Taming Life: Revelation (Book...

De inhaleyou

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Read to find out. Book 4 of Taming Life series Mais

Chapter 1: Snakes
Chapter 2: After Us
Chapter 3: A Million Pieces
Chapter 4: I Hope
Chapter 5: Unbeknownst
Chapter 6: Operation Bloods
Chapter 7: Operation 12
Chapter 8: I'm the Boss
Chapter 9: Divorced My Husband
Chapter 10: Happy King Day
Chapter 11: Just Best Friends
Chapter 12: More Than Best Friends
Chapter 14: Us Time
Chapter 15: Vacation
Chapter 16: Last One
Chapter 17: Final Try
Chapter 18: Forever and a Day
I'm Listening
Chapter 19: Back Together
Chapter 20: Dear God
Chapter 21: Fidelity
Chapter 22: Father and Son
Chapter 23: My Other Half
Chapter 24: Beginning of Time (Epilogue)
Chapter 25: It Started With a Word (Epilogue)

Chapter 13: New Life

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De inhaleyou

Pulling up in her range rover, Jalissa switched her vehicle off before sighing.

"What's wrong?" Jada ask.

"I feel bad for Jaimee... Look at her." she spoke as they both looked through the window at Jaimee, who was leaning on her car.

Jaimee wore her usual everyday fit. Jeans, top, knee highs to match and jacket if needed. She toyed with her phone as if she was contemplting something. She didn't look happy at all and her sisters could see right through her and the slight pout she wore.

"Damn." Jada mumbled.

As they exit the vehicle, Jalissa locked up and they made their way towards Jaimee.

"Hey." the spoke in unison.

"Hey." Jaimee spoke slightly above a whisper.

The three stood there and looked at the house they once grew up in. Memories, hurt, sadness, joy; it was where it all started. Without wasting any further time, they made their way towards the house.

Today being Saturday, Jalissa thought it would be a good idea for them to finally see their parents, their mother especially. Late lastnight, Jalissa felt bad about not seeing her mother, knowing her condition. She spoke to Jada and she was feeling the same way about the situation as well.

Upon entering the house, it was quiet until they made their way into the family room; where they saw their parents watching tv. Looking at their mother, she was laying in her husbands arms looking pale and lifeless.

Sooner, their presence was felt by their parents, causing Jocelyn face to light up at the sight of her daughters. They took a seat in the sofa, looking over at their ill mother.

"Before you say anything, i want to apologize to Jaimee. What i said a few years back, shouldn't have come from the mouth of a mother. I admit that i was jealous and i was wrong. Please accept my apology." she fold her lips.

Jaimee however, was looking at her mother the same way she looked at her sisters earlier, with her hand at her jaw.

"Uhmm... I-Im sure she accept your apology, she's just not in the mood right now." Jalissa said, just to ease the tension. "How are you mom?"

"I'm gre-"

"She's not doing great. Don't let her fool you."

"What do you mean she's not doing great?" Jada ask.

"The doctor gave her six weeks to live. Her doctor bill is high, and without her medication.... she's not gonna be with us anymore soon."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"We could have helped dad." Jada said.

"Well you guys are influenced by each other. It wouldn't make any sense. And we tried calling you girls alot over the years but since we can't communicate anymore, and y'all moved, we gave up."

"That's no excuse, you knew where we work." Jalissa said and he sighed.

"What do you mean we're influenced by each other?" Jada ask.

"I meant, if you're upset with us, Jalissa and Jaimee is also gonna be upset with us and vice versa. Y'all been doing that eversince."

It got quiet for a few minutes until Jaimee finally spoke.

"I want to see the hospital bills and what kind of medication she needs."

Malcom got up and walk over to the table for the papers. Handing them to Jaimee, she read over them. Jocelyns doctor bill came up to 2.3 million dollars over the years, minus $70,875.20 down payment they made. And that was two years ago. Her medical bill however cost $20,600 for all the medication she needs.

"$2,229,124.80." she whispered to herself. "Don't worry about the bills." Jaimee handed the papers to her sister. "I'll pay a portion of it which includes buying the medications and you guys can split the remaining in two." she spoke and her sisters nodded.

"Thank you." their mother said.

"Are you guys ready cause I'm hungry." she stood.



