Tameless but Together (Hiccup...

Von Styla_Mythic

112K 2.6K 805

"You are different. You are courageous. I might be those things too, but there's one thing you're forgetting... Mehr

A/n: Beginning Info (IMPORTANT!)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
A/n: Thank you!!

Chapter 12

2.9K 106 22
Von Styla_Mythic

Third Person POV

Hiccup was still working on the new tail for Toothless. He'd worked through the night trying to help his dragon friend and he was confident his hard work was going to pay off. Arrow came over to see what he was doing. He saw the drawing and his eyes widened. He hadn't expected this from the young chief and close friend.

"Oh...someone hasn't slept." He commented.

"Yeah. Well, that Light Fury won't let me within a mile of her." Hiccup replied. As he said this, Toothless scratched himself, causing his scales to shed and fall onto the ground. Arrow picked them up and gave them to Hiccup. "And neither of us will be getting any sleep or finding the Hidden World until Toothless takes over." Toothless pushed Hiccup out of the way to look through a magnifying glass. Hiccup grinned at the dragon. "Hey! What do you think of that? Yeah." He let the dragon admire it before pushing Toothless away and picking up a bowl.

"You tried this once before. He didn't want it." Arrow pointed out, dropping the scales into the bowl.

"Well, until now he didn't have a reason to. Right, bud?" Toothless spit in the bowl and Hiccup mashed it all up.

"Hmmm..." Arrow hummed in thought.

"What?" Hiccup asked.

"No. Nothing. I'm...I'm impressed. I mean, look at you. Embracing change." Arrow replied. Hiccup began to paint the tail with the black paint he'd just made.

"Well, he's my best bud. I want him to be happy. And besides, it's just until he brings her back." Hiccup said, patting Arrow on the back. Arrow, however, didn't look too convinced that his plan would go exactly as Hiccup was thinking. "Alright, fire when ready!" Toothless fired a plasma blast at the tail, but Gobber was standing behind it.

"Ah!" The tail was fine, but Gobber's clothes were not. "Well, I guess you know the tail is fireproof." He said angrily. Hiccup shrugged sheepishly at him, choosing to move on with no comment.

"Okay, Toothless." Hiccup told the dragon. Toothless ran around excitedly, eager for him to put the tail on. "Okay. Okay. Okay. Yes, I know. Shh, I know. Shhh." Hiccup told him. Toothless stopped running around and allowed Hiccup to put on the new tail. He tried to attach it, but his tail was still moving too much. "Please, this is not helping."

"Well, well, well. Someone's excited." Eret said as he came up to see what was going on.

"Uhuh, he's fresh off his first date. Now he's love-crazed." He managed to get the tail on but still had to adjust it a bit.

"Only we're the ones going crazy. The sooner he brings back that Light Fury, the better." Gobber grumbled.

"Yeah, but to do that, he'll need to fly without me. So, time to give this new and improved baby a shot." Hiccup explained, standing up after he was finished. The tail was on now and Toothless tried stretching it out. It worked and followed his motions easily. Hiccup smiled proudly.

"Atta boy! Looking sharp, Toothless. So, what do you think, bud? Bring her home by sundown at the latest." Hiccup told him, doing a voice like Stoick's at the end. Toothless pushed his head into Hiccup, licked his face, and then gave him a hug. "Save it for your girlfriend! Go on, get out of here!" Hiccup told him, urging Toothless to leave with a light push. Toothless started running off but he stopped, not thinking it was right to go without Hiccup. They hadn't flown without each other ever since the Snoggletog incident. 

He turned around and looked at Hiccup as if double-checking that this was actually alright. "It's okay." Hiccup reassured. Toothless replied excitedly and then flew off. As he took to the sky, he looked at his new tail fin and then looked at Hiccup who was smiling happily at him. Toothless took off, sailing through the air on his own and out to find the Light Fury. Everyone around Hiccup stopped working, looking at him in shock as the dragon left. Hiccup took a heavy sigh and then everyone started working again, deciding it was best not to comment.

