Adopted by One Direction(Edit...

By samm_thats_me_

209K 5.9K 2.7K

This is not the same story that starts with a girl who's been abused or been in an orphanage for her entire l... More

Chapter: 2
Sequel out
authors note


4.1K 148 19
By samm_thats_me_


"If I tell you. All of you have to promised me not to kill him or do anything that could hurt him" I said

"HIM?!" they all yelled

"PROMISE!" I said

"We can't promise you anything. But we'll try" Zayn said

"Charlie and I kissed" I said


What have I done?! 


Samantha's P.O.V

All I wanted to do right now was run away. They looked so pissed but mostly disappointed.

"Are you guys mad?" I asked. All I got in response was nothing. They just shook their heads and walked away. Oh great, first I fight with my best friend, then my brother and now them?! This sucks!

I stood up and walked towards the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I sat on the floor as I watched the wall. I took my phone out and dialed the first number that popped on my mind.

"What do you want?" Nicold snapped through the line.

"I'm sorry boo. I mean it, I should have told you and I also need to tell you something" I said

"I'm listening"

"Charlie and I kissed. I'm really sorry, I was stupid!"

"I know, he told me. I'm not mad at you for that. I'm not mad at you anymore and I'm sorry too" she said as a smiled grew on my face.

"At least I have my best friend back. 1 down 2 to go"

"What do you mean?"

"I told Patrick about it and he freaked out. We fought so then I told the boys, who also freaked out and looks like they're giving me the silent treatment" I sighed

"When did that happened"

"A while ago"

"I wish I was there. But I have to go, I'm grounded and I'm not supposed to be using my phone"

"Since when?!"

"A week ago, so yeah, gotta go bye"  and with that she hung up. I sighed once again and walked out of the bathroom. I went to the little kitchen we had to find everyone there. They were talking like nothing had happened until they saw me and all the talking stopped. Well this is fucked up.

I just looked at them before I took a box of Oreo's and went to bed early. I climbed on my bunk as I closed the curtains and started eating my Oreo's as I let a few tears of frustration fall. Tomorrow is a new day, and I hope everything gets better.

A week later~~~~

It's been a week since I fought with Patrick and I told the boys about the kiss. All they've been doing is give me the silent treatment which is driving me nuts! The boys were getting ready for their concert while Patrick sat far away from me. You know what? I'm done with this bullshit, they're acting like little babies! I stood up and went over to where Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall and Harry were. They just looked at me then to the ground. The concert was about to start but I didn't care.

"Can you guys talk to me?" I asked them. The just sat there saying nothing

"I know that what I did was stupid. I don't see why are you guys so mad about it. Besides, I'm growing up! I'm not a baby you know, someday in the future I'll get married, move away and have kids on my own! I can't be 13 forever! I'm growing up, you should have seen that coming some day!" I yelled at them as I got some of the co-workers attentions. This time they looked at me as their eyes showed......sadness?

"You want to know what's our problem?"  Liam said as clam as he could but Harry seemed like he was going to explode.

"Yes" I simply said

"Fine, I'll tell you our problem. WE DON'T WANT YOU TO GROW UP, YOU'RE STILL A LITTLE GIRL FOR US CAN'T YOU FUCKING SEE THAT?! THA'S THE REASON WE TOLD YOU THAT YOU COULD BASICALLY NEVER DATE! WE KNOW YOU'LL GROW UP. YOU ACTUALLY ARE GROWING UP SO FUCKING SOON! IT HURTS TO JUST THINK THAT ONE DAY YOU'LL LIVE US AND WE'LL NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN! ESPECIALLY IF THAT DAY  SEEMS TO COME FASTER! YOU'RE  FREAKING 13, IN 5 OR 6 YEARS YOU'LL LEAVE!!!" Harry yelled. Told you he was going to explode. I was actually shocked, I did not see that coming. I was about to respond when Paul told them that they needed to start the concert.

"You just don't get it" Harry mumbled as they all left. I stood there frozen on my spot.

"So, they finally told you why they had ignored you all this time?" Paul asked

"Yeah, it's kind of stupid but I do get it. They care for me more than I thought they did" I said,

"You basically saved them from doing the biggest mistake of their lives. Once they met you, they changed in a good way." he said

"What do you mean?"

"Let them tell you when the time is right" and with that he left. Why does everyone know what happened to them besides me?!?!

I sighed of frustration as I walked around backstage.

"Sam?" I heard someone say. I turned around to see Patrick.