"I still love you." Jocelyn spoke.

Jaimee looked at her mother before walking through the door.

The three were now at a restaurant after leaving their mother's place and was now eating their meals after ordering. It was currently 3 in the evening and they were enjoying their meal and bonding time before heading back home to their significant other.

"So whats been going on with you guys." Jada ask. "Dice and i have been travelling alot for the past 4 years but we're settling now that the kids are off to college."

"Why settle now? Keep travelling because it's just you two." Jalissa smacked on her food.

"I was telling him that. He suggested that we settle a bit."

"He's tired." Jaimee spoke.

"I agree. Just give it a year or couple months." Jalissa said.

"How about you Jaimee?"

"I'm hungry and pregnant." she spoke blankly.

"Congrats on your 90th child Jay." Jada said and Jaimee gave her a fake smile.

"Key still don't know?"


"It's been two weeks Jay, and you're starting to show. Let the man know what's up."

"I just don't know how to tell him. I'm mostly scared of his reaction than anything else."

"Did he seem happy today?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since lastnight."

"Lastnight?" Jada and Jalissa spoke in unison.

"Yeah. He was at the club." she looked at them.

"And you let him?"

Jaimee frowned. "Yeah. Ace of Spades. He owns it. Oh wait, y'all didn't show up since i sent a vip invite." she said and they sipped their drink, looking away from her.

"Our apologies. But have you tried calling him?" Jada ask.

"I did and it went straight to his voicemail. But he text me and told me that he was picking up King and that he'll see me later. Then ended the text with a kissy face."

"You fucked him." Jalissa assumed.

"No i didn't. And even though i wanted to, i can't because the minute he starts to penetrate, he's gonna know I'm pregnant. And I'm not taking those chances."

"So what are you gonna do? Hide away until you're unpregnant?"

"No such word Jada." Jalissa spoke.

"No but i.... I don't know." Jaimee answered.

"I'm sure y'all cuddle."

"Yeah but he doesn't touch my stomach. His hands are always in my shorts." she chewed on her food.

"Welp... Ion know what to tell you. Just make sure he doesn't find out on his own... Or from King."

"Yeah." she frowned. "What's been going on with you?"

"Jada you probably don't know but I'm seeing this guy. He works at Ford distributors as the CEO."

"How long y'all been together?" she spoke with her mouth full."

"2 years and a few months. I mean we've been friends for 5 months, and together for the rest."

"Are you passionate about him?"

"No. Sometimes i feel like I'm replacing Zack." she swirled her straw around.

"Jalissa you shouldn't feel this way. Zack has been gone for over two decades. You can't forget about him." Jaimee spoke.

"I... I want to tell you guys something but i don't know if you guys will believe me or think that I'm crazy."

"You are crazy Jalissa. But we always believe you. What is it?" Jada ask just as Jaimee looked up at them from ber food.

"So a few years ago, i was standing near the corner store where Zack and i bought our first apartment."

"In the projects?" Jaimee ask.

"Yeah. I wanted some stuff hence why i went there. Anyways, i looked up from my bag and there he was."

"Your boyfriend?" Jada ask.

"No. Zack. I know it sounds crazy but I'm serious. Please be-"

"I believe you. I saw him too. 2 years ago. I thought i was tripping or it was a look alike so i forgot about him." Jaimee said.

"Are you guys sure?" Jada ask. "Cause y'all scaring me. You're saying Zack rose from the dead like Jesus Christ and walking around the place like he ain't got no head?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. And it wasn't once. It was on more than 20 occasions."

"Maybe he's trying to tell us something." Jada finished her food and Jaimee looked at her before quickly looking back at Jalissa.

"Something like what Jada?"

"I don't know. Is it always like this?"

She didn't answer.



"What do you mean?" Jada ask.

"Every friday, i would see him at this one spot, at the exact same time. Everytime."

"Even now?"

"Yeah. I would try to get close to him but he'd disappear." she wiped her eyes.

It got quiet between the three. All that could be heard was them eating their meals, contemplating what to say.

"You guys think I'm crazy?" Jalissa whispered.

"No." Jaimee spoke, looking pass Jalissa. "I'm looking at him right now."

They turned to look where Jaimee was looking and Zack was staring back at them.

