Scanned- A reader x IQ story

By WriterPig125

108K 774 1.7K

Y/n Bosak is the adopted brother of Zofia and Ela Bosak. After being an orphan on the streets of Berlin until... More

1st Day off, Part 2/Carnival
First Day
The Date
Up and Running
A/n #1
Baby, Again?
Family Reunion?
The acog's and the red dots
Happy Birthday Marius!
Noobies? Part 2
Pool Day
Story Preview
Ability (Gun Fist!)
Operation Stinging Nettle
Big Day
Closing Chapter

1st Day Off, Part 1

7.4K 52 179
By WriterPig125

I awoke to the feeling of a radiance of warmth all around me. I opened my eyes to see Monika's pink pajama clad arms wrapped around my waist. This is very uncomfortable and awkward. She must've moved her bed and rolled in her sleep, as I fell asleep on the close edge of the bed.

I tried poking Monika in the side lightly to wake her up, but it was to no avail. She just rolled closer to me, our bodies nearly touching. I got very weirded out, so I blew on her face.

Monika opened her eyes to have her face pressed up against your chest. "Hey Y/n, how did you like sleeping with me?" She says, a light, tired smile running across her face. "I didn't" you reply. "We didn't sleep together, and somehow you ended up around me. I swear to god I did not touch you at all."

Monika, still smiling- Nevermind that, I purposely moved our beds closer. I like to be able to sprawl out when I sleep. And as for why I was wrapped around you, that is because Marius came into the room asking for cupcakes. I thought he had fallen into a deep sleep. Turned out he was still super drunk and he rubbed his body up against my sheets, so it all smelled of alcohol. It was disgusting, so I had to remove all of my sheets. I got cold in the night and ended up wrapping myself around you to be warm. You'd make a really good penguin and you really are cute when you sleep." Monika smiled and Y/n slightly blushed. Y/n gently pushes Monika off of him so that they are not touching, and hops out of bed.

Monika- What'cha doin?"

Y/n, rummaging through his duffel bag- Getting changed.

Monika- Ok.

Y/n proceeds to take off his shirt, his shorts, and change into a clean new pair of sweatpants and a hoodie for a Polish college.

Y/n, turning around after changing- All right Monika, I'm done changing, you can go change now."

Monika walks to the corner of the room and begins to take her shirt off.

Y/n can see her through the mirror he is brushing his hair in."Monika, I can see you changing through the mirror, but I need to comb my hair. Why don't you move so I don't seem like a horny teenager?" "Whatever. I don't care. Just keep doing your hair." Monika looks at the mirror and angles herself so that she is in view of it the most she could possibly be. You decide to say nothing.

Monika then takes off her shorts and is now wearing solely a bra and panties. She begins to swivel back and forth, making sure to put her whole body in plain view of the mirror. Y/n, realizing what Monika is doing, drops his comb and covers his eyes.

"Y/n, why are you covering your eyes? Is it because you have never seen a girl in a bra before?"

Y/n, eyes still covered-"No. Remember I have two older sisters. I used to share a room with Elżbieta. You said not to look at you."

Y/n can hear light footsteps coming up to him, and then gentle hands pulling his hand from over his eyes. "No, I said not to abuse the privilege of being able to look at me. Now is a time when I want you to look at me. How do I look?"

Her pale body is radiating in the sunlight coming from the window, her beautiful build backed by the sun.

Monika gives a very cute face to Y/n. He looks down at her bust and blushes. She is very close to him. Y/n's pants tighten slightly. "You look, ummm, beautiful! And sexy, and hot!

Oh my gosh sorry for that outburst, my hormones got the best of me, I didn't mean to talk about you sexually like that, I'm so sorry!"

Monika, heavily blushing, and struggling to get her new clean, GSG 9 sweatshirt on: "You're fine Y/n. Most guys would've tried to touch me. I assume you've never had a girlfriend. It's totally normal for a guy to (Monika looks down at Y/n's crotch) do what you did. And thank you for saying how pretty I look! I was hoping to get that answer out of you."

Y/n, still lightly blushing- No problem. Hey, now that we are dressed, can we go get some food? I'm really hungry."

Monika- Sure, why not. Let me ask Elżbieta if she wants to come.

Monika calls Ela on the phone and talks with her for a moment before hanging up.

Y/n- So, whats the verdict?"

Monika- Your sister is waking up Elias and helping him get dressed. I guess he spent the night at her place. He has been doing that quite a lot lately. They are going to meet us out in the main hall in a few minutes. Apparently Ela wants to take you to some restaurant."

Yn-Ok. Wait, my sister is sleeping with a guy? On campus? Come on Elżbieta, you know better than to lose your honor with some guy!"

Monika, slightly laughing- Oh, well then. Elżbieta lost her "honor" long before Elias came along."

Y/n- That little trouble maker. I'm going to have to talk to her."

Monika- Calm down. Your sister and Elias have been going strong for over a year now. Remember, your sister is 24, which makes her 2 years older than me (I am changing ages for this story). The two make a very cute couple, but I assume Elżbieta never told you about him.