Hiccup then went to go check on (Y/n). He went into the tent, expecting to see her resting her leg, but, of course, that wasn't the case. He walked inside and saw that she was gone again. He huffed and went back out. He walked over to the others, doing a glance around just to make sure he hadn't missed her on accident. After he was certain she wasn't around, he asked the others,

"Anyone seen (Y/n)? She's gone again."

"Oh, for the love of Thor, that girl cannot stay put!" Gobber complained.

"I think she went for a run with Nightshade," Carl replied with a smile. Hiccup nodded, starting to head off.

"I'm going to go look for her. With the wolves still out there, it's too risky for now."

"She has an overprotective Armor Blade with her. She's practically invincible." Gobber retorted.

"She shouldn't be out on that leg anyway." Hiccup argued back. Gobber's face fell slightly, clearly annoyed.

"She also has an overprotective boyfriend," Gobber commented, making everyone around chuckle and snort, trying not to laugh any louder. Hiccup rolled his eyes and went off.

Meanwhile, in the forest, (Y/n) and Nightshade were having the time of their lives. Nightshade loved to run. Armor Blades needed to run as much as fly so their long slender legs could support their bodies and wings and so they could climb with ease. And Nightshade was one of the fastest Armor Blades they'd ever come across. Even Shiverwater couldn't match her speed, meaning the thrill of the run was amazing for both dragon and rider when they were together. Plus, the new terrain meant finding new running paths, so the thrill of the run also got to meet the thrill of adventure.

"YEAAAAAH!!" (Y/n) cheered as Nightshade jumped over a river and kept running at full speed. She held on tight, not even having to steer the dragon as the forest growth rushed by, appearing and disappearing just as quickly. The two were one like this, gladly sharing both land and sky. Nightshade was more than just a means for flight. The pair did everything they loved together and they refused to tire of it. It was perfect. 

Soon, they made it to the opposite edge of the island. Nightshade slid to a halt across the grass as they stopped just before they would've run right off the edge. Not that it would've been dangerous for them, but still. Nightshade was panting heavily, letting the fresh air fill her lungs as the dragon caught her breath.

(Y/n) patted her side proudly before sliding down and taking a seat on the fresh grass that was blowing in the breeze. She took in a deep breath of her own, almost tasting the salty ocean air and dangling her legs over the edge. Nightshade plopped down as well, still getting her breath back. "Getting faster, girl. Bet those legs are nice and strong." Nightshade roared happily and proudly as (Y/n) chuckled.

"So, this is where you two have been?" They both turned as they heard Hiccup fight his way through the shrubbery. He got out of it with a huff and walked over. "You know you should be resting." (Y/n) sighed at his words, glad that he cared but also knowing that he was being a little obsessive.

"Hiccup, you don't have to worry about me so much." She told him. "I'm a leader in my own right. I can handle going out with Nightshade." 

"You were nearly killed last night, (Y/n). If it hadn't been for me finding you-"

"I know." She cut him off. He looked at her as she looked out over the ocean. He saw that familiar longing look in her eyes. It was the same as his own. That feeling neither of them could ever get enough of. The feeling was both their greatest treasure and the heaviest burden. The reason why? Well, they always wanted more and that was something that could be beautiful and terrible all at once. Still, the pair had chosen to focus on the good sides a long time ago. Dwelling on the potential downfalls wasn't worth it. It was best to enjoy it while it lasted.

"It's been a while since we've been flying together." He commented. She looked over at him and smiled a little. 

"But isn't Toothless out with his girlfriend?" Hiccup was surprised.

"How did you-?"

"I saw the tail plans. You actually gave it to him, didn't you?" 

"Well of course! I want him to be happy! Besides, it's just until he brings her back." (Y/n) frowned, wondering if Hiccup had honestly thought his actions through. She decided not to say anything else on the matter, however. 

"You know...I have a better idea of what we can do." He looked over and saw the same grin on her face from when they were younger. The grin that meant trouble. The grin that was meant just for him. 

Nightshade nudged her, whining. (Y/n) chuckled. "Sorry girl, just the two of us this time." Nightshade gave her big puppy dog eyes and (Y/n) laughed. "You got your turn with me, okay? We'll go running again tomorrow. I might take you to the pond for a swim~" Nightshade perked up instantly, bouncing around happily as if saying 'Really? Really!? REALLY!?'. (Y/n) chuckled again and so did Hiccup at the dragon's ecstatic behavior. "But only if you give us some time alone." Nightshade nodded quickly and gave her a hug with her front legs before running off back to camp. (Y/n) rolled her eyes with a happy sigh. 

