it was only pleasure. I figured what he was gonna do when he held my waist and drew me up to his face." she spoke as if she was speaking to herself.

Looking up from her glass with a smile, her face flushed, seeing the girls looking at her in aww and Reagan crying.

"I'm sorry. I'm happy for my sister." Reagan sniffled, patting her face dry. "She's just so young, and..." she sighed, cauing the girls to laugh.

"You really like him huh?" Mercedes ask.

"I do. I haven't seen him after that though."

"Why not?"

"I'm scared. What if he doesn't want to see me?"

"That's dumb. The nigga basically ate you out. Why wouldn't he wanna see you?"

"He have been texting and calling me but I'm scared to reply."

"You know what your problem is? You're afraid of everything. Be bold."

"I'm scared."

Claire facepalm herself.

"What he said in the text?"

"He told me that he wanted to take me to the movies and i didn't reply. Then he told me about a trip to Nevada and wanted me to come, i didn't reply and he wrote me a paragraph telling me that if he passed any boundaries that night, he wasn't sorry and that he wanted to see me. He also told me that he loved me and to call or text him whenever i can."

"Now that's a man. Nigga basically bowing at your feet."

"I mean he's white so."

"There's nothing wrong with that." Claire spoke.

"Go and see that man."

"I will. I'm actually going back to work Monday so I'll see him on my lunch break."

"You know what we need?" Kamilla intervened.


"A comeback photo."

"A what?"

"Comeback photo. Tomorrow when we're going to the pool, we'll take a group photo, add our location, tag each other in the photo and top it off with a nicki minaj lyric each."

"That would be so cute."

"Uh- uh. Nope. What's not cute is that I'm pregnant. I don't want to have a pudge in that photo."

"Shut up. We'll make sure the angle for you is good."

"Aite. Let's call it a night y'all." Mercedes sighed.

"Tomorrow is our last day. We're gonna shop, party and do that 'comback photo tomorrow'." she said and they laugh while getting up.

"Why couldn't we stay longer?" Jasmine whined.

"We got kids, husbands and a boyfriend to tend to." Mercedes stretched.

"See y'all in the morning." Kamilla yawned.

They shared their goodnights before heading off to their separate rooms to get ready for bed.

The next day

Six thirty-four in the morning and the girls were already up. While they were all getting ready to start their eventful day, Mercedes was finishing up breakfast after setting the table. Meanwhile, she was on a business call with her boss, which was Jaimee. She placed the phone on the counter while it was on speaker since she was busy in the kitchen.

"The database will set to collect records more easier instead of using a book. The only time the book will be used is when our employees arrive at work, and leave work. Then after work hours, you'll have to input that data, in the system." Jaimee explained.

"Got it. What about when customers come to the shop?" Mercedes ask while turning the stove off and carrying the trays to the table.

"Yes that part." she flipped a few pages. "There will also be a database that collects and displays their name, the date and time of which they came in, what they got done and the price. We had an accident the other day that almost cost me."

"What happen?"

"A customer had her hair done last week and yesterday her husband came, yelling and shit. I had to hurry down there. Apparently, he gave her money to get her hair and nails done for their anniversay but instead, she got her hair done and spent the money she got for her nails, to put towards a new birkin bag. The husband almost jump my worker because he thought she was lying on his fucking wife. Luckily, Keyeion was there."

"What he did?" he held the phone at her ear, seeing the girls decending the stairs.

"The usual." Jaimee shrugged.

"What's the usual?" Mercedes giggled.

"He just shot him. Thats all." she spoke casually.

"Woowww. I'm not even gonna question it."

"Yeah. It might put a strain on business but i have to release a statement to the press soon. So when you go to work, please update the system. I'm sending someone to get the database started so you can use it. You're the only person that's suppose to have access to the database so once the employee write down that information, you're suppose to enter the data before locking up and leaving."

"Got it."

"No cell phone. It's called a vacation for a reason."

"Is that Claire? Lea where are you?" Jaimee ask.

"I uhh..." she spoke, looking at they girls who were giving her a look. "Out?"

"Sounds like you're asking me where you are."

"Well i-"

"It's fine. Have fun in Rome babes. Remember to do what i ask. Love you." Jaimee spoke before hanging up, causing her to fold her lips.

"Mom knows everything. I wonder how she do it sometimes." Reagan spoke with bacon in her mouth.

"Let's say grace. Who's blessing the table?"

"I'll go." Claire spoke. "Please join hands." she waited until Mercedes was seated, joining her hands with Kamilla and Reign. "Dear lord." she started. "As we are about to consume this beautiful meal that you have provided, i ask you to bless the hands that prepared it, and keep everyone healthy. I ask that you reign a blessing on us this morning and give each and every one of us a peace of mind that we need. Father, you are mighty and strong to sustain our bodies. Thank you for the meal we are about to enjoy. Forgive us for forgetting how many pray for food to relieve their starvation. Bless and relieve the starvation of those who hunger, Lord, and inspire our hearts to seek out ways that we can help from our abundance. In Jesus name,"

"Amen." they spoke in unison.

As they began to make their plates, they spoke about how good the breakfast was as well as the plans they had for they day, and what they will be doing when they go home to their family.

Once they were finish eating, they cleaned up together and left to go shopping. They ended up purchasing bath suits they thought were cute and a few souvenirs.

They were currently at the pool laying on the sunbed under an umbrella, while sipping on some apple juice and vodka.

"Y'all know mom's pregnant right?" Natalia ask and they looked at her.

"Again? She's fertile as fuck."

"Leave my mom alone. God gave her the opportunity to multiply." Reign spoke.

"I agree. Maybe this will be her last child. Who knows."

"Yeah. And all her kids are cute." Kamilla bit her lips and Mercedes smile.

"We're just gonna pretend we didn't see that." Jasmine shook her head.

"All her kids are cute forreal. But i gotta ask, who took the crown?" Reagan flipped her hair, waiting for an answer.

"King." they said at the same time.

"What? He's just a baby." she frowned.

"Baby or not, he's fine as hell. He's gonna get all the girls when he's in high school."

"Dad said mom cried because when she found out that two girls from his class like him."


"He's gonna be such a heartbreaker."

"Right? He's such a character. King gotta be my favorite brother."

"I agree." Natalia and Reign spoke.

"Girls lets take the photo. The photographer's ready. Tallest at the back and to the sides, kneeling on the sunbed, and the shortest in the middle." Mercedes spoke while kneeling beside Reagan.

"Are you ladies ready?"


"Is my pudge showing?" Reagan ask.

"Pudge? You're pregnant?" he ask.

"I don't look pregnant?"


"Okay good. Just make sure i got that flat flat."

"Yes ma'am." he chuckled while adjusting his camera.

He took more than one photo before showing them so they could chose the ones they like.

"I'll send them to you once they have been edited. Which will take me 30 minutes to an hour."

"Thank you. You know my social handle."

"Yes ma'am." he spoke before leaving.

"So what happens after this?" Natalia ask while laying beside Jasmine.

"We wait for the photo but in the meantime, think of a caption from any Nicki song." she sighed while laying back on the bed.

Soon, they ended up leaving to go back to their hotel room since they wanted to rest.


What y'all think about the girls ranting?

Anything surprised you?


The book is almost finished.

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