Y/n- Nope. So, can you lead me to this main hall where I can meet Elżbieta?"

Monika- I'm not leading you there. I'm going with you. Elias is going too. We both have off today. It'll be good for the two of you to meet. Although he doesn't even spend half of his nights at our dorm, he still is a GSG 9 rainbow member and a part of your new team."

Y/n- Ok, that sounds fun. I don't mind meeting Elias. I need to make sure that he is worthy of being with, and sleeping with, my sister."

Monika- Okay then, Elias is a really nice guy. Little immature though, just like your sister."

After receiving a call that they were going to be a little late to the restaurant, Y/n and Monika took a cab to the restaurant.

After being seated and making small talk for about 5 minutes, Y/n and Monika were finally greeted by Elias and Ela.

As Ela and Elias slide into seat, Y/n- So, Elżbieta, I hear you have been sleeping with this boy here." Y/n points at Elias.

Ela, angrily glaring at IQ- Monika, I told you not to tell him! He's going to not trust Elias now and keep testing him. He did it with all of my high-school boyfriends."

Elias- Hey, babe, is everything okay? Who is that guy? Did Monika get herself a boyfriend while I was out?"

Monika, nervously- Yes! No! Maybe, sorta."

Monika leans over the table and whispers into Ela and Blitz's ears, quiet enough so that Y/n couldn't hear. "We're not dating, yet. I hope we do soon."

Ela, loudly-Oooooooh! Monikas got a crush on my brother, Monikas got a crush on my brother! Haha! How could you like my little brother?"

Both Y/n and Monika both blush heavily.

Monika- Quiet down Elżbieta! You're going to cause a scene. And Y/n, yes it is true, I do like you. I find you very attractive."

Y/n, still blushing heavily- Well, that's really good, because I couldn't keep sleeping in a room with a pretty girl for long without her finding out I like her, especially after sleeping with her."

Elias, breaking all of the chatter- So, hey, can we all, umm, stop talking about what we did in bed last night?"

Elżbieta- Fiiiiine. Hey, Y/n, the waffles here are to die for!"

Time skip to when everyone is leaving.

As Monika and Y/n walk out from the restaurant, he begins thinking about Elias. Man, Elias is actually a pretty cool guy. Other than the fact that him and my sister constantly flirt, kiss, hug, and call each other those atrocious nicknames, he's chill with me. Turns out he also played Futbol in high-school.

Y/n decides to pull out his phone and text Ela. The text is:

Y/N- Hey Elżbieta, I really like your new boyfriend. I'm sorry for being mean to you for sleeping with him. He is the first boy that I can approve for you. You'd just better be careful. I don't need both of my sisters pregnant at the same time!

Ela- Y/n, don't say things like that! Elias and I are always safe and cautious. Anyways, Zofia planned on having a daughter. She wanted to start a family life. Neither Elias or I want to have to deal with that kind of responsibility. But thanks for approving him, because I would've snuck him if you didn't!

Y/n- No problem. Just making sure I'm not going to be the only able bodied kid in the family for a while. Sorry, I've got to go. Monika is taking me to a cafe.

Ela- Ooooh, how romantic! I know what cafe you are going to, it is her favorite place into the world. Just make sure she doesn't drink too much. She gets kind of crazy when she has too much caffeine, she has no tolerance since she doesn't drink.

Out of texting.

Y/n and Monika arrived at the Cafe and sat down. Y/n noticed a medium sized screen on the table they were at.

After ordering their drinks, Y/n asked

"Hey Monika, why is there this screen here?"

"This is a cafe. A gaming cafe. I guess I forgot to tell you that one crucial point."

"Well, I guess you did. Whatever, I'm going to crush you in whatever game we play!"

Monika and Y/n play COD BO1 (PLZ DON'T HATE BATTLEFIELD ISN'T SPLIT SCREEN). Although Y/n was initially winning, Monika was actually very good at the game. So good, in fact, that she nearly beat Y/n in a 1v1 deathmatch. She was better than Elżbieta, as she often liked to play.

Y/n- Hey, Monika, you were way better at this than I thought you would be. Most girls don't game much."

IQ- Yeah, I love gaming. *The twos coffees arrive at the table*. What do you play on?"

Y/n- PC. I saved up from working back in highschool and built this sick gaming PC, 1080 TI 32 gb ram and all that."

IQ- Thats awesome! I have just a normal HP Pavilion, not bad for gaming but good for its cheap price."

Y/n- That's what I had before I built my PC."

Iq- Did you bring your PC? Mine is in the closet. I had to hide it from Marius so that he wouldn't use it for Tinder, and other reasons."

Man, Marius seems like a handful."

"He is, but we all love him. He is like the comedy guy of the group, but a lot of the time he acts like a kid."

"Oh, I forgot to say, my PC should arrive in the mail tomorrow or the next day. I would've brought it with me on the plane but it weighed too much."

"Makes sense."

Monika and Y/n go back to playing, with Monika swearing vengeance on Y/n after him beating her at COD.

(This is the end of the first part of this chapter. How U LIEK? Sorry if it is super bad I stink at writing.)

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