"Listen I-" whatever he was going to say ,was cut off by me tackling him to the ground on a big hug.

"I'm really, really sorry. I didn't mean anything I said to you. I don't hate you Patrick, I never did. I love you so much big brother for just a week. Please forgive me and I trust you with my life!" I said as I kepr hugging him. I stood up and helped him up to be pulled into another hug.

"I love you too little sister. I never meant anything I said too. I forgive you and can you forgive me?"

"Yes" I said as I hugged him back. After a while we pulled away.

"Do you wanna go and see the concert?" he asked. I hesitated before I nodded. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the front rode.  Before we got there I put on my grey hoodie and some black sunglasses. Last time, I got chased by some fans.

We sat there and listened to the boys singing. The thing that called my attention was when they sang  The Story of my Life.

The story of my life
I give her hope
I spend her love
Until she's broke
The story of my life (the story of, the story of) 

In those lines, they all looked at me. Like they were singing those specific lines to me. I pushed through the crown until I made it to backstage. I sat on the little couch we had and looked at the T.V that showed the concert as I started to think of everything that was happening. They finished with all their songs and the concert was over. I watched as they all came to backstage and off the hotel we were.

"You okay?" Patrick whispered to me as we were in the elevator. I nodded as the doors opened. I ran towards my room and slammed the door shut. I don't know why I was so mad but I just didn't get why make such a big deal out of a little kiss!!! I stayed in my room for a little while until I got hungry. I walked out of my room(we were on a penthouse) and walked towards the kitchen that had a perfect view to the T.V. I took a box a cookies and was on my way back to my room when the T.V caught my attention.

"So, tell us ,honey . Do you know Samantha?" Ellen asked.

"Y-yes. She used to bully me since we were in 3rd grade. She turned my friends against me and always made fun o-of m-m-me" she faked cried. Everybody gasped even me as Ellen turned towards the camera with a looked of disbelief  and disappointment.

"Samantha, if you're watching this. I hope you feel sorry, I don't see the reason to bully this lovely girl" she said. I dropped my plate of cookies making a loud Crash. I couldn't believe my eyes. Right in the T.V was my ex-bully, Brianna. She was the one who did all those things to me, the cause that made me cut! She made my whole entire life until 7th grade hell!!

The boys all turned to me as for asking for an explanation and all I did was just ran towards the bathroom and locked myself in.

She's back....she's back to make my life hell!

What should I do?!

You know the solution

Do I?

Yes, you always used it. Besides your life is really messed up right now. None of the boys are talking to you.

None of them.....they're mad at me

Exactly, now search through the cabinets and find what you need

I stood up and opened the little cabinet. I heard all the boys banging on the door, telling me to open up but I didn't. I finally found what I was looking for and sat on the floor with the razor on my hand.

Now, all you have to do is make the razor have contact with your skin.

I slowly moved the razor towards my skin

You're weak

I'm weak

You're a slut. You kissed your best friend's boyfriend

I'm a slut and a bad friend

You're a whore

A whore

You're stupid

I'm stupid

No body likes you. You're a disgusting human being

"I am" I said as the razor got really closed to my skin

That's it, just a little bit more. You can get out of all your problems if you do it. Go deep.....

"Deep" I said as I kept getting closer

You're problems would be solve, no body would miss you. Your a no body!

"I'm a no body" I muttered

Everybody hates you! 

Everybody hates me....

No one will miss you

No one will.....the razor was about to make contact with my skin

No! Sam, don't do it. Think of what you promised the boys. You said that you would never do it again!!

Promises are meant to be broken
They are.....

They care about you!!
They're mad at you. They hate your guts

They hate me

No! They love you very much, they'll be really sad if you do it. Think of them, think of Patrick, think of Charlie ,think of Nicold!!

Patrick.......Charlie.........Nicold.....they'll miss me?



Will they notice?

No, you'll be doing all of them a big favor

The razor made contact with my skin as I flinched a little. I started pressing it against my skin.

Don't do it

Do it, you're almost there. All your worries would be gone

Once you do it, you can't come back. Once your gone, you're not able to come back!

It'll be better. They're better without you

They will........

No don't do it

You're a no body. You're a whore, a bitch a slut!!!!

You're almost there. Do it


Yes! Just pressed it against your skin!

"I CAN'T!!!!!" I screamed as I dropped the razor. I pulled my knees up to mu chest and hugged them as I started to sob. My life is officially over......well maybe

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