"Oh my God." Jada whispered.

They notice that he was walking away and quickly made their way to the door. As they exit the restaurant, he disappeared. Just like always.

"See." Jalissa cried. "Its always like this."

Jaimee consoled her sister. "It's gonna be okay. There must be a reason why he's doi-"

"What is the reason Jaimee!!? What is the reason!!?" 25 years? I'm tired of this." Jalissa said, her voice trembling and her lips quivering as she speak. "I'm tired of this."

Jalissa roughly wiped her face before entering the restaurant, her sisters following close behind. She paid for her food before leaving them. As Jaimee was about to take out her cash, Jada stopped her.

"I'll get it." she said.

"Are you sure? Do you want a ride home?" Jaimee ask.

"Yeah. Dice is suppose to meet me here plus i want to pay."

"Alright. I'll see you later then." Jaimee placed her money back into her bag before hugging her sister and leaving.

Watching Jaimee leave, Jada paid the bill before quickly making her way outside. She stood on the side and waved for a cab. Once it came, she gave him the address of which she was headed and he made his way there.

After half an hour of driving, she paid him and got out. Jada stared at the old burnt house before sighing. Walking on the small pavement, she slowly made her way through the door.


"Yo chill with my government moe." she heard him.

"Where are you?"

"In the living room."

"What living room? This place is burnt." she spoke once she found him. She looked over his features. How his locks have overgrown and needed to be groomed, his skin was pale, his eyes were dull and his clothes were torn and dirty.

"Quit playing."

"Zack you can't keep doing this. You're hurting her." she looked down at him since he was sitting on the floor.

"I know. It was never my intention."

"Do you ever plan on coming clean?"

"I'm scared Jada. And i can't. It's too risky."

"I'm still confused on why you did it. For so many years, you faked your death, have us hurting and crying. It's not fair. Especially to Lisa."

"Jada you don't understand." she sighed and shook his head.

"Then make me understand Zack!!!"

Looking away from her, he gathered his thoughts before speaking.

"You wanna sit?"

"On what? It's no furniture here."

"Here." he unbutton his shirt and laid it on the floor. Jada remove her heals and sat on the floor facing him.

"I wanna understand everything." she spoke while switching her phone off since Jaimee was calling her.

"Aite. When i was working with the feds, it was going great until i got the promotion. If someone had told me that a promotion came with a cost, i would have declined it. Jada let me tell you something. People, are evil, especially who you work with. They're jealous and will go to extreme measures to put you down. I didn't get shot accidentally, it was purposely."

"What do you mean?"

"My co-worker, William, was the one who sent those men to kill me while i was on duty. He was jealous of me getting that promotion."

"But if you knew he was the one, why didn't you do something about it?"

"It was too late. I was gonna comfront him about it after my shift but it was too late. Luckily, i had on a vest. The bullets only burned my skin. I was unconcious and when i woke up, i was already in a freezer."

"Your body was preserved?"

"Exactly." he nodded.

"How did you get out of the grave though? I saw you went down."

"Keyeion. He still visit me even after he came back from the army."

"Shut the fuck up! Shut up. It all makes sense now. Keyeion wasn't even crying at your funeral."

"I know. He came back to the grave 2 weeks after to come get me. He wanted to take me back home but i know if i went back, it was gonna cause chaos. Going back to work, means getting myself killed forreal this time."

"Do you want to go back?"

"I do. All these years, I've been thinking about going back. I know she got a man now bu-"

"She's still wearing the ring."

"What?" he looked up at her.

"She never once took it off. She cooks in it, take a bath, everything."

"She still loves me."

"Zack she never stop loving you. Even now that she's with the guy, she wears it. You still have a chance."

"I don't know what I'm gonna do. I miss her. How's Claire?"

"Your doctor is amazing." Jada smiled, feeling proud of her niece all over again. "Single but amazing."

Zack frowned. "She always said she was gonna get a boyfriend."

"She did but she broke up with him. He wanted sex and she wasn't ready plus that whole situation that happen when she was 6."


"Zack you can make this right."


"Migrate to another country. You know Jalissa will do anything when it comes to you."

"I'm broke Jada."

"You're not. She collects that spousal support thing. 95 thousand every month."