"She really does love spending time with you." Hiccup told her.

"Yeah, and she's as protective and needy as you." (Y/n) replied with a victorious smirk as she stood up.

"Aha...never gets old..." He muttered somewhat irritably. She giggled to herself and pulled him up.

"Come on, let's go."

"Just where exactly are you taking me?"

"You'll see." 

The two of them walked for a while before finally making it to their destination. Hiccup looked around in awe at what he was seeing. It was paradise. 

"Oh my gods..." He could only stare at the beauty around him. He didn't notice what (Y/n) was doing. "I-it's like the cove back home only...so much more beautiful..."

"Yes, it is. I just hope the water's warm." Hiccup was confused by that. 

"Wait, what do you-" He stopped as he saw (Y/n) had taken off most of her armor and was now in nothing but a short skirt and a top that only came halfway down her torso. She chuckled.

"What? You think I only brought you here to show you the view?" She asked. He swallowed hard, blushing even harder.

"W-well...I-I...u-um..." She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Swim with me~" Hiccup could only smile and nod as he looked into her sparkling (e/c) eyes. She already began taking some of his gear off. He helped her until he was only in his pants and his leg, of course. It made it easier for him to swim, actually. 

Hiccup was about to get into the water, but (Y/n) stopped him. "Follow me." He was confused but followed her anyway. Hiccup was shocked when she started climbing up the rock wall to get to one of the ledges.

"(Y/n)! Wait! It's not safe!" 

"It's fine! Come on!" She beckoned. He sighed and reluctantly climbed up after her. Soon, they were both at the top. She looked down at the crystal clear water below. "Ready?" Hiccup knew what she was implying.

"Are you sure about this?" She cupped his cheek.

"You need to stop worrying. Just enjoy this." He realized she was right. He kissed her for a short yet delicate moment, allowing the two of them to cherish just simply being alone with each other.

"Okay." She smiled sweetly and took his hand. 

"One...two...three!" They both jumped and Hiccup felt the exhilaration he used to feel when it was just him and Toothless flying together. He smiled and laughed before they hit the water. He resurfaced and looked around. He frowned. (Y/n) was nowhere in sight.


"GOTTCHA!" He heard a shout from behind him before being tackled back into the water. He yelped before going under and then the weight was off of him again. He gasped as he surfaced once more only to see (Y/n) laughing harder than ever. He glared at her with an evil grin of revenge on his face. 

"Oh yeah?" She stopped laughing as she saw his expression. 

"No...no!" He started splashing water at her relentlessly. She shrieked and laughed. "Hiccup! Hey! Stop it! Ah!" He laughed and kept going. She started splashing him back. He shut his eyes as the water hit him in the face. They both kept it up until he dove forward and grabbed her. She squirmed, laughing as he did so. He laughed as well and then let her go.

The two of them swam together for a long time. Over and under the water, sharing the joy and the beauty that was around them. Soon enough, the two got out and laid on the soft green grass, letting the warm rays of the sun dry them off. (Y/n) cuddled up to him, resting her head against his chest. Hiccup blushed a bit at this, but smiled, feeling his heart beat faster and feeling the love that swelled within him for her. She sighed, content and happy.


"Hm?" He hummed in response. 

"I...I never want this feeling to go away." He heaved a sigh.

"Yeah...me neither." He felt her kiss his collar bone. He shuddered slightly at the spark it sent through his body. 

"I love you so much, Hiccup." He smiled more warmly at this and shifted to kiss her temple, allowing the elation to wash over himself as he held his perfect girl by his side. 

"I love you too, sweetheart." They both laid there for another good half an hour, either watching the clouds go by or just resting with their eyes closed, before getting up and putting all of their other clothing items back on. 

Finally, they began the long walk back to camp together. Hiccup grabbed her hand and she smiled at him as he did this. The love in each of the pair's eyes was unmistakable. Hiccup returned the smile as the two returned to the others, hand in hand as it should and always would be.


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