"You have access to her accounts?"

"You're her husband. Tell you what, I'll get help from Jaimee and we-"

"Noo no no no no no no. No. Jaimee cannot know about this."

"Come on Zack. Hear me out. I can tell Jaimee and she'll help us. She even said she saw you twice."

Zack sighed.


"How will she be a benefit?"

"She can help migrate you. Jaimee have hella links and hella friends. She knows everyone."

"And you're sure about this?"

"Positive. How about i rent an apartment for you, just for the time. You don't deserve this kind of living."

"Alright. Thanks. I appreciate what you're doing for me."

"Anything for my sister." she smile and stood after she slipped her feet into her shoe.

"Now? You mean now?"

"Uh... Yes. I'm ordering a uber now. When we get there. Jaimee should arrive shortly after. Excuse her if she comes off as aggressive, she's pregnant."

"Ain't Jay like 90?"

"I'm telling her."

"No no no. I'm playing."

Rolling her eyes at him, they were now in their uber, making their way to the condominium. Now that Jada understands what's been going on with Zack, she feels more at ease. Keeping Zacks secret for two months was really a hassle because at times she would worry about him and his well being.

"12 hours." Jada spoke.

"You would have to make an upfront down payment of $850."

"Sure." she pulled out her credit card.

After going through the process, Jada was able to get the keys to the penthouse for Zack. They made their way to the room and once they entered, they were greeted with a fully furnished penthouse.

"When will she be here?"

"She said she's downstairs and on her way up." she spun on the bar stool.

After being there for a while, a knock sounded at the door and once Jada opened it, Jaimee entered with a bag on her shoulder, food and suitcase with clothes for Zack.

Zack watched skeptically at Jaimee as well as her body languange. As soon as the door closed, she turned to look at Zack.

"You're such a piece of shit."

"I've been told. Aren't you happy to see me? How'd you find out?"

"I threatened Keyeion."

"I figured."

"So this is how it's gonna go. I'm gonna use my connection to get you in Switzerland by tonight. When everything comes through, you're gonna fly out tonight and when you land, your driver will pick you up and take you to the house." she spoke while clicking away on her phone.

"I don't understand." he said.

"What don't you understand?"

"Everything. Why Switzerland."

"Higher standard of living."

"Everything you just said sounds so easy."

"Fuck you mean it sounds easy? In a world where I live in, everything moves swiftly once it's business." she spoke just as her phone vibrated and she glimpse at it. "Congratulations, you're now a citizen." she gave him a fake smile.

"I don't understand."

"Fuck you and your understanding. Ion feel like explaining myself to you right now."

"Jaimee." Jada looked at her and she sighed.

"The hard part of this is that you won't be going on a plane for obvious reasons, you'll be flying on a cargo. So once it land at the strip, that's where the driver will pick you up." she said and he nodded.

"What about Jalissa?"

"You'll see her once you're settled." she spoke while taking her hair products from the bag so she could groom Zack's hair.

"I can't wait to see my girls." he grinned.

"And boy."


"Yeah. She was pregnant before you... 'faked your death'. She was hoping for you to come home that day so she could tell you but we all know what happen."

"What's his name?"

"Zack jr. He's going to Stanford and in his third year."

"Word? How about the twins?"

"I haven't heard about them."

"They're working for the government. Some computer security shit." Jada said.


"Maybe when you and Lisa get settled, they can visit."

"Maybe. Your flight leaves in 0100 hours." she spoke while brushing his locks since she was done, and Zack looked at her. "What? This is what happens when i marry a soldier." she packed up her stuff.

"You're leaving?"

"Yeah. At approximately 12:30, a woman will escort you to the car where you will receive your passport, legal documents and ten thousand swiss franc. Be sharp. There's suitcase here so pack your things and be ready by then. Mines and Jada's number will be on the coffee table in the house once you get there. Scope out the house if you want. Call me when you're settle." she slung her back over her shoulder just as Zack stood.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome... I missed you." she spoke softly.

"I miss you girls too." he said as they shared a hug.


Zack coming back?

Did you guys ever see this coming?

What y'all think about the situation with Jaimees mother?

Will Jalissa forgive Zack?

How y'all think she feels?

What y'all think Jaimee was mad for?

Continue lendo

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